//    public int itemCount = 10, columnCount = 1;

//		void Start()
//		{
//			Dictionary<string, string> dict = new Dictionary<string, string> ();
//			dict.Add ("1", "assdsdasd");
//			dict.Add ("2", "bytyter");
//			dict.Add ("3", "trwegvbtrw");
//			dict.Add ("4", "45123412");
//			dict.Add ("5", "tgtv52345");
//			dict.Add ("6", "4321fff43214");
//			dict.Add ("7", "123412f43");
//			SetData (null, dict);
//		}

        public void SetData(Action <string> onItemClickAction, Dictionary <string, string> objects)
            int itemCount   = objects.Count;
            int columnCount = 1;

            items = new List <GameObject> (columnCount);
            RectTransform rowRectTransform       = itemPrefab.GetComponent <RectTransform> ();
            RectTransform containerRectTransform = gameObject.GetComponent <RectTransform> ();

            //calculate the width and height of each child item.
            float width    = containerRectTransform.rect.width / columnCount;
            float ratio    = width / rowRectTransform.rect.width;
            float height   = rowRectTransform.rect.height * ratio;
            int   rowCount = itemCount / columnCount;

            if (itemCount % rowCount > 0)

            //adjust the height of the container so that it will just barely fit all its children
            float scrollHeight = height * rowCount;

            containerRectTransform.offsetMin = new Vector2(containerRectTransform.offsetMin.x, -scrollHeight / 2);
            containerRectTransform.offsetMax = new Vector2(containerRectTransform.offsetMax.x, scrollHeight / 2);

            int j = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++)
                //this is used instead of a double for loop because itemCount may not fit perfectly into the rows/columns
                if (i % columnCount == 0)

                //create a new item, name it, and set the parent
                GameObject newItem = Instantiate(itemPrefab) as GameObject;
                newItem.name = gameObject.name + " item at (" + i + "," + j + ")";
                Text textField = newItem.GetComponentsInChildren <Text> (true)[0];
                KeyValuePair <string, string> o = objects.ElementAt(i);               //.Keys.ElementAt2(i);
                textField.text = o.Value;
                if (onItemClickAction != null)
                    newItem.GetComponents <Button>()[0].onClick.AddListener(() => { onItemClickAction(o.Key); });
                //move and size the new item
                RectTransform rectTransform = newItem.GetComponent <RectTransform> ();

                float x = -containerRectTransform.rect.width / 2 + width * (i % columnCount);
                float y = containerRectTransform.rect.height / 2 - height * j;
                rectTransform.offsetMin = new Vector2(x, y);

                x = rectTransform.offsetMin.x + width;
                y = rectTransform.offsetMin.y + height;
                rectTransform.offsetMax = new Vector2(x, y);