public virtual JSValue Construct(JSContext Scope, JSArgs Args) { JSObject o = new JSObject(this["prototype"], this); JSValue r = this.Call(Scope, o, Args); if (r is JSObject) { return(r); } return(o); }
public override JSValue Call(JSContext Scope, JSValue ThisObj, JSArgs Args) { if (ThisObj.CheckCoercible()) { ThisObj = ThisObj.ToJSObject(); } else { ThisObj = JSContext.CurrentGlobalContext.Global; } return(this.FunctionDef.Call(Scope, ThisObj, this, Args)); }
public override JSValue Call(JSContext Scope, JSValue ThisObj, JSArgs Args) { if (ThisObj.CheckCoercible()) { ThisObj = ThisObj.ToJSObject(); } else { ThisObj = JSContext.CurrentGlobalContext.Global; } JSFunctionContext ctx = new JSFunctionContext(ThisObj, Args, new ParameterList(this.def.param_names), Scope, this.Scope); return(this.def.del(ctx)); }
internal static DateTime UTC(JSArgs args) { double y = args[0].NumberValue(); double m = args[1].NumberValue(); double date = (args.Count >= 3) ? args[2].NumberValue() : 1.0; double hours = (args.Count >= 4) ? args[2].NumberValue() : 0.0; double minutes = (args.Count >= 5) ? args[2].NumberValue() : 0.0; double seconds = (args.Count >= 6) ? args[2].NumberValue() : 0.0; double ms = (args.Count >= 7) ? args[2].NumberValue() : 0.0; if ((!double.IsNaN(y) && (y >= 0.0)) && (y <= 99.0)) { y = 1900.0 + Math.Floor(y); } else { y = Math.Floor(y); } return((new DateTime((int)y, ((int)m) + 1, (int)date, (int)hours, (int)minutes, (int)seconds, (int)ms, DateTimeKind.Local)).ToUniversalTime()); }
public JSFunctionContext(JSValue ThisObj, JSArgs Args, ParameterList parameterList, JSContext context, JSEnvRec Scope) : base(context) { if (!((ThisObj is JSNull) || (ThisObj is JSUndefined))) { this.ThisObj = ThisObj; } this.Args = Args; this.parameterList = parameterList; base.LexicalEnv = new JSDeclScope(Scope); base.VariableEnv = base.LexicalEnv; base.CreateMutableBinding("arguments"); base.SetMutableBinding("arguments", Args); int m = parameterList.Names.Length; for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { base.CreateMutableBinding(parameterList.Names[i]); base.SetMutableBinding(parameterList.Names[i], Args[i]); } }
public JSDate(JSValue Prototype, JSValue Constructor, JSArgs args) : base(Prototype, Constructor) { if (args.Count == 0) { this.CLRDate = DateTime.Now; } else if (args.Count == 1) { JSValue v = args[0].ToPrimitive(); if (v is JSString) { this.CLRDate = DateTime.Parse(v.StringValue()); } else { this.CLRDate = FromNumber(TimeClip(v.NumberValue())); } } else { this.CLRDate = UTC(args); } }
internal static JSValue _Eval(JSContext Scope, JSArgs args, bool AsConstructor) { if (AsConstructor) { throw new JSRuntimeException("TypeError", "eval called as constructor"); } JSValue arg = args[0]; if (!(arg is JSString)) { return(arg); } JSContext EvalContext = new JSContext(Scope); JSContext.PushContext(EvalContext); try { return(CompiledScript.Compile(arg.StringValue(), false).Run()); } finally { JSContext.PopContext(); } }
internal static JSValue DirectEvalCall(JSFunctionBase fnc, JSContext Scope, JSValue ThisObj, JSArgs Args) { if (fnc == JSContext.CurrentGlobalContext.GlobalEval) { return(_Eval(Scope, Args, false)); } return(fnc.Call(JSContext.CurrentGlobalContext, ThisObj, Args)); }
private void AddFunction() { this.FunctionCtor = new JSDelegateWrapper(delegate(JSContext Scope, JSValue ThisObj, JSArgs args, bool AsConstructor) { string argNames; string sBody; if (args.Count > 1) { string[] ar = new string[args.Count - 1]; for (int i = 0; i < (args.Count - 1); i++) { ar[i] = args[i].StringValue(); } argNames = string.Join(",", ar); } else { argNames = ""; } if (args.Count == 0) { sBody = ""; } else { sBody = args[args.Count - 1].StringValue(); } JSFunctionObject r = CompiledScript.Compile("(function (" + argNames + ") {" + sBody + "})", false).Run() as JSFunctionObject; r.Scope = JSContext.CurrentGlobalContext.LexicalEnv; return(r); }, 1); this.FunctionPrototype = new JSFunctionBase(); this.FunctionPrototype.SetDataProp("constructor", this.FunctionCtor, true, false, true); this.FunctionPrototype.SetDataProp("call", new JSDelegateWrapper(delegate(JSContext Scope, JSValue ThisObj, JSArgs args, bool AsConstructor) { JSArgs newArgs; if (AsConstructor) { throw new JSRuntimeException("TypeError", " called as constructor"); } JSFunctionBase fnc = InternalUtilities.JSFunctionCast(ThisObj); if (args.Count == 0) { newArgs = args; } else { JSValue[] newAr = new JSValue[args.Count - 1]; Array.Copy(args.ArgValues, 1, newAr, 0, args.Count - 1); newArgs = new JSArgs(ThisObj, newAr); } return(fnc.Call(Scope, args[0], newArgs)); }, 1), true, false, true); this.FunctionPrototype.SetDataProp("apply", new JSDelegateWrapper(delegate(JSContext Scope, JSValue ThisObj, JSArgs args, bool AsConstructor) { if (AsConstructor) { throw new JSRuntimeException("TypeError", "Function.apply called as constructor"); } JSFunctionBase fnc = InternalUtilities.JSFunctionCast(ThisObj); JSValue argArray = args[1]; if ((argArray is JSUndefined) || (argArray is JSNull)) { return(fnc.Call(Scope, args[0], new JSArgs(ThisObj, new JSValue[0]))); } if (!(argArray is JSObject)) { throw new JSRuntimeException("TypeError", "Invalid argument to Function.apply"); } JSValue olen = argArray["length"]; if (!olen.CheckCoercible()) { throw new JSRuntimeException("TypeError", "Invalid argument to Function.apply"); } double nlen = olen.NumberValue(); uint len = nlen.JSToUInt32(); if (len != nlen) { throw new JSRuntimeException("TypeError", "Invalid argument to Function.apply"); } JSValue[] newAr = new JSValue[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { newAr[i] = argArray[i.ToString()]; } return(fnc.Call(Scope, args[0], new JSArgs(ThisObj, newAr))); }, 2), true, false, true); this.FunctionPrototype.SetDataProp("toString", new JSDelegateWrapper(delegate(JSContext Scope, JSValue ThisObj, JSArgs args, bool AsConstructor) { return(InternalUtilities.JSFunctionCast(ThisObj).GenerateString()); }), true, false, true); this.FunctionPrototype.SetDataProp("length", 0.0, true, false, true); this.FunctionCtor.SetDataProp("prototype", this.FunctionPrototype, false, false, false); }
public virtual JSValue Call(JSContext Scope, JSValue ThisObj, JSArgs Args) { return(JSUndefined.Instance); }