static void Main() { string partOne="SoftUni OOP Game Contest"; string partTwo = "SoftUni is organizing a contest for the best role playing game from the OOP teamwork"; string partThr = "projects. The winning teams will receive a grand prize!"; string partFour = "The game should be: "; string listOne="Properly structured and follow all good OOP practices"; string listTwo="Awesome.."; string lsitThr="Very Awesome"; string []bul={listOne,listTwo,lsitThr}; string paragraphs = partOne + partTwo + partThr; Console.WriteLine("Please enter the directory where you want to create the file."); string path = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Please enter the name of the file which will be created."); string name = Console.ReadLine()+".docx"; CreateDocument TestDoc=new CreateDocument(path,name); Console.WriteLine("Please enter the image directory and name."); string ImgPath = Console.ReadLine(); TestDoc.AddHead(partOne); TestDoc.AddImg(ImgPath); TestDoc.AddPar(); TestDoc.AddPar(paragraphs); TestDoc.AddPar(partFour); TestDoc.AddPar(); TestDoc.BoldItalic(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { TestDoc.List(bul[i]); } TestDoc.AddHead("The top 3 teams will recieve a SPECTACULAR prize:"); TestDoc.AddHead("A HANDSHAKE FROM NAKOV"); TestDoc.document.Save(); }
static void Main() { string partOne = "SoftUni OOP Game Contest"; string partTwo = "SoftUni is organizing a contest for the best role playing game from the OOP teamwork"; string partThr = "projects. The winning teams will receive a grand prize!"; string partFour = "The game should be: "; string listOne = "Properly structured and follow all good OOP practices"; string listTwo = "Awesome.."; string lsitThr = "Very Awesome"; string [] bul = { listOne, listTwo, lsitThr }; string paragraphs = partOne + partTwo + partThr; Console.WriteLine("Please enter the directory where you want to create the file."); string path = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Please enter the name of the file which will be created."); string name = Console.ReadLine() + ".docx"; CreateDocument TestDoc = new CreateDocument(path, name); Console.WriteLine("Please enter the image directory and name."); string ImgPath = Console.ReadLine(); TestDoc.AddHead(partOne); TestDoc.AddImg(ImgPath); TestDoc.AddPar(); TestDoc.AddPar(paragraphs); TestDoc.AddPar(partFour); TestDoc.AddPar(); TestDoc.BoldItalic(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { TestDoc.List(bul[i]); } TestDoc.AddHead("The top 3 teams will recieve a SPECTACULAR prize:"); TestDoc.AddHead("A HANDSHAKE FROM NAKOV"); TestDoc.document.Save(); }