private void StationIdentifier_CheckChanged(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     if (radStatName.IsChecked.Value == true)                          //if radiobutton for stationname is checked
         cmbxStationStrChooser.Items.Clear();                          //clear items in combobox
         foreach (string stationName in Guide.StationNameStringList()) //foreach loop
             cmbxStationStrChooser.Items.Add(stationName);             //add station names to the combobox
     else if (radStatCode.IsChecked.Value == true)                     //if radiobutton for stationcode is checked
         cmbxStationStrChooser.Items.Clear();                          //clear items in combobox
         foreach (string stationCode in Guide.StationCodeStringList()) //foreach loop
             cmbxStationStrChooser.Items.Add(stationCode);             //add station codes to the combobox