 public void SetPicture(MtpData.MtpPicture picture)
     this.activePicture = picture;
        public void DrawMtpPictureIntoCanvas(
            Canvas canvas, MtpData.MtpPicture pic,
            bool drawHandlePoints = true, bool drawBoundingBoxes = true)
            // clear access
            if (canvas == null || pic == null)

            // prepare options correctly

            // for some tests, we need randomness
#if _only_testing
            var rnd = new Random();
            // first, set up the canvas
            if (true)
                if (pic.TotalSize.Width < 1 || pic.TotalSize.Height < 1)
                canvas.Width  = pic.TotalSize.Width;
                canvas.Height = pic.TotalSize.Height;

                if (this.VisuOptions?.BackgroundBrush != null)
                    canvas.Background           = this.VisuOptions.BackgroundBrush;
                    scrollViewerVisu.Background = this.VisuOptions.BackgroundBrush;

            // assume, that the elements below are in a list
            foreach (var obj in pic.Objects)
                // the check described in VDI2658 rely on RefBaseSystemUnitPath
                if (obj == null || obj.Name == null)

                // Pipe, FunctionLine, MeasurementLine
                if (obj is MtpData.MtpConnectionObject conn)
                    // make appropriate poly line
                    var l = new Polyline();
                    l.Stroke          = Brushes.Black;
                    l.StrokeThickness = 1;
                    l.Points          = conn.points;

                    // line style
                    SetLineStyle(l, obj.ObjClass);

                    // draw
                    l.Tag = conn;

                // VisualObject
                if (obj is MtpData.MtpVisualObject vo)
                    // debug?
                    if (obj.Name == "V001")

                    // search
                    var symbol = vo?.visObj?.Symbol;
                    if (symbol?.SymbolData == null)
                        // make missing bounding box
                        if (drawBoundingBoxes && vo.x.HasValue && vo.y.HasValue &&
                            vo.width.HasValue && vo.height.HasValue)
                            // box
                            DrawToCanvasAtPositionSize(canvas, vo.x.Value, vo.y.Value, vo.width.Value,
                                                       vo.height.Value, ConstructRect(Brushes.Red, 2.0));

                            // label?
                            var labeltb = UIElementHelper.CreateStickyLabel(this.LabelFontSettings, "" + vo.Name);
                                                                          vo.x.Value + vo.width.Value / 2,
                                                                          vo.y.Value + vo.height.Value / 2,
                                                                          UIElementHelper.DrawToCanvasAlignment.Centered, labeltb);


                    // make a NEW content object to display & manipulate
                    var contentObject = symbol.SymbolData as Canvas;
                    if (contentObject == null)

                    contentObject = UIElementHelper.cloneElement(contentObject) as Canvas;

                    // delete not necessary artifacts in the XAML
                    UIElementHelper.FindNozzlesViaTags(contentObject, "Nozzle", extractShapes: true);
                    UIElementHelper.FindNozzlesViaTags(contentObject, "Label", extractShapes: true);

                    // same logic for potential dynamic instance
                    var dynInstanceVO = vo.dynInstance?.CreateVisualObject(vo.width.Value, vo.height.Value);

                    // how to draw content?
                    if (dynInstanceVO != null)
                        // draw an dynamic instance object

                        // make bounding box Rect
                        if (drawBoundingBoxes)
                            DrawToCanvasAtPositionSize(canvas, vo.x.Value, vo.y.Value, vo.width.Value,
                                                       vo.height.Value, ConstructRect(Brushes.Violet, 1.0));

                        // draw it
                        var vb = ConstructViewboxVO(dynInstanceVO, 0.0 /* vo.rotation.Value */);
                        vb.Stretch = Stretch.Uniform;
                        vb.Tag     = vo;
                        DrawToCanvasAtPositionSize(canvas, vo.x.Value, vo.y.Value, vo.width.Value, vo.height.Value, vb);

                    if (vo.dynInstance == null || vo.dynInstance.DrawSymbolAsWell)
                        if (vo.visObj != null && contentObject != null)
                            // how to draw based on valid vis obj information
                            if (vo.visObj.Placement == MtpSymbol.SymbolPlaceType.FitNozzles && vo.nozzlePoints.Count > 0 &&
                                symbol.NozzlePos != null && symbol.NozzlePos.Length > 0)
                                // magnetically snap in
                                // COG of "surrounding" nozzles, and distance
                                var npArr    = vo.nozzlePoints.ToArray();
                                var npCOG    = UIElementHelper.ComputeCOG(npArr);
                                var npRadius = UIElementHelper.ComputeRadiusForCenterPointer(npArr, npCOG.Value);

                                // COG of content nozzles, and distance
                                var contentCOG    = UIElementHelper.ComputeCOG(symbol.NozzlePos);
                                var contentRadius = UIElementHelper.ComputeRadiusForCenterPointer(
                                    symbol.NozzlePos, contentCOG.Value);

                                // compute the delta between visual object's mid an its nozzle COG
                                var contentCogToMid = new Point(
                                    contentCOG.Value.X - contentObject.Width / 2.0,
                                    contentCOG.Value.Y - contentObject.Height / 2.0);

                                if (npArr == null || npCOG == null || npRadius == null ||
                                    contentCOG == null || contentRadius == null)

                                // based on the radius and COG information, construct a start vector
                                // FIX: radius could be 0!
                                var start = new UIElementHelper.Transformation2D(
                                    (contentRadius.Value < 0.01) ? 1.0 : npRadius.Value / contentRadius.Value,
                                    npCOG.Value.X, npCOG.Value.Y

                                // disturb it?
#if _only_testing
#pragma warning disable 162
                                // ReSharper disable once HeuristicUnreachableCode
                                    // ReSharper disable once HeuristicUnreachableCode
                                    start.Rot   += -15.0 + 30.0 * rnd.NextDouble();
                                    start.Scale *= 0.8 + 0.4 * rnd.NextDouble();
                                    start.OfsX  += -5.0 + 10.0 * rnd.NextDouble();
                                    start.OfsY  += -5.0 + 10.0 * rnd.NextDouble();
#pragma warning restore 162
                                // improve it
                                var better = UIElementHelper.FindBestFitForFieldOfPoints(
                                    symbol.NozzlePos, npArr, start, 0.3, 30.0, 10.0, 10, 3);
                                if (better != null)
                                    start = better;

                                // draw it
                                                                new[] {
                                    new Tuple <string, string>("%TAG%", "" + vo.Name)

                                if (obj.Name == "P001")

                                var shape = ConstructDirectVO(contentObject, 1.0 * start.Scale, 1.0 * start.Rot,
                                shape.Width  *= start.Scale;
                                shape.Height *= start.Scale;

                                var sr = new Rect(
                                    start.OfsX - shape.Width / 2,
                                    start.OfsY - shape.Height / 2,

                                if (drawBoundingBoxes)
                                    DrawToCanvasAtPositionSize(canvas, sr.X, sr.Y, sr.Width, sr.Height,
                                                               ConstructRect(Brushes.Blue, 1.0));

                                // Correct position for drawing the shape for some IRRATIONAL offset and the delta
                                // between shape's mid and the COG of the nozzles

                                sr.Location = new Point(
                                    sr.X - 2.0 - contentCogToMid.X * start.Scale,
                                    sr.Y - 2.0 - contentCogToMid.Y * start.Scale);

                                // for debugging?
                                //// DrawHandlePoint(canvas, sr.X, sr.Y, drawHandlePoints);

                                // draw
                                shape.Tag             = vo;
                                shape.BorderThickness = new Thickness(2);
                                shape.BorderBrush     = Brushes.Orange;
                                DrawToCanvasAtPositionSize(canvas, sr.X, sr.Y, sr.Width, sr.Height, shape);

                                // register in dynInstance?
                                if (vo.dynInstance != null)
                                    vo.dynInstance.SymbolElement = shape;

                                // draw the label at mid of bounding box
                                var labeltb = UIElementHelper.CreateStickyLabel(this.LabelFontSettings, "" + vo.Name);
                                labeltb.Tag = vo;
                                                                              vo.x.Value + vo.width.Value / 2,
                                                                              vo.y.Value + vo.height.Value / 2,
                                                                              UIElementHelper.TranslateRotToAlignemnt(start.Rot), labeltb);
                            if (vo.visObj.Placement == MtpSymbol.SymbolPlaceType.StretchToBoundingBox)
                                // make bounding box Rect
                                if (drawBoundingBoxes)
                                                               vo.x.Value, vo.y.Value,
                                                               vo.width.Value, vo.height.Value, ConstructRect(Brushes.Blue, 1.0));

                                // draw it
                                UIElementHelper.ApplyMultiLabel(contentObject, new[] {
                                    new Tuple <string, string>("%TAG%", "" + vo.Name)
                                var vb = ConstructViewboxVO(contentObject, vo.rotation.Value);
                                vb.Tag = vo;
                                                           vo.x.Value, vo.y.Value,
                                                           vo.width.Value, vo.height.Value, vb);
                                // right now, impossible!
                            // make missing part Rect
                            if (drawBoundingBoxes)
                                                           vo.x.Value, vo.y.Value,
                                                           vo.width.Value, vo.height.Value, ConstructRect(Brushes.Red, 2.0));

                    // handle in the mid
                                    vo.x.Value + vo.width.Value / 2, vo.y.Value + vo.height.Value / 2,

                // Topology Object
                if (obj is MtpData.MtpTopologyObject to)
                    // draw source / sink?
                    if (to.ObjClass >= 301 && to.ObjClass <= 302 && to.x != null && to.y != null)
                        // get visual object
                        var contentObject = ConstructContentObject(to.visObj);
                        UIElementHelper.ApplyMultiLabel(contentObject, new[] {
                            new Tuple <string, string>("%TAG%", "" + to.Name)

                        if (to.visObj != null && contentObject != null)
                            // determine XY
                            // Note: still not knowing, if to use nozzle or measurement
                            Nullable <Point> targetPos = null;
                            if (to.nozzlePoints != null && to.nozzlePoints.Count > 0 &&
                                to.nozzlePoints[0].X > 0.001 && to.nozzlePoints[0].Y > 0.001)
                                targetPos = to.nozzlePoints[0];
                            if (to.measurementPoints != null && to.measurementPoints.Count > 0 &&
                                to.measurementPoints[0].X > 0.001 && to.measurementPoints[0].Y > 0.001)
                                targetPos = to.measurementPoints[0];
                            if (targetPos == null)
                                targetPos = new Point(to.x.Value, to.y.Value);

                            // draw nozzle based
                            if (to.visObj.Placement == MtpSymbol.SymbolPlaceType.FitNozzles &&
                                to.visObj.Symbol?.NozzlePos != null && to.visObj.Symbol?.NozzlePos.Length > 0)
                                // draw centered to nozzle pos in fixed size
                                var vb = ConstructViewboxVO(contentObject, rotation: 0.0);
                                vb.Height  = 40;
                                vb.Width   = 40;
                                vb.Stretch = Stretch.UniformToFill;
                                vb.Tag     = to;
                                                                              targetPos.Value.X, targetPos.Value.Y,
                                                                              UIElementHelper.DrawToCanvasAlignment.Centered, vb);

                                // make bounding box Rect
                                if (drawBoundingBoxes)
                                                               targetPos.Value.X - vb.Width / 2, targetPos.Value.Y - vb.Height / 2,
                                                               vb.Width, vb.Height, ConstructRect(Brushes.Blue, 1.0));

                                // draw a nice label
                                var labelPos = UIElementHelper.RescalePointsByRatioOfFEs(contentObject,
                                                                                         vb, to.visObj.Symbol?.LabelPos);

                                // draw the label
                                var pos = new Point(targetPos.Value.X, targetPos.Value.Y);
                                var li  = (int)to.visObj.LabelAlignment;
                                if (li >= 0 && labelPos != null && li < labelPos.Length)
                                    pos = pos + (Vector)labelPos[li];
                                var labeltb = UIElementHelper.CreateStickyLabel(this.LabelFontSettings, "" + to.Name);
                                labeltb.Tag = to;
                                                                              pos.X, pos.Y,
                                                                              to.visObj.LabelAlignment, labeltb);
                                // draw square-sized symbol in fixed size over (x/y)
                                var size = 50;

                                // make bounding box Rect
                                if (drawBoundingBoxes)
                                                               // ReSharper disable PossibleLossOfFraction
                                                               to.x.Value - size / 2, to.y.Value - size / 2,
                                                               size, size, ConstructRect(Brushes.DarkOrange, 1.0));

                                // all helpers are NULL-invariant
                                var vb = ConstructViewboxVO(contentObject, rotation: 0.0);
                                vb.Tag = to;
                                                           to.x.Value - size / 2, to.y.Value - size / 2,
                                                           size, size, vb);

                            // handle
                            DrawHandlePoint(canvas, targetPos.Value.X, targetPos.Value.Y, drawHandlePoints);