public void Next(IrcTrigger trigger) { string gameFormat = "{0} vs. {1}"; string responseFormat = "Next game{0}: {1} - Kick off in {2}"; string response = null; Game[] g = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(trigger.Message)) { g = d.GetNextTeamGame(trigger.Message); } else { g = d.GetNextGames(); } if (g !=null && g.Any()) { //response = string.Format(responseFormat, g.TeamA.Name, g.TeamB.Name, Helpers.Time.ReadableDifference(g.DateTime)); string games = string.Join(", ", g.Select(q => string.Format(gameFormat, q.TeamA.Name, q.TeamB.Name))); response = string.Format(responseFormat, (g.Count() > 1 ? "s" : ""), games, Helpers.Time.ReadableDifference(g.First().DateTime)); } else { response = "No games found."; } if (FunctionOutputHandler != null && response != null) { FunctionOutputHandler(SendType.Message, trigger.Channel, response); } }
public static bool Load(string trigger, IrcEventArgs e, out IrcTrigger ircTrigger) { ircTrigger = new IrcTrigger(); Regex regex = new Regex(string.Format(triggerFormat, trigger), RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); Match m = regex.Match(e.Data.Message); if(m.Success) { ircTrigger.Channel = e.Data.Channel; ircTrigger.Nick = e.Data.Nick; ircTrigger.Host = e.Data.Host; ircTrigger.Message = m.Groups["args"].Value; ircTrigger.Arguments = (ircTrigger.Message.Length > 0 ? ircTrigger.Message.Split(new char[] { ' ' }) : new string[0] ); ircTrigger.Trigger = m.Groups["trigger"].Value; return true; } return false; }
public void GetPlayer(IrcTrigger trigger) { string outputFormat = "{0} (#{1} for {2}) - Goals: {3} Fouls: {4} (" + Colour.MakeColour(Colour.RED, Colour.RED) + "R" + Colour.NORMAL + ":{5} - " + Colour.MakeColour(Colour.YELLOW, Colour.YELLOW) + "Y" + Colour.NORMAL + ":{6}) " + "Shots [on target]: {7} [{8}] " + "Passes [% complete]: {9} [{10}]"; if (trigger.Arguments.Any()) { Player p = searchPlayer(trigger.Message); if (p != null) { if (p.HasData) { Output(trigger.Channel, string.Format(outputFormat, p.Name, p.KitNumber, p.Team, p.Goals, p.Fouls, p.Reds, p.Yellows, p.Shots, p.ShotsOnTarget, p.Passes, p.PassCompletion)); } else { Output(trigger.Channel, "I know who " + p.Name + " is, but I have no data for him."); } } else { Output(trigger.Channel, string.Format("No player by the name of {0} found", trigger.Message)); } } else { Output(trigger.Channel, "No player specified"); } }
public void GetGroupTable(IrcTrigger trigger) { if(trigger.Arguments.Any()) { char group = trigger.Message.ToUpper()[0]; JObject jsonObject = JObject.Parse(new System.Net.WebClient().DownloadString(URL_TABLES)); JArray tables = (JArray)jsonObject["footballTables"]["table"]; foreach (var table in tables) { int tableID = table["round"]["number"].Value<int>()-1; if (Tables[tableID]== group) { string[] lines = FormatGroupTable(Tables[tableID], (JObject)table).Split(new string[]{Environment.NewLine}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach(string line in lines) { FunctionOutputHandler(Meebey.SmartIrc4net.SendType.Message, trigger.Channel, line); } } } } }
public void Dev(IrcTrigger trigger) { if (trigger.Arguments.Any()) { switch (trigger.Arguments[0].ToLower()) { case "about": Output(trigger.Channel, "Zakumi is written in C#/.NET from the ground up and is based on the Meebey SmartIRC4Net framework"); break; case "issue": Output(trigger.Channel, "Report/track issues at or in #worldcup-dev"); break; case "wiki": Output(trigger.Channel, "WorldCupBot wiki:"); break; case "git": Output(trigger.Channel, "git repo: [email protected]:BauerUK/WorldCupBot.git"); break; case "github": Output(trigger.Channel, "WorldCupBot github page:"); break; } } else { Output(trigger.Channel, "Join #worldcup-dev for developer information/bugs/feature reports, etc."); } }
public void Today(IrcTrigger trigger) { string responseFormat = "Games for {0}: {1}"; string response = null; DateTime searchFor = new DateTime(); bool success = false; if (trigger.Message != string.Empty) { try { string message = trigger.Message.ToLower().Replace("tomorrow", "in 1 day"); var d = Helpers.Time.ParseDate(message); searchFor = d.Dates.Last(); success = true; } catch { success = false; } } else { searchFor = DateTime.UtcNow; success = true; } if (success) { var games = d.GetGamesByDate(searchFor); if (games.Any()) { List<string> gameList = games.Select(g => string.Concat("[", Colour.BOLD, g.DateTime.AddHours(2).ToShortTimeString(), Colour.NORMAL, "] ", g.TeamA.Name, (g.HasScore ? (string.Concat(" ", g.TeamAScore, " - ", g.TeamBScore , " ") ) : " v "), g.TeamB.Name)).ToList(); string lastGame = gameList[gameList.Count - 1]; gameList[gameList.Count - 1] = "and " + lastGame; response = string.Format(responseFormat, searchFor.ToShortDateString(), string.Join("; ", gameList)); } else { response = "No games for " + searchFor.ToShortDateString(); } } else { response = "Unable to find games for that date. Did you enter a real date?"; } if (FunctionOutputHandler != null) { FunctionOutputHandler(SendType.Message, trigger.Channel, response); } }