        public ActionResult Media(Media validatePerson, FormCollection form)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    string strHTML;
                    // INTERNAL EMAIL

                    SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SMTPServer"]);
                    MailAddress from = new MailAddress("Regal Lager, Inc. <*****@*****.**>");
                    MailAddress to = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**", "Sales Department");
                    //MailAddress to = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**", "Regal Lager Customer Care");

                    //string strHTMLInternal = "";
                    //string strPathInternal = Server.MapPath("retailerinquiry.htm");

                    //System.IO.StreamReader srInternal = new System.IO.StreamReader(strPathInternal);
                    //srInternal = File.OpenText(strPathInternal);

                    //strHTMLInternal = srInternal.ReadToEnd().ToString();
                    //strHTMLInternal = strHTMLInternal.Replace("{0}", this.txtwebsite.Text);
                    //strHTMLInternal = strHTMLInternal.Replace("{1}", Server.HtmlDecode(this.txtComments.Text));
                    //strHTMLInternal = strHTMLInternal.Replace("{2}", this.txtFirstName.Text);
                    //strHTMLInternal = strHTMLInternal.Replace("{3}", this.txtLastName.Text);
                    //strHTMLInternal = strHTMLInternal.Replace("{4}", this.txtStoreName.Text);
                    //strHTMLInternal = strHTMLInternal.Replace("{13}", this.txtyearsbusiness.Text);
                    //strHTMLInternal = strHTMLInternal.Replace("{5}", this.txtAddress1.Text);
                    //strHTMLInternal = strHTMLInternal.Replace("{6}", this.txtAddress2.Text);
                    //strHTMLInternal = strHTMLInternal.Replace("{7}", this.txtCity.Text);
                    //strHTMLInternal = strHTMLInternal.Replace("{8}", this.ddlState.SelectedValue.ToString());
                    //strHTMLInternal = strHTMLInternal.Replace("{9}", this.txtZip.Text);
                    //strHTMLInternal = strHTMLInternal.Replace("{10}", this.ddlCountry.SelectedValue.ToString());
                    //strHTMLInternal = strHTMLInternal.Replace("{11}", this.txtPhone.Text);
                    //strHTMLInternal = strHTMLInternal.Replace("{12}", this.txtEmail.Text);

                    strHTML = "<html><head></head><body>";
                    strHTML = strHTML + "First Name: " + form["FirstName"] + "<br />";
                    strHTML = strHTML + "First Name: " + form["LastName"] + "<br />";
                    strHTML = strHTML + "First Name: " + form["Email"] + "<br />";
                    strHTML = strHTML + "</body></html>";
                    MailMessage message = new MailMessage(from, to);
                    message.Subject = "Email Request";
                    message.IsBodyHtml = true;
                    message.Body = strHTML;
                    client.EnableSsl = true;

                    return View("Success");
                catch (Exception)
                    TempData["Message"] = "Unfortunately your email did not go through. Please try again. If you continue to have trouble, contact Customer Care at 1-800-593-5522. Thank you.";
                    ViewBag.show = "visibility: visible;";
                    return View();
                // Note to self if valid and want to capture data, this is where the magic happens.
                // Redirect them to the home page
                //return Redirect("/");

            // if invalid
            return View(validatePerson);
 public ActionResult Media()
     Media newPerson = new Media();
     return View(newPerson);