        private static Layer parse_crop(KeyValuePair[] options, SizeParams parameters)
            int   cropHeight = OptionList.option_find_int(options, "crop_height", 1);
            int   cropWidth  = OptionList.option_find_int(options, "crop_width", 1);
            bool  flip       = OptionList.option_find_int(options, "flip", 0) != 0;
            float angle      = OptionList.option_find_float(options, "angle", 0);
            float saturation = OptionList.option_find_float(options, "saturation", 1);
            float exposure   = OptionList.option_find_float(options, "exposure", 1);

            int batch, h, w, c;

            h     = parameters.H;
            w     = parameters.W;
            c     = parameters.C;
            batch = parameters.Batch;
            if (!(h != 0 && w != 0 && c != 0))
                Utils.Error("Layer before crop Layer must output image.");

            bool noadjust = OptionList.option_find_int_quiet(options, "noadjust", 0) != 0;

            Layer l = Layer.make_crop_layer(batch, h, w, c, cropHeight, cropWidth, flip, angle, saturation, exposure);

            l.Shift    = OptionList.option_find_float(options, "shift", 0);
            l.Noadjust = noadjust;
        private static Layer parse_normalization(KeyValuePair[] options, SizeParams parameters)
            float alpha = OptionList.option_find_float(options, "alpha", .0001f);
            float beta  = OptionList.option_find_float(options, "beta", .75f);
            float kappa = OptionList.option_find_float(options, "kappa", 1);
            int   size  = OptionList.option_find_int(options, "size", 5);

            return(Layer.make_normalization_layer(parameters.Batch, parameters.W, parameters.H, parameters.C, size, alpha, beta, kappa));
        private static Layer parse_connected(KeyValuePair[] options, SizeParams parameters)
            int        output         = OptionList.option_find_int(options, "output", 1);
            string     activationS    = OptionList.option_find_str(options, "activation", "logistic");
            Activation activation     = ActivationsHelper.Get_activation(activationS);
            bool       batchNormalize = OptionList.option_find_int_quiet(options, "batch_normalize", 0) != 0;

            return(Layer.make_connected_layer(parameters.Batch, parameters.Inputs, output, activation, batchNormalize));
        private static Layer parse_gru(KeyValuePair[] options, SizeParams parameters)
            int  output         = OptionList.option_find_int(options, "output", 1);
            bool batchNormalize = OptionList.option_find_int_quiet(options, "batch_normalize", 0) != 0;

            Layer l = Layer.make_gru_layer(parameters.Batch, parameters.Inputs, output, parameters.TimeSteps, batchNormalize);

        private static Layer parse_region(KeyValuePair[] options, SizeParams parameters)
            int coords  = OptionList.option_find_int(options, "coords", 4);
            int classes = OptionList.option_find_int(options, "classes", 20);
            int num     = OptionList.option_find_int(options, "num", 1);

            Layer l = Layer.make_region_layer(parameters.Batch, parameters.W, parameters.H, num, classes, coords);

            l.Log  = OptionList.option_find_int_quiet(options, "log", 0);
            l.Sqrt = OptionList.option_find_int_quiet(options, "sqrt", 0) != 0;

            l.Softmax  = OptionList.option_find_int(options, "softmax", 0) != 0;
            l.MaxBoxes = OptionList.option_find_int_quiet(options, "max", 30);
            l.Jitter   = OptionList.option_find_float(options, "jitter", .2f);
            l.Rescore  = OptionList.option_find_int_quiet(options, "rescore", 0) != 0;

            l.Thresh   = OptionList.option_find_float(options, "thresh", .5f);
            l.Classfix = OptionList.option_find_int_quiet(options, "classfix", 0);
            l.Absolute = OptionList.option_find_int_quiet(options, "absolute", 0);
            l.Random   = OptionList.option_find_int_quiet(options, "random", 0) != 0;

            l.CoordScale    = OptionList.option_find_float(options, "coord_scale", 1);
            l.ObjectScale   = OptionList.option_find_float(options, "object_scale", 1);
            l.NoobjectScale = OptionList.option_find_float(options, "noobject_scale", 1);
            l.ClassScale    = OptionList.option_find_float(options, "class_scale", 1);
            l.BiasMatch     = OptionList.option_find_int_quiet(options, "bias_match", 0) != 0;

            string treeFile = OptionList.option_find_str(options, "tree", "");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(treeFile))
                l.SoftmaxTree = new Tree(treeFile);
            string mapFile = OptionList.option_find_str(options, "map", "");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mapFile))
                l.Map = Utils.read_map(mapFile);

            string a = OptionList.option_find_str(options, "anchors", null);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(a))
                var lines = a.Split(',');
                for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; ++i)
                    l.BiasesComplete[l.BiasesIndex + i] = float.Parse(lines[i]);
        private static Layer parse_crnn(KeyValuePair[] options, SizeParams parameters)
            int        outputFilters  = OptionList.option_find_int(options, "output_filters", 1);
            int        hiddenFilters  = OptionList.option_find_int(options, "hidden_filters", 1);
            string     activationS    = OptionList.option_find_str(options, "activation", "logistic");
            Activation activation     = ActivationsHelper.Get_activation(activationS);
            bool       batchNormalize = OptionList.option_find_int_quiet(options, "batch_normalize", 0) != 0;

            Layer l = Layer.make_crnn_layer(parameters.Batch, parameters.W, parameters.H, parameters.C, hiddenFilters, outputFilters, parameters.TimeSteps, activation, batchNormalize);

            l.Shortcut = OptionList.option_find_int_quiet(options, "shortcut", 0) != 0;

        private static Layer parse_reorg(KeyValuePair[] options, SizeParams parameters)
            int  stride  = OptionList.option_find_int(options, "stride", 1);
            bool reverse = OptionList.option_find_int_quiet(options, "reverse", 0) != 0;

            int batch, h, w, c;

            h     = parameters.H;
            w     = parameters.W;
            c     = parameters.C;
            batch = parameters.Batch;
            if (!(h != 0 && w != 0 && c != 0))
                Utils.Error("Layer before reorg Layer must output image.");

            return(Layer.make_reorg_layer(batch, w, h, c, stride, reverse));
        private static Layer parse_maxpool(KeyValuePair[] options, SizeParams parameters)
            int stride  = OptionList.option_find_int(options, "stride", 1);
            int size    = OptionList.option_find_int(options, "size", stride);
            int padding = OptionList.option_find_int_quiet(options, "padding", (size - 1) / 2);

            int batch, h, w, c;

            h     = parameters.H;
            w     = parameters.W;
            c     = parameters.C;
            batch = parameters.Batch;
            if (!(h != 0 && w != 0 && c != 0))
                Utils.Error("Layer before maxpool Layer must output image.");

            return(Layer.make_maxpool_layer(batch, h, w, c, size, stride, padding));
        private static Layer parse_convolutional(KeyValuePair[] options, SizeParams parameters)
            int n       = OptionList.option_find_int(options, "filters", 1);
            int size    = OptionList.option_find_int(options, "size", 1);
            int stride  = OptionList.option_find_int(options, "stride", 1);
            int pad     = OptionList.option_find_int_quiet(options, "pad", 0);
            int padding = OptionList.option_find_int_quiet(options, "padding", 0);

            if (pad != 0)
                padding = size / 2;

            string     activationS = OptionList.option_find_str(options, "activation", "logistic");
            Activation activation  = ActivationsHelper.Get_activation(activationS);

            int batch, h, w, c;

            h     = parameters.H;
            w     = parameters.W;
            c     = parameters.C;
            batch = parameters.Batch;
            if (!(h != 0 && w != 0 && c != 0))
                Utils.Error("Layer before convolutional Layer must output image.");
            bool batchNormalize = OptionList.option_find_int_quiet(options, "batch_normalize", 0) != 0;
            bool binary         = OptionList.option_find_int_quiet(options, "binary", 0) != 0;
            bool xnor           = OptionList.option_find_int_quiet(options, "xnor", 0) != 0;

            Layer layer = Layer.make_convolutional_layer(batch, h, w, c, n, size, stride, padding, activation, batchNormalize, binary, xnor, parameters.Net.Adam);

            layer.Flipped = OptionList.option_find_int_quiet(options, "flipped", 0);
            layer.Dot     = OptionList.option_find_float_quiet(options, "dot", 0);
            if (parameters.Net.Adam)
                layer.B1  = parameters.Net.B1;
                layer.B2  = parameters.Net.B2;
                layer.Eps = parameters.Net.Eps;

        private static Layer parse_detection(KeyValuePair[] options, SizeParams parameters)
            int   coords  = OptionList.option_find_int(options, "coords", 1);
            int   classes = OptionList.option_find_int(options, "classes", 1);
            bool  rescore = OptionList.option_find_int(options, "rescore", 0) != 0;
            int   num     = OptionList.option_find_int(options, "num", 1);
            int   side    = OptionList.option_find_int(options, "side", 7);
            Layer layer   = Layer.make_detection_layer(parameters.Batch, parameters.Inputs, num, side, classes, coords, rescore);

            layer.Softmax = OptionList.option_find_int(options, "softmax", 0) != 0;
            layer.Sqrt    = OptionList.option_find_int(options, "sqrt", 0) != 0;

            layer.MaxBoxes      = OptionList.option_find_int_quiet(options, "max", 30);
            layer.CoordScale    = OptionList.option_find_float(options, "coord_scale", 1);
            layer.Forced        = OptionList.option_find_int(options, "forced", 0);
            layer.ObjectScale   = OptionList.option_find_float(options, "object_scale", 1);
            layer.NoobjectScale = OptionList.option_find_float(options, "noobject_scale", 1);
            layer.ClassScale    = OptionList.option_find_float(options, "class_scale", 1);
            layer.Jitter        = OptionList.option_find_float(options, "jitter", .2f);
            layer.Random        = OptionList.option_find_int_quiet(options, "random", 0) != 0;
            layer.Reorg         = OptionList.option_find_int_quiet(options, "reorg", 0);
        private static Layer parse_local(KeyValuePair[] options, SizeParams parameters)
            int        n           = OptionList.option_find_int(options, "filters", 1);
            int        size        = OptionList.option_find_int(options, "size", 1);
            int        stride      = OptionList.option_find_int(options, "stride", 1);
            int        pad         = OptionList.option_find_int(options, "pad", 0);
            string     activationS = OptionList.option_find_str(options, "activation", "logistic");
            Activation activation  = ActivationsHelper.Get_activation(activationS);

            int batch, h, w, c;

            h     = parameters.H;
            w     = parameters.W;
            c     = parameters.C;
            batch = parameters.Batch;
            if (!(h != 0 && w != 0 && c != 0))
                Utils.Error("Layer before local Layer must output image.");

            Layer layer = new Layer(batch, h, w, c, n, size, stride, pad, activation);

        private static void parse_net_options(KeyValuePair[] options, Network net)
            net.Batch        = OptionList.option_find_int(options, "batch", 1);
            net.LearningRate = OptionList.option_find_float(options, "learning_rate", .001f);
            net.Momentum     = OptionList.option_find_float(options, "momentum", .9f);
            net.Decay        = OptionList.option_find_float(options, "decay", .0001f);
            int subdivs = OptionList.option_find_int(options, "subdivisions", 1);

            net.TimeSteps    = OptionList.option_find_int_quiet(options, "time_steps", 1);
            net.Batch       /= subdivs;
            net.Batch       *= net.TimeSteps;
            net.Subdivisions = subdivs;

            net.Adam = OptionList.option_find_int_quiet(options, "adam", 0) != 0;
            if (net.Adam)
                net.B1  = OptionList.option_find_float(options, "B1", .9f);
                net.B2  = OptionList.option_find_float(options, "B2", .999f);
                net.Eps = OptionList.option_find_float(options, "eps", .000001f);

            net.H       = OptionList.option_find_int_quiet(options, "height", 0);
            net.W       = OptionList.option_find_int_quiet(options, "width", 0);
            net.C       = OptionList.option_find_int_quiet(options, "channels", 0);
            net.Inputs  = OptionList.option_find_int_quiet(options, "inputs", net.H * net.W * net.C);
            net.MaxCrop = OptionList.option_find_int_quiet(options, "max_crop", net.W * 2);
            net.MinCrop = OptionList.option_find_int_quiet(options, "min_crop", net.W);

            net.Angle      = OptionList.option_find_float_quiet(options, "angle", 0);
            net.Aspect     = OptionList.option_find_float_quiet(options, "aspect", 1);
            net.Saturation = OptionList.option_find_float_quiet(options, "saturation", 1);
            net.Exposure   = OptionList.option_find_float_quiet(options, "exposure", 1);
            net.Hue        = OptionList.option_find_float_quiet(options, "hue", 0);

            if (net.Inputs == 0 && !(net.H != 0 && net.W != 0 && net.C != 0))
                Utils.Error("No input parameters supplied");

            string policyS = OptionList.option_find_str(options, "policy", "constant");

            net.Policy = get_policy(policyS);
            net.BurnIn = OptionList.option_find_int_quiet(options, "burn_in", 0);
            if (net.Policy == LearningRatePolicy.Step)
                net.Step  = OptionList.option_find_int(options, "step", 1);
                net.Scale = OptionList.option_find_float(options, "scale", 1);
            else if (net.Policy == LearningRatePolicy.Steps)
                string l = OptionList.option_find(options, "steps");
                string p = OptionList.option_find(options, "scales");
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(l) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(p))
                    Utils.Error("STEPS policy must have steps and scales in cfg file");

                var     lines  = l.Split(',');
                int[]   steps  = new int[lines.Length];
                float[] scales = new float[lines.Length];
                for (var i = 0; i < lines.Length; ++i)
                    steps[i]  = int.Parse(lines[i]);
                    scales[i] = float.Parse(lines[i]);

                net.Scales   = scales;
                net.Steps    = steps;
                net.NumSteps = lines.Length;
            else if (net.Policy == LearningRatePolicy.Exp)
                net.Gamma = OptionList.option_find_float(options, "gamma", 1);
            else if (net.Policy == LearningRatePolicy.Sig)
                net.Gamma = OptionList.option_find_float(options, "gamma", 1);
                net.Step  = OptionList.option_find_int(options, "step", 1);
            else if (net.Policy == LearningRatePolicy.Poly || net.Policy == LearningRatePolicy.Random)
                net.Power = OptionList.option_find_float(options, "power", 1);
            net.MaxBatches = OptionList.option_find_int(options, "max_batches", 0);