public static void AsyncStepExceedsTimeout(Type feature, MethodResult[] results) { "Given a feature with a scenario with a single step which exceeds it's 1ms timeout"._(() => feature = typeof(AsyncStepWhichExceedsTimeout)); "When the test runner runs the feature"._(() => results = TestRunner.Run(feature).ToArray()); "Then there should be one result"._(() => results.Count().Should().Be(1)); "And the result should be a failure"._(() => results.Should().ContainItemsAssignableTo<FailedResult>()); "And the result message should be \"Test execution time exceeded: 1ms\""._(() => results.Cast<FailedResult>().Should().OnlyContain(result => result.Message == "Test execution time exceeded: 1ms")); }
public static void AsyncVoidStepThrowsException(Type feature, MethodResult[] results) { "Given a feature with a scenario that throws an invalid operation exception"._(() => feature = typeof(AsyncVoidStepWhichThrowsException)); "When the test runner runs the feature"._(() => results = TestRunner.Run(feature).ToArray()); "Then the result should be a failure"._(() => results.Should().ContainItemsAssignableTo<FailedResult>()); "And the exception should be an invalid operation exception".And(() => results.Cast<FailedResult>().First().ExceptionType.Should().Be("System.InvalidOperationException")); }