public string GetUserName(string AccountId) { UserReg userRegBLL = new UserReg(); XYECOM.Model.UserRegInfo userRegInfo = userRegBLL.GetItem(AccountId); if (userRegInfo == null) return "未知"; return userRegInfo.LoginName + "/ " + userRegInfo.Email; }
protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { String pwd = XYECOM.Core.SecurityUtil.MD5(this.txtpwd.Text, XYECOM.Configuration.Security.Instance.Md5value); XYECOM.Business.UserReg userRegBLL = new XYECOM.Business.UserReg(); int num = userRegBLL.UpdatePassWord(XYECOM.Core.MyConvert.GetInt64(this.Request.QueryString["U_ID"].ToString()), pwd); if (num > 0) { this.libok.Text = "重设密码成功"; } else { this.libok.Text = "重设密码失败"; } }
protected void btnOk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Int64 uid = XYECOM.Core.MyConvert.GetInt64(this.Request.QueryString["U_ID"].ToString()); XYECOM.Business.UserReg userreg = new XYECOM.Business.UserReg(); XYECOM.Model.UserRegInfo euser = userreg.GetItem(uid); euser.Email = tdemail.Text.Trim(); //电子邮件 euser.Answer = txtAnswer.Text.Trim(); euser.Question = txtQuestion.Text.Trim(); try { euser.RegDate = XYECOM.Core.MyConvert.GetDateTime(this.bgdate.Value); //注册时间 } catch { } userreg.Update(euser); XYECOM.Business.UserInfo userinfo = new XYECOM.Business.UserInfo(); XYECOM.Model.UserInfo info = userinfo.GetItem(uid); info.IM = txtIM.Text.Trim(); info.LinkMan = tdrealname.Text.Trim(); //真实姓名 info.Sex = tdsex.SelectedValue.Equals("1") ? true : false;//性别 info.Mobile = tdmobil.Text.Trim(); //手机 info.Section = tdsection.Text.Trim(); //所在部门 info.Post = tdpost.Text.Trim(); //所任职位 info.Name = companyname.Text.Trim(); //企业名称 info.AreaId = XYECOM.Core.MyConvert.GetInt32(areatypeid.Value.ToString()); info.Telephone = txtTelephone.Text.Trim(); info.Fax = txtFax.Text.Trim(); info.Postcode = tdpostcode.Text; //邮政编码 info.HomePage = tdhomepage.Text.Trim(); //企业网址 info.Address = tdlinkadress.Text.Trim(); //联系地址 info.Character = tdcharacter.Text.Trim(); //企业性质 info.UserTypeId = XYECOM.Core.MyConvert.GetInt64(companyid.Value.ToString()); //info.U_SupplyProduct = tdsupply.Text.Trim(); //提供的产品.服务 info.BuyPro = tdbuy.Text.Trim(); //需要的产品/服务 info.RegisteredCapital = XYECOM.Core.MyConvert.GetDecimal(tdmoney.Text.Trim());//注册资金 if (this.tdumode.SelectedValue != "") { info.Mode = ""; for (int i = 0; i < tdumode.Items.Count; i++) { if (tdumode.Items[i].Selected) { info.Mode += tdumode.Items[i].Text + ","; } } info.Mode = info.Mode.Substring(0, info.Mode.Length - 1); //经营模式 } info.RegYear = XYECOM.Core.MyConvert.GetInt32(lbyear.Text.Trim()); //注册时间 info.BusinessAddress = lbarea.Text.Trim(); //主要经营地点 info.RegAreaId = XYECOM.Core.MyConvert.GetInt32(lbaddress.Value.Trim()); //企业注册地 //info.U_PType = tdptype.Text.Trim(); //主营产品/服务 info.MainProduct = tdsupply.Text.Trim(); info.EmployeeTotal = lbnumber.Text.Trim(); //企业人数 info.Synopsis = tdsynopsis.Text.Trim(); //企业简介 if (userinfo.Update(info) > 0) Alert("修改成功!", backURL); else Alert("发生错误,修改失败!"); }
private void BindData(Int64 uid) { string moneyformat = "n"; //货币转换格式 XYECOM.Business.UserReg userRegBLL = new XYECOM.Business.UserReg(); XYECOM.Model.UserRegInfo userRegInfo = new XYECOM.Model.UserRegInfo(); userRegInfo = userRegBLL.GetItem(uid); if (!object.Equals(null, userRegInfo)) { this.tdusername.Text = userRegInfo.LoginName; //用户名 this.tdemail.Text = userRegInfo.Email; //电子邮件 this.bgdate.Value = userRegInfo.RegDate.ToShortDateString(); //注册时间 txtQuestion.Text = userRegInfo.Question; txtAnswer.Text = userRegInfo.Answer; } else { Alert("该会员信息有误,请重新选择.", backURL); } XYECOM.Business.UserInfo userInfoBLL = new XYECOM.Business.UserInfo(); XYECOM.Model.UserInfo userInfo = new XYECOM.Model.UserInfo(); userInfo=userInfoBLL.GetItem(uid); if (!object.Equals(null, userInfo)) { this.tdrealname.Text = userInfo.LinkMan; //真实姓名 if (userInfo.Sex == true) //性别 this.tdsex.Text = "1"; else this.tdsex.Text = "0"; tdIM.InnerHtml = XYECOM.Configuration.FreeCode.Instance.IM.Name + ":"; txtIM.Text = userInfo.IM; this.tdmobil.Text = userInfo.Mobile; //手机 this.tdsection.Text = userInfo.Section; //所在部门 this.tdpost.Text = userInfo.Post; //所任职位 this.companyname.Text = userInfo.Name; //企业名称 areatypeid.Value = userInfo.AreaId.ToString(); txtTelephone.Text = userInfo.Telephone; txtFax.Text = userInfo.Fax; this.tdpostcode.Text = userInfo.Postcode; //邮政编码 this.tdhomepage.Text = userInfo.HomePage.Trim(); //企业网址 this.tdlinkadress.Text = userInfo.Address; //联系地址 this.tdcharacter.Text = userInfo.Character; //企业性质 companyid.Value = userInfo.UserTypeId.ToString(); //this.tdsupply.Text = userInfo.U_SupplyProduct; //提供的产品.服务 this.tdsupply.Text = userInfo.MainProduct; this.tdbuy.Text = userInfo.BuyPro; //需要的产品/服务 if (userInfo.RegisteredCapital.ToString() != "") this.tdmoney.Text = Convert.ToDecimal(userInfo.RegisteredCapital).ToString(moneyformat); else this.tdmoney.Text = userInfo.Mode; //注册资金 this.tdmoneytype.Text = userInfo.MoneyType; //注册资金类别 tdumode.DataSource = new XYECOM.Business.Mode().GetDataTable(); tdumode.DataTextField = "M_Type"; tdumode.DataValueField = "M_Type"; tdumode.DataBind(); string[] modes = userInfo.Mode.Split(','); foreach (string s in modes) { for (int i = 0; i < tdumode.Items.Count; i++) { if (tdumode.Items[i].Value.Equals(s)) { tdumode.Items[i].Selected = true; break; } } } this.lbyear.Text = userInfo.RegYear.ToString(); //注册时间 this.lbarea.Text = userInfo.BusinessAddress; //主要经营地点 this.lbaddress.Value = userInfo.RegAreaId.ToString(); //企业注册地 //this.tdptype.Text = userInfo.U_PType; //主营产品/服务 this.lbnumber.Text = userInfo.EmployeeTotal; //企业人数 this.tdsynopsis.Text = userInfo.Synopsis; //企业简介 } else { Alert("该会员信息有误,请重新选择.", backURL); } }
private void VisitorMessasge() { string strMsg = ""; string toemail = ""; string userId = XYECOM.Core.XYRequest.GetQueryString("uids"); long _UserID = XYECOM.Core.MyConvert.GetInt64(userId); int infoId = 0; #region 游客留言 if (XYECOM.Configuration.Security.Instance.IsEnabledValidateCode(XYECOM.Configuration.ValidateCodeItem.Message)) { if (!CheckCode(F("GCode").ToString())) { strMsg = "codeErr"; ResponseXML(Result.Success, "", "<content>" + strMsg + "</content>"); } } XYECOM.Business.Message messageBLL = new XYECOM.Business.Message(); XYECOM.Business.UserReg userRegBLL = new XYECOM.Business.UserReg(); XYECOM.Model.UserRegInfo userRegInfo = null; infoId = XYECOM.Core.MyConvert.GetInt32(XYECOM.Core.XYRequest.GetQueryString("ids")); if (_UserID > 0) { userRegInfo = userRegBLL.GetItem(_UserID); if (userRegInfo != null) { toemail = userRegInfo.Email; } else { if (infoId > 0) { XYECOM.Model.SupplyInfo supplyInfo = new XYECOM.Business.Supply().GetItem(infoId); if (supplyInfo != null) userRegInfo = userRegBLL.GetItem(supplyInfo.UserID); if (userRegInfo != null) { toemail = userRegInfo.Email.ToString(); _UserID = supplyInfo.UserID; } } } } XYECOM.Model.MessageInfo messageInfo = new XYECOM.Model.MessageInfo(); messageInfo.M_UserName = XYECOM.Core.Utils.RemoveHTML(F("linkman")); //联系人 messageInfo.M_Email = XYECOM.Core.Utils.RemoveHTML(F("email"));//电子邮件 messageInfo.M_Moblie = XYECOM.Core.Utils.RemoveHTML(F("mobile"));//手机 messageInfo.M_Title = XYECOM.Core.Utils.IsLength(40, XYECOM.Core.Utils.RemoveHTML(F("title")));//留言标题 messageInfo.M_Content = XYECOM.Core.Utils.IsLength(400, XYECOM.Core.Utils.RemoveHTML(F("neirong")));//留言内容 messageInfo.M_SenderType = F("type"); messageInfo.M_Sex = false; messageInfo.U_ID = 0; messageInfo.M_UserType = false; messageInfo.M_RecverType = ""; messageInfo.InfoId = infoId; string sexStr = "女士"; if (F("sex") == "1") { messageInfo.M_Sex = true; sexStr = "先生"; } if (_UserID > 0) messageInfo.UR_ID = _UserID; //这块有问题 因为客户端传递的变量usertype永远为1 //个人认为应该根据选择企业或者个人值有所不同 //if (F("usertype") == "1") messageInfo.M_UserType = true; //收到留言者类型 messageInfo.M_UserType = true; int result = messageBLL.Insert(messageInfo); if (result >= 0) { string[] dLabel = new string[] { messageInfo.M_Title, messageInfo.M_Content, "<ul><li>姓名:"+messageInfo.M_UserName+" " + sexStr+"</li><li>邮箱:"+messageInfo.M_Email+"</li><li>电话:"+messageInfo.M_Moblie+"</li></ul>", webInfo.WebDomain, webInfo.WebName }; string[] sLabel = new string[] { "{$Title$}", "{$Body$}", "{$Contacts$}", "{$WebUrl$}", "{$WebName$}" }; XYECOM.Business.Utils.SendMail(toemail, messageInfo.M_Title, XYECOM.Core.TemplateEmail.GetContent(dLabel, sLabel, "/templateEmail/Enquiry.htm")); XYECOM.Core.Utils.ClearSession("VNum"); strMsg = "ok"; } else { strMsg = "err"; } ResponseXML(Result.Success, "", "<content>" + strMsg + "</content>"); #endregion }
private void RetakePassword(string temp) { string email = XYECOM.Core.XYRequest.GetQueryString("email"); if (email == "") { ResponseXML(Result.Null, "数据不完整!"); } int _result = new XYECOM.Business.UserReg().RetakePassWord(email); //1:成功,0:邮箱不能为空,-1:邮箱不存在,-2:重设密码失败,-3:异常失败 if (_result == 1) ResponseXML(Result.Success, "密码已发到邮箱"); if (_result == 0) ResponseXML(Result.Null, "邮箱不能为空"); if (_result == -1) ResponseXML(Result.Failed, "邮箱不存在,请输入注册邮箱"); if (_result == -2) ResponseXML(Result.Failed, "重设密码失败,请稍候再试"); if (_result == -3) ResponseXML(Result.Failed, "异常失败"); }
/// <summary> /// 重设密码 /// </summary> private void RetakePassword() { string userName = XYECOM.Core.XYRequest.GetQueryString("userName"); string question = XYECOM.Core.XYRequest.GetQueryString("question"); string answer = XYECOM.Core.XYRequest.GetQueryString("answer"); string newPwd = XYECOM.Core.XYRequest.GetQueryString("newPwd"); if (userName == "" || question == "" || answer == "" || newPwd == "") { ResponseXML(Result.Null, "数据不完整!"); } int _result = new XYECOM.Business.UserReg().RetakePassWord(userName, XYECOM.Core.SecurityUtil.MD5(newPwd, XYECOM.Configuration.Security.Instance.Md5value), question, answer); string message = ""; Result result = Result.Failed; if (_result == -2) { message = "重置失败!请重新尝试!"; } if (_result == -1) { message = "密码提示问题或密码提示答案错误!"; } if (_result == 1) { result = Result.Success; message = "重置密码成功!"; } ResponseXML(result, message); }
//登录 private void Login() { string name = XYECOM.Core.XYRequest.GetQueryString("Name").Trim(); string pwd = XYECOM.Core.XYRequest.GetQueryString("Pwd").Trim(); string code = XYECOM.Core.XYRequest.GetQueryString("Code").Trim(); string isSave = XYECOM.Core.XYRequest.GetQueryString("IsSave").Trim(); string page = XYECOM.Core.XYRequest.GetQueryString("Page").Trim().ToLower(); if (name.Equals("") || pwd.Equals("")) { ResponseXML(Result.Null, "信息不完整!"); } //如果启用验证 if (XYECOM.Configuration.Security.Instance.IsEnabledValidateCode(XYECOM.Configuration.ValidateCodeItem.Login)) { if (!CheckCode(code)) { ResponseXML(Result.Failed, "验证码不正确!"); return; } } XYECOM.Business.UserReg userRegBLL = new XYECOM.Business.UserReg(); XYECOM.Model.UserRegInfo userInfo = userRegBLL.Login(name, pwd, isSave != ""); if (userInfo == null) { ResponseXML(Result.Failed, "用户名或密码有误!"); } string strUserType = "user"; string message = ""; if (page.Equals("infologin")) message = "ok"; string xmlUserInfo = "<userinfo>" + "<userid>" + userInfo.UserId + "</userid>" + "<loginname>" + userInfo.LoginName + "</loginname>" + "<mark>" + userInfo.Mark + "</mark>" + "<usertype>" + strUserType + "</usertype>" + "</userinfo>"; //登录成功合并购物车信息 XYECOM.Model.GeneralUserInfo gernerUserInfo = Business.CheckUser.UserInfo; ResponseXML(Result.Success, message, xmlUserInfo); }
/// <summary> /// 检查用户名是否存在 /// /// 返回值: /// -1,用户名为空 /// 0,不存在,可以使用 /// 1,已经存在 /// 2,禁止使用的名称 /// </summary> private void IsExistsUserByName() { string name = XYECOM.Core.XYRequest.GetQueryString("name").Trim().ToLower(); if (name.Equals("")) ResponseXML(Result.Failed, "数据不完整"); if (webInfo.ForbidName != "") { string[] names = webInfo.ForbidName.Split(','); for (int j = 0; j < names.Length; j++) { if (name.Equals(names[j].ToLower())) { ResponseXML(Result.Failed, "此用户名不允许注册"); break; } } } Business.UserReg userRegBLL = new XYECOM.Business.UserReg(); if (userRegBLL.IsExistTheUserName(name)) { Model.UserRegInfo userRegInfo = userRegBLL.GetItem(name); ResponseXML(Result.Failed, "此用户名已被注册,请选择其他用户名", "<question>" + userRegInfo.Question + "</question>"); } ResponseXML(Result.Success, "验证通过"); }
protected void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { XYECOM.Business.Log l = new XYECOM.Business.Log(); XYECOM.Model.LogInfo el = new XYECOM.Model.LogInfo(); XYECOM.Business.UserReg ur = new XYECOM.Business.UserReg(); string ids = ""; foreach (GridViewRow GR in this.gvlist.Rows) { if (((CheckBox)(GR.FindControl("chkExport"))).Checked == true) { ids += "," + this.gvlist.DataKeys[GR.DataItemIndex].Value.ToString(); } } if (ids.IndexOf(",") == 0) { ids = ids.Substring(1); int i = 0; i = ur.Delete(ids); if (i >= 0) { el.L_Title = "用户管理"; el.L_Content = "删除用户信息成功"; el.L_MF = "用户管理"; el.UM_ID = AdminId; l.Insert(el); BindData(); } else { el.L_Title = "用户管理"; el.L_Content = "删除用户信息失败"; el.L_MF = "用户管理"; el.UM_ID = AdminId; l.Insert(el); Alert("删除失败!"); } } }
private void gvDataBind() { //设置编辑或查看评论后要返回当前页面的状态 backURL = XYECOM.Core.Utils.JSEscape( "LogUserbehavior.aspx?Page1=" + Page1.CurPage.ToString() + "&txtname=" + txtname.Text.Trim() + "&DDLoperate=" + DDLoperate.SelectedValue + "&bgdate=" + bgdate.Value + "&egdate=" + egdate.Value ); string strOrder = " order by AccountId desc"; this.lblMessage.Text = ""; string strTableName = "XY_AccountDetails"; string strWhere = " where 1=1"; string begindate = this.bgdate.Value; string enddate = this.egdate.Value; string Operate = this.DDLoperate.SelectedValue; if (Operate == "-1" || Operate == "") { strWhere += " and (Operate=" + (int)XYECOM.Model.AccountOperate.ContractMargin; strWhere += " or Operate=" + (int)XYECOM.Model.AccountOperate.InputMoney; strWhere += " or Operate=" + (int)XYECOM.Model.AccountOperate.PayContractMargin; strWhere += " or Operate=" + (int)XYECOM.Model.AccountOperate.PayOrders; strWhere += " or Operate=" + (int)XYECOM.Model.AccountOperate.PaySupMargin; strWhere += ")"; } else { strWhere += " and Operate=" + XYECOM.Core.MyConvert.GetInt32(Operate); } if (begindate != "") { strWhere += " and (OperateDate > '" + begindate + "') "; } if (enddate != "") { strWhere += " and (OperateDate < '" + XYECOM.Core.MyConvert.GetDateTime(enddate).AddDays(1) + "') "; } if (this.txtname.Text != "") { UserReg userRegBLL = new UserReg(); XYECOM.Model.UserRegInfo userRegInfo = userRegBLL.GetItem(this.txtname.Text.Trim()); strOrder = "order by OperateDate desc"; if (userRegInfo != null) { strWhere += " and AccountId=" + userRegInfo.AccountId; } else { strWhere += " and AccountId=0"; } } this.Page1.RecTotal = Function.GetRows(strTableName, "ID", strWhere); DataTable dt = Function.GetPages(this.Page1.PageSize, this.Page1.CurPage, strWhere, strOrder, strTableName, " * ", "ID"); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { this.gvlist.DataSource = dt; this.gvlist.DataBind(); } else { this.lblMessage.Text = "没有相关信息"; this.gvlist.DataBind(); } }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { long userId = XYECOM.Core.MyConvert.GetInt64(this.U_ID.Value); int i = NotPassAudit("u_user", userId, this.tbA_Reason.Text.Trim(), this.tbA_Advice.Text.Trim()); XYECOM.Business.UserReg ur = new XYECOM.Business.UserReg(); XYECOM.Business.UserFictitiouCount uft = new XYECOM.Business.UserFictitiouCount(); #region 审核成功 if (i > 0) { //给用户留言 if (userId > 0) { SendMessage(userId, "企业信息审核", "企业信息审核未通过原因:" + this.tbA_Advice.Text); } //给用户发短信 if (this.Email.Value != "") { SendEmail(this.lbcompanyname.InnerHtml, this.Email.Value); } //个人资料 XYECOM.Business.FaithSet fs = new XYECOM.Business.FaithSet(); DataTable dt = fs.GetDataTable(); if (rbcommonerror.Checked == true)//普通错误扣除的诚信指数和UU币 { if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { if (dt.Rows[0]["GF_ErrMoney"].ToString() != "")//扣除UU币 { uft.DeductUserUUFictitiouCount(Convert.ToInt64(this.U_ID.Value), Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["GF_ErrMoney"].ToString())); } if (dt.Rows[0]["GF_ErrFath"].ToString() != "")// 扣除诚信指数 { ur.DeductFaithMongy(Convert.ToInt64(this.U_ID.Value), Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["GF_ErrFath"].ToString())); } } } else if (rbgravenesserror.Checked == true)//恶意错误扣除的诚信指数和UU币 { if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { if (dt.Rows[0]["GF_Fath"].ToString() != "") { ur.DeductFaithMongy(Convert.ToInt64(this.U_ID.Value), Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["GF_Fath"].ToString())); } if (dt.Rows[0]["GF_Money"].ToString() != "") { uft.DeductUserUUFictitiouCount(Convert.ToInt64(this.U_ID.Value), Convert.ToDecimal(dt.Rows[0]["GF_Money"].ToString())); } } ur.AddUserMaliceErr(Convert.ToInt64(this.U_ID.Value), 1);//恶意处罚的次数 } Alert("操作成功!", Request.Url.PathAndQuery); } #endregion else { Alert("操作失败!", Request.Url.PathAndQuery); } }