private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Login.login_type == "user") { ORMDataContext a1 = new ORMDataContext(); Verification_table v1 = new Verification_table(); v1.Hostel_name = comboBox1.SelectedItem.ToString(); v1.Login_name = Login.login_name; v1.Verifi_status = "pending"; MessageBox.Show("Applied successfully"); } else if (Login.login_type == "admin") { ORMDataContext a1 = new ORMDataContext(); Verification_table v1 = new Verification_table(); v1.Hostel_name = comboBox1.SelectedItem.ToString(); v1.Login_name = Login.login_name; v1.Verifi_status = "Approved"; MessageBox.Show("Room booked"); } else { MessageBox.Show("You need to login first"); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ORMDataContext db = new ORMDataContext(); var query = from User_info in db.User_infos where User_info.First_name == textBox1.Text && User_info.Password == textBox2.Text && User_info.Account_type == "user" select User_info; var query1 = from User_info in db.User_infos where User_info.First_name == textBox1.Text && User_info.Password == textBox2.Text && User_info.Account_type == "admin" select User_info; if (query.Any()) { this.Hide(); Account_normal_page a1 = new Account_normal_page(); login_name = textBox1.Text; login_type = "user"; a1.Show(); } else if (query1.Any()) { this.Hide(); Admin_panel a1 = new Admin_panel(); login_name = textBox1.Text; login_type = "admin"; a1.Show(); } else { label4.Visible = true; } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ORMDataContext db = new ORMDataContext(); User_info u1 = new User_info(); if (textBox1.ReadOnly == false) { u1.First_name = textBox1.Text; u1.Last_name = textBox2.Text; u1.E_mail = textBox4.Text; u1.Password = textBox3.Text; u1.DOB = textBox5.Text; u1.Account_type = "user"; db.User_infos.InsertOnSubmit(u1); db.SubmitChanges(); MessageBox.Show("Data inserted successfully"); } else { User_info u2 = db.User_infos.SingleOrDefault(); u2.First_name = textBox1.Text; u2.Last_name = textBox2.Text; u2.E_mail = textBox3.Text; u2.Password = textBox4.Text; u2.DOB = textBox5.Text; db.SubmitChanges(); MessageBox.Show("Record updated"); } }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ORMDataContext o1 = new ORMDataContext(); Control c1 = new Control(); c1.ShowDialog(); LoadData(); }
private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ORMDataContext a1 = new ORMDataContext(); var query1 = from Cost_info in a1.Cost_infos where == comboBox1.SelectedItem.ToString() select Cost_info; dataGridView1.DataSource = query1; }
private void Account_normal_page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { ORMDataContext o1 = new ORMDataContext(); User_info u1 = new User_info(); label2.Text = Login.login_name; label6.Text = Login.login_name; var query = (from User_info in o1.User_infos where User_info.First_name == Login.login_name select User_info.E_mail).Single(); label7.Text = query.ToString(); var query1 = (from User_info in o1.User_infos where User_info.First_name == Login.login_name select User_info.DOB).Single(); label8.Text = query1.ToString(); }
private void Hostel_select_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { ORMDataContext a1 = new ORMDataContext(); Hostel_find h1 = new Hostel_find(); var query = from Hostel_find in a1.Hostel_finds where Hostel_find.A_name == sel select Hostel_find.H_name; comboBox1.ValueMember = "H_name"; comboBox1.DisplayMember = "H_name"; comboBox1.DataSource = query; var query1 = from Cost_info in a1.Cost_infos where == comboBox1.SelectedItem.ToString() select Cost_info; dataGridView1.DataSource = query1; }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (textBox1.Text == null || textBox2.Text == null || textBox3.Text == null || textBox4.Text == null || textBox5.Text == null) { MessageBox.Show("Please fill up the form properly"); } else if (textBox4.Text.Equals(textBox5.Text)) { ORMDataContext db = new ORMDataContext(); User_info u1 = new User_info(); u1.First_name = textBox1.Text; u1.Last_name = textBox2.Text; u1.E_mail = textBox3.Text; u1.Password = textBox5.Text; u1.DOB = dateTimePicker1.Text; db.User_infos.InsertOnSubmit(u1); db.SubmitChanges(); MessageBox.Show("Account created successfully"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Password mismatch"); } }
private void LoadData() { ORMDataContext o1 = new ORMDataContext(); dataGridView1.DataSource = o1.User_infos; }