/// <summary> /// This method permit to get back the real ip behind a proxy and check the list of banned IP. /// </summary> private bool GetAndCheckForwardedIp(string packet) { var splitPacket = packet.Split(new[] { "\n" }, StringSplitOptions.None); foreach (var packetEach in splitPacket) { if (packetEach != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(packetEach)) { if (packetEach.ToLower().Contains("x-forwarded-for: ")) { string newIp = packetEach.ToLower().Replace("x-forwarded-for: ", ""); _ip = newIp; ClassLog.Log("HTTP/HTTPS API - X-Forwarded-For ip of the client is: " + newIp, 7, 2); var checkBanResult = ClassApiBan.FilterCheckIp(_ip); if (!checkBanResult) // Is Banned { return(false); } else { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(newIp)) { ClassApiBan.FilterInsertIp(newIp); } return(true); } } } } } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Start to listen incoming client. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public async Task StartHandleClientHttpAsync() { try { _ip = ((IPEndPoint)(_client.Client.RemoteEndPoint)).Address.ToString(); } catch { CloseClientConnection(); return; } var checkBanResult = true; if (_ip != "") // Do not check localhost ip. { checkBanResult = ClassApiBan.FilterCheckIp(_ip); } int totalWhile = 0; if (checkBanResult) { if (_ip != "") { ClassApiBan.FilterInsertIp(_ip); } try { while (_clientStatus) { try { byte[] buffer = new byte[ClassConnectorSetting.MaxNetworkPacketSize]; using (NetworkStream clientHttpReader = new NetworkStream(_client.Client)) { using (var bufferedStreamNetwork = new BufferedStream(clientHttpReader, ClassConnectorSetting.MaxNetworkPacketSize)) { int received = await bufferedStreamNetwork.ReadAsync(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); if (received > 0) { string packet = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer, 0, received); try { if (!GetAndCheckForwardedIp(packet)) { break; } } catch { } packet = ClassUtilsNode.GetStringBetween(packet, "GET", "HTTP"); packet = packet.Replace("/", ""); packet = packet.Replace(" ", ""); ClassLog.Log("HTTP API - packet received from IP: " + _ip + " - " + packet, 6, 2); await HandlePacketHttpAsync(packet); break; } else { totalWhile++; } if (totalWhile >= 8) { break; } } } } catch { break; } } } catch { } CloseClientConnection(); } }