private void AddNativeLibraries(ArchiveFileList files, string [] supportedAbis) { var frameworkLibs = FrameworkNativeLibraries.Select(v => new LibInfo { Path = v.ItemSpec, Link = v.GetMetadata("Link"), Abi = GetNativeLibraryAbi(v), ArchiveFileName = GetArchiveFileName(v) }); AddNativeLibraries(files, supportedAbis, frameworkLibs); var libs = NativeLibraries.Concat(BundleNativeLibraries ?? Enumerable.Empty <ITaskItem> ()) .Where(v => IncludeNativeLibrary(v)) .Select(v => new LibInfo { Path = v.ItemSpec, Link = v.GetMetadata("Link"), Abi = GetNativeLibraryAbi(v), ArchiveFileName = GetArchiveFileName(v) } ); AddNativeLibraries(files, supportedAbis, libs); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CheckedBuild)) { return; } string mode = CheckedBuild; string sanitizerName; if (String.Compare("asan", mode, StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0) { sanitizerName = "asan"; } else if (String.Compare("ubsan", mode, StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0) { sanitizerName = "ubsan_standalone"; } else { LogSanitizerWarning($"Unknown checked build mode '{CheckedBuild}'"); return; } if (!IncludeWrapSh) { LogSanitizerError("Checked builds require the wrapper script to be packaged. Please set the `$(AndroidIncludeWrapSh)` MSBuild property to `true` in your project."); return; } if (!libs.Any(info => IsWrapperScript(info.Path, info.Link))) { LogSanitizerError($"Checked builds require the wrapper script to be packaged. Please add `` appropriate for the {CheckedBuild} checker to your project."); return; } NdkUtil.Init(AndroidNdkDirectory); string clangDir = NdkUtil.GetClangDeviceLibraryPath(AndroidNdkDirectory); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(clangDir)) { LogSanitizerError($"Unable to find the clang compiler directory. Is NDK installed?"); return; } foreach (string abi in supportedAbis) { string clangAbi = MonoAndroidHelper.MapAndroidAbiToClang(abi); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(clangAbi)) { LogSanitizerError($"Unable to map Android ABI {abi} to clang ABI"); return; } string sanitizerLib = $"libclang_rt.{sanitizerName}-{clangAbi}"; string sanitizerLibPath = Path.Combine(clangDir, sanitizerLib); if (!File.Exists(sanitizerLibPath)) { LogSanitizerError($"Unable to find sanitizer runtime for the {CheckedBuild} checker at {sanitizerLibPath}"); return; } AddNativeLibrary(files, sanitizerLibPath, abi, sanitizerLib); } }