 /// <summary>
 /// Finalize inflating a view from XML.
 /// </summary>
 /// <since version="Added in API level 1" />
 /// <remarks><para tool="javadoc-to-mdoc">Finalize inflating a view from XML.  This is called as the last phase
 /// of inflation, after all child views have been added.
 /// </para>
 /// <para tool="javadoc-to-mdoc">Even if the subclass overrides onFinishInflate, they should always be
 /// sure to call the super method, so that we get called.
 /// </para>
 /// <para tool="javadoc-to-mdoc">
 ///   <format type="text/html">
 ///     <a href="http://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/View.html#onFinishInflate()" target="_blank">[Android Documentation]</a>
 ///   </format>
 /// </para></remarks>
 protected override void OnFinishInflate()
     _title = FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.title);
     _grid  = FindViewById <CalendarGridView>(Resource.Id.calendar_grid);
		/// <summary>
		/// Finalize inflating a view from XML.
		/// </summary>
		/// <since version="Added in API level 1" />
		/// <remarks><para tool="javadoc-to-mdoc">Finalize inflating a view from XML.  This is called as the last phase
		/// of inflation, after all child views have been added.
		/// </para>
		/// <para tool="javadoc-to-mdoc">Even if the subclass overrides onFinishInflate, they should always be
		/// sure to call the super method, so that we get called.
		/// </para>
		/// <para tool="javadoc-to-mdoc">
		///   <format type="text/html">
		///     <a href="http://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/View.html#onFinishInflate()" target="_blank">[Android Documentation]</a>
		///   </format>
		/// </para></remarks>
		protected override void OnFinishInflate()
			_title = FindViewById<TextView>(Resource.Id.title);
			_grid = FindViewById<CalendarGridView>(Resource.Id.calendar_grid);