        /// <summary>
        /// <para>Construct a DCOP client handler to process DCOP messages.</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dpy">
        /// <para>The display to attach to the DCOP connection's message
        /// processor.</para>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="registerName">
        /// <para>The name of the application to register with DCOP, or
        /// <see langword="null"/> to register anonymously.</para>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="addPID">
        /// <para>Set to <see langword="true"/> to add the process ID to
        /// the registered name.</para>
        /// </param>
        /// <exception cref="T:Xsharp.Dcop.DcopException">
        /// <para>Raised if the connection to the DCOP server could not be
        /// established.</para>
        /// </exception>

        public DcopClient(Display dpy, String registerName, bool addPID)
            : base(dpy, "DCOP", "KDE", "2.0", 2, 0, GetDcopServer(dpy))
            // Construct the full registration name for the DCOP client.
            if (registerName == null)
                registerName = "anonymous";
                        #if CONFIG_EXTENDED_DIAGNOSTICS
            if (addPID)
                int pid = Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id;
                if (pid != -1 && pid != 0)
                    registerName += "-" + pid.ToString();

            replyId = 0;
            key     = new byte[4];

            // Register the name with the DCOP server.
            appId = registerAs(registerName);

            mainClient = this;
 protected void DiscoverClient()
     if (DcopClient.MainClient == null)
         if (Application.Primary != null)
             DcopClient.MainClient = new DcopClient(Application.Primary.Display, null);
     this.client = DcopClient.MainClient;
	private void BrowseDcop(DcopClient client)
		String[] apps = client.registeredApplications();
		treeView.ImageIndex = 0;
		treeView.SelectedImageIndex = -1;
		treeView.ImageList = GetImageList();
		foreach(String app in apps)
			BrowseApp(client, app);
	public static void Main(String[] args)
		String url = "http://dotgnu.org/";
		if(args.Length != 0 && args[0].StartsWith("http://"))
			url = args[0];
		Application app = new Application("DcopSample", args);
		DcopClient dc = new DcopClient(app.Display, null);
		DcopRef dr = new DcopRef();
		dr.DiscoverApplication("konqueror", true, true);
		dr.Obj = "KonquerorIface";
		dr.Call("DCOPRef openBrowserWindow(QString url)", url);
	private void BrowseApp(DcopClient client, String appName)
		if(appName.StartsWith("anonymous")) return;
		string appDisplayName = appName;
		if(appName.LastIndexOf("-") != -1)
			appDisplayName = appName.Substring(0, appName.LastIndexOf("-"));
		TreeNode node = treeView.Nodes.Add(appDisplayName);
		node.ImageIndex = -1;
		DcopRef appRef = new DcopRef(); 
		appRef.DiscoverApplication(appName, false, false);
		foreach(String obj in appRef.objects())
			BrowseObject(appRef, obj, node);
	/// <summary>
	/// <para>Construct a DCOP client handler to process DCOP messages.</para>
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="dpy">
	/// <para>The display to attach to the DCOP connection's message
	/// processor.</para>
	/// </param>
	/// <param name="registerName">
	/// <para>The name of the application to register with DCOP, or
	/// <see langword="null"/> to register anonymously.</para>
	/// </param>
	/// <param name="addPID">
	/// <para>Set to <see langword="true"/> to add the process ID to
	/// the registered name.</para>
	/// </param>
	/// <exception cref="T:Xsharp.Dcop.DcopException">
	/// <para>Raised if the connection to the DCOP server could not be
	/// established.</para>
	/// </exception>

	public DcopClient(Display dpy, String registerName, bool addPID)
			: base(dpy, "DCOP", "KDE", "2.0", 2, 0, GetDcopServer(dpy))
				// Construct the full registration name for the DCOP client.
				if(registerName == null)
					registerName = "anonymous";
					int pid = Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id;
					if(pid != -1 && pid != 0)
						registerName += "-" + pid.ToString();

				replyId = 0;
				key = new byte[4];

				// Register the name with the DCOP server.
				appId = registerAs(registerName);

				mainClient = this;

	protected void DiscoverClient()
		if(DcopClient.MainClient == null)
			if(Application.Primary != null)
			DcopClient.MainClient = new DcopClient(Application.Primary.Display, null);
		this.client = DcopClient.MainClient;