        private int InsertItemAt(DependencyObject item, int priority, ItemCollection items, int n)
            items.Insert(n, item);

            // add separators where necessary, but not on a main menu
            if (ShouldAddSeperators())
                // if before us is a non separator and it's priority is different to ours, then insert a separator
                if (n > 0 && !(items[n - 1] is Separator))
                    int prioBefore = MergeMenus.GetPriority(items[n - 1] as DependencyObject);
                    if (priority != prioBefore)
                        var separator = new Separator();
                        MergeMenus.SetPriority(separator, priority);
                        items.Insert(n, separator);

                // if after us is a non seperator then add a separator after us
                if (n < items.Count - 1 && !(items[n + 1] is Separator))
                    int prioAfter = MergeMenus.GetPriority(items[n + 1] as DependencyObject);
                    var separator = new Separator();
                    MergeMenus.SetPriority(separator, prioAfter);
                    items.Insert(n + 1, separator);
        /// <summary>
        /// Merges the item into this host
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item">Item</param>
        internal bool MergeItem(DependencyObject item)
            bool itemAdded = false;

            // get the priority of the item (if non is attached use highest priority)
            int priority = MergeMenus.GetPriorityDef(item, Int32.MaxValue);

            if (HostElement != null)
                if (HostElement is ToolBarTray)
                    /// special traetment for ToolBarTray hosts becuse a ToolBarTray is no ItemsControl.
                    if (item is ToolBar && !(HostElement as ToolBarTray).ToolBars.Contains(item))
                        (HostElement as ToolBarTray).ToolBars.Add(item as ToolBar);
                    itemAdded = true;
                    var items = (HostElement as ItemsControl).Items;
                    // if item is not already in host add it by priority
                    if (!items.Contains(item))
                        // iterate from behind...
                        for (int n = items.Count - 1; n >= 0; --n)
                            var d = items[n] as DependencyObject;
                            if (d != null)
                                // ... and add it after 1st existing item with lower or equal priority
                                if (MergeMenus.GetPriority(d) <= priority)
                                    itemAdded = true;
                                    n         = InsertItemAt(item, priority, items, n + 1);

                        if (!itemAdded)
                            InsertItemAt(item, priority, items, 0);
                            itemAdded = true;

                        // register a VisibilityChanged notifier to hide seperators if necessary
                        if (item is UIElement)
                            DependencyPropertyDescriptor.FromProperty(UIElement.VisibilityProperty, item.GetType()).AddValueChanged(item, Item_VisibilityChanged);
                        itemAdded = true;