private void AddJackson() { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Enter a title"); string title = Console.ReadLine(); StreamingContent content = _repo.GetContentByTitle(title); if (content == null) { Console.WriteLine("no content found"); } else { content.Actors = content.Actors + ", and Samuel L Jackson"; content.Description = content.Description + " and snakes and motha ****** planes!"; Console.WriteLine("Samuel L Jackson was Added"); } }
public bool UpdateContentByTitle(string title, StreamingContent newContent) { StreamingContent content = GetContentByTitle(title); if (content == null) { Console.WriteLine("This is not the content you're looking for..."); return(false); } else { content.Title = newContent.Title; content.Description = newContent.Description; content.StarRating = newContent.StarRating; content.MaturityRating = newContent.MaturityRating; content.Genre = newContent.Genre; return(true); } }
private void StartWatchParty() { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Enter your name"); string yourName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter other friends"); string friendsNames = Console.ReadLine(); WatchParty newParty = new WatchParty(yourName, friendsNames); Console.WriteLine($"You({newParty.YourName}) and your friends({newParty.FriendsNames}) are now in a party"); Console.WriteLine("What movie would you like to watch?"); string title = Console.ReadLine(); StreamingContent content = _repo.GetContentByTitle(title); if (content == null) { Console.WriteLine("no content found"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Your party is now watching " + content.Title); } }
public void DisplayContent(StreamingContent item) { Console.WriteLine($"{item.Title} - ({item.StarRating} stars, {item.Genre}) \n--Description: {item.Description} \n--Actors: {item.Actors}"); }