 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the LMSDomainCoreModelsSession class.
 /// </summary>
 public LMSDomainCoreModelsSession(string title, string objectives, int duration, int courseId, bool isActive, bool isCopied, bool isVisited, System.DateTime?date = default(System.DateTime?), System.DateTime?lastActivationDate = default(System.DateTime?), int?lastActivatedBy = default(int?), LMSDomainCoreModelsCourse course = default(LMSDomainCoreModelsCourse), LMSDomainCoreModelsCourse copiedFromCourse = default(LMSDomainCoreModelsCourse), int?copiedFromId = default(int?), int?type = default(int?), string objectiveFileId = default(string), int?approvedBy = default(int?), LMSDomainCoreModelsUser approvedByUser = default(LMSDomainCoreModelsUser), System.DateTime?approvalDate = default(System.DateTime?), string stringId = default(string), System.DateTime?creationDate = default(System.DateTime?), int?createdBy = default(int?), System.DateTime?lastModificationDate = default(System.DateTime?), int?modifiedBy = default(int?), string id = default(string))
     Title                = title;
     Objectives           = objectives;
     Duration             = duration;
     Date                 = date;
     LastActivationDate   = lastActivationDate;
     LastActivatedBy      = lastActivatedBy;
     CourseId             = courseId;
     Course               = course;
     IsActive             = isActive;
     IsCopied             = isCopied;
     IsVisited            = isVisited;
     CopiedFromCourse     = copiedFromCourse;
     CopiedFromId         = copiedFromId;
     Type                 = type;
     ObjectiveFileId      = objectiveFileId;
     ApprovedBy           = approvedBy;
     ApprovedByUser       = approvedByUser;
     ApprovalDate         = approvalDate;
     StringId             = stringId;
     CreationDate         = creationDate;
     CreatedBy            = createdBy;
     LastModificationDate = lastModificationDate;
     ModifiedBy           = modifiedBy;
     Id = id;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the LMSDomainCoreModelsUserProfile
 /// class.
 /// </summary>
 public LMSDomainCoreModelsUserProfile(int?id = default(int?), LMSDomainCoreModelsUser user = default(LMSDomainCoreModelsUser), string schoolId = default(string), LMSDomainCoreModelsSchool school = default(LMSDomainCoreModelsSchool), int?gender = default(int?), System.DateTime?birthDate = default(System.DateTime?), string secondaryEmail = default(string), bool?secondaryEmailConfirmed = default(bool?), string telephone = default(string), string interests = default(string), string activities = default(string), int?countryId = default(int?), LMSDomainCoreModelsCountry country = default(LMSDomainCoreModelsCountry), string profilePictureId = default(string), string profilePictureUrl = default(string), string profilePictureUrlSmall = default(string), string skypeId = default(string), System.DateTime?creationDate = default(System.DateTime?), int?createdBy = default(int?), System.DateTime?lastModificationDate = default(System.DateTime?), int?modifiedBy = default(int?))
     Id                      = id;
     User                    = user;
     SchoolId                = schoolId;
     School                  = school;
     Gender                  = gender;
     BirthDate               = birthDate;
     SecondaryEmail          = secondaryEmail;
     SecondaryEmailConfirmed = secondaryEmailConfirmed;
     Telephone               = telephone;
     Interests               = interests;
     Activities              = activities;
     CountryId               = countryId;
     Country                 = country;
     ProfilePictureId        = profilePictureId;
     ProfilePictureUrl       = profilePictureUrl;
     ProfilePictureUrlSmall  = profilePictureUrlSmall;
     SkypeId                 = skypeId;
     CreationDate            = creationDate;
     CreatedBy               = createdBy;
     LastModificationDate    = lastModificationDate;
     ModifiedBy              = modifiedBy;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the
 /// LMSDomainCoreModelsOffice365OrganizationUser class.
 /// </summary>
 public LMSDomainCoreModelsOffice365OrganizationUser(string organizationId, int userId, int roleId, string userObjectId = default(string), string nameIdentifer = default(string), LMSDomainCoreModelsOffice365Organization organization = default(LMSDomainCoreModelsOffice365Organization), LMSDomainCoreModelsUser user = default(LMSDomainCoreModelsUser), LMSDomainCoreModelsRole role = default(LMSDomainCoreModelsRole), string organizationSchoolId = default(string), bool?isDeleted = default(bool?), LMSDomainCoreModelsOffice365OrganizationSchool organizationSchool = default(LMSDomainCoreModelsOffice365OrganizationSchool), string id = default(string))
     OrganizationId       = organizationId;
     UserId               = userId;
     RoleId               = roleId;
     UserObjectId         = userObjectId;
     NameIdentifer        = nameIdentifer;
     Organization         = organization;
     User                 = user;
     Role                 = role;
     OrganizationSchoolId = organizationSchoolId;
     IsDeleted            = isDeleted;
     OrganizationSchool   = organizationSchool;
     Id = id;