private void InitTask() { // if (notes != null) return; Debug.WriteLine("isItEdit : "+isItEdit); if (!isItEdit) { notes = new Notes(); } else { PageTitle.Text = "Edit ezNote"; Debug.WriteLine("this is edit on inittask"); int editNoteID; int.TryParse(NavigationContext.QueryString["editNoteID"], out editNoteID); Debug.WriteLine("Edit Note ID="+editNoteID); notes = SterlingService.Current.Database.Query<Notes, int>() .Where(delegate(TableKey<Notes, int> key) { return key.Key == editNoteID; }) .First<TableKey<Notes, int>>() .LazyValue.Value; textTitle.Text = notes.noteName; textNote.Text = notes.noteText; Debug.WriteLine("is it due = " + notes.isDue); if (notes.isDue == 1) { Debug.WriteLine("is due is checked"); setDue.IsChecked = true; noteDueChecked = 1; this.dueStack.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } DateTime dt2; dt2 = DateTime.Parse(notes.DueDate.ToString()); Debug.WriteLine(notes.DueDate); dueDateSet.Value = DateTime.Parse(dt2.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")); dueTimeSet.Value = DateTime.Parse(dt2.ToString("hh:mm tt")); } Debug.Assert(notes != null, "Task should not be null"); }
private void checkCategory(string catname) { var checkcategories = (from k in SterlingService.Current.Database.Query<Category, int>() where k.LazyValue.Value.categoryName == catname select k.LazyValue.Value).FirstOrDefault(); if (checkcategories == null) { MessageBoxResult res = MessageBox.Show("Would You like to create category named \"" + catname + "\" ?", "Category not found", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel); if (res == MessageBoxResult.OK) { killProgress(); newCategories = new Category(); newCategories.categoryName = catname; newCategories.Save(); // NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri("/MainPage.xaml", UriKind.Relative)); checkCategory(catname); } else { killProgress(); } } else { Debug.WriteLine(checkcategories.Id); Debug.WriteLine("category found"); notes = new Notes(); notes.categoryID = checkcategories.Id; notes.noteName = notetitle; notes.noteText = notetext; notes.createDate = DateTime.Now; if (!duedate) { } else { notes.DueDate = noteduedate; notes.isDue = 1; } Debug.WriteLine("notes.DueDate:"+ notes.DueDate); notes.Save(); killProgress(); NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri("/CategoryPage.xaml?catID=" + notes.categoryID, UriKind.Relative)); } }
private void InitNote() { int.TryParse(NavigationContext.QueryString["noteID"], out noteID); Debug.Assert(noteID != -1, "TaskId should not be null"); note = SterlingService.Current.Database.Query<Notes, int>() .Where(delegate(TableKey<Notes, int> key) { return key.Key == noteID; }) .First<TableKey<Notes, int>>() .LazyValue.Value; catID = note.categoryID; Debug.WriteLine(note.DueDate); Debug.WriteLine(note.isDue); Debug.WriteLine(note.dueCompleted); if (note.isDue == 0) { completeButton.IsEnabled = false; // this.DueDatePanel.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; this.dueDateText.Text = "No Due Date"; } else { // this.DueDatePanel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; if (note.dueCompleted == 0) this.dueDateText.Text = "Due on " + note.DueDate.ToString(); else this.dueDateText.Text = "Completed"; } if (note.dueCompleted == 1) completeButton.IsEnabled = false; }