/// <summary>
        /// Returns an <see cref="IEnumerable"/> containing the string
        /// table entries for the base language for the specified Yarn
        /// script.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serializedObject">A serialized object that
        /// represents a <see cref="YarnScript"/>.</param>
        /// <returns>The string table entries.</returns>
        private static IEnumerable <StringTableEntry> GetBaseLanguageStringsForSelectedObject(SerializedObject serializedObject)
            var baseLanguageProperty = serializedObject.FindProperty("baseLanguage");

            // Get the TextAsset that contains the base string table CSV
            TextAsset textAsset = baseLanguageProperty.objectReferenceValue as TextAsset;

            if (textAsset == null)
                throw new System.NullReferenceException($"The base language table asset for {serializedObject.targetObject.name} is either null or not a TextAsset. Did the script fail to compile?");

            var baseLanguageTableText = textAsset.text;

            // Parse this CSV into StringTableEntry structs
                   .OrderBy(entry => entry.File)
                   .ThenBy(entry => int.Parse(entry.LineNumber)));
        private void UpdateTargetObjectMappingTable()
            var canvasText = serializedObject.targetObject as YarnLinesAsCanvasText;

            if (!(_yarnProgramProperty.objectReferenceValue is YarnProgram yarnProgram))
                // No program means no strings available, so clear it and
                // bail out

                if (canvasText.stringsToViews.Count != 0)
                    // Modify the dictionary directly, to make Unity
                    // realise that the property is dirty

                    // And clear the in-memory representation as well



            var stringTableAsset = yarnProgram.baseLocalisationStringTable.text;
            var stringIDs        = StringTableEntry.ParseFromCSV(stringTableAsset)
                                   .Select(e => e.ID);

            var extraneousIDs = canvasText.stringsToViews.Keys.Except(stringIDs).ToList();
            var missingIDs    = stringIDs.Except(canvasText.stringsToViews.Keys).ToList();

            foreach (var id in extraneousIDs)

            foreach (var id in missingIDs)
                canvasText.stringsToViews.Add(id, null);
        /// <summary>
        /// Verifies the TextAsset referred to by <paramref
        /// name="destinationLocalizationAsset"/>, and updates it if
        /// necessary.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="baseLocalizationStrings">A collection of <see
        /// cref="StringTableEntry"/></param>
        /// <param name="language">The language that <paramref
        /// name="destinationLocalizationAsset"/> provides strings
        /// for.false</param>
        /// <param name="destinationLocalizationAsset">A TextAsset
        /// containing localized strings in CSV format.</param>
        /// <returns>Whether <paramref
        /// name="destinationLocalizationAsset"/> was modified.</returns>
        private static bool UpdateLocalizationFile(IEnumerable <StringTableEntry> baseLocalizationStrings, string language, TextAsset destinationLocalizationAsset)
            var translatedStrings = StringTableEntry.ParseFromCSV(destinationLocalizationAsset.text);

            // Convert both enumerables to dictionaries, for easier lookup
            var baseDictionary       = baseLocalizationStrings.ToDictionary(entry => entry.ID);
            var translatedDictionary = translatedStrings.ToDictionary(entry => entry.ID);

            // The list of line IDs present in each localisation
            var baseIDs       = baseLocalizationStrings.Select(entry => entry.ID);
            var translatedIDs = translatedStrings.Select(entry => entry.ID);

            // The list of line IDs that are ONLY present in each
            // localisation
            var onlyInBaseIDs       = baseIDs.Except(translatedIDs);
            var onlyInTranslatedIDs = translatedIDs.Except(baseIDs);

            // Tracks if the translated localisation needed modifications
            // (either new lines added, old lines removed, or changed lines
            // flagged)
            var modificationsNeeded = false;

            // Remove every entry whose ID is only present in the
            // translated set. This entry has been removed from the base
            // localization.
            foreach (var id in onlyInTranslatedIDs.ToList())
                modificationsNeeded = true;

            // Conversely, for every entry that is only present in the base
            // localisation, we need to create a new entry for it.
            foreach (var id in onlyInBaseIDs)
                StringTableEntry baseEntry = baseDictionary[id];
                var newEntry = new StringTableEntry(baseEntry)
                    // Empty this text, so that it's apparent that a
                    // translated version needs to be provided.
                    Text     = string.Empty,
                    Language = language,
                translatedDictionary.Add(id, newEntry);
                modificationsNeeded = true;

            // Finally, we need to check for any entries in the translated
            // localisation that:
            // 1. have the same line ID as one in the base, but
            // 2. have a different Lock (the hash of the text), which
            //    indicates that the base text has changed.

            // First, get the list of IDs that are in both base and
            // translated, and then filter this list to any where the lock
            // values differ
            var outOfDateLockIDs = baseDictionary.Keys
                                   .Where(id => baseDictionary[id].Lock != translatedDictionary[id].Lock);

            // Now loop over all of these, and update our translated
            // dictionary to include a note that it needs attention
            foreach (var id in outOfDateLockIDs)
                // Get the translated entry as it currently exists
                var entry = translatedDictionary[id];

                // Include a note that this entry is out of date
                entry.Text = $"(NEEDS UPDATE) {entry.Text}";

                // Update the lock to match the new one
                entry.Lock = baseDictionary[id].Lock;

                // Put this modified entry back in the table
                translatedDictionary[id] = entry;

                modificationsNeeded = true;

            // We're all done!

            if (modificationsNeeded == false)
                // No changes needed to be done to the translated string
                // table entries. Stop here.

            // We need to produce a replacement CSV file for the translated
            // entries.

            var outputStringEntries = translatedDictionary.Values
                                      .OrderBy(entry => entry.File)
                                      .ThenBy(entry => int.Parse(entry.LineNumber));

            var outputCSV = StringTableEntry.CreateCSV(outputStringEntries);

            // Write out the replacement text to this existing file,
            // replacing its existing contents
            var outputFile = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(destinationLocalizationAsset);

            File.WriteAllText(outputFile, outputCSV, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);

            // Tell the asset database that the file needs to be reimported

            // Signal that the file was changed
        public override void OnImportAsset(AssetImportContext ctx)
            UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.enabled = true;

            var project = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <YarnProject>();

            project.name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(ctx.assetPath);

            // Start by creating the asset - no matter what, we need to
            // produce an asset, even if it doesn't contain valid Yarn
            // bytecode, so that other assets don't lose their references.
            ctx.AddObjectToAsset("Project", project);

            foreach (var script in sourceScripts)
                string path = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(script);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
                    // This is, for some reason, not a valid script we can
                    // use. Don't add a dependency on it.

            // Parse declarations
            var localDeclarationsCompileJob = CompilationJob.CreateFromFiles(ctx.assetPath);
            localDeclarationsCompileJob.CompilationType = CompilationJob.Type.DeclarationsOnly;

            IEnumerable <Declaration> localDeclarations;

            compileError = null;

                var result = Compiler.Compiler.Compile(localDeclarationsCompileJob);
                localDeclarations = result.Declarations;
            catch (ParseException e)
                ctx.LogImportError($"Error in Yarn Project: {e.Message}");
                compileError = $"Error in Yarn Project {ctx.assetPath}: {e.Message}";

            // Store these so that we can continue displaying them after
            // this import step, in case there are compile errors later.
            // We'll replace this with a more complete list later if
            // compilation succeeds.
            serializedDeclarations = localDeclarations
                                     .Where(decl => decl.DeclarationType == Declaration.Type.Variable)
                                     .Select(decl => new SerializedDeclaration(decl)).ToList();

            // We're done processing this file - we've parsed it, and
            // pulled any information out of it that we need to. Now to
            // compile the scripts associated with this project.

            var scriptImporters = sourceScripts.Where(s => s != null).Select(s => AssetImporter.GetAtPath(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(s)) as YarnImporter);

            // First step: check to see if there's any parse errors in the
            // files.
            var scriptsWithParseErrors = scriptImporters.Where(script => script.isSuccessfullyParsed == false);

            if (scriptsWithParseErrors.Count() != 0)
                // Parse errors! We can't continue.
                string failingScriptNameList = string.Join("\n", scriptsWithParseErrors.Select(script => script.assetPath));
                compileError = $"Parse errors exist in the following files:\n{failingScriptNameList}";

            // Get paths to the scripts we're importing, and also map them
            // to their corresponding importer
            var pathsToImporters = scriptImporters.ToDictionary(script => script.assetPath, script => script);

            if (pathsToImporters.Count == 0)
                return; // nothing further to do here

            // We now now compile!
            var job = CompilationJob.CreateFromFiles(pathsToImporters.Keys);
            job.VariableDeclarations = localDeclarations;

            CompilationResult compilationResult;

                compilationResult = Compiler.Compiler.Compile(job);
            catch (TypeException e)
                ctx.LogImportError($"Error compiling: {e.Message}");
                compileError = e.Message;

                var importer = pathsToImporters[e.FileName];
                importer.parseErrorMessage = e.Message;

            catch (ParseException e)
                compileError = e.Message;

                var importer = pathsToImporters[e.FileName];
                importer.parseErrorMessage = e.Message;


            if (compilationResult.Program == null)
                ctx.LogImportError("Internal error: Failed to compile: resulting program was null, but compiler did not throw a parse exception.");

            // Store _all_ declarations - both the ones in this
            // .yarnproject file, and the ones inside the .yarn files
            serializedDeclarations = localDeclarations
                                     .Where(decl => decl.DeclarationType == Declaration.Type.Variable)
                                     .Select(decl => new SerializedDeclaration(decl)).ToList();

            // Clear error messages from all scripts - they've all passed
            // compilation
            foreach (var importer in pathsToImporters.Values)
                importer.parseErrorMessage = null;

            // Will we need to create a default localization? This variable
            // will be set to false if any of the languages we've
            // configured in languagesToSourceAssets is the default
            // language.
            var shouldAddDefaultLocalization = true;

            foreach (var pair in languagesToSourceAssets)
                // Don't create a localization if the language ID was not
                // provided
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pair.languageID))
                    Debug.LogWarning($"Not creating a localization for {project.name} because the language ID wasn't provided. Add the language ID to the localization in the Yarn Project's inspector.");

                IEnumerable <StringTableEntry> stringTable;

                // Where do we get our strings from? If it's the default
                // language, we'll pull it from the scripts. If it's from
                // any other source, we'll pull it from the CSVs.
                if (pair.languageID == defaultLanguage)
                    // We'll use the program-supplied string table.
                    stringTable = GenerateStringsTable();

                    // We don't need to add a default localization.
                    shouldAddDefaultLocalization = false;
                        if (pair.stringsFile == null)
                            // We can't create this localization because we
                            // don't have any data for it.
                            Debug.LogWarning($"Not creating a localization for {pair.languageID} in the Yarn Project {project.name} because a text asset containing the strings wasn't found. Add a .csv file containing the translated lines to the Yarn Project's inspector.");

                        stringTable = StringTableEntry.ParseFromCSV(pair.stringsFile.text);
                    catch (System.ArgumentException e)
                        Debug.LogWarning($"Not creating a localization for {pair.languageID} in the Yarn Project {project.name} because an error was encountered during text parsing: {e}");

                var newLocalization = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <Localization>();
                newLocalization.LocaleCode = pair.languageID;


                newLocalization.name = pair.languageID;

                if (pair.assetsFolder != null)
                    var assetsFolderPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(pair.assetsFolder);

                    if (assetsFolderPath == null)
                        // This was somehow not a valid reference?
                        Debug.LogWarning($"Can't find assets for localization {pair.languageID} in {project.name} because a path for the provided assets folder couldn't be found.");
                        var stringIDsToAssets = FindAssetsForLineIDs(stringTable.Select(s => s.ID), assetsFolderPath);

                        var stopwatch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();


                        Debug.Log($"Imported {stringIDsToAssets.Count()} assets for {project.name} \"{pair.languageID}\" in {stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms");

                ctx.AddObjectToAsset("localization-" + pair.languageID, newLocalization);

                if (pair.languageID == defaultLanguage)
                    // If this is our default language, set it as such
                    project.baseLocalization = newLocalization;
                    // This localization depends upon a source asset. Make
                    // this asset get re-imported if this source asset was
                    // modified

            if (shouldAddDefaultLocalization)
                // We didn't add a localization for the default language.
                // Create one for it now.

                var developmentLocalization = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <Localization>();

                developmentLocalization.LocaleCode = defaultLanguage;

                var stringTableEntries = compilationResult.StringTable.Select(x => new StringTableEntry
                    ID         = x.Key,
                    Language   = defaultLanguage,
                    Text       = x.Value.text,
                    File       = x.Value.fileName,
                    Node       = x.Value.nodeName,
                    LineNumber = x.Value.lineNumber.ToString(),
                    Lock       = YarnImporter.GetHashString(x.Value.text, 8),


                project.baseLocalization = developmentLocalization;


                developmentLocalization.name = $"Default ({defaultLanguage})";

                ctx.AddObjectToAsset("default-language", developmentLocalization);

            // Store the compiled program
            byte[] compiledBytes = null;

            using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
                using (var outputStream = new Google.Protobuf.CodedOutputStream(memoryStream))
                    // Serialize the compiled program to memory

                    compiledBytes = memoryStream.ToArray();

            project.compiledYarnProgram = compiledBytes;

            UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.enabled = false;