public static Boolean SendEmail(string ClientID, string ProductID, int Price) { Boolean EmailSent = true; Model1Container _dataDC = ModelSingleton.getDataDC; //Recover Client and Product Data ClientSet Client; Client = _dataDC.ClientSet.First(S => S.Id == ClientID); if (Client.Email != null && Client.Email != "") { ProductsSet Product; Product = _dataDC.ProductsSet.First(S => S.Id == ProductID); //Build the destination address var toAddress = new MailAddress(Client.Email, Client.Name + " " + Client.Surname); var fromAddress = new MailAddress(Properties.Settings.Default.EmailAddress, "Jose Maria Sanchez Colino"); //Set the password const string fromPassword = "******"; //Build the subject string subject = Product.Producto + " " + Product.Marca + " " + Product.Modelo; //Build the body string body = BuildBody(Product, Client, Price); //collecting attached List <ProductImageSet> ImageList = new ObservableProductImage(_dataDC, Product.Id).Where(S => S.Email == true).ToList(); var smtp = new SmtpClient { Host = "", Port = 587, EnableSsl = true, DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network, UseDefaultCredentials = false, Credentials = new NetworkCredential(fromAddress.Address, fromPassword) }; //Create the email MailMessage message = new MailMessage(fromAddress, toAddress); message.Subject = subject; message.Body = body; foreach (ProductImageSet Image in ImageList) { System.Net.Mail.Attachment attachment; attachment = new System.Net.Mail.Attachment(Image.Path); message.Attachments.Add(attachment); } try { smtp.Send(message); } catch (Exception e) { EmailSent = false; System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(e.ToString()); } } else { System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("El cliente " + Client.Name + "no tiene asociado un correo electronico por lo que el correo no le sera enviado"); } return(EmailSent); }
public DragDropImage(string Product) { InitializeComponent(); _productID = Product; _dataDC = new Model1Container(); imagelist = new ObservableProductImage(_dataDC, _productID); ImageList.ItemsSource = imagelist; }