protected override void Initialise()
			Camera3D camera = new Xen.Camera.FirstPersonControlledCamera3D(this.UpdateManager, Vector3.Zero,true);

			//create the draw target.
			drawToScreen = new DrawTargetScreen(camera);
			drawToScreen.ClearBuffer.ClearColour = Color.CornflowerBlue;

			//create a BatchModel, this class stores the ModelData and will draw BatchModelInstances
			this.batchModel = new BatchModel();
			//this.batchModel.ShaderProvider = new SimpleShaderProvider<Tutorial_16.Shader.Tutorial16>();

			//create a large number of actors (1600)
			for (float x = -20; x < 20; x++)
			for (float y = -20; y < 20; y++)
				drawToScreen.Add(new Actor(this.batchModel, new Vector3(x * 5, y * 5, -5)));

			//this is the most important bit...
			//always add the BatchModel itself to the draw target,
			//this should be added *after* all BatchModelInstances have been added

			//Note: each time a BatchModelInstance is drawn, it will store it's world matrix in the BatchModel
			//If the BatchModel is not drawn, the buffer storing these matrices will not be emptied, and will 
			//eventually throw an OutOfMemoryException exception.

			statistics = new Xen.Ex.Graphics2D.Statistics.DrawStatisticsDisplay(this.UpdateManager);
        protected override void Initialise()
            //initialize the physic stuff!
            physics = new PhysicsSystem();
            physics.CollisionSystem = new CollisionSystemSAP();

            //all draw targets need a default camera.
            //create a 3D camera
            var camera = new Xen.Camera.FirstPersonControlledCamera3D(this.UpdateManager, Vector3.Zero, false);

            //don't allow the camera to move too fast
            camera.MovementSensitivity *= 0.1f;
            camera.LookAt(new Vector3(0.0f, 100.0f, 0.0f), new Vector3(640.0f, 300.0f, 640.0f), Vector3.Up);

            console = new Console(400, 200);

            //create the draw target.
            this.drawToScreen = new DrawTargetScreen(camera);

            //Set the screen clear colour to blue
            //(Draw targets have a built in ClearBuffer object)
            this.drawToScreen.ClearBuffer.ClearColour = Color.CornflowerBlue;

            //create new actor ("tiny")
            actor = new Actor(this.Content, "tiny_4anim", Vector3.Zero, 1f);

            skydome = new Skydome(Content, new Vector3(500,100,700), 1000f);

            //at runtime, pressing 'F12' will toggle the overlay (or holding both thumbsticks on x360)
            this.statisticsOverlay = new Xen.Ex.Graphics2D.Statistics.DrawStatisticsDisplay(this.UpdateManager);

            TerrainDrawer terrain = new TerrainDrawer(this.Content, Vector3.Zero);



            //add statistics to screen

            //add console to screen

            //add actor to the screen
		protected override void Initialise()
			//draw targets usually need a camera.
			var camera = new Xen.Camera.FirstPersonControlledCamera3D(this.UpdateManager, Vector3.Zero, false);

			//don't allow the camera to move too fast
			camera.MovementSensitivity *= 0.1f;
			camera.LookAt(new Vector3(0,3,0), new Vector3(1, 5, 10), new Vector3(0, 1, 0));
			//create the draw target.
			drawToScreen = new DrawTargetScreen(camera);
			drawToScreen.ClearBuffer.ClearColour = new Color(45,50,60);

			//create the fire and smoke particle system
			this.fireParticleSystem = new ParticleSystem(this.UpdateManager);
			this.smokeParticleSystem = new ParticleSystem(this.UpdateManager);

			//The following flags are FALSE by default.
			//For looping effects, such as the fire and smoke, it's highly
			//recommended to enable this flag. Otherwise, while the effect
			//is offscreen, the particle system will continue to process.
			this.fireParticleSystem.PauseUpdatingWhileCulled = true;
			this.smokeParticleSystem.PauseUpdatingWhileCulled = true;

			this.drawSorted = new Xen.Ex.Scene.DepthDrawSorter(Xen.Ex.Scene.DepthSortMode.BackToFront);
			this.drawUnsorted = new DrawList();

			var fireDrawer = new Xen.Ex.Graphics.Display.VelocityBillboardParticles3D(this.fireParticleSystem, true);
			var smokeDrawer = new Xen.Ex.Graphics.Display.BillboardParticles3D(this.smokeParticleSystem);

			for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
				Vector3 position = new Vector3((float)Math.Cos(i * Math.PI / 5.0) * 6.0f, 0, (float)Math.Sin(i * Math.PI / 5.0) * 6.0f);
				CullableParticleWrapper fireEffect, smokeEffect;

				fireEffect = new CullableParticleWrapper(fireDrawer, position, new Vector3(0, 2, 0), 4);
				smokeEffect = new CullableParticleWrapper(smokeDrawer, position, new Vector3(0, 6, 0), 5);



				var light = new GroundLightDisk(position);

			//setup the burst effect
			this.burstParticleSystem = new ParticleSystem(this.UpdateManager);

			//for this case, PauseUpdatingWhileCulled is not set to true.
			//The particle emitting is culled when offscreen. If set to true,
			//Any particles left offscreen could 'pause', when they naturally
			//wouldn't be emitted anyway.
			//(The particle system will use very few resources when it has no
			//active particles)

			this.burstSources = new BurstSource[20];
			Random rand = new Random();

			for (int i = 0; i < this.burstSources.Length; i++)
				//create the bursts out in the distance
				Vector3 position = new Vector3((float)i * 5.0f - this.burstSources.Length * 2.5f, 0, -20); 
				float radius = 10; // with a decent radius

				//give them a random starting time
				this.burstSources[i] = new BurstSource(position, radius, (float)rand.NextDouble() * 2);


			//the bursts need to be drawn as a group..
			var burstDrawer = new Xen.Ex.Graphics.Display.VelocityBillboardParticles3D(this.burstParticleSystem,false,0.5f);


			//Use all the burst sources to cull the drawer (may not be ideal if there were many sources...)
			//Use the particle drawer CullProxy to do it
			burstDrawer.CullProxy = new BurstCullProxy(this.burstSources);

			//add a ground plane to show the horizon
			drawToScreen.Add(new Tutorial_22.DarkGroundPlane(new Vector4(0.125f,0.15f,0.135f,1)));

			//add the sorted and unsorted lists

			//finally, create a CullTestVisualizer, which will visually show the cull tests performed
			cullTestVisualizer = new Xen.Ex.Scene.CullTestVisualizer();

			//the visualizer is added as a draw modifier

			//add help text
			this.text = new TextElement();
			this.text.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom;
			this.text.Position = new Vector2(50, 100);

			//add draw stats
			stats = new Xen.Ex.Graphics2D.Statistics.DrawStatisticsDisplay(this.UpdateManager);
		protected override void Initialise()
			//setup the view camera first

			viewCamera = new Xen.Camera.FirstPersonControlledCamera3D(this.UpdateManager);
			viewCamera.Projection.FieldOfView *= 0.65f;
			viewCamera.MovementSensitivity *= 0.05f;
			viewCamera.LookAt(new Vector3(-3, 4, 2), new Vector3(6, 6, 2), new Vector3(0, 1, 0));
			viewCamera.Projection.NearClip = 0.1f;

			//shadow map setup:

			const float shadowArea = 4;
			const int shadowMapResolution = 1024;

			//setup the shadow map rendering camera
			shadowCamera = new Camera3D();

			//setup the shadow map projection to roughly cover the character
			shadowCamera.Projection.Orthographic = true;
			shadowCamera.Projection.NearClip = shadowArea * 2;
			shadowCamera.Projection.FarClip = -shadowArea * 2;
			shadowCamera.Projection.Region = new Vector4(1, -1.8f, -1, 0.2f) * shadowArea;

			//setup the shadow map draw target

			//create the shadow map
			shadowMap = new DrawTargetTexture2D(shadowCamera, shadowMapResolution, shadowMapResolution, SurfaceFormat.HalfSingle, DepthFormat.Depth24);
			shadowMap.ClearBuffer.ClearColour = Color.White;

			//setup the shadow map drawer..
			shadowDrawer = new Tutorial_25.ShadowMapDrawer(null, new Tutorial_25.ShadowOutputShaderProvider());

			//create the main draw targets.

			drawToScreen = new DrawTargetScreen(new Camera2D());
			drawToScreen.ClearBuffer.ClearColourEnabled = false;

			drawToRenderTarget = new DrawTargetTexture2D(viewCamera, this.WindowWidth, this.WindowHeight, SurfaceFormat.Color, DepthFormat.Depth24Stencil8, false, PreferredMultiSampleLevel.FourSamples, RenderTargetUsage.PlatformContents);
			drawToRenderTarget.ClearBuffer.ClearColourEnabled = false;

			//setup the bloom draw targets

			//scale to reduce the size of the bloom target, compared to main render target
			const int bloomDownsample = 8;	//eight times smaller

			bloomRenderTarget = new DrawTargetTexture2D(new Camera2D(), Math.Max(1, drawToRenderTarget.Width / bloomDownsample), Math.Max(1, drawToRenderTarget.Height / bloomDownsample), SurfaceFormat.Color, DepthFormat.None);
			bloomRenderTarget.ClearBuffer.ClearColourEnabled = false;

			bloomIntermediateRenderTarget = null;

			//the bloom intermediate target is not needed on the xbox, as the full bloom target fits in EDRAM
			bloomIntermediateRenderTarget = new DrawTargetTexture2D(viewCamera, bloomRenderTarget.Width, bloomRenderTarget.Height, SurfaceFormat.Color, DepthFormat.None);
			bloomIntermediateRenderTarget.ClearBuffer.ClearColourEnabled = false;

			//setup the blur filter, with a large 31 sample radius.
			bloomBlurPass = new Xen.Ex.Filters.BlurFilter(Xen.Ex.Filters.BlurFilterFormat.ThirtyOneSampleBlur_FilteredTextureFormat, 1.0f, bloomRenderTarget, bloomIntermediateRenderTarget);

			//setup the character model
			this.model = new ModelInstance();	//(the model is setup in LoadContent)
			this.modelRotation = new DrawRotated(model);
			this.modelRotation.RotationAngle = 3;

			//add the model to be drawn

			//setup the shaders
			this.characterRenderShader = new Shaders.Character();

			//setup the output and bloom shaders
			outputShader = new Shaders.RgbmDecode();
			drawToScreen.Add(new ShaderElement(outputShader, new Vector2(1, 1), true));

			bloomPassShader = new Shaders.RgbmDecodeBloomPass();
			bloomRenderTarget.Add(new ShaderElement(bloomPassShader, new Vector2(1, 1), true));

			//add a background to be drawn
			drawToRenderTarget.Add(new BackgroundDrawer());

			//setup the debug image displays

			this.rgmbTextureAlphaShader = new Shaders.AlphaWrite();
			this.bloomTextureDisplay = new TexturedElement(this.bloomRenderTarget, new Vector2(0.2f, 0.2f), true);
			this.rgbmTextureDisplay = new TexturedElement(this.drawToRenderTarget, new Vector2(0.2f, 0.2f), true);
			this.rgbmTextureAlphaDisplay = new ShaderElement(this.rgmbTextureAlphaShader, new Vector2(0.2f, 0.2f), true);

			this.rgbmTextureAlphaDisplay.Position = new Vector2(0.7f, 0.2f);
			this.rgbmTextureDisplay.Position = new Vector2(0.7f, 0.4f);
			this.bloomTextureDisplay.Position = new Vector2(0.7f, 0.6f);


			//setup the render config
			this.configEditor = new RenderConfigEditor(this.Content);


			//add a statistics overlay.
			drawStats = new Xen.Ex.Graphics2D.Statistics.DrawStatisticsDisplay(this.UpdateManager);
		protected override void Initialise()
			//create the camera
			Xen.Camera.FirstPersonControlledCamera3D camera = 
				new Xen.Camera.FirstPersonControlledCamera3D(this.UpdateManager,Vector3.Zero);
			camera.Projection.FarClip *= 10; = camera;

			//create the draw target.
			drawToScreen = new DrawTargetScreen(camera);

			//25,000 instances
			const int instanceCount = 25000;
			const float areaRadius = 500;

			//setup the two draw lists
			this.staticDrawList = new ToggleDrawList();
			this.dynamicDrawList = new ToggleDrawList();

			//geometry that will be drawn
			var geometry = new Xen.Ex.Geometry.Sphere(Vector3.One, 2, true, false, false);

			//create the mesh instance drawer, (but add it to the screen later)
			var meshDrawer = new DynamicInstancedMeshGeometry(instanceCount, geometry);
			var staticMeshDrawer = new StaticInstancedMeshGeometry(instanceCount, geometry);

			//the dynamicly culled instances are added to a StaticBinaryTreePartition, which 
			//sorts the items into a binary tree, for more efficient culling.
			//This class assumes it's children do not move (ie they are static)

			var sceneTree = new Xen.Ex.Scene.StaticBinaryTreePartition();

			//add it to the dynamic list

			//create the instances
			Random random = new Random();

			for (int i = 0; i < instanceCount; i++)
				//create a random position in a sphere
				Vector3 position = new Vector3(	(float)(random.NextDouble()-.5),
				position *= (float)Math.Sqrt(random.NextDouble()) * areaRadius;

				//create the instance
				var instance = new DynamicMeshInstance(meshDrawer, position);

				//add the instance to the StaticBinaryTreePartition

				//add the details of this instance to the static drawer
				staticMeshDrawer.AddStaticInstance(Matrix.CreateTranslation(position), 1);

			//now add the drawer (instances will be drawn by the StaticBinaryPartition, before the drawer)

			//now add the static mesh drawer

			//finally, add them both to the screen

			//Note that if the StaticBinaryTreePartition was not used, then 
			//in each frame, every single instance would perform a CullTest to the screen
			//CullTests, despite their simplicity can be very costly in large numbers.
			//The StaticBinaryTreePartition will usually perform a maximum number of CullTests
			//that is approximately ~30% the number of children. (in this case, ~8000 tests)
			//At it's best, when it's entirely off or on screen, it will perform only 1 or 2 CullTests.
			//The number of cull tests performed will be displayed in debug builds of this tutorial:

			//add some statusText to display on screen to show the stats
			statusText = new TextElement();
			statusText.Position = new Vector2(50, -50);

			//add the cull test visualiser
			this.cullVis = new Xen.Ex.Scene.CullTestVisualizer();