public roomModel getModel(string Type) { if (!_Models.ContainsKey(Type)) // Not initialized yet { Database Database = new Database(false, true); Database.addParameterWithValue("modeltype", Type); Database.Open(); if (Database.Ready) { DataRow dRow = Database.getRow("SELECT * FROM rooms_models WHERE modeltype = @modeltype"); if (dRow != null) { roomModel New = roomModel.Parse(dRow); if (New == null || dRow["modeltype"].ToString() != Type) // Not found / invalid case { Logging.Log("Room model '" + Type + "' was found but contained invalid data.", Logging.logType.commonWarning); return null; } else _Models.Add(Type, New); } else { Logging.Log("The requested room model '" + Type + "' was not found in the 'rooms_models' table of the database!", Logging.logType.commonWarning); return null; } } Logging.Log("Room model '" + Type + "' is initialized and added to cache.", Logging.logType.roomInstanceEvent); } return _Models[Type]; }
/// <summary> /// Tries to find a room with a given ID. If the room is found, a full roomInformation object is created and returned. If the room is not found, then null is returned. /// </summary> /// <param name="roomID">The database ID of the room to get the information of.</param> public roomInformation getRoomInformation(int roomID) { if (_Rooms.ContainsKey(roomID)) // Why load it? :) return _Rooms[roomID].Information; Database Database = new Database(false, true); Database.addParameterWithValue("roomid", roomID); Database.Open(); if (Database.Ready) { DataRow dRow = Database.getRow("SELECT rooms.*,users.username AS owner FROM rooms LEFT JOIN users ON rooms.ownerid = WHERE = @roomid LIMIT 1"); return roomInformation.Parse(dRow, true); } else return null; }
public userInformation getUserInfo(int userID, bool forceRefresh) { if (!forceRefresh && _userSessions.ContainsKey(userID)) // Why load it? :) return _userSessions[userID].User; userInformation returnInfo = new userInformation(); Database Database = new Database(false, true); Database.addParameterWithValue("userid", userID); Database.Open(); if (Database.Ready) { try { DataRow dRow = Database.getRow("SELECT username,password,role,figure,sex,motto,motto_messenger,credits,tickets,film,currentbadge,lastactivity,club_daysleft,club_monthsleft,club_monthsexpired,club_lastupdate,email,dob FROM users WHERE id = @userid"); returnInfo.ID = userID; returnInfo.Username = (string)dRow["username"]; returnInfo.Password = (string)dRow["password"]; returnInfo.Role = (userRole)(int.Parse(dRow["role"].ToString())); returnInfo.Figure = (string)dRow["figure"]; returnInfo.Sex = Convert.ToChar(dRow["sex"].ToString()); returnInfo.Motto = (string)dRow["motto"]; returnInfo.messengerMotto = (string)dRow["motto_messenger"]; returnInfo.Credits = (int)dRow["credits"]; returnInfo.Tickets = (int)dRow["tickets"]; returnInfo.Film = (int)dRow["film"]; returnInfo.Badge = (string)dRow["currentbadge"]; returnInfo.lastActivity = (DateTime)dRow["lastactivity"]; returnInfo.Email = (string)dRow["email"]; returnInfo.DateOfBirth = (string)dRow["dob"]; returnInfo.clubDaysLeft = (int)dRow["club_daysleft"]; returnInfo.clubMonthsLeft = (int)dRow["club_monthsleft"]; returnInfo.clubMonthsExpired = (int)dRow["club_monthsexpired"]; returnInfo.clubLastUpdate = (DateTime)dRow["club_lastupdate"]; } catch { returnInfo = null; } } return returnInfo; }
public basicUserInformation getBasicUserInfo(int userID) { basicUserInformation returnInfo = new basicUserInformation(); Database Database = new Database(false, true); Database.addParameterWithValue("userid", userID); Database.Open(); if (Database.Ready) { try { DataRow dRow = Database.getRow("SELECT username,figure,sex,motto,motto_messenger,lastactivity FROM users WHERE id = @userid"); returnInfo.ID = userID; returnInfo.Username = (string)dRow["username"]; returnInfo.Figure = (string)dRow["figure"]; returnInfo.Sex = Convert.ToChar(dRow["sex"].ToString()); returnInfo.Motto = (string)dRow["motto"]; returnInfo.messengerMotto = (string)dRow["motto_messenger"]; returnInfo.lastActivity = (DateTime)dRow["lastactivity"]; } catch { returnInfo = new basicUserInformation(); } } return returnInfo; }
public userAccessInformation getLastAccess(int userID) { if (_userSessions.ContainsKey(userID)) return _userSessions[userID].Access; Database dbClient = new Database(false, true); dbClient.addParameterWithValue("userid", userID); dbClient.Open(); if (dbClient.Ready) return userAccessInformation.Parse(dbClient.getRow("SELECT * FROM users_access WHERE userid = @userid ORDER BY moment DESC LIMIT 1")); else return null; }
/// <summary> /// Tries to redeem a credit/item voucher for a user session. /// </summary> /// <param name="Session">The Woodpecker.Sessions.Session object to redeem the voucher with.</param> /// <param name="Code">The vouchercode the user entered.</param> public void redeemVoucher(ref Session Session, string Code) { serverMessage Response = new serverMessage(); Database Database = new Database(false, false); Database.addParameterWithValue("code", Code); Database.Open(); if (Database.Ready) { DataRow dRow = Database.getRow("SELECT type,value FROM users_vouchers WHERE code = @code AND ISNULL(redeemer_userid)"); if (dRow != null) // Voucher found { // Mark voucher as redeemed Database.addParameterWithValue("userid", Session.User.ID); Database.runQuery("UPDATE users_vouchers SET redeemer_userid = @userid WHERE code = @code"); Database.Close(); string Type = (string)dRow["type"]; if (Type == "credits") { int Credits = int.Parse(dRow["value"].ToString()); Session.User.Credits += Credits; Session.User.updateValueables(); this.logTransaction(Session.User.ID, "win_voucher", Credits); Session.refreshCredits(); } else if (Type == "item") { string[] Items = ((string)dRow["value"]).Split(';'); } // Success! Response.Initialize(212); // "CT" Session.gameConnection.sendMessage(Response); return; } else { // Error 1! (not found) Response.Initialize(213); // "CU" Response.Append(1); } Session.gameConnection.sendMessage(Response); } }
public void openPresent(int presentID, int userID) { Database dbClient = new Database(false, true); dbClient.addParameterWithValue("presentid", presentID); dbClient.Open(); if (dbClient.Ready) { DataRow dRow = dbClient.getRow( "SELECT salecode,customdata FROM items_presents WHERE presentid = @presentid LIMIT 1;" + "DELETE FROM items_presents WHERE presentid = @presentid LIMIT 1;"); if (dRow != null) // Present found { string saleCode = (string)dRow["salecode"]; string customData = null; if(dRow["customdata"] != DBNull.Value) customData = (string)dRow["customdata"]; requestSaleShipping(userID, saleCode, false, false, null, customData); } } }
/// <summary> /// Refreshes the user amounts for this category if needed. /// </summary> public void refreshUserCounts() { if (this.lastUserCountUpdate.AddSeconds(1) < DateTime.Now) { Database dbClient = new Database(true, true); if (dbClient.Ready) { DataRow dRow = dbClient.getRow("SELECT SUM(visitors_now) AS now,SUM(visitors_max) AS max FROM rooms WHERE category = '" + this.ID + "' ORDER BY visitors_now DESC LIMIT 40"); if (dRow["now"] != DBNull.Value) // Results { this.currentVisitors = int.Parse(dRow["now"].ToString()); this.maxVisitors = int.Parse(dRow["max"].ToString()); } else this.maxVisitors = 1; this.lastUserCountUpdate = DateTime.Now; } } }
/// <summary> /// Returns the messengerBuddy object of a user. /// </summary> /// <param name="userID">The database ID of the user to get the messengerBuddy object of.</param> public messengerBuddy getBuddy(int userID) { Database Database = new Database(false, true); Database.addParameterWithValue("userid", userID); Database.Open(); DataRow dRow = Database.getRow("SELECT id,username,figure,sex,motto_messenger,lastactivity FROM users WHERE id = @userid"); return messengerBuddy.Parse(dRow); }