public void AddAttributeCondition(string attributName, string value, ValueRule valueRule, GroupRule groupRule)
            if (attributName == null)
                Err("Attribute name not specified"); return;

            //check attribut existence in the specified type
            PropertyInfo attr = Type.GetProperty(attributName);

            if (attr == null)
                Err("Attribute name '" + attributName + "' does not exist in specified type '" + Type.Name + "'."); return;

            //create expression to access attribute
            Expression attrExp = Expression.Property(input, attr);

            //get value from the string
            Expression val = XbimQueryFactory.PromoteToConstant(attr.PropertyType, value);

            if (val == null)
                Err("Value '" + value + "' could not be converted to the type of the attribute '" + attributName + "'."); return;

            //create binary expression according to valueRule
            Expression expression = CreateValueExpression(attrExp, val, valueRule);

            if (expression == null)
                Err("Value rule'" + Enum.GetName(typeof(ValueRule), valueRule) + "' cannot be applied on the attribute '" + attributName + "'."); return;

            //add resulting expression to the group
            AddToGroup(expression, groupRule);
        public static bool EvaluatePropertyValue(IPersistIfcEntity element, string pSetName, NameRule pSetNameRule, string propertyName, NameRule propNameRule, string value, ValueRule valueRule)
            Dictionary <IfcLabel, Dictionary <IfcIdentifier, IfcValue> > allProperties = null;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName))

            //properties could be defined in IfcTypeObject as HasProperties
            IfcTypeObject typeObject = element as IfcTypeObject;

            if (typeObject != null)
                allProperties = typeObject.GetAllPropertySingleValues();
            //or properties could be defined in IfcObject in IsDefinedBy
            IfcObject ifcObject = element as IfcObject;

            if (ifcObject != null)
                allProperties = ifcObject.GetAllPropertySingleValues();
            //or properties could be defined for material as ExtendedMaterialProperties
            IfcMaterial material = element as IfcMaterial;

            if (material != null)
                allProperties = material.GetAllPropertySingleValues();

            //getting properties is not supported otherwise
            if (allProperties != null)
                foreach (var p in allProperties)
                    //if pSetName is null all property sets are inspected
                    if (pSetName != null)
                        if (!IsRightName(pSetName, p.Key, pSetNameRule))
                    foreach (var prop in p.Value)
                        //if name is not specified all values are returned
                        if (IsRightName(propertyName, prop.Key, propNameRule))
                            Type       t     = ((ExpressType)(prop.Value)).UnderlyingSystemType;
                            Expression right = XbimQueryFactory.PromoteToConstant(t, value);
                            Expression left  = XbimQueryFactory.PromoteToConstant(t, prop.Value.ToString()); //todo: this should be more sofisticated than 'ToString()'
                            Expression eval  = CreateValueExpression(left, right, valueRule);

                            return(Expression.Lambda <Func <bool> >(eval).Compile()());