public Service() { InitializeComponent(); CanPauseAndContinue = true; CanShutdown = true; Server = new CompilerServer(); Server.Service = true; }
public void Compile() { Cpus = Cores ?? (Parallel ? Environment.ProcessorCount : 1); if (SourceFiles != null && SourceFiles.Count > 0) { if (!ProjectPath.Contains(":")) { ProjectPath = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, ProjectPath)).FullName; } if (UseService) { var server = new CompilerServer(); server.Compile(this); } else if (SeparateAppDomain) { NeedsBuilding = false; CheckBuilding = true; CoreCompile(); CheckBuilding = false; if (NeedsBuilding) { var current = Path.GetDirectoryName(new Uri(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase).LocalPath); var setup = new AppDomainSetup(); setup.ApplicationBase = ProjectPath; setup.PrivateBinPath = MapPath("~/bin") + ";" + MapPath("~/bin/Lazy") + ";" + MapPath("~/bin/Debug") + ";" + MapPath("~/bin/Release") + ";" + MapPath("~/"); setup.ShadowCopyDirectories = setup.PrivateBinPath + ";" + current; setup.ShadowCopyFiles = "true"; var domain = AppDomain.CreateDomain("XamlImageConverter Compiler", null, setup); var aname = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName(); var source = setup.PrivateBinPath.Split(';') .Select(p => Path.Combine(p, "XamlImageConverter.dll")) .FirstOrDefault(p => File.Exists(p)); try { Compiler compiler = null; object proxy; if (source == null) { proxy = domain.CreateInstanceFromAndUnwrap(aname.CodeBase, "XamlImageConverter.Compiler"); } else { proxy = domain.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap(aname.FullName, "XamlImageConverter.Compiler"); } compiler = (Compiler)proxy; compiler.InitDomain(); CopyTo(compiler); compiler.SeparateAppDomain = false; compiler.ChildAppDomain = true; //compiler.STAThread = true; compiler.Compile(); hash = compiler.hash; } catch (Exception ex2) { Errors.Error("Internal Error", "33", null, ex2); } finally { AppDomain.Unload(domain); } } } else { CoreCompile(); } if (Serve != null) { Serve(); } Cleanup(); foreach (var logger in Errors.Loggers.OfType <IDisposable>()) { logger.Dispose(); } } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { List <string> a = new List <string>(args); bool waitForKey = false; int i; if (a.Count == 1 && a[0] == "-x") { var srvc = new Service(); srvc.Start(); } if (a.Count == 0 || new[] { "-h", "help", "-help", "?", "/?", "-?" }.Any(s => a.Any(at => s == at.Trim().ToLower()))) { Console.WriteLine("XamlImageConverter 3.2 by Chris Cavanagh & David Egli"); Console.WriteLine("Creates snapshots, gif animations or html image maps from XAML, SVG & PSD images\n\r"); Console.Error.WriteLine("XamlImageConverter [-x] [-w] [-1] [-s [running time]] [-r] [-v]"); Console.Error.WriteLine(" [-l librarypath] [-p projectpath] configFile { configFile }"); Console.Error.WriteLine("A configFile is a xaml batch file, describing an image conversion job."); Console.Error.WriteLine("Documentation for creating a configFile can be found at"); Console.Error.WriteLine(""); Console.Error.WriteLine(" -1 option: Use only one cpu core."); Console.Error.WriteLine(" -w option: Wait for key at end."); Console.Error.WriteLine(" -s option: Run as server for the HttpHandler."); Console.Error.WriteLine(" (To support 3D xaml, that doesn't render under IIS)."); Console.Error.WriteLine(" -x option: Run as server for the HttpHandler as Windows service."); Console.Error.WriteLine(" (Does also not render 3D xaml)."); Console.Error.WriteLine(" -r option: Rebuild all files."); Console.Error.WriteLine(" -l option: The path to a library folder. All dll's in this folder will be"); Console.Error.WriteLine(" loaded, and classes therein can be referenced."); Console.Error.WriteLine(" (Usually the bin folder)."); Console.Error.WriteLine(" -p option: The path to the project. Used to resolve app relative paths."); Console.Error.WriteLine(" -v option: Create logfiles."); Console.Error.WriteLine(" -f option: Don't use separate AppDomain for each sourcefile."); Console.Error.WriteLine(" Speeds up compilation but uses more memory."); Console.Error.WriteLine(" -m option: Specificy compiler mode, either Loose, Compiled or Both,"); Console.Error.WriteLine(" for compiling only loose or compiled xaml or both."); Console.Error.WriteLine(" -? option: Show this help text."); a.Remove("-h"); a.Remove("help"); a.Remove("-help"); a.Remove("?"); a.Remove("/?"); a.Remove("-?"); } if (a.Contains("-w")) { a.Remove("-w"); waitForKey = true; } bool manycore = true; if (a.Contains("-1")) { a.Remove("-1"); manycore = false; } bool server = false; bool test = false; bool debug = false; TimeSpan RunTime = new TimeSpan(0); if (a.Contains("-s")) { i = a.IndexOf("-s"); server = true; a.RemoveAt(i); if (TimeSpan.TryParse(a[i], out RunTime)) { a.RemoveAt(i); } if (a.Contains("-t")) { test = true; a.Remove("-t"); } if (a.Contains("-d")) { debug = true; a.Remove("-d"); } } bool rebuildAll = false; if (a.Contains("-r")) { rebuildAll = true; a.Remove("-r"); } bool useAppDomain = true; if (a.Contains("-f")) { useAppDomain = false; a.Remove("-f"); } Compiler.Modes mode = Compiler.Modes.Both; if (a.Contains("-m")) { var ix = a.IndexOf("-m"); if (ix < a.Count - 1) { mode = (Compiler.Modes)Enum.Parse(typeof(Compiler.Modes), a[ix + 1]); } a.RemoveAt(ix); a.Remove("-f"); } bool log = false; if (a.Contains("-v")) { log = true; a.Remove("-v"); } string libraryPath = string.Empty; if (a.Contains("-l")) { i = a.IndexOf("-l"); libraryPath = a[i + 1]; a.RemoveRange(i, 2); libraryPath = new DirectoryInfo(libraryPath).FullName; } string projectPath = string.Empty; if (a.Contains("-p")) { i = a.IndexOf("-p"); projectPath = a[i + 1]; a.RemoveRange(i, 2); projectPath = new DirectoryInfo(projectPath).FullName; } List <string> files = new List <string>(); foreach (var f in a) { var appRoot = projectPath; var file = f; if (appRoot.EndsWith("\\")) { appRoot = appRoot.Substring(0, appRoot.Length - 1); } file = file.Replace("~", appRoot) .Replace("/", "\\"); if (file.Contains("*")) { string dir, pattern; dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(file); pattern = Path.GetFileName(file); if (!dir.Contains("*")) { files.AddRange(Directory.GetFiles(dir, pattern)); } } else { files.Add(file); } } if (server) { var cserver = new CompilerServer(); if (RunTime.Ticks != 0) { cserver.RunTime = RunTime; } if (test) { ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(delegate(object state) { Thread.Sleep(20); var compiler = new Compiler(); compiler.LibraryPath = libraryPath; compiler.ProjectPath = projectPath; compiler.RebuildAll = rebuildAll; compiler.Parallel = manycore; if (log) { compiler.Loggers.Add(new FileLogger()); } compiler.UseService = true; compiler.Compile(files); //cserver.Compile(compiler); }); } cserver.Start(); } else { var compiler = new Compiler(); compiler.LibraryPath = libraryPath; compiler.ProjectPath = projectPath; compiler.RebuildAll = rebuildAll; compiler.Parallel = manycore; compiler.SeparateAppDomain = useAppDomain; if (log) { compiler.Loggers.Add(new FileLogger()); } compiler.Compile(files); } if (waitForKey) { Console.WriteLine("Press any key..."); Console.ReadKey(); } }