        protected override IEnumerable <string> GetAllAvailableAndroidSdks()
            var roots  = new[] { RegistryEx.CurrentUser, RegistryEx.LocalMachine };
            var wow    = RegistryEx.Wow64.Key32;
            var regKey = GetMDRegistryKey();

            AndroidLogger.LogInfo("sdk", "Looking for Android SDK..");

            // Check for the key the user gave us in the VS/addin options
            foreach (var root in roots)
                if (CheckRegistryKeyForExecutable(root, regKey, MDREG_ANDROID_SDK, wow, "platform-tools", Adb))
                    yield return(RegistryEx.GetValueString(root, regKey, MDREG_ANDROID_SDK, wow));

            // Check for the key written by the Xamarin installer
            if (CheckRegistryKeyForExecutable(RegistryEx.CurrentUser, XAMARIN_ANDROID_INSTALLER_PATH, XAMARIN_ANDROID_INSTALLER_KEY, wow, "platform-tools", Adb))
                yield return(RegistryEx.GetValueString(RegistryEx.CurrentUser, XAMARIN_ANDROID_INSTALLER_PATH, XAMARIN_ANDROID_INSTALLER_KEY, wow));

            // Check for the key written by the Android SDK installer
            foreach (var root in roots)
                if (CheckRegistryKeyForExecutable(root, ANDROID_INSTALLER_PATH, ANDROID_INSTALLER_KEY, wow, "platform-tools", Adb))
                    yield return(RegistryEx.GetValueString(root, ANDROID_INSTALLER_PATH, ANDROID_INSTALLER_KEY, wow));

            // Check some hardcoded paths for good measure
            var xamarin_private = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData), "Xamarin", "MonoAndroid", "android-sdk-windows");
            var android_default = Path.Combine(OS.ProgramFilesX86, "Android", "android-sdk-windows");
            var cdrive_default  = @"C:\android-sdk-windows";

            if (ValidateAndroidSdkLocation(xamarin_private))
                yield return(xamarin_private);

            if (ValidateAndroidSdkLocation(android_default))
                yield return(android_default);

            if (ValidateAndroidSdkLocation(cdrive_default))
                yield return(cdrive_default);
        protected override string GetJavaSdkPath()
            // check the user specified path
            var roots = new[] { RegistryEx.CurrentUser, RegistryEx.LocalMachine };
            const RegistryEx.Wow64 wow = RegistryEx.Wow64.Key32;
            var regKey = GetMDRegistryKey();

            foreach (var root in roots)
                if (CheckRegistryKeyForExecutable(root, regKey, MDREG_JAVA_SDK, wow, "bin", JarSigner))
                    return(RegistryEx.GetValueString(root, regKey, MDREG_JAVA_SDK, wow));

            string subkey = @"SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Development Kit";

            AndroidLogger.LogInfo("sdk", "Looking for Java 6 SDK..");

            foreach (var wow64 in new[] { RegistryEx.Wow64.Key32, RegistryEx.Wow64.Key64 })
                string key_name       = string.Format(@"{0}\{1}\{2}", "HKLM", subkey, "CurrentVersion");
                var    currentVersion = RegistryEx.GetValueString(RegistryEx.LocalMachine, subkey, "CurrentVersion", wow64);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentVersion))
                    AndroidLogger.LogInfo("sdk", "  Key {0} found.", key_name);

                    // No matter what the CurrentVersion is, look for 1.6 or 1.7 or 1.8
                    if (CheckRegistryKeyForExecutable(RegistryEx.LocalMachine, subkey + "\\" + "1.6", "JavaHome", wow64, "bin", JarSigner))
                        return(RegistryEx.GetValueString(RegistryEx.LocalMachine, subkey + "\\" + "1.6", "JavaHome", wow64));

                    if (CheckRegistryKeyForExecutable(RegistryEx.LocalMachine, subkey + "\\" + "1.7", "JavaHome", wow64, "bin", JarSigner))
                        return(RegistryEx.GetValueString(RegistryEx.LocalMachine, subkey + "\\" + "1.7", "JavaHome", wow64));

                    if (CheckRegistryKeyForExecutable(RegistryEx.LocalMachine, subkey + "\\" + "1.8", "JavaHome", wow64, "bin", JarSigner))
                        return(RegistryEx.GetValueString(RegistryEx.LocalMachine, subkey + "\\" + "1.8", "JavaHome", wow64));

                AndroidLogger.LogInfo("sdk", "  Key {0} not found.", key_name);

            // We ran out of things to check..
        protected override IEnumerable <string> GetAllAvailableAndroidNdks()
            var roots  = new[] { RegistryEx.CurrentUser, RegistryEx.LocalMachine };
            var wow    = RegistryEx.Wow64.Key32;
            var regKey = GetMDRegistryKey();

            AndroidLogger.LogInfo("sdk", "Looking for Android NDK..");

            // Check for the key the user gave us in the VS/addin options
            foreach (var root in roots)
                if (CheckRegistryKeyForExecutable(root, regKey, MDREG_ANDROID_NDK, wow, ".", NdkStack))
                    yield return(RegistryEx.GetValueString(root, regKey, MDREG_ANDROID_NDK, wow));

             * // Check for the key written by the Xamarin installer
             * if (CheckRegistryKeyForExecutable (RegistryEx.CurrentUser, XAMARIN_ANDROID_INSTALLER_PATH, XAMARIN_ANDROID_INSTALLER_KEY, wow, "platform-tools", Adb))
             *      yield return RegistryEx.GetValueString (RegistryEx.CurrentUser, XAMARIN_ANDROID_INSTALLER_PATH, XAMARIN_ANDROID_INSTALLER_KEY, wow);

            // Check some hardcoded paths for good measure
            var xamarin_private = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData), "Xamarin", "MonoAndroid");
            var android_default = Path.Combine(OS.ProgramFilesX86, "Android");
            var cdrive_default  = @"C:\";

            foreach (var basePath in new string [] { xamarin_private, android_default, cdrive_default })
                if (Directory.Exists(basePath))
                    foreach (var dir in Directory.GetDirectories(basePath, "android-ndk-r*"))
                        if (ValidateAndroidNdkLocation(dir))
                            yield return(dir);
        private bool CheckRegistryKeyForExecutable(UIntPtr key, string subkey, string valueName, RegistryEx.Wow64 wow64, string subdir, string exe)
            string key_name = string.Format(@"{0}\{1}\{2}", key == RegistryEx.CurrentUser ? "HKCU" : "HKLM", subkey, valueName);

            var path = NullIfEmpty(RegistryEx.GetValueString(key, subkey, valueName, wow64));

            if (path == null)
                AndroidLogger.LogInfo("sdk", "  Key {0} not found.", key_name);

            if (!FindExecutableInDirectory(exe, Path.Combine(path, subdir)).Any())
                AndroidLogger.LogInfo("sdk", "  Key {0} found:\n    Path does not contain {1} in \\{2} ({3}).", key_name, exe, subdir, path);

            AndroidLogger.LogInfo("sdk", "  Key {0} found:\n    Path contains {1} in \\{2} ({3}).", key_name, exe, subdir, path);
