public void AddLoader(string _LuaScriptsPath = "/LuaScripts/") { //工作目录 luaEnv.AddLoader( //项目内路径 (ref string _fileName) => { string path = Application.dataPath + _LuaScriptsPath + _fileName; //Debug.Log(path); //path = path.Replace("/","\\"); bool exist = File.Exists(path); Debug.Log(exist + ": " + path); if (!exist) { return(null); } //string context = File.ReadAllText(path, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); //return System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(context); return(File.ReadAllBytes(path)); } ); luaEnv.AddLoader( //用户机器路径 (ref string _fileName) => { string path = Application.persistentDataPath + _LuaScriptsPath; bool exist = File.Exists(path + _fileName); if (!exist) { return(null); } //string context = File.ReadAllText(path, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); //return System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(context); return(File.ReadAllBytes(path)); } ); }
private void init() { LuaEnv = new XLua.LuaEnv(); LuaEnv.AddLoader(FileUtils.LuaLoader); }
/// <summary> /// 选择一个资源加载器 /// /// 1. 如果可写目录下存在模块目录,则优先使用可写目录作为资源目录 /// 2. 如果可写目录不存在模块目录,则两种情况: /// 2.1 如果处于编辑器模式,则使用assets目录 /// 2.2 如果不处于编辑器模式,则使用streamingAssets目录 /// </summary> void SelectModuleLoader() { var writeModuleDir = Path.Combine(Application.persistentDataPath, "modules", modName); if (Directory.Exists(writeModuleDir)) { Debug.Log($"{writeModuleDir} exist, try to use writable dir"); var modePathRoot = Application.persistentDataPath; #if !UNITY_EDITOR if (IsStreamingAssetsPathModVersionNewer()) { // 只读目录模块的cfg.json内的版本号比较新,这可能是由于刚安装了更加新版本的APP,自带的 // 模块版本号比较新的缘故,因此使用只读目录,并删除老的可写目录(清理垃圾) Debug.Log("StreamingAssetsPath module version is newer, use StreamingAssetsPath instead of persistentDataPath"); modePathRoot = Application.streamingAssetsPath; Debug.Log("Delete older persistentDataPath module content"); // 删除老的可写目录模块内容 Directory.Delete(writeModuleDir, true); } #endif modePathRoot = Path.Combine(modePathRoot, "modules"); AssetBundleLoader parentLoader = parent?.loader as AssetBundleLoader; loader = new AssetBundleLoader(modName, parentLoader, modePathRoot); } else { #if UNITY_EDITOR Debug.Log($"{writeModuleDir} not exist, use readonly dir editor Assets directory"); loader = new AssetsFolderLoader(modName); #else Debug.Log($"{writeModuleDir} not exist, use readonly dir streamingAssetsPath directory"); AssetBundleLoader parentLoader = parent?.loader as AssetBundleLoader; // 用的是StreamingAssetsPath,而不用Resources目录,原因参考下面的链接: // var modePathRoot = Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath, "modules"); loader = new AssetBundleLoader(modName, parentLoader, modePathRoot); #endif } // 把加载器增加到lua虚拟机中 luaenv.customLoaders.Clear(); luaenv.AddLoader((ref string filepath) => { var patch = filepath; // 把形如 require 'a.b.c'替换成 require 'a/b/c' // 注意lua代码中,万万不能require('a.lua'),因为这样的话,路径名是a.lua, // 会被下面这行代码替换为:a/lua了,就加载失败 patch = patch.Replace('.', '/'); // 确保文件名字带有".lua"后缀,这样才能跟 // 打包时的文件名对应,注意lua代码中,万万不能require('a.lua'),因为这样的话,路径名是a.lua, // 会被上面这行代码替换为:a/lua了,就加载失败 filepath = patch + ".lua"; // Debug.Log($"load lua file:{filepath}"); return(loader.LoadTextAsset(filepath)); }); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { luaEnv = new XLua.LuaEnv(); luaEnv.AddLoader((ref string filepath) => { string path = PathDefines.luaDataPath + filepath + ".lua"; return(File.ReadAllBytes(path)); }); luaEnv.DoString(GameMainLua.text, "GameMainLua"); }
private void Start() { var env = new XLua.LuaEnv(); env.AddLoader(CustomLoad); env.DoString("print('this is CustomLoader'"); env.Dispose(); env = null; }
// 创建Lua虚拟机 private void CreateLuaEnv() { _luaEnv = new LuaEnv(); if (_luaEnv != null) { _luaEnv.AddLoader(CustomLoader); } else { Debug.LogError("CreateLuaEnv _luaEnv is null."); } }
private XLua.LuaEnv CreateLuaEnv() { XLua.LuaEnv luaEnv = new XLua.LuaEnv(); /* * luaEnv.AddBuildin("rapidjson", XLua.LuaDLL.Lua.LoadRapidJson); * luaEnv.AddBuildin("lpeg", XLua.LuaDLL.Lua.LoadLpeg); * luaEnv.AddBuildin("pb", XLua.LuaDLL.Lua.LoadLuaProfobuf); * luaEnv.AddBuildin("ffi", XLua.LuaDLL.Lua.LoadFFI); */ luaEnv.AddLoader(this.LoadLuaScript); return(luaEnv); }
// second step public virtual void StartScript() { _luaenv = new XLua.LuaEnv(); _luaenv.AddBuildin("cjson", Maria.Lua.BuildInInit.LoadCJson); _luaenv.AddBuildin("lpeg", Maria.Lua.BuildInInit.LoadLpeg); _luaenv.AddBuildin("sproto.core", Maria.Lua.BuildInInit.LoadSprotoCore); _luaenv.AddBuildin("ball", Maria.Lua.BuildInInit.LoadBall); _luaenv.AddLoader((ref string filepath) => { UnityEngine.Debug.LogFormat("LUA custom loader {0}", filepath); string[] xpaths = filepath.Split(new char[] { '.' }); string path = "xlua/src"; int idx = 0; while (idx + 1 < xpaths.Length) { path += "/"; path += xpaths[idx]; idx++; } TextAsset file = ABLoader.current.LoadAsset <TextAsset>(path, xpaths[idx] + ".lua"); if (file != null) { return(file.bytes); } else { file = ABLoader.current.LoadAsset <TextAsset>(path + "/lualib", xpaths[idx] + ".lua"); if (file != null) { return(file.bytes); } return(null); } }); _luaenv.DoString(@" require 'main' "); Main main = _luaenv.Global.Get <Main>("main"); Bacon.Lua.ILuaPool pool = main(); Maria.Lua.LuaPool.Instance.Cache <Bacon.Lua.ILuaPool>(pool); }
void initXLua() { Debug.Log("Init XLua"); luaEnv = new XLua.LuaEnv(); XLua.Utils.Lua = luaEnv; luaEnv.AddBuildin("rapidjson", XLua.LuaDLL.Lua.LoadRapidJson); luaEnv.AddLoader((ref string path) => { string realpath = path.Replace('.', '/'); if (useAssetBundle) { if (!realpath.Contains("xlua/")) { realpath = ("assets/bytecode/" + realpath + ".bytes").ToLower(); string abName = ResourceManager.Instance.LookupAssetBundleName(realpath); AssetBundle bundle = ResourceManager.Instance.LoadAssetBundle(abName); TextAsset ta = bundle.LoadAsset <TextAsset>(realpath); if (ta != null) { return(ta.bytes); } } } else { realpath = XLua.LuaEnv.LuaDir + "/" + realpath + ".lua"; if (File.Exists(realpath)) { return(File.ReadAllBytes(realpath)); } } return(null); }); }
static int _m_AddLoader(RealStatePtr L) { try { ObjectTranslator translator = ObjectTranslatorPool.Instance.Find(L); XLua.LuaEnv gen_to_be_invoked = (XLua.LuaEnv)translator.FastGetCSObj(L, 1); { XLua.LuaEnv.CustomLoader _loader = translator.GetDelegate <XLua.LuaEnv.CustomLoader>(L, 2); gen_to_be_invoked.AddLoader(_loader); return(0); } } catch (System.Exception gen_e) { return(LuaAPI.luaL_error(L, "c# exception:" + gen_e)); } }
/// <summary> /// 添加require的加载文件方法 /// </summary> private void AddLoaders() { var _conf = GameState.Conf.GameStateConf.GetInstance(); foreach (string luaFilePrefix in _conf.Data.LuaFilePrefixs) { foreach (string luaFileSuffix in _conf.Data.LuaFileSuffixs) { _luaEnv.AddLoader((ref string filename) => { string filePath = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", luaFilePrefix, filename, luaFileSuffix); var luaText = AssetBundles.DataLoader.Load <TextAsset>(filePath); if (luaText != null) { return(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(luaText.text)); } else { return(null); } }); } } }
void Start() { mState = new XLua.LuaEnv(); // xLuaHook important ------------------ // open xlua debug hook library XLua.LuaHook.OpenDebug(mState.rawL); mState.AddLoader(GetDecodeContent); #if UNITY_EDITOR AutoAddSearchPath(Application.dataPath + "/LuaScripts"); // xLuaHook important ------------------ // add xlua debug hook path AutoAddSearchPath(Application.dataPath + "/XLuaHook/LuaScripts"); #endif mState.DoString("require(\"Main\")"); mLuaUpdate = mState.Global.Get <LuaUpdateDelegate>("GlobalUpdate"); mLuaInit = mState.Global.Get <LuaInitDelegate>("GlobalInit"); mLuaDestroy = mState.Global.Get <LuaDestroyDelegate>("GlobalDestroy"); mLuaInit(); }
public Application(Maria.Util.App app) { _app = app; _tiSync = new TimeSync(); _tiSync.LocalTime(); _lastTi = _tiSync.LocalTime(); #if UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN || UNITY_EDITOR_WIN //_cotype = CoType.THREAD; _cotype = CoType.CO; #elif UNITY_IOS || UNITY_ANDROID _cotype = CoType.CO; #endif if (_cotype == CoType.THREAD) { _semaphore = new Semaphore(1, 1); _worker = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Worker)); _worker.IsBackground = true; _worker.Start(); UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("create thread success."); } else { UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("create co success."); } _luaenv = new XLua.LuaEnv(); _luaenv.AddBuildin("cjson", XLua.LuaDLL.Lua.LoadCJson); _luaenv.AddBuildin("lpeg", XLua.LuaDLL.Lua.LoadLpeg); _luaenv.AddBuildin("sproto.core", XLua.LuaDLL.Lua.LoadSprotoCore); _luaenv.AddLoader((ref string filepath) => { UnityEngine.Debug.LogFormat("LUA custom loader {0}", filepath); string[] xpaths = filepath.Split(new char[] { '.' }); string path = "xlua/src"; int idx = 0; while (idx + 1 < xpaths.Length) { path += "/"; path += xpaths[idx]; idx++; } TextAsset file = ABLoader.current.LoadAsset <TextAsset>(path, xpaths[idx] + ".lua"); if (file != null) { return(file.bytes); } else { file = ABLoader.current.LoadAsset <TextAsset>(path + "/lualib", xpaths[idx] + ".lua"); if (file != null) { return(file.bytes); } return(null); } }); _luaenv.DoString(@" require 'main' "); }