public void DataBindToGridview() { ZWL.BLL.ERPTelFile MyERPTelFile = new ZWL.BLL.ERPTelFile(); GVData.DataSource = MyERPTelFile.GetList("TitleStr like '%" + this.TextBox1.Text.Trim() + "%' and FromUser='******' and " + GetDicNameCondition() + " order by ID desc"); GVData.DataBind(); LabPageSum.Text = Convert.ToString(GVData.PageCount); LabCurrentPage.Text = Convert.ToString(((int)GVData.PageIndex + 1)); this.GoPage.Text = LabCurrentPage.Text.ToString(); }
public void DataBindToGridview() { GVData.PageSize = AspNetPager1.PageSize; GVData.PageIndex = AspNetPager1.CurrentPageIndex - 1; ZWL.BLL.ERPTelFile MyERPTelFile = new ZWL.BLL.ERPTelFile(); DataSet ds = MyERPTelFile.GetList("TitleStr like '%" + this.TextBox1.Text.Trim() + "%' and FromUser='******' and " + GetDicNameCondition() + " order by ID desc"); GVData.DataSource = ds; GVData.DataBind(); AspNetPager1.RecordCount = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; }