        private Bitmap renderAddition(out int picHeight)
            Bitmap addBitmap = null;

            picHeight = 0;
            if (gear.Additions.Count > 0)
                addBitmap = new Bitmap(252, DefaultPicHeight);
                Graphics      g  = Graphics.FromImage(addBitmap);
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (Addition addition in gear.Additions)
                    string conString = addition.GetConString(), propString = addition.GetPropString();
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(conString) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(propString))
                        sb.Append("- ");
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(conString))
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(propString))
                if (sb.Length > 0)
                    picHeight = 10;
                    GearGraphics.DrawString(g, sb.ToString(), GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, 8, 236, ref picHeight, 16);
        private Bitmap RenderSkill(out int picH)
            //int h = 128;
            Bitmap   bitmap = new Bitmap(290, DefaultPicHeight);
            Graphics g      = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap);

            picH = 33; //iconY

            StringResult sr;

            if (!StringLinker.StringSkill.TryGetValue(skill.SkillID, out sr))
                sr      = new StringResult(true);
                sr.Name = "(null)";

            StringFormat format = new StringFormat();

            format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;

            g.DrawString(sr.Name, GearGraphics.ItemNameFont, Brushes.White, 143, 10, format);//绘制标题
            if (skill.Icon.Bitmap != null)
                            14 + (1 - skill.Icon.Origin.X) * 2,
                            picH + (33 - skill.Icon.Bitmap.Height) * 2);//绘制图标

            picH = 35;
            GearGraphics.DrawString(g, "[最高等级:" + skill.MaxLevel + "]", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, 90, 270, ref picH, 16);
            if (sr.Desc != null)
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, sr.Desc, GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, 90, 270, ref picH, 16);

            picH = Math.Max(picH, 114);
            g.DrawLine(Pens.White, 6, picH, 283, picH); //分割线
            picH += 5;

            if (skill.Level > 0)
                string hStr = null;
                if (skill.PreBBSkill)
                    if (sr.SkillH.Count >= skill.Level)
                        hStr = sr.SkillH[skill.Level - 1];
                    if (sr.SkillH.Count > 0)
                        hStr = SummaryParser.GetSkillSummary(skill, skill.Level, sr, SummaryParams.Default);

                picH += 4;
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, "[现在等级 " + skill.Level + "]", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, 8, 272, ref picH, 16);
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, hStr, GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, 8, 272, ref picH, 16);

            if (skill.Level < skill.MaxLevel)
                string hStr = null;
                if (skill.PreBBSkill)
                    if (sr.SkillH.Count >= skill.Level + 1)
                        hStr = sr.SkillH[skill.Level];
                    if (sr.SkillH.Count > 0)
                        hStr = SummaryParser.GetSkillSummary(skill, skill.Level + 1, sr, SummaryParams.Default);

                picH += 4;
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, "[下次等级 " + (skill.Level + 1) + "]", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, 8, 272, ref picH, 16);
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, hStr, GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, 8, 272, ref picH, 16);
            picH += 9;
        private Bitmap RenderSkill(CanvasRegion region, out int picH)
            Bitmap       bitmap = new Bitmap(region.Width, DefaultPicHeight);
            Graphics     g      = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap);
            StringFormat format = (StringFormat)StringFormat.GenericDefault.Clone();

            picH = 0;

            StringResult sr;

            if (StringLinker == null || !StringLinker.StringSkill.TryGetValue(Skill.SkillID, out sr))
                sr      = new StringResultSkill();
                sr.Name = "(null)";

            format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
            g.DrawString(sr.Name, GearGraphics.ItemNameFont2, Brushes.White, region.TitleCenterX, 10, format);

            picH = 33;
            g.FillRectangle(GearGraphics.GearIconBackBrush2, 14, picH, 68, 68);
            if (Skill.Icon.Bitmap != null)
                            14 + (1 - Skill.Icon.Origin.X) * 2,
                            picH + (33 - Skill.Icon.Bitmap.Height) * 2);

            picH = 35;
            if (!Skill.PreBBSkill)
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, "[Max Level:" + Skill.MaxLevel + "]", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont2, region.SkillDescLeft, region.TextRight, ref picH, 16);

            if (sr.Desc != null)
                string hdesc = SummaryParser.GetSkillSummary(sr.Desc, Skill.Level, Skill.Common, SummaryParams.Default);
                //string hStr = SummaryParser.GetSkillSummary(skill, skill.Level, sr, SummaryParams.Default);
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, hdesc, GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont2, region.SkillDescLeft, region.TextRight, ref picH, 16);
            if (Skill.ReqLevel > 0)
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, "#c[Requires: " + Skill.ReqLevel.ToString() + "]#", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont2, region.SkillDescLeft, region.TextRight, ref picH, 16);
            if (Skill.ReqAmount > 0)
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, "#c" + ItemStringHelper.GetSkillReqAmount(Skill.SkillID, Skill.ReqAmount) + "#", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont2, region.SkillDescLeft, region.TextRight, ref picH, 16);

            picH = Math.Max(picH, 114);
            g.DrawLine(Pens.White, region.SplitterX1, picH, region.SplitterX2, picH);
            picH += 9;

            if (Skill.Level > 0)
                string hStr = SummaryParser.GetSkillSummary(Skill, Skill.Level, sr, SummaryParams.Default, new SkillSummaryOptions
                    ConvertCooltimeMS = this.DisplayCooltimeMSAsSec,
                    ConvertPerM       = this.DisplayPermyriadAsPercent
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, "[Level " + Skill.Level + "]", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, region.LevelDescLeft, region.TextRight, ref picH, 16);
                if (hStr != null)
                    GearGraphics.DrawString(g, hStr, GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont2, region.LevelDescLeft, region.TextRight, ref picH, 16);

            if (Skill.Level < Skill.MaxLevel)
                string hStr = SummaryParser.GetSkillSummary(Skill, Skill.Level + 1, sr, SummaryParams.Default, new SkillSummaryOptions
                    ConvertCooltimeMS = this.DisplayCooltimeMSAsSec,
                    ConvertPerM       = this.DisplayPermyriadAsPercent
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, "[Next Level " + (Skill.Level + 1) + "]", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, region.LevelDescLeft, region.TextRight, ref picH, 16);
                if (hStr != null)
                    GearGraphics.DrawString(g, hStr, GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont2, region.LevelDescLeft, region.TextRight, ref picH, 16);
            picH += 9;

            List <string> skillDescEx = new List <string>();

            if (ShowProperties)
                List <string> attr = new List <string>();
                if (Skill.Invisible)
                if (Skill.Hyper != HyperSkillType.None)
                    attr.Add("Hyper: " + Skill.Hyper);
                if (Skill.CombatOrders)
                    attr.Add("Combat Orders");
                if (Skill.NotRemoved)
                    attr.Add("Not Removed");
                if (Skill.MasterLevel > 0 && Skill.MasterLevel < Skill.MaxLevel)
                    attr.Add("Inital Mastery LVL: " + Skill.MasterLevel);

                if (attr.Count > 0)
                    skillDescEx.Add("#c" + string.Join(", ", attr.ToArray()) + "#");

            if (ShowDelay && Skill.Action.Count > 0)
                foreach (string action in Skill.Action)
                    skillDescEx.Add("#c[Delay] " + action + ": " + CharaSimLoader.GetActionDelay(action) + " ms#");

            if (ShowReqSkill && Skill.ReqSkill.Count > 0)
                foreach (var kv in Skill.ReqSkill)
                    string skillName;
                    if (this.StringLinker != null && this.StringLinker.StringSkill.TryGetValue(kv.Key, out sr))
                        skillName = sr.Name;
                        skillName = kv.Key.ToString();
                    skillDescEx.Add("#c[Requires] " + skillName + ": " + kv.Value + "#");

            if (skillDescEx.Count > 0)
                g.DrawLine(Pens.White, region.SplitterX1, picH, region.SplitterX2, picH);
                picH += 9;
                foreach (var descEx in skillDescEx)
                    GearGraphics.DrawString(g, descEx, GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, region.LevelDescLeft, region.TextRight, ref picH, 16);
                picH += 9;

        private Bitmap RenderItem(out int picH)
            Bitmap       tooltip = new Bitmap(290, DefaultPicHeight);
            Graphics     g       = Graphics.FromImage(tooltip);
            StringFormat format  = (StringFormat)StringFormat.GenericDefault.Clone();
            int          value;

            picH = 10;
            StringResult sr;

            if (StringLinker == null || !StringLinker.StringItem.TryGetValue(item.ItemID, out sr))
                sr      = new StringResult();
                sr.Name = "(null)";

            SizeF titleSize = g.MeasureString(sr.Name, GearGraphics.ItemNameFont2, short.MaxValue, format);

            titleSize.Width += 12 * 2;
            if (titleSize.Width > 290)

                tooltip = new Bitmap((int)Math.Ceiling(titleSize.Width), DefaultPicHeight);
                g       = Graphics.FromImage(tooltip);
                picH    = 10;

            format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
            g.DrawString(sr.Name, GearGraphics.ItemNameFont2, Brushes.White, tooltip.Width / 2, picH, format);
            picH += 22;

            string attr = GetItemAttributeString();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attr))
                g.DrawString(attr, GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, GearGraphics.GearNameBrushC, tooltip.Width / 2, picH, format);
                picH += 19;

            if (item.TimeLimited)
                DateTime time      = DateTime.Now.AddDays(7d);
                string   expireStr = time.ToString("Available until yyyy M d HH mm");
                g.DrawString(expireStr, GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, Brushes.White, tooltip.Width / 2, picH, format);
                picH += 21;

            int iconY = picH;
            int iconX = 14;

            g.DrawImage(Resource.UIToolTip_img_Item_ItemIcon_base, iconX, picH);
            if (item.Icon.Bitmap != null)
                            iconX + 6 + (1 - item.Icon.Origin.X) * 2,
                            picH + 6 + (33 - item.Icon.Bitmap.Height) * 2);
            if (item.Cash)
                            iconX + 6 + 68 - 26,
                            picH + 6 + 68 - 26);
            g.DrawImage(Resource.UIToolTip_img_Item_ItemIcon_cover, iconX + 4, picH + 4); //绘制左上角cover

            if (item.Props.TryGetValue(ItemPropType.reqLevel, out value))
                g.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAliasGridFit;
                g.PixelOffsetMode   = PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality;
                g.DrawString("Required level :" + value, GearGraphics.ItemReqLevelFont, Brushes.White, 97, picH);
                picH += 15;
                g.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.SystemDefault;
                picH += 3;

            int right = tooltip.Width - 18;

            string desc = null;

            if (item.Level > 0)
                desc += $"[LV.{item.Level}] ";
            desc += sr.Desc;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(desc))
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, desc, GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont2, 100, right, ref picH, 16);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sr.AutoDesc))
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, sr.AutoDesc, GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont2, 100, right, ref picH, 16);
            if (item.Props.TryGetValue(ItemPropType.tradeAvailable, out value) && value > 0)
                attr = ItemStringHelper.GetItemPropString(ItemPropType.tradeAvailable, value);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attr))
                    GearGraphics.DrawString(g, "#c" + attr + "#", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont2, 100, right, ref picH, 16);
            if (item.Specs.TryGetValue(ItemSpecType.recipeValidDay, out value) && value > 0)
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, "(Available time:" + value + "days)", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, 100, right, ref picH, 16);
            if (item.Specs.TryGetValue(ItemSpecType.recipeUseCount, out value) && value > 0)
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, "(Available:" + value + "times)", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, 100, right, ref picH, 16);

            picH += 3;

            if (item.Sample.Bitmap != null)
                if (picH < iconY + 84)
                    picH = iconY + 84;
                g.DrawImage(item.Sample.Bitmap, (tooltip.Width - item.Sample.Bitmap.Width) / 2, picH);
                picH += item.Sample.Bitmap.Height;
                picH += 2;

            if (item.Specs.TryGetValue(ItemSpecType.recipe, out value))
                int reqSkill, reqSkillLevel;
                if (!item.Specs.TryGetValue(ItemSpecType.reqSkill, out reqSkill))
                    reqSkill = value / 10000 * 10000;

                if (!item.Specs.TryGetValue(ItemSpecType.reqSkillLevel, out reqSkillLevel))
                    reqSkillLevel = 1;

                picH = Math.Max(picH, iconY + 107);
                g.DrawLine(Pens.White, 6, picH, 283, picH);//分割线
                picH += 10;
                g.DrawString("<Use restrictions>", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, GearGraphics.SetItemNameBrush, 8, picH);
                picH += 17;

                if (StringLinker == null || !StringLinker.StringSkill.TryGetValue(reqSkill, out sr))
                    sr      = new StringResult();
                    sr.Name = "(null)";
                g.DrawString(string.Format("· {0}{1}level or above", sr.Name, reqSkillLevel), GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, GearGraphics.SetItemNameBrush, 13, picH);
                picH += 16;
                picH += 6;

            picH = Math.Max(iconY + 94, picH + 6);
        private Bitmap RenderItem(out int picH)
            Bitmap       tooltip = new Bitmap(290, DefaultPicHeight);
            Graphics     g       = Graphics.FromImage(tooltip);
            StringFormat format  = (StringFormat)StringFormat.GenericDefault.Clone();
            int          value;

            picH = 10;
            StringResult sr;

            if (StringLinker == null || !StringLinker.StringItem.TryGetValue(item.ItemID, out sr))
                sr      = new StringResult();
                sr.Name = "(null)";

            SizeF titleSize = g.MeasureString(sr.Name, GearGraphics.ItemNameFont2, short.MaxValue, format);

            titleSize.Width += 12 * 2;
            if (titleSize.Width > 290)

                tooltip = new Bitmap((int)Math.Ceiling(titleSize.Width), DefaultPicHeight);
                g       = Graphics.FromImage(tooltip);
                picH    = 10;

            bool hasPart2 = false;

            format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
            g.DrawString(sr.Name, GearGraphics.ItemNameFont2, Brushes.White, tooltip.Width / 2, picH, format);
            picH += 22;

            string attr = GetItemAttributeString();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attr))
                g.DrawString(attr, GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, GearGraphics.GearNameBrushC, tooltip.Width / 2, picH, format);
                picH    += 19;
                hasPart2 = true;

            string expireTime = null;

            if (item.Props.TryGetValue(ItemPropType.permanent, out value) && value != 0)
                expireTime = ItemStringHelper.GetItemPropString(ItemPropType.permanent, value);
            else if (item.Props.TryGetValue(ItemPropType.life, out value) && value > 0)
                DateTime time = DateTime.Now.AddDays(value);
                expireTime = time.ToString("USABLE UNTIL M-d-yyyy AT H:m");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(expireTime))
                g.DrawString(expireTime, GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, Brushes.White, tooltip.Width / 2, picH, format);
                picH    += 16;
                hasPart2 = true;

            if (hasPart2)
                picH += 1;

            if (item.TimeLimited)
                DateTime time      = DateTime.Now.AddDays(7d);
                string   expireStr = time.ToString("USABLE UNTIL M-d-yyyy AT H:m");
                g.DrawString(expireStr, GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, Brushes.White, tooltip.Width / 2, picH, format);
                picH += 21;

            int iconY = picH;
            int iconX = 14;

            g.DrawImage(Resource.UIToolTip_img_Item_ItemIcon_base, iconX, picH);
            if (item.Icon.Bitmap != null)
                            iconX + 6 + (1 - item.Icon.Origin.X) * 2,
                            picH + 6 + (33 - item.Icon.Origin.Y) * 2);
            if (item.Cash)
                Bitmap cashImg = null;

                if (item.Props.TryGetValue(ItemPropType.wonderGrade, out value) && value > 0)
                    string resKey = $"CashShop_img_CashItem_label_{value + 3}";
                    cashImg = Resource.ResourceManager.GetObject(resKey) as Bitmap;
                if (cashImg == null) //default cashImg
                    cashImg = Resource.CashItem_0;

                            iconX + 6 + 68 - 26,
                            picH + 6 + 68 - 26);
            g.DrawImage(Resource.UIToolTip_img_Item_ItemIcon_cover, iconX + 4, picH + 4); //绘制左上角cover

            if (item.Props.TryGetValue(ItemPropType.reqLevel, out value))
                g.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAliasGridFit;
                g.PixelOffsetMode   = PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality;
                g.DrawString("REQ LEV :" + value, GearGraphics.ItemReqLevelFont, Brushes.White, 97, picH);
                picH += 15;
                g.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.SystemDefault;
                picH += 3;

            int right = tooltip.Width - 18;

            string desc = null;

            if (item.Level > 0)
                desc += $"[LV.{item.Level}] ";
            desc += sr.Desc;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(desc))
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, desc, GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont2, 100, right, ref picH, 16);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sr.AutoDesc))
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, sr.AutoDesc, GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont2, 100, right, ref picH, 16);
            if (item.Props.TryGetValue(ItemPropType.tradeAvailable, out value) && value > 0)
                attr = ItemStringHelper.GetItemPropString(ItemPropType.tradeAvailable, value);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attr))
                    GearGraphics.DrawString(g, "#c" + attr + "#", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont2, 100, right, ref picH, 16);
            if (item.Specs.TryGetValue(ItemSpecType.recipeValidDay, out value) && value > 0)
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, "(Use Within " + value + " day(s))", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, 100, right, ref picH, 16);
            if (item.Specs.TryGetValue(ItemSpecType.recipeUseCount, out value) && value > 0)
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, "(Craftable " + value + " time(s)", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, 100, right, ref picH, 16);

            picH += 3;

            Wz_Node nickResNode     = null;
            bool    willDrawNickTag = this.ShowNickTag &&
                                      this.Item.Props.TryGetValue(ItemPropType.nickTag, out value) &&
                                      this.TryGetNickResource(value, out nickResNode);
            string descLeftAlign = sr["desc_leftalign"];

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(descLeftAlign) || item.Sample.Bitmap != null || willDrawNickTag)
                if (picH < iconY + 84)
                    picH = iconY + 84;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(descLeftAlign))
                    picH += 12;
                    GearGraphics.DrawString(g, descLeftAlign, GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, 14, right, ref picH, 16);
                if (item.Sample.Bitmap != null)
                    g.DrawImage(item.Sample.Bitmap, (tooltip.Width - item.Sample.Bitmap.Width) / 2, picH);
                    picH += item.Sample.Bitmap.Height;
                    picH += 2;
                if (nickResNode != null)
                    string nickName;
                    string nickWithQR = sr["nickWithQR"];
                    if (nickWithQR != null)
                        string qrDefault = sr["qrDefault"] ?? string.Empty;
                        nickName = Regex.Replace(nickWithQR, "#qr.*?#", qrDefault);
                        nickName = sr.Name;
                    GearGraphics.DrawNameTag(g, nickResNode, nickName, tooltip.Width, ref picH);
                    picH += 4;

            if (item.Specs.TryGetValue(ItemSpecType.recipe, out value))
                int reqSkill, reqSkillLevel;
                if (!item.Specs.TryGetValue(ItemSpecType.reqSkill, out reqSkill))
                    reqSkill = value / 10000 * 10000;

                if (!item.Specs.TryGetValue(ItemSpecType.reqSkillLevel, out reqSkillLevel))
                    reqSkillLevel = 1;

                picH = Math.Max(picH, iconY + 107);
                g.DrawLine(Pens.White, 6, picH, 283, picH);//分割线
                picH += 10;
                g.DrawString("<Requirements>", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, GearGraphics.SetItemNameBrush, 8, picH);
                picH += 17;

                if (StringLinker == null || !StringLinker.StringSkill.TryGetValue(reqSkill, out sr))
                    sr      = new StringResult();
                    sr.Name = "(null)";
                g.DrawString(string.Format("· {0} Lv. {1}", sr.Name, reqSkillLevel), GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, GearGraphics.SetItemNameBrush, 13, picH);
                picH += 16;
                picH += 6;

            picH = Math.Max(iconY + 94, picH + 6);
        private Bitmap RenderSkill(out int picH)
            Bitmap       bitmap = new Bitmap(290, DefaultPicHeight);
            Graphics     g      = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap);
            StringFormat format = (StringFormat)StringFormat.GenericDefault.Clone();

            picH = 0;

            StringResult sr;

            if (StringLinker == null || !StringLinker.StringSkill.TryGetValue(Skill.SkillID, out sr))
                sr      = new StringResultSkill();
                sr.Name = "(null)";

            format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
            g.DrawString(sr.Name, GearGraphics.ItemNameFont2, Brushes.White, 144, 10, format);

            picH = 33;
            g.FillRectangle(GearGraphics.GearIconBackBrush2, 14, picH, 68, 68);
            if (Skill.Icon.Bitmap != null)
                            14 + (1 - Skill.Icon.Origin.X) * 2,
                            picH + (33 - Skill.Icon.Bitmap.Height) * 2);

            picH = 35;
            if (!Skill.PreBBSkill)
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, "[Master Level: " + Skill.MaxLevel + "]", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont2, 90, 270, ref picH, 16);

            if (sr.Desc != null)
                string hdesc = SummaryParser.GetSkillSummary(sr.Desc, Skill.Level, Skill.Common, SummaryParams.Default);
                //string hStr = SummaryParser.GetSkillSummary(skill, skill.Level, sr, SummaryParams.Default);
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, hdesc, GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont2, 90, 270, ref picH, 16);
            if (Skill.ReqLevel > 0)
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, "#c[Required Level:" + Skill.ReqLevel.ToString() + "]#", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont2, 90, 270, ref picH, 16);
            if (Skill.ReqAmount > 0)
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, "#c" + ItemStringHelper.GetSkillReqAmount(Skill.SkillID, Skill.ReqAmount) + "#", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont2, 90, 270, ref picH, 16);

            picH = Math.Max(picH, 114);
            g.DrawLine(Pens.White, 6, picH, 283, picH);
            picH += 9;

            if (Skill.Level > 0)
                string hStr = SummaryParser.GetSkillSummary(Skill, Skill.Level, sr, SummaryParams.Default);
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, "[Current Level " + Skill.Level + "]", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, 8, 272, ref picH, 16);
                if (hStr != null)
                    GearGraphics.DrawString(g, hStr, GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont2, 8, 272, ref picH, 16);

            if (Skill.Level < Skill.MaxLevel)
                string hStr = SummaryParser.GetSkillSummary(Skill, Skill.Level + 1, sr, SummaryParams.Default);
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, "[Next Level " + (Skill.Level + 1) + "]", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, 8, 272, ref picH, 16);
                if (hStr != null)
                    GearGraphics.DrawString(g, hStr, GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont2, 8, 272, ref picH, 16);
            picH += 9;

            List <string> skillDescEx = new List <string>();

            if (ShowProperties)
                List <string> attr = new List <string>();
                if (Skill.Invisible)
                    attr.Add("[Hidden Skill]");
                if (Skill.Hyper != HyperSkillType.None)
                    attr.Add("[Hyper Skill: " + Skill.Hyper + "]");
                if (Skill.CombatOrders)
                    attr.Add("[Can pass Master Level with Combat Orders]");
                if (Skill.NotRemoved)
                    attr.Add("[Cannot be canceled]");
                if (Skill.MasterLevel > 0 && Skill.MasterLevel < Skill.MaxLevel)
                    attr.Add("[Requires Mastery Book to pass Lv. " + Skill.MasterLevel + "]");
                if (Skill.NotIncBuffDuration)
                    attr.Add("[Not affected by Buff Duration increases]");
                if (Skill.NotCooltimeReset)
                    attr.Add("[Not affected by Cooldown reductions/resets]");
                if (attr.Count > 0)
                    skillDescEx.Add("#c" + string.Join("\n", attr.ToArray()) + "#");

            if (ShowDelay && Skill.Action.Count > 0)
                foreach (string action in Skill.Action)
                    skillDescEx.Add("#c[Skill Delay] " + action + ": " + CharaSimLoader.GetActionDelay(action) + " ms#");

            if (ShowReqSkill && Skill.ReqSkill.Count > 0)
                foreach (var kv in Skill.ReqSkill)
                    string skillName;
                    if (this.StringLinker != null && this.StringLinker.StringSkill.TryGetValue(kv.Key, out sr))
                        skillName = sr.Name;
                        skillName = kv.Key.ToString();
                    skillDescEx.Add("#c[Required Skill]: " + skillName + ": " + kv.Value + " #");

            if (skillDescEx.Count > 0)
                g.DrawLine(Pens.White, 6, picH, 283, picH);
                picH += 9;
                foreach (var descEx in skillDescEx)
                    GearGraphics.DrawString(g, descEx, GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, 8, 272, ref picH, 16);
                picH += 9;

        private Bitmap renderBase(out int picHeight, out int iconY)
            Bitmap       leftPart = new Bitmap(252, DefaultPicHeight);
            Graphics     g        = Graphics.FromImage(leftPart);
            StringFormat format   = new StringFormat();
            int          value;

            picHeight = 10;
            if (gear.Star > 0) //绘制星星
                if (gear.Star < 5)
                    for (int i = 0; i < gear.Star; i++)
                        g.DrawImage(Resource.ToolTip_Equip_Star_Star, 126 - gear.Star * 13 / 2 + 13 * i, picHeight);
                    picHeight += 18;
                    int star = gear.Star % 5, star2 = gear.Star / 5;
                    int dx = 126 - (13 * star + 26 * star2) / 2;
                    for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++, dx += 26)
                        g.DrawImage(Resource.ToolTip_Equip_Star_Star2, dx, picHeight);
                    for (int i = 0; i < star; i++, dx += 13)
                        g.DrawImage(Resource.ToolTip_Equip_Star_Star, dx, picHeight + 5);
                    for (int i = 1; i < star2; i++, dx += 26)
                        g.DrawImage(Resource.ToolTip_Equip_Star_Star2, dx, picHeight);
                    picHeight += 28;

            StringResult sr;

            if (StringLinker == null || !StringLinker.StringEqp.TryGetValue(gear.ItemID, out sr))
                sr      = new StringResult();
                sr.Name = "(null)";
            string gearName = sr.Name;
            string nameAdd  = gear.ScrollUp > 0 ? ("+" + gear.ScrollUp) : null;

            switch (Gear.GetGender(gear.ItemID))
            case 0: nameAdd += "男"; break;

            case 1: nameAdd += "女"; break;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nameAdd))
                gearName += " (" + nameAdd + ")";
            format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
            g.DrawString(gearName, GearGraphics.ItemNameFont,
                         GearGraphics.GetGearNameBrush(gear.diff, gear.ScrollUp > 0), 124, picHeight, format);//绘制装备名称
            picHeight += 19;

            string rankStr;

            if (gear.GetBooleanValue(GearPropType.specialGrade))
                rankStr = ItemStringHelper.GetGearGradeString(GearGrade.Special);
                rankStr = ItemStringHelper.GetGearGradeString(gear.Grade);
            g.DrawString(rankStr, GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, Brushes.White, 127, picHeight, format);
            picHeight += 21;

            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                string attrStr = GetGearAttributeString(i);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attrStr))
                    g.DrawString(attrStr, GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, GearGraphics.GearNameBrushC, 126, picHeight, format);
                    picHeight += 19;

            if (gear.TimeLimited)
                DateTime time      = DateTime.Now.AddDays(7d);
                string   expireStr = time.ToString("到yyyy年 M月 d日 H时 m分可以用");
                g.DrawString(expireStr, GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, Brushes.White, 126, picHeight, format);
                picHeight += 16;

            picHeight += 1;
            iconY      = picHeight + 1;
            bool epic = gear.Epic;

            if (gear.Icon.Bitmap != null)
                            14 + (1 - gear.Icon.Origin.X) * 2,
                            iconY + (33 - gear.Icon.Origin.Y) * 2);
            if (gear.Cash)
                            14 + 68 - 26,
                            iconY + 68 - 26);

            drawGearReq(g, ref picHeight);

            if (gear.Props.TryGetValue(GearPropType.level, out value))
                g.DrawImage(Resource.ToolTip_Equip_GrowthEnabled_itemLEV, 96, picHeight);
                GearGraphics.DrawGearGrowthNumber(g, 160, picHeight + 4, (value == -1) ? "m" : value.ToString(), true);
                picHeight += 12;
                g.DrawImage(Resource.ToolTip_Equip_GrowthEnabled_itemEXP, 96, picHeight);
                GearGraphics.DrawGearGrowthNumber(g, 160, picHeight + 4, (value == -1) ? "m" : "0%", true);
                g.DrawImage(Resource.ToolTip_Equip_GrowthDisabled_itemLEV, 96, picHeight);
                g.DrawImage(Resource.ToolTip_Equip_GrowthDisabled_none, 160, picHeight + 4 + 3);
                picHeight += 12;
                g.DrawImage(Resource.ToolTip_Equip_GrowthDisabled_itemEXP, 96, picHeight);
                g.DrawImage(Resource.ToolTip_Equip_GrowthDisabled_none, 160, picHeight + 4 + 3);
            picHeight += 12;
            if (gear.Props.TryGetValue(GearPropType.durability, out value))
                if (value > 100)
                    value = 100;
                g.DrawImage(value > 0 ? Resource.ToolTip_Equip_Can_durability : Resource.ToolTip_Equip_Cannot_durability, 96, picHeight);
                GearGraphics.DrawGearDetailNumber(g, 173, picHeight, value.ToString() + "%", value > 0);
            picHeight += 13;

            int reqJob;

            gear.Props.TryGetValue(GearPropType.reqJob, out reqJob);
            g.DrawString("新手", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, reqJob > 0 ? Brushes.Red : Brushes.White, 10, picHeight);
            if (reqJob == 0)
                reqJob = 0x1f;             //0001 1111
            if (reqJob == -1)
                reqJob = 0;               //0000 0000
            g.DrawString("战士", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, (reqJob & 1) == 0 ? Brushes.Red : Brushes.White, 46, picHeight);
            g.DrawString("魔法师", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, (reqJob & 2) == 0 ? Brushes.Red : Brushes.White, 82, picHeight);
            g.DrawString("弓箭手", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, (reqJob & 4) == 0 ? Brushes.Red : Brushes.White, 130, picHeight);
            g.DrawString("飞侠", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, (reqJob & 8) == 0 ? Brushes.Red : Brushes.White, 178, picHeight);
            g.DrawString("海盗", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, (reqJob & 16) == 0 ? Brushes.Red : Brushes.White, 214, picHeight);
            picHeight += 19;

            string extraReq = ItemStringHelper.GetExtraJobReqString(gear.type) ??
                              (gear.Props.TryGetValue(GearPropType.reqSpecJob, out value) ? ItemStringHelper.GetExtraJobReqString(value) : null);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(extraReq))
                g.DrawString(extraReq, GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, GearGraphics.GearNameBrushC, 124, picHeight, format);
                picHeight += 18;

            g.DrawLine(Pens.White, 6, picHeight, 245, picHeight);
            picHeight += 9;

            bool hasPart2 = false;

            if (gear.Props.TryGetValue(GearPropType.superiorEqp, out value) && value > 0)
                g.DrawString("极真", GearGraphics.ItemNameFont, GearGraphics.SetItemNameBrush, 126, picHeight, format);
                picHeight += 18;
            if (gear.Props.TryGetValue(GearPropType.limitBreak, out value) && value > 0)
                g.DrawString("突破极限", GearGraphics.ItemNameFont, GearGraphics.SetItemNameBrush, 126, picHeight, format);
                picHeight += 18;

            bool   isWeapon = Gear.IsLeftWeapon(gear.type) || Gear.IsDoubleHandWeapon(gear.type);
            string typeStr  = ItemStringHelper.GetGearTypeString(gear.type);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(typeStr))
                g.DrawString("·", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, Brushes.White, 8, picHeight);
                g.DrawString((isWeapon ? "武器" : "装备") + "分类 : " + typeStr,
                             GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, Brushes.White, 20, picHeight);
                picHeight += 16;
                hasPart2   = true;
            if (gear.Props.TryGetValue(GearPropType.attackSpeed, out value))
                g.DrawString("·", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, Brushes.White, 8, picHeight);
                g.DrawString("攻击速度 : " + ItemStringHelper.GetAttackSpeedString(value),
                             GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, Brushes.White, 20, picHeight);
                picHeight += 16;
                hasPart2   = true;
            List <GearPropType> props = new List <GearPropType>();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <GearPropType, int> p in gear.Props)
                if ((int)p.Key < 100 && p.Value != 0)
            foreach (GearPropType type in props)
                g.DrawString("·", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, Brushes.White, 8, picHeight);
                g.DrawString(ItemStringHelper.GetGearPropString(type, gear.Props[type]), (epic && Gear.IsEpicPropType(type)) ? GearGraphics.EpicGearDetailFont : GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, Brushes.White, 20, picHeight);
                picHeight += 16;
                hasPart2   = true;
            bool hasTuc = gear.HasTuc && gear.Props.TryGetValue(GearPropType.tuc, out value);

            if (hasTuc)
                g.DrawString("·可升级次数 : " + value + "回", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, Brushes.White, 8, picHeight);
                picHeight += 16;
                hasPart2   = true;
            if (gear.Props.TryGetValue(GearPropType.limitBreak, out value) && value > 0)
                g.DrawString(ItemStringHelper.GetGearPropString(GearPropType.limitBreak, value), GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, GearGraphics.SetItemNameBrush, 8, picHeight);
                picHeight += 16;
                hasPart2   = true;

            if (hasTuc && gear.Hammer > -1)
                if (gear.Hammer == 2)
                    g.DrawString("黄金锤提炼完成", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, Brushes.White, 8, picHeight);
                    picHeight += 16;
                if (gear.Props.TryGetValue(GearPropType.superiorEqp, out value) && value > 0)
                    g.DrawString(ItemStringHelper.GetGearPropString(GearPropType.superiorEqp, value), GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, GearGraphics.SetItemNameBrush, 8, picHeight);
                    picHeight += 16;
                if (gear.Star > 0)
                    g.DrawString("·应用" + gear.Star + "星强化", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, GearGraphics.OrangeBrush, 8, picHeight);
                    picHeight += 16;
                picHeight += 2;
                g.DrawString("金锤子已提高的强化次数", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, GearGraphics.GoldHammerBrush, 8, picHeight);
                g.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias;
                g.DrawString(": " + gear.Hammer.ToString() + (gear.Hammer == 2 ? "(MAX)" : null), GearGraphics.TahomaFont, GearGraphics.GoldHammerBrush, 140, picHeight - 2);
                g.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.SystemDefault;
                picHeight          += 14;
                hasPart2            = true;

            if (hasPart2)
                g.DrawLine(Pens.White, 6, picHeight, 245, picHeight);
                picHeight += 9;

            int optionCount = 0;

            foreach (Potential potential in gear.Options)
                if (potential != null)
                    g.DrawString("·", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, Brushes.White, 8, picHeight);
                    g.DrawString(potential.ConvertSummary(), GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, Brushes.White, 20, picHeight);
                    picHeight += 16;
            if (optionCount > 0)
                picHeight += 4 * optionCount;
            else if (gear.CanPotential)
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, " #c潜能卷轴# 可增加 #cC级物品# 潜力,但需鉴定。\n #c放大镜# 可解除 #c未鉴定物品# 潜能的封印。",
                                        GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, 8, 236, ref picHeight, 16);
                picHeight += 4;

            int adOptionCount = 0;

            foreach (Potential potential in gear.AdditionalOptions)
                if (potential != null)
            if (adOptionCount > 0)
                picHeight -= 3;
                g.DrawLine(Pens.White, 6, picHeight, 245, picHeight);
                g.DrawImage(GetAdditionalOptionIcon(gear.AdditionGrade), 8, picHeight + 1);
                g.DrawString("附加潜能", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, GearGraphics.SetItemNameBrush, 26, picHeight + 2);
                picHeight += 24;

                foreach (Potential potential in gear.AdditionalOptions)
                    if (potential != null)
                        g.DrawString("+", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, Brushes.White, 8, picHeight);
                        g.DrawString(potential.ConvertSummary(), GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, Brushes.White, 20, picHeight);
                        picHeight += 18;
                picHeight += 5;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sr.Desc))
                if (optionCount > 0)
                    picHeight -= 2;
                picHeight -= 3;
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, sr.Desc, GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, 8, 236, ref picHeight, 16);
                picHeight += 5;
            if (gear.Props.TryGetValue(GearPropType.tradeAvailable, out value) && value != 0)
                g.DrawString(ItemStringHelper.GetGearPropString(GearPropType.tradeAvailable, value),
                             14, picHeight - 5);
                picHeight += 16;

            if (gear.Props.TryGetValue(GearPropType.accountShareTag, out value) && value != 0)
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, " #c" + ItemStringHelper.GetGearPropString(GearPropType.accountShareTag, 1) + "#",
                                        GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, 8, 236, ref picHeight, 16);
                picHeight += 16;

            if (gear.State == GearState.itemList)
                string         incline      = null;
                GearPropType[] inclineTypes = new GearPropType[] {

                string[] inclineString = new string[] {
                    "领导力", "感性", "洞察力", "意志", "手技", "魅力"

                for (int i = 0; i < inclineTypes.Length; i++)
                    if (gear.Props.TryGetValue(inclineTypes[i], out value) && value > 0)
                        incline += "," + inclineString[i] + value;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(incline))
                    picHeight -= 5;
                    GearGraphics.DrawString(g, "\n #c装备时可以获得" + incline.Substring(1) + "的经验值,仅限1次。#",
                                            GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, 8, 236, ref picHeight, 16);
                    picHeight += 8;
        private Bitmap RenderSkill(out int picH)
            Bitmap       bitmap = new Bitmap(290, DefaultPicHeight);
            Graphics     g      = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap);
            StringFormat format = (StringFormat)StringFormat.GenericDefault.Clone();

            picH = 0;

            StringResult sr;

            if (StringLinker == null || !StringLinker.StringSkill.TryGetValue(Skill.SkillID, out sr))
                sr      = new StringResult(true);
                sr.Name = "(null)";

            format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
            g.DrawString(sr.Name, GearGraphics.ItemNameFont2, Brushes.White, 144, 10, format);

            picH = 33;
            g.FillRectangle(GearGraphics.GearIconBackBrush2, 14, picH, 68, 68);
            if (Skill.Icon.Bitmap != null)
                            14 + (1 - Skill.Icon.Origin.X) * 2,
                            picH + (33 - Skill.Icon.Bitmap.Height) * 2);

            picH = 35;
            if (!Skill.PreBBSkill)
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, "[最高等级:" + Skill.MaxLevel + "]", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont2, 90, 270, ref picH, 16);

            if (sr.Desc != null)
                string hdesc = SummaryParser.GetSkillSummary(sr.Desc, Skill.Level, Skill.Common, SummaryParams.Default);
                //string hStr = SummaryParser.GetSkillSummary(skill, skill.Level, sr, SummaryParams.Default);
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, hdesc, GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont2, 90, 270, ref picH, 16);
            if (Skill.ReqLevel > 0)
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, "#c[要求等级:" + Skill.ReqLevel.ToString() + "]#", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont2, 90, 270, ref picH, 16);
            if (Skill.ReqAmount > 0)
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, "#c" + ItemStringHelper.GetSkillReqAmount(Skill.SkillID, Skill.ReqAmount) + "#", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont2, 90, 270, ref picH, 16);

            picH = Math.Max(picH, 114);
            g.DrawLine(Pens.White, 6, picH, 283, picH);
            picH += 9;

            if (Skill.Level > 0)
                string hStr = SummaryParser.GetSkillSummary(Skill, Skill.Level, sr, SummaryParams.Default);
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, "[现在等级 " + Skill.Level + "]", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, 8, 272, ref picH, 16);
                if (hStr != null)
                    GearGraphics.DrawString(g, hStr, GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont2, 8, 272, ref picH, 16);

            if (Skill.Level < Skill.MaxLevel)
                string hStr = SummaryParser.GetSkillSummary(Skill, Skill.Level + 1, sr, SummaryParams.Default);
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, "[下次等级 " + (Skill.Level + 1) + "]", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, 8, 272, ref picH, 16);
                if (hStr != null)
                    GearGraphics.DrawString(g, hStr, GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont2, 8, 272, ref picH, 16);
            picH += 9;

            List <string> skillDescEx = new List <string>();

            if (ShowProperties)
                List <string> attr = new List <string>();
                if (Skill.Invisible)
                if (Skill.Hyper != HyperSkillType.None)
                    attr.Add("超级技能:" + Skill.Hyper);
                if (Skill.CombatOrders)
                if (Skill.NotRemoved)
                if (Skill.MasterLevel > 0 && Skill.MasterLevel < Skill.MaxLevel)
                    attr.Add("初始掌握:Lv." + Skill.MasterLevel);

                if (attr.Count > 0)
                    skillDescEx.Add("#c" + string.Join(", ", attr.ToArray()) + "#");

            if (ShowDelay && Skill.Action.Count > 0)
                foreach (string action in Skill.Action)
                    skillDescEx.Add("#c[技能延时] " + action + ": " + CharaSimLoader.GetActionDelay(action) + " ms#");

            if (ShowReqSkill && Skill.ReqSkill.Count > 0)
                foreach (var kv in Skill.ReqSkill)
                    string skillName;
                    if (this.StringLinker != null && this.StringLinker.StringSkill.TryGetValue(kv.Key, out sr))
                        skillName = sr.Name;
                        skillName = kv.Key.ToString();
                    skillDescEx.Add("#c[前置技能] " + skillName + ": " + kv.Value + " 级#");

            if (skillDescEx.Count > 0)
                g.DrawLine(Pens.White, 6, picH, 283, picH);
                picH += 9;
                foreach (var descEx in skillDescEx)
                    GearGraphics.DrawString(g, descEx, GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, 8, 272, ref picH, 16);
                picH += 9;

        private Bitmap renderBase(out int picHeight, out int iconY)
            Bitmap       leftPart = new Bitmap(252, DefaultPicHeight);
            Graphics     g        = Graphics.FromImage(leftPart);
            StringFormat format   = new StringFormat();
            int          value;

            picHeight = 10;
            if (gear.Star > 0) //绘制星星
                if (gear.Star < 5)
                    for (int i = 0; i < gear.Star; i++)
                        g.DrawImage(Resource.ToolTip_Equip_Star_Star, 126 - gear.Star * 13 / 2 + 13 * i, picHeight);
                    picHeight += 18;
                    int star = gear.Star % 5, star2 = gear.Star / 5;
                    int dx = 126 - (13 * star + 26 * star2) / 2;
                    for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++, dx += 26)
                        g.DrawImage(Resource.ToolTip_Equip_Star_Star2, dx, picHeight);
                    for (int i = 0; i < star; i++, dx += 13)
                        g.DrawImage(Resource.ToolTip_Equip_Star_Star, dx, picHeight + 5);
                    for (int i = 1; i < star2; i++, dx += 26)
                        g.DrawImage(Resource.ToolTip_Equip_Star_Star2, dx, picHeight);
                    picHeight += 28;

            StringResult sr;

            if (StringLinker == null || !StringLinker.StringEqp.TryGetValue(gear.ItemID, out sr))
                sr      = new StringResult();
                sr.Name = "(null)";
            string gearName = sr.Name;
            string nameAdd  = gear.ScrollUp > 0 ? ("+" + gear.ScrollUp) : null;

            switch (Gear.GetGender(gear.ItemID))
            case 0: nameAdd += "Male"; break;

            case 1: nameAdd += "Female"; break;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nameAdd))
                gearName += " (" + nameAdd + ")";
            format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
            g.DrawString(gearName, GearGraphics.ItemNameFont,
                         GearGraphics.GetGearNameBrush(gear.diff, gear.ScrollUp > 0), 124, picHeight, format);//绘制装备名称
            picHeight += 19;

            string rankStr;

            if (gear.GetBooleanValue(GearPropType.specialGrade))
                rankStr = ItemStringHelper.GetGearGradeString(GearGrade.Special);
                rankStr = ItemStringHelper.GetGearGradeString(gear.Grade);
            g.DrawString(rankStr, GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, Brushes.White, 127, picHeight, format);
            picHeight += 21;

            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                string attrStr = GetGearAttributeString(i);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attrStr))
                    g.DrawString(attrStr, GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, GearGraphics.GearNameBrushC, 126, picHeight, format);
                    picHeight += 19;

            if (gear.TimeLimited)
                DateTime time      = DateTime.Now.AddDays(7d);
                string   expireStr = time.ToString("USABLE UNTIL M-d-yyyy AT H:m");
                g.DrawString(expireStr, GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, Brushes.White, 126, picHeight, format);
                picHeight += 16;

            picHeight += 1;
            iconY      = picHeight + 1;
            bool epic = gear.Epic;

            if (gear.Icon.Bitmap != null)
                            14 + (1 - gear.Icon.Origin.X) * 2,
                            iconY + (33 - gear.Icon.Origin.Y) * 2);
            if (gear.Cash)
                            14 + 68 - 26,
                            iconY + 68 - 26);

            drawGearReq(g, ref picHeight);

            if (gear.Props.TryGetValue(GearPropType.level, out value))
                g.DrawImage(Resource.ToolTip_Equip_GrowthEnabled_itemLEV, 96, picHeight);
                GearGraphics.DrawGearGrowthNumber(g, 160, picHeight + 4, (value == -1) ? "m" : value.ToString(), true);
                picHeight += 12;
                g.DrawImage(Resource.ToolTip_Equip_GrowthEnabled_itemEXP, 96, picHeight);
                GearGraphics.DrawGearGrowthNumber(g, 160, picHeight + 4, (value == -1) ? "m" : "0%", true);
                g.DrawImage(Resource.ToolTip_Equip_GrowthDisabled_itemLEV, 96, picHeight);
                g.DrawImage(Resource.ToolTip_Equip_GrowthDisabled_none, 160, picHeight + 4 + 3);
                picHeight += 12;
                g.DrawImage(Resource.ToolTip_Equip_GrowthDisabled_itemEXP, 96, picHeight);
                g.DrawImage(Resource.ToolTip_Equip_GrowthDisabled_none, 160, picHeight + 4 + 3);
            picHeight += 12;
            if (gear.Props.TryGetValue(GearPropType.durability, out value))
                if (value > 100)
                    value = 100;
                g.DrawImage(value > 0 ? Resource.ToolTip_Equip_Can_durability : Resource.ToolTip_Equip_Cannot_durability, 96, picHeight);
                GearGraphics.DrawGearDetailNumber(g, 173, picHeight, value.ToString() + "%", value > 0);
            picHeight += 13;

            int reqJob;

            gear.Props.TryGetValue(GearPropType.reqJob, out reqJob);
            g.DrawString("Common", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, reqJob > 0 ? Brushes.Red : Brushes.White, 10, picHeight);
            if (reqJob == 0)
                reqJob = 0x1f;             //0001 1111
            if (reqJob == -1)
                reqJob = 0;               //0000 0000
            g.DrawString("Warrior", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, (reqJob & 1) == 0 ? Brushes.Red : Brushes.White, 46, picHeight);
            g.DrawString("Magician", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, (reqJob & 2) == 0 ? Brushes.Red : Brushes.White, 82, picHeight);
            g.DrawString("Bowman", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, (reqJob & 4) == 0 ? Brushes.Red : Brushes.White, 130, picHeight);
            g.DrawString("Thief", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, (reqJob & 8) == 0 ? Brushes.Red : Brushes.White, 178, picHeight);
            g.DrawString("Pirate", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, (reqJob & 16) == 0 ? Brushes.Red : Brushes.White, 214, picHeight);
            picHeight += 19;

            string extraReq = ItemStringHelper.GetExtraJobReqString(gear.type) ??
                              (gear.Props.TryGetValue(GearPropType.reqSpecJob, out value) ? ItemStringHelper.GetExtraJobReqString(value) : null);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(extraReq))
                g.DrawString(extraReq, GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, GearGraphics.GearNameBrushC, 124, picHeight, format);
                picHeight += 18;

            g.DrawLine(Pens.White, 6, picHeight, 245, picHeight);
            picHeight += 9;

            bool hasPart2 = false;

            if (gear.Props.TryGetValue(GearPropType.superiorEqp, out value) && value > 0)
                g.DrawString("Superior", GearGraphics.ItemNameFont, GearGraphics.SetItemNameBrush, 126, picHeight, format);
                picHeight += 18;
            if (gear.Props.TryGetValue(GearPropType.limitBreak, out value) && value > 0)
                g.DrawString("Max Damage: ", GearGraphics.ItemNameFont, GearGraphics.SetItemNameBrush, 126, picHeight, format);
                picHeight += 18;

            bool   isWeapon = Gear.IsLeftWeapon(gear.type) || Gear.IsDoubleHandWeapon(gear.type);
            string typeStr  = ItemStringHelper.GetGearTypeString(gear.type);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(typeStr))
                g.DrawString("·", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, Brushes.White, 8, picHeight);
                g.DrawString((isWeapon ? "Arms" : "Equipment") + "Type : " + typeStr,
                             GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, Brushes.White, 20, picHeight);
                picHeight += 16;
                hasPart2   = true;
            if (gear.Props.TryGetValue(GearPropType.attackSpeed, out value))
                g.DrawString("·", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, Brushes.White, 8, picHeight);
                g.DrawString("Attack Speed : " + ItemStringHelper.GetAttackSpeedString(value),
                             GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, Brushes.White, 20, picHeight);
                picHeight += 16;
                hasPart2   = true;
            List <GearPropType> props = new List <GearPropType>();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <GearPropType, int> p in gear.Props)
                if ((int)p.Key < 100 && p.Value != 0)
            foreach (GearPropType type in props)
                g.DrawString("·", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, Brushes.White, 8, picHeight);
                g.DrawString(ItemStringHelper.GetGearPropString(type, gear.Props[type]), (epic && Gear.IsEpicPropType(type)) ? GearGraphics.EpicGearDetailFont : GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, Brushes.White, 20, picHeight);
                picHeight += 16;
                hasPart2   = true;
            bool hasTuc = gear.HasTuc && gear.Props.TryGetValue(GearPropType.tuc, out value);

            if (hasTuc)
                g.DrawString("Remaining Enhancements : " + value, GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, Brushes.White, 8, picHeight);
                picHeight += 16;
                hasPart2   = true;
            if (gear.Props.TryGetValue(GearPropType.limitBreak, out value) && value > 0)
                g.DrawString(ItemStringHelper.GetGearPropString(GearPropType.limitBreak, value), GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, GearGraphics.SetItemNameBrush, 8, picHeight);
                picHeight += 16;
                hasPart2   = true;

            if (hasTuc && gear.Hammer > -1)
                if (gear.Hammer == 2)
                    g.DrawString("Hammers Applied: 2 (Max)", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, Brushes.White, 8, picHeight);
                    picHeight += 16;
                if (gear.Props.TryGetValue(GearPropType.superiorEqp, out value) && value > 0)
                    g.DrawString(ItemStringHelper.GetGearPropString(GearPropType.superiorEqp, value), GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, GearGraphics.SetItemNameBrush, 8, picHeight);
                    picHeight += 16;
                if (gear.Star > 0)
                    g.DrawString("Star Force: " + gear.Star + "Infused", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, GearGraphics.OrangeBrush, 8, picHeight);
                    picHeight += 16;
                picHeight += 2;
                g.DrawString("Hammers Applied: 0", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, GearGraphics.GoldHammerBrush, 8, picHeight);
                g.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias;
                g.DrawString(": " + gear.Hammer.ToString() + (gear.Hammer == 2 ? "(MAX)" : null), GearGraphics.TahomaFont, GearGraphics.GoldHammerBrush, 140, picHeight - 2);
                g.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.SystemDefault;
                picHeight          += 15;
                hasPart2            = true;

            if (hasPart2)
                g.DrawLine(Pens.White, 6, picHeight, 245, picHeight);
                picHeight += 9;

            int optionCount = 0;

            foreach (Potential potential in gear.Options)
                if (potential != null)
                    g.DrawString("·", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, Brushes.White, 8, picHeight);
                    g.DrawString(potential.ConvertSummary(), GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, Brushes.White, 20, picHeight);
                    picHeight += 16;
            if (optionCount > 0)
                picHeight += 4 * optionCount;
            else if (gear.CanPotential)
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, "Potential. (Click on the magnifying glass button in the item window to unleash.)",
                                        GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, 8, 236, ref picHeight, 16);
                picHeight += 4;

            int adOptionCount = 0;

            foreach (Potential potential in gear.AdditionalOptions)
                if (potential != null)
            if (adOptionCount > 0)
                picHeight -= 3;
                g.DrawLine(Pens.White, 6, picHeight, 245, picHeight);
                g.DrawImage(GetAdditionalOptionIcon(gear.AdditionGrade), 8, picHeight + 1);
                g.DrawString("Potential", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, GearGraphics.SetItemNameBrush, 26, picHeight + 2);
                picHeight += 24;

                foreach (Potential potential in gear.AdditionalOptions)
                    if (potential != null)
                        g.DrawString("+", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, Brushes.White, 8, picHeight);
                        g.DrawString(potential.ConvertSummary(), GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, Brushes.White, 20, picHeight);
                        picHeight += 18;
                picHeight += 5;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sr.Desc))
                if (optionCount > 0)
                    picHeight -= 2;
                picHeight -= 3;
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, sr.Desc, GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, 8, 236, ref picHeight, 16);
                picHeight += 5;
            if (gear.Props.TryGetValue(GearPropType.tradeAvailable, out value) && value != 0)
                g.DrawString(ItemStringHelper.GetGearPropString(GearPropType.tradeAvailable, value),
                             14, picHeight - 5);
                picHeight += 16;

            if (gear.Props.TryGetValue(GearPropType.accountShareTag, out value) && value != 0)
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, " #c" + ItemStringHelper.GetGearPropString(GearPropType.accountShareTag, 1) + "#",
                                        GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, 8, 236, ref picHeight, 16);
                picHeight += 16;

            if (gear.State == GearState.itemList)
                string         incline      = null;
                GearPropType[] inclineTypes = new GearPropType[] {

                string[] inclineString = new string[] {
                    " Ambition", " Empathy", " Insight", " Willpower", " Diligence", " Charm"

                for (int i = 0; i < inclineTypes.Length; i++)
                    if (gear.Props.TryGetValue(inclineTypes[i], out value) && value > 0)
                        incline += "," + value + inclineString[i];

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(incline))
                    picHeight -= 5;
                    GearGraphics.DrawString(g, "#cGrants " + incline.Substring(1) + " EXP when first equipped (up to the daily maximum).#",
                                            GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, 8, 236, ref picHeight, 16);
                    picHeight += 8;
        private Bitmap renderItem(out int picHeight, out int iconY)
            Bitmap       tooltip = new Bitmap(290, DefaultPicHeight);
            Graphics     g       = Graphics.FromImage(tooltip);
            StringFormat format  = new StringFormat();
            int          value;

            format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
            picHeight        = 10;
            iconY            = 32;

            StringResult sr;

            if (StringLinker == null || !StringLinker.StringItem.TryGetValue(item.ItemID, out sr))
                sr      = new StringResult();
                sr.Name = "(null)";
            string gearName = sr.Name;

            g.DrawString(gearName, GearGraphics.ItemNameFont, Brushes.White, 145, picHeight, format);//绘制装备名称
            picHeight += 21;
            string attr = GetItemAttributeString();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attr))
                g.DrawString(attr, GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, GearGraphics.GearNameBrushC, 145, picHeight, format);
                iconY += 19;

            if (item.Icon.Bitmap != null)
                            14 + (1 - item.Icon.Origin.X) * 2,
                            iconY + (33 - item.Icon.Origin.Y) * 2);
            if (item.Cash)
                            14 + 68 - 26,
                            iconY + 68 - 26);

            picHeight = iconY;
            if (item.Props.TryGetValue(ItemPropType.reqLevel, out value))
                g.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAliasGridFit;
                g.PixelOffsetMode   = PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality;
                g.DrawString("Required level : " + value, GearGraphics.ItemReqLevelFont, Brushes.White, 92, picHeight);
                picHeight          += 15;
                g.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.SystemDefault;
                picHeight += 3;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sr.Desc))
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, sr.Desc + sr.AutoDesc, GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, 92, 272, ref picHeight, 16);
            if (item.Props.TryGetValue(ItemPropType.tradeAvailable, out value) && value > 0)
                attr = ItemStringHelper.GetItemPropString(ItemPropType.tradeAvailable, value);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attr))
                    GearGraphics.DrawString(g, "#c" + attr + "#", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, 92, 272, ref picHeight, 16);
            picHeight = Math.Max(iconY + 84, iconY + 16 * (int)Math.Ceiling((picHeight - iconY) / 16.0));
        private Bitmap RenderItem(out int picH)
            Bitmap       tooltip = new Bitmap(290, DefaultPicHeight);
            Graphics     g       = Graphics.FromImage(tooltip);
            StringFormat format  = (StringFormat)StringFormat.GenericDefault.Clone();
            int          value;

            picH = 10;
            StringResult sr;

            if (StringLinker == null || !StringLinker.StringItem.TryGetValue(item.ItemID, out sr))
                sr      = new StringResult();
                sr.Name = "(null)";

            SizeF titleSize = g.MeasureString(sr.Name, GearGraphics.ItemNameFont2, short.MaxValue, format);

            titleSize.Width += 12 * 2;
            if (titleSize.Width > 290)

                tooltip = new Bitmap((int)Math.Ceiling(titleSize.Width), DefaultPicHeight);
                g       = Graphics.FromImage(tooltip);
                picH    = 10;

            format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
            g.DrawString(sr.Name, GearGraphics.ItemNameFont2, Brushes.White, tooltip.Width / 2, picH, format);
            picH += 22;

            string attr = GetItemAttributeString();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attr))
                g.DrawString(attr, GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, GearGraphics.GearNameBrushC, tooltip.Width / 2, picH, format);
                picH += 19;

            int iconY = picH;

            g.DrawImage(Resource.UIToolTip_img_Item_ItemIcon_base, 14, picH);
            if (item.Icon.Bitmap != null)
                            20 + (1 - item.Icon.Origin.X) * 2,
                            picH + 6 + (33 - item.Icon.Bitmap.Height) * 2);
            if (item.Cash)
                            20 + 68 - 26,
                            picH + 6 + 68 - 26);
            g.DrawImage(Resource.UIToolTip_img_Item_ItemIcon_cover, 18, picH + 4); //绘制左上角cover

            if (item.Props.TryGetValue(ItemPropType.reqLevel, out value))
                g.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.SystemDefault;
                g.PixelOffsetMode   = PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality;
                g.DrawString("REQ LEV : " + value, GearGraphics.ItemReqLevelFont, Brushes.White, 97, picH);
                picH += 15;
                g.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.SystemDefault;
                picH += 3;

            int right = tooltip.Width - 18;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sr.Desc))
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, sr.Desc + sr.AutoDesc, GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont2, 98, right, ref picH, 16);
            if (item.Props.TryGetValue(ItemPropType.tradeAvailable, out value) && value > 0)
                attr = ItemStringHelper.GetItemPropString(ItemPropType.tradeAvailable, value);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attr))
                    GearGraphics.DrawString(g, "#c" + attr + "#", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont2, 98, right, ref picH, 16);
            if (item.Specs.TryGetValue(ItemSpecType.recipeValidDay, out value) && value > 0)
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, "( 제작 가능 기간 : " + value + "일 )", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, 98, right, ref picH, 16);
            if (item.Specs.TryGetValue(ItemSpecType.recipeUseCount, out value) && value > 0)
                GearGraphics.DrawString(g, "( 제작 가능 횟수 : " + value + "회 )", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, 98, right, ref picH, 16);

            picH += 3;

            if (item.Sample.Bitmap != null)
                if (picH < iconY + 84)
                    picH = iconY + 84;
                g.DrawImage(item.Sample.Bitmap, (tooltip.Width - item.Sample.Bitmap.Width) / 2, picH);
                picH += item.Sample.Bitmap.Height;
                picH += 2;

            if (item.Specs.TryGetValue(ItemSpecType.recipe, out value))
                int reqSkill, reqSkillLevel;
                if (!item.Specs.TryGetValue(ItemSpecType.reqSkill, out reqSkill))
                    reqSkill = value / 10000 * 10000;

                if (!item.Specs.TryGetValue(ItemSpecType.reqSkillLevel, out reqSkillLevel))
                    reqSkillLevel = 1;

                picH = Math.Max(picH, iconY + 107);
                g.DrawLine(Pens.White, 6, picH, 283, picH);//分割线
                picH += 10;
                g.DrawString("< 사용 제한조건 >", GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, GearGraphics.SetItemNameBrush, 8, picH);
                picH += 17;

                if (StringLinker == null || !StringLinker.StringSkill.TryGetValue(reqSkill, out sr))
                    sr      = new StringResult();
                    sr.Name = "(null)";
                switch (sr.Name)
                case "장비제작": sr.Name = "장비 제작"; break;

                case "장신구제작": sr.Name = "장신구 제작"; break;
                g.DrawString(string.Format("· {0} {1}레벨 이상", sr.Name, reqSkillLevel), GearGraphics.ItemDetailFont, GearGraphics.SetItemNameBrush, 13, picH);
                picH += 16;
                picH += 6;

            picH = Math.Max(iconY + 94, picH + 6);