public static int CompareByChallengeSuccRate(CoderStat coder1, CoderStat coder2) { if (coder1.total_challenges < 20 && coder2.total_challenges < 20) { return(0); } else if (coder2.total_challenges < 20) { return(-1); } else if (coder1.total_challenges < 20) { return(1); } else { if (coder1.succ_challenges * coder2.total_challenges == coder2.succ_challenges * coder1.total_challenges) { return(coder2.succ_challenges - coder1.succ_challenges); } else { return(coder2.succ_challenges * coder1.total_challenges - coder1.succ_challenges * coder2.total_challenges); } } }
public static int CompareBySubmissionSuccRate(CoderStat coder1, CoderStat coder2) { if (coder1.submits < 20 && coder2.submits < 20) { return(0); } else if (coder2.submits < 20) { return(-1); } else if (coder1.submits < 20) { return(1); } else { if (coder1.solves * coder2.submits == coder2.solves * coder1.submits) { return(coder2.solves - coder1.solves); } else { return(coder2.solves * coder1.submits - coder1.solves * coder2.submits); } } }
public static int CompareByChallengeSuccRate(CoderStat coder1, CoderStat coder2) { if (coder1.total_challenges < 20 && coder2.total_challenges < 20) { return 0; } else if (coder2.total_challenges < 20) { return -1; } else if (coder1.total_challenges < 20) { return 1; } else { if (coder1.succ_challenges * coder2.total_challenges == coder2.succ_challenges * coder1.total_challenges) { return coder2.succ_challenges - coder1.succ_challenges; } else { return coder2.succ_challenges * coder1.total_challenges - coder1.succ_challenges * coder2.total_challenges; } } }
public static CoderStat NewCoderStat(Coder coder, Round round) { CoderStat coderStat = new CoderStat(); coderStat.handle = coder.handle; =; = new Dictionary <string, int>(); coderStat.lose = new Dictionary <string, int>(); coderStat.deuce = new Dictionary <string, int>(); coderStat.UpdateStat(coder, round); return(coderStat); }
public static int CompareByMaxRatingActive(CoderStat coder1, CoderStat coder2) { if (! && ! { return(0); } else if (! { return(-1); } else if (! { return(1); } return(coder2.maxrating - coder1.maxrating); }
public static int CompareByAverageChallengePoints(CoderStat coder1, CoderStat coder2) { if (coder1.total_challenges < 20 && coder2.total_challenges < 20) { return(0); } else if (coder2.total_challenges < 20) { return(-1); } else if (coder1.total_challenges < 20) { return(1); } else { return(Convert.ToInt32(1000 * (coder2.chaPoints / - coder1.chaPoints /; } }
public static int CompareByChallengePoints(CoderStat coder1, CoderStat coder2) { if (coder1.total_challenges < 20 && coder2.total_challenges < 20) { return 0; } else if (coder2.total_challenges < 20) { return -1; } else if (coder1.total_challenges < 20) { return 1; } else { return Convert.ToInt32(coder2.chaPoints - coder1.chaPoints); } }
public static int CompareByColorChangeTimes(CoderStat coder1, CoderStat coder2) { return(coder2.colorChangeTimes - coder1.colorChangeTimes); }
public static int CompareByEventsLastYear(CoderStat coder1, CoderStat coder2) { return coder2.eventsLastYear - coder1.eventsLastYear; }
public static void GenerateHTMLForCoder(CoderStat coderStat, List<Record> coderHistory, Dictionary<String, CoderStat> stats) { string dire = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); string rankFile = dire + "\\member\\" + + ".html"; FileStream stream = new FileStream(rankFile, FileMode.Create); StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(stream); writer.WriteLine("<html><body>"); writer.WriteLine("<head><meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\">"); writer.WriteLine("<title>" + coderStat.handle + "</title><link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"member.css\" type=\"text/css\" /></head>"); writer.WriteLine("<h1><a href=\"" + + "\" class=\"" + RatingToString(coderStat.rating, false) + "\">" + coderStat.handle + "</a></h1>"); writer.WriteLine("<div class=\"statDualDiv\">"); writer.WriteLine("<div class=\"statDiv\">"); writer.WriteLine("<h2>Personal statistics</h2>"); writer.WriteLine("<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\"><tbody>"); writer.WriteLine("\t<tr class=\"titleLine\">"); writer.WriteLine("\t\t<td><span>Handle</span></td>"); writer.WriteLine("\t\t<td><span># events</span></td>"); writer.WriteLine("\t\t<td><span># events last year</td>"); writer.WriteLine("\t</tr>"); writer.WriteLine("\t<tr>"); writer.WriteLine("\t\t<td><a href=\"" + + "\" class=\"" + RatingToString(coderStat.rating, false) + "\">" + coderStat.handle + "</a></td>"); writer.WriteLine("\t\t<td><span>" + + "</span></td>"); writer.WriteLine("\t\t<td><span>" + coderStat.eventsLastYear + "</span></td>"); writer.WriteLine("\t</tr>"); writer.WriteLine("\t<tr class=\"titleLine\">"); writer.WriteLine("\t\t<td><span>Rating</span></td>"); writer.WriteLine("\t\t<td><span>Max rating</span></td>"); writer.WriteLine("\t\t<td><span>Volatility</span></td>"); writer.WriteLine("\t</tr>"); writer.WriteLine("\t<tr>"); writer.WriteLine("\t\t<td><span class=\"" + RatingToString(coderStat.rating, false) + "\">" + coderStat.rating + "</span></td>"); writer.WriteLine("\t\t<td><span class=\"" + RatingToString(coderStat.maxrating, false) + "\">" + coderStat.maxrating + "</span></td>"); writer.WriteLine("\t\t<td><span>" + coderStat.vol + "</span></td>"); writer.WriteLine("\t</tr>"); writer.WriteLine("\t<tr class=\"titleLine\">"); writer.WriteLine("\t\t<td><span># submits</span></td>"); writer.WriteLine("\t\t<td><span># solves</span></td>"); writer.WriteLine("\t\t<td><span>Submission accuracy</span></td>"); writer.WriteLine("\t</tr>"); writer.WriteLine("\t<tr>"); writer.WriteLine("\t\t<td><span>" + coderStat.submits + "</span></td>"); writer.WriteLine("\t\t<td><span>" + coderStat.solves + "</span></td>"); writer.WriteLine("\t\t<td><span>" + (coderStat.submits == 0 ? "NaN" : (Convert.ToDouble(coderStat.solves) / Convert.ToDouble(coderStat.submits) * 100.0).ToString("N2") + "%") + "</span></td>"); writer.WriteLine("\t</tr>"); writer.WriteLine("\t<tr class=\"titleLine\">"); writer.WriteLine("\t\t<td><span># challenges</span></td>"); writer.WriteLine("\t\t<td><span># successful challenges</span></td>"); writer.WriteLine("\t\t<td><span>Challenge accuracy</span></td>"); writer.WriteLine("\t</tr>"); writer.WriteLine("\t<tr>"); writer.WriteLine("\t\t<td><span>" + coderStat.total_challenges + "</span></td>"); writer.WriteLine("\t\t<td><span>" + coderStat.succ_challenges + "</span></td>"); writer.WriteLine("\t\t<td><span>" + (coderStat.total_challenges == 0 ? "NaN" : (Convert.ToDouble(coderStat.succ_challenges) / Convert.ToDouble(coderStat.total_challenges) * 100.0).ToString("N2") + "%") + "</span></td>"); writer.WriteLine("\t</tr>"); writer.WriteLine("</tbody></table></div>"); writer.WriteLine("<div class=\"dualDiv\">"); writer.WriteLine("<h2>Cooccurrence</h2>"); writer.WriteLine("<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\"><tbody>"); List<String> coderList = new List<string>(); foreach (string coderID in { coderList.Add(coderID); } writer.WriteLine("\t<tr class=\"titleLine\">"); writer.WriteLine("\t\t<td><span>Handle</span></td>"); writer.WriteLine("\t\t<td><span>Rating</span></td>"); writer.WriteLine("\t\t<td><span># cooccurrence</span></td>"); writer.WriteLine("\t\t<td><span>Win / Lose / Deuce</span></td>"); writer.WriteLine("\t\t<td><span></span></td>"); writer.WriteLine("\t</tr>"); for (int i = 0; i < 10 && coderList.Count != 0; ++i) { int maxcooc = 0; string bestcoderID = null; foreach (string coderID in coderList) { if ([coderID] + coderStat.lose[coderID] + coderStat.deuce[coderID] > maxcooc) { maxcooc =[coderID] + coderStat.lose[coderID] + coderStat.deuce[coderID]; bestcoderID = coderID; } } writer.WriteLine("\t<tr>"); writer.WriteLine("\t\t<td><a href=\"" + bestcoderID + ".html\" class=\"" + RatingToString(stats[bestcoderID].rating, false) + "\">" + stats[bestcoderID].handle + "</a></td>"); writer.WriteLine("\t\t<td><span class=\"" + RatingToString(stats[bestcoderID].rating, false) + "\">" + stats[bestcoderID].rating + "</span></td>"); writer.WriteLine("\t\t<td><span>" + maxcooc + "</span></td>"); writer.WriteLine("\t\t<td><span>" +[bestcoderID] + " / " + coderStat.lose[bestcoderID] + " / " + coderStat.deuce[bestcoderID] + "</span></td>"); writer.WriteLine("\t\t<td><a href=\"../dual.php?handle1=" + coderStat.handle + "&handle2=" + stats[bestcoderID].handle + "\">See dual between <span class=\"" + RatingToString(coderStat.rating, false) + "\">" + coderStat.handle + "</span> and <span class=\"" + RatingToString(stats[bestcoderID].rating, false) + "\">" + stats[bestcoderID].handle + "</span></a></td>"); writer.WriteLine("\t</tr>"); coderList.Remove(bestcoderID); } writer.WriteLine("</tbody></table></div>"); coderHistory.Reverse(); writer.WriteLine("<div class=\"historyDiv\">"); writer.WriteLine("<h2>Competition history</h2>"); writer.WriteLine("<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\"><tbody>"); writer.WriteLine("\t<tr class=\"titleLine\">"); writer.WriteLine("\t\t<td><span>Event</span></td>"); writer.WriteLine("\t\t<td><span>Div</span></td>"); writer.WriteLine("\t\t<td><span>Rank</span></td>"); writer.WriteLine("\t\t<td><span>Points</span></td>"); writer.WriteLine("\t\t<td><span>Level 1</span></td>"); writer.WriteLine("\t\t<td><span>Level 2</span></td>"); writer.WriteLine("\t\t<td><span>Level 3</span></td>"); writer.WriteLine("\t\t<td><span>Challenge</span></td>"); writer.WriteLine("\t\t<td><span>Challenge Points</span></td>"); writer.WriteLine("\t\t<td><span>Rating</span></td>"); writer.WriteLine("\t\t<td><span>Rating Change</span></td>"); writer.WriteLine("\t\t<td><span>Volatility</span></td>"); writer.WriteLine("\t</tr>"); foreach (Record record in coderHistory) { writer.WriteLine("\t<tr>"); //writer.WriteLine("\t\t<td><a href=\"" + record.round.roundID + "&cr=" + + "\" class=\"eventText\">" + + "</span></td>"); writer.WriteLine("\t\t<td><a href=\"../rank/" + record.round.roundID + ".html\" class=\"eventText\">" + + "</a></td>"); writer.WriteLine("\t\t<td><span>" + record.coder.division + "</span></td>"); writer.WriteLine("\t\t<td><span>" + record.coder.divRank + "</span></td>"); writer.WriteLine("\t\t<td><span>" + record.coder.finalPoints + "</span></td>"); writer.WriteLine("\t\t<td><span class=\"" + StatusToString(record.coder.problemStatus[0]) + "\">" + (record.coder.problemStatus[0].Equals("Passed System Test") ? record.coder.problemPoints[0] : record.coder.problemStatus[0]) + "</span></td>"); writer.WriteLine("\t\t<td><span class=\"" + StatusToString(record.coder.problemStatus[1]) + "\">" + (record.coder.problemStatus[1].Equals("Passed System Test") ? record.coder.problemPoints[1] : record.coder.problemStatus[1]) + "</span></td>"); writer.WriteLine("\t\t<td><span class=\"" + StatusToString(record.coder.problemStatus[2]) + "\">" + (record.coder.problemStatus[2].Equals("Passed System Test") ? record.coder.problemPoints[2] : record.coder.problemStatus[2]) + "</span></td>"); writer.WriteLine("\t\t<td><span>" + (record.coder.succ_challenges > 0 ? "+" : "") + record.coder.succ_challenges + "/" + (record.coder.fail_challenges > 0 ? "-" : "") + record.coder.fail_challenges + "</span></td>"); writer.WriteLine("\t\t<td><span class=\"" + ChallengeScoreToString(record.coder.challengePoints) + "\">" + record.coder.challengePoints + "</span></td>"); writer.WriteLine("\t\t<td><span class=\"" + RatingToString(record.coder.newRating, false) + "\">" + record.coder.newRating + "</span></td>"); writer.WriteLine("\t\t<td><span class=\"" + RatingChangeToString(record.coder.newRating - record.coder.oldRating) + "\">" + RatingChangeToImage(record.coder.newRating - record.coder.oldRating) + Math.Abs(record.coder.newRating - record.coder.oldRating) + "</span></td>"); writer.WriteLine("\t\t<td><span>" + record.coder.vol + "</span></td>"); writer.WriteLine("\t</tr>"); } writer.WriteLine("</tbody></table></div>"); writer.WriteLine("<div class=\"backDiv\">"); writer.WriteLine("<h3><a href=\"../ZJUerXTCer.html\" class=\"backLink\">Back to homepage</h3>"); writer.WriteLine("</div>"); writer.WriteLine("</body></html>"); writer.Close(); stream.Close(); }
public static CoderStat NewCoderStat(Coder coder, Round round) { CoderStat coderStat = new CoderStat(); coderStat.handle = coder.handle; =; = new Dictionary<string, int>(); coderStat.lose = new Dictionary<string, int>(); coderStat.deuce = new Dictionary<string, int>(); coderStat.UpdateStat(coder, round); return coderStat; }
public static int CompareBySubmissionSuccRate(CoderStat coder1, CoderStat coder2) { if (coder1.submits < 20 && coder2.submits < 20) { return 0; } else if (coder2.submits < 20) { return -1; } else if (coder1.submits < 20) { return 1; } else { if (coder1.solves * coder2.submits == coder2.solves * coder1.submits) { return coder2.solves - coder1.solves; } else { return coder2.solves * coder1.submits - coder1.solves * coder2.submits; } } }
public static int CompareByRatingActive(CoderStat coder1, CoderStat coder2) { if (! && ! { return 0; } else if (! { return -1; } else if (! { return 1; } return coder2.rating - coder1.rating; }
public static int CompareByRating(CoderStat coder1, CoderStat coder2) { return coder2.rating - coder1.rating; }
public static int CompareByMaxRating(CoderStat coder1, CoderStat coder2) { return coder2.maxrating - coder1.maxrating; }
public static int CompareByEvents(CoderStat coder1, CoderStat coder2) { return( -; }
public static int CompareByEventsLastYear(CoderStat coder1, CoderStat coder2) { return(coder2.eventsLastYear - coder1.eventsLastYear); }
public static int CompareByColorChangeTimes(CoderStat coder1, CoderStat coder2) { return coder2.colorChangeTimes - coder1.colorChangeTimes; }
public static int CompareByRating(CoderStat coder1, CoderStat coder2) { return(coder2.rating - coder1.rating); }
public static int CompareByMaxRating(CoderStat coder1, CoderStat coder2) { return(coder2.maxrating - coder1.maxrating); }
/*static List<Round> ReadRounds(Dictionary<String, Round> roundInfo) * { * string roundsFileName = "NewRounds.txt"; * List<Round> rounds = new List<Round>(); * StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(roundsFileName); * while (!reader.EndOfStream) * { * string s = reader.ReadLine(); * rounds.Add(roundInfo[s]); * } * reader.Close(); * return rounds; * }*/ static void UpdateRound(Round round, Dictionary <String, String> ZJUers, List <Round> tour, List <Round> srm, Dictionary <String, CoderStat> stats, List <Record> ratingRecordList, List <Record> challengeInfoList, List <Record> volRecordList, List <Record> divWinnerList, List <Record> onsiteList, Dictionary <CoderStat, List <Record> > coderInfo) { string URL = "" + round.roundID; XmlDocument xml = XmlHelper.LoadXML(URL, round.roundID + ".xml"); if (xml == null) { return; } XmlNode rootNode = xml.LastChild; List <Coder> div1 = new List <Coder>(), div2 = new List <Coder>(); foreach (XmlNode node in rootNode.ChildNodes) { Coder coder = Coder.ParseCoderWithXML(node); if (coder != null && ZJUers.Keys.Contains(coder.handle)) { = ZJUers[coder.handle]; CoderStat coderStat = null; Record record = new Record(); record.coder = coder; record.round = round; if (stats.Keys.Contains( { coderStat = stats[]; coderStat.UpdateStat(coder, round); coderInfo[coderStat].Add(record); } else { coderStat = CoderStat.NewCoderStat(coder, round); stats.Add(, coderStat); coderInfo[coderStat] = new List <Record>(); coderInfo[coderStat].Add(record); } if (coder.division == 1) { foreach (Coder other in div1) { coderStat.DualWith(coder, other); stats[].DualWith(other, coder); } div1.Add(coder); } else { foreach (Coder other in div2) { coderStat.DualWith(coder, other); stats[].DualWith(other, coder); } div2.Add(coder); } if (Convert.ToDouble(coder.challengePoints) > 0) { challengeInfoList.Add(record); } if (ratingRecordList.Count == 0 || coder.newRating > ratingRecordList.Last().coder.newRating) { ratingRecordList.Add(record); } if (coder.vol >= 600) { volRecordList.Add(record); } if (coder.divRank == 1) { divWinnerList.Add(record); } if (IsOnsite( { onsiteList.Add(record); } } } if (div1.Count != 0 || div2.Count != 0) { div1.Sort(new Comparison <Coder>(Coder.CompareByRank)); div2.Sort(new Comparison <Coder>(Coder.CompareByRank)); HTMLGenerator.GenerateHTMLForRound(round, div1, div2); if (round.type.Equals("Single Round Match")) { srm.Add(round); } else { tour.Add(round); } } }
public static int CompareByEvents(CoderStat coder1, CoderStat coder2) { return -; }