private void listBox1_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { try { if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right) { listBox1.SelectedIndex = listBox1.IndexFromPoint(e.X, e.Y); } if (listBox1.SelectedItem != null && e.Button == MouseButtons.Right) { int index = listBox1.IndexFromPoint(e.X, e.Y); if (listBox1.SelectedIndex == index && listBox1.SelectedItem.ToString().Contains(" (online)")) { String itemChosen = listBox1.SelectedItem.ToString().Substring(0, listBox1.SelectedItem.ToString().IndexOf(" (online")); var user = Program.TasClient.ExistingUsers.Values.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name.ToString().ToUpper() == itemChosen.ToUpper()); var cm = ContextMenus.GetPlayerContextMenu(user, false); cm.Show(this, new Point(e.X + 10, e.Y + 15)); } else if (listBox1.SelectedIndex == index && !listBox1.SelectedItem.ToString().Contains(" (online)")) { String itemChosen = listBox1.SelectedItem.ToString(); var user = LobbyClient.User.Create(itemChosen); var cm = ContextMenus.GetPlayerContextMenu(user, false); cm.Show(this, new Point(e.X + 10, e.Y + 15)); } } } catch { } }
void ShowPlayerContextMenu(User user, Control control, Point location) { var contextMenu = ContextMenus.GetPlayerContextMenu(user, this is BattleChatControl); try { Program.ToolTip.Visible = false; contextMenu.Show(control, location); } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.TraceError("Error displaying tooltip:{0}", ex); } finally { Program.ToolTip.Visible = true; } }
void ShowChatContextMenu(Point location) { var contextMenu = ContextMenus.GetChannelContextMenu(this); try { Program.ToolTip.Visible = false; contextMenu.Show(ChatBox, location); } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.TraceError("Error displaying tooltip:{0}", ex); } finally { Program.ToolTip.Visible = true; } }
protected override void OnMouseDown([NotNull] MouseEventArgs e) { if (e == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("e"); } base.OnMouseDown(e); Battle battle = GetBattle(e.X, e.Y); if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { if (battle != null) { if (battle.IsPassworded) { // hack dialog Program.FormMain using (var form = new AskBattlePasswordForm(battle.Founder.Name)) if (form.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { ActionHandler.JoinBattle(battle.BattleID, form.Password); } } else { ActionHandler.JoinBattle(battle.BattleID, null); } } else if (OpenGameButtonHitTest(e.X, e.Y)) { ShowHostDialog(KnownGames.GetDefaultGame()); } } else if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right) { var cm = ContextMenus.GetBattleListContextMenu(battle); Program.ToolTip.Visible = false; try { cm.Show(Parent, e.Location); } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.TraceError("BattleListControl Error displaying tooltip: {0}", ex); } finally { Program.ToolTip.Visible = true; } } }
public PrivateMessageControl(string name) { InitializeComponent(); ChatBox.Font = Program.Conf.ChatFont; Name = name; UserName = name; ChatBox.MouseUp += autoscrollRichTextBox1_MouseUp; ChatBox.FocusInputRequested += (s, e) => GoToSendBox(); ChatBox.ChatBackgroundColor = TextColor.background; //same as Program.Conf.BgColor but TextWindow.cs need this. ChatBox.IRCForeColor = 14; //mirc grey. Unknown use HistoryManager.InsertLastLines(UserName, ChatBox); VisibleChanged += PrivateMessageControl_VisibleChanged; Program.TasClient.BattleUserJoined += TasClient_BattleUserJoined; Program.TasClient.UserAdded += TasClient_UserAdded; Program.TasClient.UserRemoved += TasClient_UserRemoved; var extras = new BitmapButton(); extras.Text = "Extras"; extras.Click += (s, e) => { ContextMenus.GetPrivateMessageContextMenu(this).Show(extras, new Point(0, 0)); }; ChatBox.Controls.Add(extras); sendBox.CompleteWord += (word) => //autocomplete of username { var w = word.ToLower(); string[] nameInArray = new string[1] { name }; System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable <string> firstResult = nameInArray .Where(x => x.ToLower().StartsWith(w)) .Union(nameInArray.Where(x => x.ToLower().Contains(w)));; if (true) { ChatControl zkChatArea = Program.MainWindow.navigationControl.ChatTab.GetChannelControl("zk"); if (zkChatArea != null) { System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable <string> extraResult = zkChatArea.playerBox.GetUserNames() .Where(x => x.ToLower().StartsWith(w)) .Union(zkChatArea.playerBox.GetUserNames().Where(x => x.ToLower().Contains(w))); firstResult = firstResult.Concat(extraResult); //Reference: } } return(firstResult); }; }
private void ShowChatContextMenu(Point location, string word = null) { var contextMenu = ContextMenus.GetChannelContextMenu(this); contextMenu = LineDehighlighter(contextMenu, word); try { Program.ToolTip.Visible = false; contextMenu.Show(ChatBox, location); } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.TraceError("Error displaying tooltip:{0}", ex); } finally { Program.ToolTip.Visible = true; } }
void autoscrollRichTextBox1_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs me) { var word = ChatBox.HoveredWord.TrimEnd(); if (word != null) { var user = Program.TasClient.ExistingUsers.Values.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name.ToString().ToUpper() == word.ToUpper()); if (user != null) { if (me.Button == MouseButtons.Right || !Program.Conf.LeftClickSelectsPlayer) { ContextMenus.GetPlayerContextMenu(user, false).Show(this, me.Location); return; } } } if (me.Button == MouseButtons.Right) { ContextMenus.GetPrivateMessageContextMenu(this).Show(this, me.Location); } }
protected override void OnMouseDown([NotNull] MouseEventArgs e) { if (e == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("e"); } base.OnMouseDown(e); Battle battle = GetBattle(e.X, e.Y); if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { if (battle != null) { if (battle.IsPassworded) { // hack dialog Program.FormMain using (var form = new AskBattlePasswordForm(battle.Founder.Name)) if (form.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { ActionHandler.JoinBattle(battle.BattleID, form.Password); } } else { ActionHandler.JoinBattle(battle.BattleID, null); } } else if (OpenGameButtonHitTest(e.X, e.Y)) { ShowHostDialog(KnownGames.GetDefaultGame()); } } else if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right) { // todo - disable OnMouseMove while this is open to stop battle tooltips floating under it ContextMenus.GetBattleListContextMenu(battle).Show(Parent, e.Location); Program.ToolTip.Visible = false; } }
void playerBox_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs mea) { if (mea.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { if (playerBox.HoverItem != null) { if (playerBox.HoverItem.IsSpectatorsTitle) { ActionHandler.Spectate(); } else if (playerBox.HoverItem.SlotButton != null) { ActionHandler.JoinSlot(playerBox.HoverItem.MissionSlot); } else if (playerBox.HoverItem.AllyTeam.HasValue) { ActionHandler.JoinAllyTeam(playerBox.HoverItem.AllyTeam.Value); } } } if (mea.Button == MouseButtons.Right || !Program.Conf.LeftClickSelectsPlayer) { if (playerBox.HoverItem == null && mea.Button == MouseButtons.Right) { var cm = ContextMenus.GetPlayerContextMenu(Program.TasClient.MyUser, true); Program.ToolTip.Visible = false; try { cm.Show(playerBox, mea.Location); } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.TraceError("Error displaying tooltip: {0}", ex); } finally { Program.ToolTip.Visible = true; } } } if (playerBox.HoverItem != null) { if (playerBox.HoverItem.BotBattleStatus != null) { playerBox.SelectedItem = playerBox.HoverItem; var cm = ContextMenus.GetBotContextMenu(playerBox.HoverItem.BotBattleStatus.Name); Program.ToolTip.Visible = false; try { cm.Show(playerBox, mea.Location); } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.TraceError("Error displaying tooltip: {0}", ex); } finally { Program.ToolTip.Visible = true; } } /* * if (playerBox.HoverItem.UserBattleStatus != null) { * playerBox.SelectedItem = playerBox.HoverItem; * var cm = ContextMenus.GetPlayerContextMenu(playerBox.HoverItem.User, true); * Program.ToolTip.Visible = false; * cm.Show(playerBox, mea.Location); * Program.ToolTip.Visible = true; * }*/ } }
public ChatControl(string name) { InitializeComponent(); var isDesignMode = Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName == "devenv"; // workaround for this.DesignMode not working in constructor if (isDesignMode) { return; } var extras = new BitmapButton(); extras.Text = "Extras"; extras.Click += (s, e) => { ContextMenus.GetChannelContextMenu(this).Show(extras, new Point(0, 0)); }; ChatBox.Controls.Add(extras); playerBox.DrawMode = DrawMode.OwnerDrawVariable; playerBox.MeasureItem += (s, e) => { }; // needed for ListBox.OnMeasureItem playerBox.BackColor = Program.Conf.BgColor; playerBox.ForeColor = Program.Conf.TextColor; playerSearchBox.BackColor = Program.Conf.BgColor; playerSearchBox.ForeColor = Program.Conf.TextColor; ChatBox.Font = Program.Conf.ChatFont; //make sure this is done before HistoryManager adds text, or text becomes black. Name = name; ChannelName = name; if (!DesignMode) { HistoryManager.InsertLastLines(ChannelName, ChatBox); } playerBox.Sorted = true; var lookingGlass = new PictureBox { Width = 20, Height = 20, Image =, SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.CenterImage }; searchBarContainer.Controls.Add(lookingGlass); Program.ToolTip.SetText(lookingGlass, "Enter name or country shortcut to find"); Program.ToolTip.SetText(playerSearchBox, "Enter name or country shortcut to find"); VisibleChanged += ChatControl_VisibleChanged; ChatBox.MouseUp += chatBox_MouseUp; ChatBox.MouseDown += chatBox_MouseDown; ChatBox.MouseMove += chatBox_MouseMove; ChatBox.FocusInputRequested += (s, e) => GoToSendBox(); ChatBox.ChatBackgroundColor = TextColor.background; //same as Program.Conf.BgColor but TextWindow.cs need this. ChatBox.IRCForeColor = 14; //mirc grey. Unknown use Program.TasClient.ChannelUserAdded += client_ChannelUserAdded; Program.TasClient.ChannelUserRemoved += client_ChannelUserRemoved; Program.TasClient.UserStatusChanged += TasClient_UserStatusChanged; Program.TasClient.ChannelUsersAdded += TasClient_ChannelUsersAdded; Program.TasClient.Said += client_Said; Program.TasClient.UserRemoved += TasClient_UserRemoved; Program.TasClient.ChannelTopicChanged += TasClient_ChannelTopicChanged; Program.TasClient.HourChime += client_HourChime; Channel channel; Program.TasClient.JoinedChannels.TryGetValue(ChannelName, out channel); //Topic Box that displays over the channel topicBox.IRCForeColor = 14; //mirc grey. Unknown use topicBox.ChatBackgroundColor = TextColor.topicBackground; topicBox.HorizontalScroll.Enabled = true; topicBox.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle; topicBox.VerticalScroll.Visible = false; topicBox.VerticalScroll.Enabled = false; topicBox.AutoSize = true; topicBox.AutoSizeMode = AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink; topicBox.HideScroll = true; topicBox.ShowUnreadLine = false; topicBox.ShowHistory = false; //hide mappanel for normal chat operation. Overriden in BattleChatControl.cs playerListMapSplitContainer.Panel2Collapsed = true; sendBox.CompleteWord += (word) => //autocomplete of username { var w = word.ToLower(); IEnumerable <string> firstResult = playerBox.GetUserNames() .Where(x => x.ToLower().StartsWith(w)) .Union(playerBox.GetUserNames().Where(x => x.ToLower().Contains(w))); if (true) { ChatControl zkChatArea = Program.MainWindow.navigationControl.ChatTab.GetChannelControl("zk"); if (zkChatArea != null) { IEnumerable <string> extraResult = zkChatArea.playerBox.GetUserNames() .Where(x => x.ToLower().StartsWith(w)) .Union(zkChatArea.playerBox.GetUserNames().Where(x => x.ToLower().Contains(w))); firstResult = firstResult.Concat(extraResult); //Reference: } } return(firstResult); }; if (channel != null) { foreach (var userName in Program.TasClient.JoinedChannels[ChannelName].ChannelUsers) { AddUser(userName); } } }
protected override void PlayerBox_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs mea) { if (mea.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { if (this.playerBox.HoverItem != null) { if (this.playerBox.HoverItem.IsSpectatorsTitle) { ActionHandler.Spectate(); } else if (this.playerBox.HoverItem.Button != null) { ActionHandler.JoinAllyTeam(this.playerBox.HoverItem.AllyTeam.Value); } } } if (mea.Button == MouseButtons.Right || !Program.Conf.LeftClickSelectsPlayer) { if (this.playerBox.HoverItem == null && mea.Button == MouseButtons.Right) { //right click on empty space var cm = ContextMenus.GetPlayerContextMenu(Program.TasClient.MyUser, true); Program.ToolTip.Visible = false; try { cm.Show(playerBox, mea.Location); } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.TraceError("Error displaying tooltip: {0}", ex); } finally { Program.ToolTip.Visible = true; } return; } //NOTE: code that display player's context menu on Left-mouse-click is in ChatControl.playerBox_MouseClick(); } if (this.playerBox.HoverItem != null) { if (this.playerBox.HoverItem.BotBattleStatus != null) { playerBox.SelectedItem = this.playerBox.HoverItem; var cm = ContextMenus.GetBotContextMenu(this.playerBox.HoverItem.BotBattleStatus.Name); Program.ToolTip.Visible = false; try { cm.Show(playerBox, mea.Location); } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.TraceError("Error displaying tooltip: {0}", ex); } finally { Program.ToolTip.Visible = true; } return; } /* * if (playerBox.HoverItem.UserBattleStatus != null) { * playerBox.SelectedItem = playerBox.HoverItem; * var cm = ContextMenus.GetPlayerContextMenu(playerBox.HoverItem.User, true); * Program.ToolTip.Visible = false; * cm.Show(playerBox, mea.Location); * Program.ToolTip.Visible = true; * }*/ } base.PlayerBox_MouseClick(sender, mea); }
public void AddTab(string name, string title, Control control, Image icon, string tooltip, int sortImportance) { bool isPrivateTab = control is PrivateMessageControl; name = isPrivateTab ? (name + "_pm") : (name + "_chan"); var button = new ToolStripButton(name, icon) { Name = name, Alignment = ToolStripItemAlignment.Left, TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft, ImageAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft, AutoToolTip = false, ToolTipText = tooltip, Tag = sortImportance, Text = title, }; if (control is BattleChatControl) { button.Height = button.Height * 2; } button.MouseEnter += button_MouseEnter; button.MouseLeave += button_MouseLeave; button.MouseDown += (s, e) => { if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right) { var point = new Point(button.Bounds.Location.X + e.X, button.Bounds.Location.Y + e.Y); try { Program.ToolTip.Visible = false; if (control is ChatControl) { ContextMenus.GetChannelContextMenu((ChatControl)control).Show(toolStrip, point); } else if (control is PrivateMessageControl) { ContextMenus.GetPrivateMessageContextMenu((PrivateMessageControl)control).Show(toolStrip, point); } } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.TraceError("Error displaying tooltip:{0}", ex); } finally { Program.ToolTip.Visible = true; } } else if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Middle) { if (control is ChatControl) { var chatControl = (ChatControl)control; if (chatControl.CanLeave) { Program.TasClient.LeaveChannel(chatControl.ChannelName); } } else if (control is PrivateMessageControl) { var chatControl = (PrivateMessageControl)control; ActionHandler.ClosePrivateChat(chatControl.UserName); } } }; var added = false; var insertItemText = sortImportance + Name; for (var i = 0; i < toolStrip.Items.Count; i++) { var existingItemText = (int)toolStrip.Items[i].Tag + toolStrip.Items[i].Text; if (String.Compare(existingItemText, insertItemText) < 0) { toolStrip.Items.Insert(i, button); added = true; break; } } if (!added) { toolStrip.Items.Add(button); } button.Click += (s, e) => { try { if (control is BattleChatControl) { NavigationControl.Instance.Path = "chat/battle"; } else if (control is PrivateMessageControl) { var pmControl = (PrivateMessageControl)control; var userName = pmControl.UserName; NavigationControl.Instance.Path = "chat/user/" + userName; } else if (control is ChatControl) { var chatControl = (ChatControl)control; var channelName = chatControl.ChannelName; NavigationControl.Instance.Path = "chat/channel/" + channelName; } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } }; control.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; control.Visible = false; controls.Add(name, control); panel.Controls.Add(control); }