public void Initialize(MobSO mobSO) { spriteRenderer.sprite = mobSO.sprite; mobInfo.Initialize(,, mobSO.attackDamage, mobSO.attackFrequency ); }
void Update() { timer += Time.deltaTime; if (timer > spawnerInfo.SpawnTimer) { timer -= spawnerInfo.SpawnTimer; if (spawnerInfo.SpawnCount >= spawnerInfo.SpawnLimit) { return; } GameObject go = ObjectPooler.Instance.GetPooledObject(mobPrefab); go.transform.SetParent(spawnerInfo.SpawnPoints[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, spawnerInfo.SpawnPoints.Length)]); go.transform.localPosition =; //Use object pooler to instantiate mobPrefab MobInfo mobInfo = go.GetComponent <MobInfo>(); //Sum up the total weight of mobs float totalWeight = 0f; foreach (WeightedMob wm in waveInfo.CurrentWave.mobs) { totalWeight += wm.weight; } //Pick a random number up to the maximum weight float randMob = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, totalWeight); //Iterate through the mobs until that weight is reached. MobSO mob = null; foreach (WeightedMob wm in waveInfo.CurrentWave.mobs) { randMob -= wm.weight; if (randMob <= 0f) { mob = wm.mob; break; } } mobInfo.Initialize(mob, scalerInfo.DifficultyScale); MobMovement mobMovement = mobInfo.GetComponent <MobMovement>(); mobMovement.Initialize(); //Update the spawnerInfo with this specific mob spawnerInfo.MobSpawned(mobInfo); //Generic event stating a mob has spawned EventManager.Instance.MobSpawned(mobInfo); } }