protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)
            // or in any assembly that you load (since JIT is available)

#if false
			// you can use the default or set your own custom writer (e.g. save to web site and tweet it ;-)
			Writer = new TcpTextWriter ("", 16384);
			// start running the test suites as soon as the application is loaded
			AutoStart = true;
			// crash the application (to ensure it's ended) and return to springboard
			TerminateAfterExecution = true;
            // you cannot add more assemblies once calling base
        protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)

            // or in any reference assemblies

            #if false
            // you can use the default or set your own custom writer (e.g. save to web site and tweet it ;-)
            Writer = new TcpTextWriter ("", 16384);
            // start running the test suites as soon as the application is loaded
            AutoStart = true;
            // crash the application (to ensure it's ended) and return to springboard
            TerminateAfterExecution = true;
            // you cannot add more assemblies once calling base
        protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)
            // tests can be inside the main assembly

            // or in any reference assemblies			

            // or in any assembly that you load (since JIT is available)

#if false
			// you can use the default or set your own custom writer (e.g. save to web site and tweet it ;-)
			Writer = new TcpTextWriter ("", 16384);
			// start running the test suites as soon as the application is loaded
			AutoStart = true;
			// crash the application (to ensure it's ended) and return to springboard
			TerminateAfterExecution = true;
            // you cannot add more assemblies once calling base
        private bool OpenWriter(string message)
            var now = DateTime.Now;
            // let the application provide it's own TextWriter to ease automation with AutoStart property
            if (Writer == null)
                if (RunnerOptions.Current.ShowUseNetworkLogger)
                    Console.WriteLine("[{0}] Sending '{1}' results to {2}:{3}", now, message, RunnerOptions.Current.HostName, RunnerOptions.Current.HostPort);
                        Writer = new TcpTextWriter(RunnerOptions.Current.HostName, RunnerOptions.Current.HostPort);
                    catch (SocketException)
                        var msg = String.Format("Cannot connect to {0}:{1}. Start network service or disable network option", RunnerOptions.Current.HostName, RunnerOptions.Current.HostPort);
                        Toast.MakeText(Android.App.Application.Context, msg, ToastLength.Long)
                        return false;
                    Writer = Console.Out;

            Writer.WriteLine("[Runner executing:\t{0}]", message);
            // FIXME
            Writer.WriteLine("[M4A Version:\t{0}]", "???");

            Writer.WriteLine("[Board:\t\t{0}]", Build.Board);
            Writer.WriteLine("[Bootloader:\t{0}]", Build.Bootloader);
            Writer.WriteLine("[Brand:\t\t{0}]", Build.Brand);
            Writer.WriteLine("[CpuAbi:\t{0} {1}]", Build.CpuAbi, Build.CpuAbi2);
            Writer.WriteLine("[Device:\t{0}]", Build.Device);
            Writer.WriteLine("[Display:\t{0}]", Build.Display);
            Writer.WriteLine("[Fingerprint:\t{0}]", Build.Fingerprint);
            Writer.WriteLine("[Hardware:\t{0}]", Build.Hardware);
            Writer.WriteLine("[Host:\t\t{0}]", Build.Host);
            Writer.WriteLine("[Id:\t\t{0}]", Build.Id);
            Writer.WriteLine("[Manufacturer:\t{0}]", Build.Manufacturer);
            Writer.WriteLine("[Model:\t\t{0}]", Build.Model);
            Writer.WriteLine("[Product:\t{0}]", Build.Product);
            Writer.WriteLine("[Radio:\t\t{0}]", Build.Radio);
            Writer.WriteLine("[Tags:\t\t{0}]", Build.Tags);
            Writer.WriteLine("[Time:\t\t{0}]", Build.Time);
            Writer.WriteLine("[Type:\t\t{0}]", Build.Type);
            Writer.WriteLine("[User:\t\t{0}]", Build.User);
            Writer.WriteLine("[VERSION.Codename:\t{0}]", Build.VERSION.Codename);
            Writer.WriteLine("[VERSION.Incremental:\t{0}]", Build.VERSION.Incremental);
            Writer.WriteLine("[VERSION.Release:\t{0}]", Build.VERSION.Release);
            Writer.WriteLine("[VERSION.Sdk:\t\t{0}]", Build.VERSION.Sdk);
            Writer.WriteLine("[VERSION.SdkInt:\t{0}]", Build.VERSION.SdkInt);
            Writer.WriteLine("[Device Date/Time:\t{0}]", now); // to match earlier C.WL output

            // FIXME: add data about how the app was compiled (e.g. ARMvX, LLVM, Linker options)

            return true;
        public bool OpenWriter(string message)
            RunnerOptions options = RunnerOptions.Current;
            DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
            // let the application provide it's own TextWriter to ease automation with AutoStart property
            if (Writer == null)
                if (options.ShowUseNetworkLogger)
                    var hostname = SelectHostName(options.HostName.Split(','), options.HostPort);

                    if (hostname != null)
                        Console.WriteLine("[{0}] Sending '{1}' results to {2}:{3}", now, message, hostname, options.HostPort);
                            Writer = new TcpTextWriter(hostname, options.HostPort);
                        catch (SocketException)
                            UIAlertView alert = new UIAlertView("Network Error",
                                String.Format("Cannot connect to {0}:{1}. Continue on console ?", hostname, options.HostPort),
                                null, "Cancel", "Continue");
                            int button = -1;
                            alert.Clicked += delegate(object sender, UIButtonEventArgs e)
                                button = (int)e.ButtonIndex;
                            while (button == -1)
                            Console.WriteLine("[Host unreachable: {0}]", button == 0 ? "Execution cancelled" : "Switching to console output");
                            if (button == 0)
                                return false;
                                Writer = Console.Out;
                    Writer = Console.Out;

            Writer.WriteLine("[Runner executing:\t{0}]", message);
            Writer.WriteLine("[MonoTouch Version:\t{0}]", Constants.Version);
            //Writer.WriteLine("[GC:\t{0}{1}]", GC.MaxGeneration == 0 ? "Boehm" : "sgen",
            //    NSObject.IsNewRefcountEnabled() ? "+NewRefCount" : String.Empty);
            UIDevice device = UIDevice.CurrentDevice;
            Writer.WriteLine("[{0}:\t{1} v{2}]", device.Model, device.SystemName, device.SystemVersion);
            Writer.WriteLine("[Device Name:\t{0}]", device.Name);
            Writer.WriteLine("[Device UDID:\t{0}]", UniqueIdentifier);
            Writer.WriteLine("[Device Locale:\t{0}]", NSLocale.CurrentLocale.Identifier);
            Writer.WriteLine("[Device Date/Time:\t{0}]", now); // to match earlier C.WL output

            Writer.WriteLine("[Bundle:\t{0}]", NSBundle.MainBundle.BundleIdentifier);
            // FIXME: add data about how the app was compiled (e.g. ARMvX, LLVM, GC and Linker options)
            passed = 0;
            skipped = 0;
            failed = 0;
            return true;