void PrepareScene(Transform locationRoot, Dictionary <string, string> savedStandardMeshes, Dictionary <string, string> savedObjectMeshes) { for (int i = 0; i < locationRoot.childCount; i++) { Transform loc = locationRoot.GetChild(i); WG_LocationController locController = loc.GetComponent <WG_LocationController>(); if (locController != null) { locController.PrepareLocation("Assets" + assetMeshPath, "Assets" + assetMaterialPath, "Assets" + assetTexturePath, "Assets" + assetMinimapPath, lightMapShader, minimapSize, minimapCamera, minimapCameraHeight, exportLightmapHDR, savedStandardMeshes, savedObjectMeshes); } } //prepare navmesh WG_TerrainBuilder builderComponent = builder.gameObject.GetComponent <WG_TerrainBuilder>(); NavMeshData data = builderComponent.GetNavmeshData(); if (data != null) { SaveNavmeshAsset(data); localNavMesh = data; } }
public void PrepareNavmesh() { //prepare navmesh WG_TerrainBuilder builderComponent = builder.gameObject.GetComponent <WG_TerrainBuilder>(); NavMeshData data = builderComponent.GetNavmeshData(); if (data != null) { SaveNavmeshAsset(data); localNavMesh = data; } }
void ExportScene(Transform locationRoot) { for (int i = 0; i < locationRoot.childCount; i++) { Transform loc = locationRoot.GetChild(i); WG_LocationController locController = loc.GetComponent <WG_LocationController>(); if (locController != null) { locController.ExportLocation("Assets" + assetLocationPath, minimapSize, minimapCamera, minimapCameraHeight, "Assets" + assetMinimapPath); } } //export navmesh #if UNITY_EDITOR WG_TerrainBuilder builderComponent = builder.gameObject.GetComponent <WG_TerrainBuilder>(); NavMeshData data = builderComponent.GetNavmeshData(); string navmeshAssetPath = ""; if (data != null) { navmeshAssetPath = "navmeshes/" + data.name; AssetImporter.GetAtPath(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(data)).SetAssetBundleNameAndVariant(navmeshAssetPath, ""); } else { if (localNavMesh == null) { Debug.Log("Navmesh data is null, can't export it."); } else { Debug.Log("Use local version of the navmesh data object."); data = localNavMesh; navmeshAssetPath = "navmeshes/" + localNavMesh.name; AssetImporter.GetAtPath(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(localNavMesh)).SetAssetBundleNameAndVariant(navmeshAssetPath, ""); } } //create xml with navmeshlink and starting points GlobalLocation globalLocation = new GlobalLocation(); if (navmeshAssetPath.Length > 0 && data != null) { globalLocation.navmeshData = new NavmeshData() { link = navmeshAssetPath, name = data.name }; if (exportPlayerPositionsInLocations) { globalLocation.positions = new List <PositionData>(); WG_Position[] positions = FindObjectsOfType <WG_Position>(); for (int i = 0; i < positions.Length; i++) { Vector3 pos = positions[i].gameObject.transform.position; globalLocation.positions.Add(new PositionData() { positionX = pos.x, positionY = pos.y, positionZ = pos.z }); } if (globalLocation.positions.Count == 0) { Debug.Log("No start positions on the scene. Add default position (0, 0, 0)."); globalLocation.positions.Add(new PositionData() { positionX = 0.0f, positionY = 0.0f, positionZ = 0.0f }); } } globalLocation.bounds = new LocationsBounds() { minU = builderComponent.segmentsMinX, maxU = builderComponent.segmenstMaxX, minV = builderComponent.segmentsMinY, maxV = builderComponent.segmenstMaxY }; globalLocation.locationSize = new LocationSize() { value = builderComponent.segmentSize }; string globalLocationName = "global_location"; string globalLocationAssetPath = "Assets" + assetLocationPath + globalLocationName + ".xml"; globalLocation.Save(globalLocationAssetPath); AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(globalLocationAssetPath, ImportAssetOptions.ForceUpdate); AssetImporter.GetAtPath(globalLocationAssetPath).SetAssetBundleNameAndVariant("locations/" + globalLocationName, ""); //export server data SavePlayerPositions(); //SaveCollisionMap(data); SaveCollisionMap(serverPath); SaveTowerPositions(); } #endif }
void ExportScene(Transform locationRoot) { WG_Helper.ClearFolder(Application.dataPath + assetLocationSOPath); for (int i = 0; i < locationRoot.childCount; i++) { Transform loc = locationRoot.GetChild(i); WG_LocationController locController = loc.GetComponent <WG_LocationController>(); if (locController != null) { locController.ExportLocation("Assets" + assetLocationXMLPath, "Assets" + assetLocationSOPath, minimapSize, minimapCamera, minimapCameraHeight, "Assets" + assetMinimapPath); } } #if UNITY_EDITOR //export navmesh WG_TerrainBuilder builderComponent = builder.gameObject.GetComponent <WG_TerrainBuilder>(); NavMeshData data = builderComponent.GetNavmeshData(); string navmeshAssetPath = ""; if (data != null) { navmeshAssetPath = "navmeshes/" + data.name; AssetImporter.GetAtPath(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(data)).SetAssetBundleNameAndVariant(navmeshAssetPath, ""); } else { if (localNavMesh == null) { Debug.Log("Navmesh data is null, can't export it."); } else { Debug.Log("Use local version of the navmesh data object."); data = localNavMesh; navmeshAssetPath = "navmeshes/" + localNavMesh.name; AssetImporter.GetAtPath(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(localNavMesh)).SetAssetBundleNameAndVariant(navmeshAssetPath, ""); } } //create xml with navmeshlink and starting points GlobalLocation globalLocation = new GlobalLocation(); if (navmeshAssetPath.Length > 0 && data != null) { globalLocation.navmeshData = new NavmeshData() { link = navmeshAssetPath, name = data.name }; if (exportPlayerPositionsInLocations) { globalLocation.positions = new List <PositionData>(); WG_Position[] positions = WG_Helper.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <WG_Position>().ToArray();// FindObjectsOfType<WG_Position>(); for (int i = 0; i < positions.Length; i++) { Vector3 pos = positions[i].gameObject.transform.position; IntPair loc = WG_Helper.GetLocationCoordinates(pos, builderComponent.segmentSize); if (loc.u >= builderComponent.segmentsMinX && loc.u <= builderComponent.segmenstMaxX && loc.v >= builderComponent.segmentsMinY && loc.v <= builderComponent.segmenstMaxY) { globalLocation.positions.Add(new PositionData() { positionX = pos.x, positionY = pos.y, positionZ = pos.z }); } } if (globalLocation.positions.Count == 0) { Debug.Log("No start positions on the scene. Add default position (0, 0, 0)."); globalLocation.positions.Add(new PositionData() { positionX = 0.0f, positionY = 0.0f, positionZ = 0.0f }); } } globalLocation.bounds = new LocationsBounds() { minU = builderComponent.segmentsMinX, maxU = builderComponent.segmenstMaxX, minV = builderComponent.segmentsMinY, maxV = builderComponent.segmenstMaxY }; globalLocation.locationSize = new LocationSize() { value = builderComponent.segmentSize }; string globalLocationName = "global_location"; string globalLocationAssetPath = "Assets" + assetLocationXMLPath + globalLocationName + ".xml"; globalLocation.Save(globalLocationAssetPath); AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(globalLocationAssetPath, ImportAssetOptions.ForceUpdate); AssetImporter.GetAtPath(globalLocationAssetPath).SetAssetBundleNameAndVariant("locations/" + globalLocationName, ""); //export server data SavePlayerPositions(builderComponent); SaveCollisionMap(serverPath); SaveTowerPositions(builderComponent); //also export locations data to SO GlobalLocationDataSO globalSO = ScriptableObjectUtility.CreateAsset <GlobalLocationDataSO>("Assets" + assetLocationSOPath, globalLocationName); globalSO.minU = builderComponent.segmentsMinX; globalSO.maxU = builderComponent.segmenstMaxX; globalSO.minV = builderComponent.segmentsMinY; globalSO.maxV = builderComponent.segmenstMaxY; globalSO.size = builderComponent.segmentSize; globalSO.navmeshName = data.name; globalSO.navmeshLink = navmeshAssetPath; if (exportPlayerPositionsInLocations) { globalSO.startPositions = new List <Vector3>(); for (int pi = 0; pi < globalLocation.positions.Count; pi++) { globalSO.startPositions.Add(new Vector3(globalLocation.positions[pi].positionX, globalLocation.positions[pi].positionY, globalLocation.positions[pi].positionZ)); } } EditorUtility.SetDirty(globalSO); AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); AssetImporter.GetAtPath("Assets" + assetLocationSOPath + globalLocationName + ".asset").SetAssetBundleNameAndVariant("locations_so/" + globalLocationName, ""); } #endif }