static bool createStandard(Standard stndrd) { //Add standard to db using (var contxt = new SchoolDBEntities()) { contxt.Standards.Add(stndrd); contxt.SaveChanges(); } return true; }
} //close updateStandard(...) public void removeStandard(Standard removeStandardItem) { _standardRepository.Delete(removeStandardItem); } //close removeStandard(...)
} //close addStandard(...) public void updateStandard(Standard updateStandardItem) { _standardRepository.Update(updateStandardItem); } //close updateStandard(...)
} //close GetStandardByName(...) public void addStandard(Standard addStandardItem) { _standardRepository.Insert(addStandardItem); } //close addStandard(...)
static void Main(string[] args) { //Create User Input Variable int userInput = -1; //used to keep track of user input //Create a new business layer IBusinessLayer businessLayerInst = new BusinessLayer(); int desiredStandardID = -1; string desiredStandardName, desiredStandardDescription, updateStandardName, updateStandardDescription; Standard newStandard, standardInst, updateStandard, deleteStandard; int desiredStudentID = -1, revisedStandardID; Student newStudent, updateStudent, deleteStudent; string updateStudentName, updateStandardID, desiredStudentName; while (userInput != 14) { try { //void RemoveStudent(Student removeStudentItem); //display commands and prompt user to enter a valid command Console.WriteLine("\n\nUser Menu: \n 1. Display all Standards\n 2. Get Standard by " + "Standard ID\n 3. Get Standard by Standard Name\n 4. Add new Standard\n 5. " + "Udate Standard\n 6. Remove Standard\n 7. Display all Students\n 8. Get " + "Student By Student ID\n 9. Get Student by Student Name\n 10. Get all Students " + "that have the same Standard ID\n 11. Add new Student\n 12. Update Student\n " + "13. Remove Student\n 14. Exit Program"); Console.WriteLine("\nPlease enter the number of the command you wish to " + "execute:\n(1 <= command number =< 14): "); //attempt to convert the user input into an integer userInput = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); //if the conversion was correct but the number is not within the valid //range of 1 <= input =< 14, then re-prompt the user to enter a valid value if (userInput > 14 || userInput < 1) { Console.WriteLine("The number provided was not within the appropriate" + " range of permissible \nvalues. Please enter an integer value " + "between 1 and 14..."); } else { switch (userInput) { case 1: //Display all of the standard data Console.WriteLine("Retrieve all of the Standards using the " + "getAllStandards() method:"); DisplayStandards(businessLayerInst.getAllStandards()); break; case 2: //Display standard data using getID method Console.WriteLine("\n\nGet a Standard using the GetStandardByID(int id) " + "method:"); //get valid standard id desiredStandardID = ValidateStandardID(businessLayerInst); ViewStandard(businessLayerInst.GetStandardByID(desiredStandardID)); break; case 3: //Display standard data using GetByStandardName method Console.WriteLine("\n\nGet a Standard using the GetByStandardName(string " + "standardName) method:"); //get valid standard id desiredStandardName = ValidateStandardName(businessLayerInst); ViewStandard(businessLayerInst.GetStandardByName(desiredStandardName)); break; case 4: //Add a new standard to the table Console.WriteLine("\n\nAdd Standard using the addStandard(Standard " + "addStandardItem) method. "); //inform user of auto-increment standard id table column definition Console.WriteLine("The Standard ID will automatically be created for " + "you via the sql table definition."); //get standard name from user Console.WriteLine("Please Enter the Desired Standard Name:"); desiredStandardName = Console.ReadLine(); //get standard description from user Console.WriteLine("Please Enter the Desired Standard Description:"); desiredStandardDescription = Console.ReadLine(); //create new standard using user information newStandard = new Standard(); newStandard.StandardName = desiredStandardName; newStandard.Description = desiredStandardDescription; businessLayerInst.addStandard(newStandard); //Display the newly created standard Console.WriteLine("\nNew Standard created successfully. Here is the " + "newly created standard:"); ViewStandard(newStandard); break; case 5: //update Standard Console.WriteLine("Udate Standard using the updateStandard(Standard " + "updateStandardItem) method:"); //get valid standard id desiredStandardID = ValidateStandardID(businessLayerInst); //get standard to update updateStandard = businessLayerInst.GetStandardByID(desiredStandardID); Console.WriteLine("\n\nStandard Data Retrieved."); //check to see if user wants to update standard name updateStandardName = UpdateDataValidation("Standard Name"); //update Standard Name if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(updateStandardName)) { updateStandard.StandardName = updateStandardName; } //check to see if user wants to update standard description updateStandardDescription = UpdateDataValidation("Standard Description"); //update Standard Description if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(updateStandardDescription)) { updateStandard.Description = updateStandardDescription; } //update standard businessLayerInst.updateStandard(updateStandard); //show user updated data if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(updateStandardDescription) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(updateStandardName)) { Console.WriteLine("Standard will remain unchanged."); } else { Console.WriteLine("Standard Updated Successfully."); } //show updated standard data Console.WriteLine("\nHere is the Updated Standard data:"); ViewStandard(businessLayerInst.GetStandardByID(desiredStandardID)); break; case 6: //remove standard data Console.WriteLine("Remove Standard using the removeStandard(Standard " + "removeStandardItem) method."); desiredStandardID = ValidateStandardID(businessLayerInst); deleteStandard = businessLayerInst.GetStandardByID(desiredStandardID); //Delete reference to all students who have the StandardID that is //going to be deleted. //get student to update Console.WriteLine("Deleting reference to all Students who are connected " + "to the Standard that is going to be deleted...."); standardInst = businessLayerInst.GetStudentsByStandardID( desiredStandardID); foreach (Student studentItem in standardInst.Students) { //get student to update updateStudent = businessLayerInst.GetStudentByID( studentItem.StudentID); updateStudent.StandardId = null; businessLayerInst.UpdateStudent(updateStudent); }//close foreach //Delete Standard businessLayerInst.removeStandard(deleteStandard); //Display remaining standard data Console.WriteLine("Standard successfully removed! Here is all of the " + "remaining Standard data:"); DisplayStandards(businessLayerInst.getAllStandards()); break; case 7: //Display all of the student data Console.WriteLine("Retrieve all of the Students using the " + "getAllStudents() method:"); DisplayStudents(businessLayerInst.getAllStudents()); break; case 8: //Display student data using getID method Console.WriteLine("\n\nGet a Student using the GetStudentID(int id) " + "method:"); //get valid standard id desiredStudentID = ValidateStudentID(businessLayerInst); ViewStudent(businessLayerInst.GetStudentByID(desiredStudentID)); break; case 9: //Display Student using GetStudentByName(string studentName) method Console.WriteLine("\n\nGet a Student using the GetStudentByName(string " + "studentName) method:"); //get valid standard id desiredStudentName = ValidateStudentName(businessLayerInst); ViewStudent(businessLayerInst.GetStudentByName(desiredStudentName)); break; case 10: //Get all students that have the same Standard ID Console.WriteLine("\n\nGet all Students that have the same Standard ID:"); //get valid standard id desiredStandardID = ValidateStandardID(businessLayerInst); standardInst = businessLayerInst.GetStudentsByStandardID( desiredStandardID); if (!standardInst.Students.Any()) { Console.WriteLine("No Students have the associated Standard ID!"); } else { DisplayStudents(standardInst.Students.ToList <Student>()); } break; case 11: //create new student Console.WriteLine("\n\nAdd Student using addStudent(Student " + "addStudentItem) method. "); //inform user of auto-increment standard id table column definition Console.WriteLine("The Student ID will automatically be created for you " + "via the sql table definition."); //get standard name from user Console.WriteLine("Please Enter the Desired Student Name:"); desiredStudentName = Console.ReadLine(); //get standard description from user Console.WriteLine("Please Enter the Desired Standard Associated with the " + "student (StandardId must be a valid StandardId in the Standards " + "table:"); //get valid standard id desiredStandardID = ValidateStandardID(businessLayerInst); //Add a new student to the table newStudent = new Student(); newStudent.StudentName = desiredStudentName; newStudent.StandardId = desiredStandardID; businessLayerInst.addStudent(newStudent); //Display the newly created student Console.WriteLine("\nNew Student created successfully. Here is the newly " + "created student:"); ViewStudent(newStudent); break; case 12: //update student Console.WriteLine("Udate Student using the UpdateStudent(Student " + "updateStudentItem) method:"); //get valid student id desiredStudentID = ValidateStudentID(businessLayerInst); //get student to update updateStudent = businessLayerInst.GetStudentByID(desiredStudentID); Console.WriteLine("\n\nStudent Data Retrieved."); //check to see if user wants to update student name updateStudentName = UpdateDataValidation("Student Name"); //update student name if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(updateStudentName)) { updateStudent.StudentName = updateStudentName; } //check to see if user wants to update standard id updateStandardID = "initialize"; while (!updateStandardID.ToUpper().Equals("Y") && !updateStandardID.ToUpper().Equals("N")) { Console.WriteLine("Do you wish to update the Standard ID? y/n"); updateStandardID = Console.ReadLine(); }//end while //prompt user to enter updated standard ID if (updateStandardID.ToUpper().Equals("Y")) { //validate standard ID revisedStandardID = ValidateStandardID(businessLayerInst); //update standard ID updateStudent.StandardId = revisedStandardID; }//end if //update standard businessLayerInst.UpdateStudent(updateStudent); //show user updated data if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(updateStudentName) && !updateStandardID.ToUpper().Equals("Y")) { Console.WriteLine("Student will remain unchanged."); } else { Console.WriteLine("Student Updated Successfully."); } //show updated standard data Console.WriteLine("\nHere is the updated Student data:"); ViewStudent(businessLayerInst.GetStudentByID(desiredStudentID)); break; case 13: //remove student data Console.WriteLine("Remove Student using the RemoveStudent(Student " + "removeStudentItem) method."); desiredStudentID = ValidateStudentID(businessLayerInst); deleteStudent = businessLayerInst.GetStudentByID(desiredStudentID); businessLayerInst.RemoveStudent(deleteStudent); //Display remaining standard data Console.WriteLine("Student Successfully Removed. Here is all of the " + "remaining Student data:"); DisplayStudents(businessLayerInst.getAllStudents()); break; case 14: Console.WriteLine("You chose command #14:\nYou will now exit the " + "program..."); break; default: Console.WriteLine("You have reached the default case..."); break; } //end case } //end else } //end try catch (FormatException) { //inform the user that they did not enter an integer value and re-prompt //the command value input. Console.WriteLine("Invalid user input. Please enter an INTEGER value " + "between 1 and 14..."); } //end catch } //end while loop Console.WriteLine("Your session has been terminated. Thank you for using this " + "program.\nClick any key to close this window.."); Console.ReadKey(); } //close Main(...)
public void removeStandard(Standard departments) { standardRepository.Remove(departments); }
public void updateStandard(Standard departments) { standardRepository.Update(departments); }
public void addStandard(Standard departments) { standardRepository.Insert(departments); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //Create student 1 Student aaa = new Student(); aaa.StudentName = "aaa aaa"; aaa.StudentAddress = new StudentAddress(); aaa.StudentAddress.Address1 = "123 aaa"; aaa.StudentAddress.Address2 = "345 aaa"; aaa.StudentAddress.City = "Long Beach"; aaa.StudentAddress.State = "California"; //Create student 2 Student bbb = new Student(); bbb.StudentName = "bbb bbb"; bbb.StudentAddress = new StudentAddress(); bbb.StudentAddress.Address1 = "123 bbb"; bbb.StudentAddress.Address2 = "345 bbb"; bbb.StudentAddress.City = "Long Beach"; bbb.StudentAddress.State = "California"; //Create the students in the db createStudent(aaa); createStudent(bbb); //Read all students Console.WriteLine(readStudents("aaa aaa")); Console.WriteLine(readStudents("bbb bbb")); //Update student 1 updateStudent("aaa aaa", "123 aaa new"); //Read student 1 Console.WriteLine(readStudents("aaa aaa")); //Delete student 1's address deleteStudentAddr("aaa aaa"); //Read all students Console.WriteLine(readStudents("aaa aaa")); //Create new standards Standard full = new Standard(); Standard part = new Standard(); full.StandardName = "FT"; full.Description = "Full-time Instructor"; part.StandardName = "PT"; part.Description = "Part-time Instructor"; //Create new teachers Teacher teach1 = new Teacher(); Teacher teach2 = new Teacher(); Teacher teach3 = new Teacher(); teach1.TeacherName = "Teacher Name 1"; teach2.TeacherName = "Teacher Name 2"; teach3.TeacherName = "Teacher Name 3"; teach1.Standard = full; teach2.Standard = full; teach3.Standard = part; full.Teachers.Add(teach1); full.Teachers.Add(teach2); part.Teachers.Add(teach3); //Create the standards and teachers in the db createStandard(full); createStandard(part); createTeacher(teach1); createTeacher(teach2); createTeacher(teach3); //Read all teachers Console.WriteLine(readTeachers(teach1.TeacherName, 1)); Console.WriteLine(readTeachers(teach2.TeacherName, 1)); Console.WriteLine(readTeachers(teach3.TeacherName, 1)); //Update the full time standard updateStandard("FT", "Full-time Instructor Update"); Console.WriteLine(readTeachers("FT")); Console.WriteLine(readTeachers(teach1.TeacherName, 1)); updateTeachID(teach1, teach3); Console.WriteLine(readTeachers(teach1.TeacherName, 1)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { bool programEnd = false; string studentName, standardName; int standardId, studentId; IBusinessLayer businessLayer = new BusinessLayer(); IList <Standard> standardTable; IList <Student> studentTable; Student student; Standard standard; string option; while (!programEnd) { Console.WriteLine("1. Table Standard"); Console.WriteLine("2. Table Student"); Console.WriteLine("3. Exit Program"); Console.Write("Please select from the above: "); int intTemp = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); if (intTemp == 1) { bool standardEnd = false; while (!standardEnd) { Console.WriteLine("Standard Table Options:"); Console.WriteLine("1. Create Standard"); Console.WriteLine("2. Update Standard"); Console.WriteLine("3. Delete Standard"); Console.WriteLine("4. Display students under a standard ID"); Console.WriteLine("5. Display all standards"); Console.WriteLine("6. Exit menu."); Console.Write("Selection: "); int intInput = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine(); if (intInput == 1) { Console.WriteLine("Please enter the standard you wish to enter:"); Console.Write("Standard Name: "); standardName = Console.ReadLine(); Standard stand = new Standard() { StandardName = standardName }; businessLayer.addStandard(stand); } else if (intInput == 2) { Console.WriteLine("Enter the standard name you wish to update: "); Console.Write("Standard Name: "); standardName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(); standard = businessLayer.GetStandardByName(standardName); Console.Write("Enter the updated standard name: "); standard.StandardName = Console.ReadLine(); businessLayer.updateStandard(standard); } else if (intInput == 3) { Console.Write("Enter the standard name you wish to delete: "); standardId = Convert.ToInt16(Console.ReadLine()); standard = businessLayer.GetStandardByID(standardId); businessLayer.removeStandard(standard); } else if (intInput == 4) { Console.Write("Enter the standard ID you wish to access: "); standardId = Convert.ToInt16(Console.ReadLine()); standard = businessLayer.GetStandardByID(standardId); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Students in " + standard.StandardName + ": "); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Students: " + "\t\t" + "ID:"); foreach (Student s in standard.Students) { Console.WriteLine(s.StudentName + "\t\t\t" + s.StudentID); } Console.WriteLine(); } else if (intInput == 5) { standardTable = businessLayer.getAllStandards(); Console.WriteLine(); foreach (Standard newStandard in standardTable) { Console.WriteLine(newStandard.StandardId + " " + newStandard.StandardName); } Console.WriteLine(); } else if (intInput == 6) { standardEnd = true; } else { Console.WriteLine("Invalid input. Please enter a valid option."); } } } else if (intTemp == 2) { bool studentEnd = false; while (!studentEnd) { Console.WriteLine("Student Table Options:"); Console.WriteLine("1. Create Student"); Console.WriteLine("2. Update Student"); Console.WriteLine("3. Delete Student"); Console.WriteLine("4. Display all Students"); Console.WriteLine("5. Exit menu."); Console.Write("Selection: "); int input = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); if (input == 1) { Console.WriteLine("Please enter the student name and id."); Console.Write("Name: "); studentName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("New student's standard ID: "); standardId = Convert.ToInt16(Console.ReadLine()); student = new Student { StudentName = studentName, StandardId = standardId }; standard = businessLayer.GetStandardByID(standardId); standard.Students.Add(student); businessLayer.addStudent(student); } else if (input == 2) { Console.Write("Would you like to update by student name or student id?: "); option = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(); if (option.Equals("name")) { Console.Write("Enter the student name you are searching for: "); studentName = Console.ReadLine(); student = businessLayer.getStudentByName(studentName); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("Enter the updated student name: "); student.StudentName = Console.ReadLine(); businessLayer.updateStudent(student); } else if (option.Equals("id")) { Console.Write("Enter the student ID you are searching for: "); studentId = Convert.ToInt16(Console.ReadLine()); student = businessLayer.getStudentByID(studentId); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("Enter the updated student name: "); student.StudentName = Console.ReadLine(); businessLayer.updateStudent(student); } } else if (input == 3) { Console.Write("Enter the student ID you want to delete: "); studentId = Convert.ToInt16(Console.ReadLine()); student = businessLayer.getStudentByID(studentId); businessLayer.removeStudent(student); } else if (input == 4) { studentTable = businessLayer.getAllStudents(); Console.WriteLine(); foreach (Student studentLoop in studentTable) { Console.WriteLine(studentLoop.StudentName + " " + studentLoop.StudentID); } Console.WriteLine(); } else if (input == 5) { studentEnd = true; } } } else { Console.WriteLine("Thank you for using this program!"); programEnd = true; } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { //Create student 1 Student aaa = new Student(); aaa.StudentName = "aaa aaa"; aaa.StudentAddress = new StudentAddress(); aaa.StudentAddress.Address1 = "123 aaa"; aaa.StudentAddress.Address2 = "345 aaa"; aaa.StudentAddress.City = "Long Beach"; aaa.StudentAddress.State = "California"; //Create student 2 Student bbb = new Student(); bbb.StudentName = "bbb bbb"; bbb.StudentAddress = new StudentAddress(); bbb.StudentAddress.Address1 = "123 bbb"; bbb.StudentAddress.Address2 = "345 bbb"; bbb.StudentAddress.City = "Long Beach"; bbb.StudentAddress.State = "California"; //Create the students in the db createStudent(aaa); createStudent(bbb); //Read all students Console.WriteLine(readStudents("aaa aaa")); Console.WriteLine(readStudents("bbb bbb")); //Update student 1 updateStudent("aaa aaa","123 aaa new"); //Read student 1 Console.WriteLine(readStudents("aaa aaa")); //Delete student 1's address deleteStudentAddr("aaa aaa"); //Read all students Console.WriteLine(readStudents("aaa aaa")); //Create new standards Standard full = new Standard(); Standard part = new Standard(); full.StandardName = "FT"; full.Description = "Full-time Instructor"; part.StandardName = "PT"; part.Description = "Part-time Instructor"; //Create new teachers Teacher teach1 = new Teacher(); Teacher teach2 = new Teacher(); Teacher teach3 = new Teacher(); teach1.TeacherName = "Teacher Name 1"; teach2.TeacherName = "Teacher Name 2"; teach3.TeacherName = "Teacher Name 3"; teach1.Standard = full; teach2.Standard = full; teach3.Standard = part; full.Teachers.Add(teach1); full.Teachers.Add(teach2); part.Teachers.Add(teach3); //Create the standards and teachers in the db createStandard(full); createStandard(part); createTeacher(teach1); createTeacher(teach2); createTeacher(teach3); //Read all teachers Console.WriteLine(readTeachers(teach1.TeacherName,1)); Console.WriteLine(readTeachers(teach2.TeacherName, 1)); Console.WriteLine(readTeachers(teach3.TeacherName, 1)); //Update the full time standard updateStandard("FT", "Full-time Instructor Update"); Console.WriteLine(readTeachers("FT")); Console.WriteLine(readTeachers(teach1.TeacherName, 1)); updateTeachID(teach1, teach3); Console.WriteLine(readTeachers(teach1.TeacherName, 1)); }