private void EnemyCollisions(EnemyStarfighter e) { // if player intersects with enemy if (e.boundingBox.Intersects(playerShip.boundingBox)) { e.isVisible = false; -= 20; SoundManager.justBoom.Play(volume: SoundManager.effectsVolume, pitch: 0.0f, pan: 0.0f); Level2Explosions explosionObject = new Level2Explosions(new Vector2(e.position.X + e.enemyTexture.Width / 2, e.position.Y + e.enemyTexture.Height / 2), explosionTexture); explosionObject.isVisible = true; explosionsList.Add(explosionObject); destroyCount++; } // foreach (Bullet playerBullet in playerShip.bulletList) { if (playerBullet.boundingBox.Intersects(e.boundingBox)) { destroyCount++; playerBullet.isVisible = false; e.isVisible = false; HUD.playerScore += 30; SoundManager.justBoom.Play(volume: SoundManager.effectsVolume, pitch: 0.0f, pan: 0.0f); Level2Explosions explosionObject = new Level2Explosions(new Vector2(e.position.X + e.enemyTexture.Width / 2, e.position.Y + e.enemyTexture.Height / 2), explosionTexture); explosionObject.isVisible = true; explosionsList.Add(explosionObject); } } }
// Collisions private void AsteroidCollisions(Asteroid a) { // if player intersects with asteroid if (a.boundingBox.Intersects(playerShip.boundingBox)) { a.isVisible = false; -= 20; SoundManager.justBoom.Play(volume: SoundManager.effectsVolume, pitch: 0.0f, pan: 0.0f); Level2Explosions explosionObject = new Level2Explosions(a.position, explosionTexture); explosionObject.isVisible = true; explosionsList.Add(explosionObject); } // Player Attack at Asteroid foreach (Bullet playerBullet in playerShip.bulletList) { if (playerBullet.boundingBox.Intersects(a.boundingBox)) { playerBullet.isVisible = false; a.isVisible = false; HUD.playerScore += 10; SoundManager.justBoom.Play(volume: SoundManager.effectsVolume, pitch: 0.0f, pan: 0.0f); Level2Explosions explosionObject = new Level2Explosions(a.position, explosionTexture); explosionObject.isVisible = true; explosionsList.Add(explosionObject); } } }
public void Update(GameTime gameTime) { player.Update(gameTime); SoundEffects(); SpawnScorpions(); SpawnWalkers(); SpawnDroids(); SpawnImperials(); SpawnBoss(); foreach (Scorpion s in scorpionList) { s.Update(gameTime); } // immperial foreach (Imperial imp in imperialList) { imp.Update(gameTime); // imperial attack if (imp.isAttack) { if (impBulletCounter > 0) { impBulletCounter--; } if (impBulletCounter <= 0) { // Bullet bullet = new Bullet(imperial_blaster); bullet.isVisible = true; if (imp.spriteEffect == SpriteEffects.None) { bullet.isLeft = true; bullet.position = new Vector2(imp.position.X, imp.position.Y + (imp.texture.Height / 2) - 10); } else if (imp.spriteEffect == SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally) { bullet.isRight = true; bullet.position = new Vector2(imp.position.X + 30, imp.position.Y + (imp.texture.Height / 2) - 10); } imperialBulletList.Add(bullet); imp_kol++; SoundManager.imp_shoot.Play(volume: SoundManager.effectsVolume, pitch: 0.0f, pan: 0.0f); } if (imp_kol < 10) { if (impBulletCounter <= 0) { impBulletCounter = 35; } } else if (imp_kol == 10) { if (impBulletCounter <= 0) { impBulletCounter = 110; } } else if (imp_kol > 10) { if (impBulletCounter <= 0) { impBulletCounter = 35; imp_kol = 0; } } } // COLLISION if (player.boundingBox.Intersects(imp.boundingBox) && player.isAttacking) { HUD.playerScore += 25; // ImperialDeath id = new ImperialDeath(die1, die2, die3, new Vector2(imp.position.X, imp.position.Y + 45), imp.spriteEffect); id.isVisible = true; imperialDeathList.Add(id); // imp.isVisible = false; SoundManager.imp_death.Play(volume: SoundManager.effectsVolume, pitch: 0.0f, pan: 0.0f); } } Collisions(); foreach (SandExplosion sandExp in sandExplosionList) { sandExp.Update(gameTime); } foreach (Walker w in walkerList) { w.Update(gameTime); if (w.isAttackingAnimation) { WalkerCreateBullets(w); } // walker dies if (w.boundingBox.Intersects(player.boundingBox) && player.isAttacking) // collision { w.isVisible = false; Level2Explosions explosionObject = new Level2Explosions(new Vector2(w.position.X + (w.texture.Width / 2), w.position.Y + (w.texture.Height / 2)), explosionTexture); explosionObject.isVisible = true; explosionsList.Add(explosionObject); HUD.playerScore += 40; SoundManager.walker_boom.Play(volume: SoundManager.effectsVolume, pitch: 0.0f, pan: 0.0f); } } foreach (Hit h in hitExplosions) { h.Update(gameTime); } // Droids foreach (GonkDroid gd in droidList) { gd.Update(gameTime); } foreach (DroidDesAnimation dda in spritesGonkDroidList) { dda.Update(gameTime); } // Imperial Death Animation foreach (ImperialDeath id in imperialDeathList) { id.Update(gameTime); } // Boss foreach (Boss3Level b in bossList) { b.Update(gameTime); } // ManageWalkers(); ManageScorpions(); ManageExplosions(); WalkerManageBullets(); HitManage(); ManageWalkers(); ManageDroids(); ManageDroidSprites(); ManageImperialBullets(); ManageImperials(); ManageImperialDeaths(); ManageBoss(); foreach (Level2Explosions explosion in explosionsList) { explosion.Update(gameTime); } ManageExplosionsBoom(); hud.Update(gameTime, player); // foreach (BigMachine bm in bigMachineList) { bm.Update(gameTime); } // BigMachineSpawn(); // boss death list foreach (DeathBoss3 d in dieList) { d.Update(gameTime); } // ManageDeathBossList(); GameOver(); }