/// <summary> /// Run the algorithm multiple times via user input. /// </summary> private static void RunAlgorithmUserInput() { bool running = true; string dictionaryFilePath = GetUserInputPath("\nPlease enter a path to a vocabulary file: ", false); string resultsFilePath = GetUserInputPath("\nPlease enter a path to a results file: ", true); string startWord = GetUserInputWord("\nPlease enter a start word: "); string endWord = GetUserInputWord("\nPlease enter an end word: "); WordStepAlgorithm wordDictionary = new WordStepAlgorithm(dictionaryFilePath, startWord, endWord, resultsFilePath); wordDictionary.RunAlgorithm(); do { string option = GetUserOption("\nFind a word chain for more words? Y/N"); if (option == "N") { running = false; break; } wordDictionary.StartWord = GetUserInputWord("\nPlease enter a start word: "); wordDictionary.EndWord = GetUserInputWord("\nPlease enter an end word: "); wordDictionary.RunAlgorithm(); } while (running); }
/// <summary> /// Run the algorithm once using command line parameters. /// </summary> private static void RunAlgorithm(string[] parameters) { WordStepAlgorithm wordDictionary = new WordStepAlgorithm(parameters[0], parameters[1], parameters[2], parameters[3]); wordDictionary.RunAlgorithm(); Console.WriteLine("Press enter to terminate program."); Console.ReadLine(); }