static void TestCustomerAndCharge(StripePayment payment) { StripeCustomerInfo customer = new StripeCustomerInfo (); //customer.Card = GetCC (); StripeCustomer response = payment.CreateCustomer (customer); string customer_id = response.ID; StripeCustomer customer_info = payment.GetCustomer (customer_id); Console.WriteLine (customer_info); StripeCustomerInfo info_update = new StripeCustomerInfo (); info_update.Card = GetCC (); StripeCustomer update_resp = payment.UpdateCustomer (customer_id, info_update); Console.Write ("Customer updated with CC. Press ENTER to continue..."); Console.Out.Flush (); Console.ReadLine (); StripeCustomer ci2 = payment.DeleteCustomer (customer_id); if (ci2.Deleted == false) throw new Exception ("Failed to delete " + customer_id); }
private void TestStripePayment() { string stripeApiKey = Util.GetAppSetting(Constants.AppSettingKeys.StripeApiKey); StripePayment payment = new StripePayment(stripeApiKey); StripeCreditCardInfo cc = new StripeCreditCardInfo(); cc.CVC = "1234"; cc.ExpirationMonth = 6; cc.ExpirationYear = 2013; cc.Number = "4242424242424242"; StripeCustomerInfo customerInfo = new StripeCustomerInfo(); customerInfo.Card = cc; customerInfo.Description = "Test User"; customerInfo.Email = UserSession.Current.Email; customerInfo.Validate = false; try { StripeCustomer customer = payment.CreateCustomer(customerInfo); int userID = UserSession.Current.UserID; StripeUser stripeUser = new StripeUser() { UserID = userID, StripeCustomerID = customer.ID, LiveMode = customer.LiveMode, Description = customer.Description, DateCreated = DateTime.UtcNow }; int stripeUserID = StripeUserService.AddStripeUser(stripeUser); StripeCustomer customerFromPayment = payment.GetCustomer(customer.ID); customerInfo.Description = "Other Description"; StripeCustomer updatedCustomer = payment.UpdateCustomer(customerFromPayment.ID, customerInfo); StripeCharge charge = payment.Charge(5001, "usd", customer.ID, "Another Test Charge"); List<StripeUser> stripeUsers = StripeUserService.GetStripeUsers(userID, customer.ID); } catch (Exception ex) { string error = "Error Processing Request"; LoggingFactory.GetLogger().LogError(error, ex); } //StripeCharge charge = payment.Charge(5001, "usd", cc, "Test charge"); //string charge_id = charge.ID; //StripeCharge charge_info = payment.GetCharge(charge_id); //StripeCharge refund = payment.Refund(charge_info.ID); }