public FinalRender(ref Scene scene, ref RaytracerOptions raytracerOptions, ref PostProcess postprocess) { DataContext = this; InitializeComponent(); _Scene = scene; _RaytracerOptions = raytracerOptions; _PostProcess = postprocess; UpdateGUI(); }
private void LoadContext(string name) { Logger.Log("LoadContext() started"); string filename = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments) + "\\WooFractal\\Scenes\\" + name + ".wsd"; if (System.IO.File.Exists(filename)) { StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(filename); string sceneDescriptor = sr.ReadToEnd(); using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(new StringReader(sceneDescriptor))) { try { while (reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.EndElement && reader.Read()) { if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && reader.Name == "CONTEXT") { reader.Read(); while (reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.EndElement && reader.Read()) { if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && reader.Name == "OPTIONS") { _RaytracerOptions = new RaytracerOptions(); _RaytracerOptions.LoadXML(reader); } if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && reader.Name == "SCENE") { _Scene = new Scene(); _Scene.LoadXML(reader); } } reader.Read(); } } } catch (XmlException /*e*/) { _Scene = new Scene(); } } sr.Close(); } Logger.Log("LoadContext() completed"); BuildFractalList(); BuildOptionsList(); BuildCameraList(); BuildColourList(); BuildEnvironmentList(); }
private void InitialiseRenderer() { _RaytracerOptions = new RaytracerOptions(); _RaytracerOptions._DoFEnabled = false; _RaytracerOptions._ShadowsEnabled = true; _RaytracerOptions._Reflections = 1; _Scene = new Scene(); _Scene._FractalSettings._FractalIterations.Clear(); _Scene._FractalSettings._FractalColours.Clear(); _Scene._FractalSettings._RenderOptions._Background = 1; FractalGradient preview = new FractalGradient(); preview._GradientSegments[0]._StartColour = _Material; preview._Multiplier = 0.0f; _Scene._FractalSettings._FractalColours.Add(preview); _Scene._Camera._Position = new Vector3(0, 1.5, 1.5); _Scene._Camera._Target = new Vector3(0, 1, 0); _PostProcess = new PostProcess(); // _PostProcess._ToneMappingMode = 3; _PostProcess.Initialise(_GL); // Initialise the scene. string frag = ""; _Scene.Compile(_RaytracerOptions, _Scene._FractalSettings._RenderOptions, ref frag); _ShaderRenderer = new ShaderRenderer(); _ShaderRenderer.Compile(_GL, frag, 16); int width, height; width = (int)openGlCtrl.ActualWidth; height = (int)openGlCtrl.ActualHeight; _ShaderRenderer.Initialise(_GL, width, height, _Scene._Camera.GetViewMatrix(), _Scene._Camera.GetPosition(), false); _ShaderRenderer.SetShaderVars(_Scene._Camera.GetViewMatrix(), _Scene._Camera.GetPosition(), _Scene._FractalSettings._RenderOptions.GetSunVec3(), _Scene._Camera, _Scene._FractalSettings); _ShaderRenderer.SetProgressive(_RaytracerOptions._Progressive); _ShaderRenderer.SetPostProcess(_PostProcess); _ShaderRenderer.Clean(_GL); _ShaderRenderer.Start(); }
public abstract void Compile(RaytracerOptions raytracerOptions, ref string frag);
public void Compile(RaytracerOptions raytracerOptions, RenderOptions renderOptions, ref string frag) { frag += @" void calculateDirectionalLight(in vec3 pos, in vec3 normal, in vec3 eye, in vec3 direction, in vec3 reflection, in float roughness, in bool shadows, out vec3 lightDiff, out vec3 lightSpec) { vec3 opos, onor; material omat; float dist = 1000; // vec3 direction = normalize(vec3(1, 1, 1)); direction += getRandomDirection3d()*0.01; direction = normalize(direction); vec3 shadow = vec3(1,1,1); if (shadows) { if (trace(pos, direction, dist, opos, onor, omat)) shadow = vec3(0,0,0); } lightDiff += shadow * vec3(max(dot(direction, normal),0)); vec3 halfVec = normalize(direction - eye); float NdotH = max(dot(normal, halfVec),0); float RdotL = max(dot(reflection, direction), 0); lightSpec += vec3(pow(NdotH, 1.00001/(0.00001+roughness))); } void calculateWorldLight(in vec3 pos, in vec3 normal, in vec3 eye, in vec3 reflection, in float roughness, in bool shadows, out vec3 lightDiff, out vec3 lightSpec) { vec3 opos, onor; material omat; float dist = 1000; vec3 wdirection = getSampleBiased(normal, 1); if (!shadows || !trace(pos, wdirection, dist, opos, onor, omat)) lightDiff += getBackgroundColour(wdirection, pos).xyz*vec3(dot(wdirection, normal)); } void calculateLighting(in vec3 pos, in vec3 normal, in vec3 eye, in vec3 reflection, in float roughness, out vec3 lightDiff, out vec3 lightSpec) { lightDiff = vec3(0,0,0); lightSpec = vec3(0,0,0); calculateDirectionalLight(pos, normal, eye, sunDirection, reflection, roughness, " + (raytracerOptions._ShadowsEnabled ? "true" : "false") + @", lightDiff, lightSpec); //calculateWorldLight(pos, normal, eye, reflection, roughness, " + (raytracerOptions._ShadowsEnabled ? "true" : "false") + @", lightDiff, lightSpec); vec3 opos, onor; material omat; float dist = 1000; vec3 wdirection = getSampleBiased(normal, 1); dist = 1000; "; if (raytracerOptions._ShadowsEnabled) { frag += @"if (trace(pos, wdirection, dist, opos, onor, omat)) lightDiff = vec3(0,0,0); else "; } frag += @"lightDiff += getBackgroundColour(wdirection, pos).xyz*vec3(dot(wdirection, normal)); } "; }
public override void Compile(RaytracerOptions raytracerOptions, ref string frag) { frag += @""; }
public void Compile(RaytracerOptions raytracerOptions, ref string frag) { // _Position = new Vector3(0, 1, -2); // _Target = new Vector3(0, 1, 0); mat4 viewMatrix = GetViewMatrix(); frag += @" uniform vec3 camPos; uniform mat4 viewMatrix; uniform float apertureSize; uniform float spherical; uniform float stereographic; uniform float fov; void getcamera(out vec3 pos, out vec3 dir, in vec2 q, in bool depth) { float aspect = screenHeight/screenWidth; if (!depth) { vec2 r = rand2d(vec3(pixelIndex, sampleIndex++, randomIndex))-vec2(0.5,0.5); q.x += r.x/screenWidth; q.y += r.y/screenHeight; } vec3 direction = vec3(q.x*fov, q.y*fov*aspect, 45); direction = normalize(direction); pos = camPos; if (spherical > 0.0001f) { float sx = 0.5*q.x; float sy = 0.5*q.y*aspect; float mag = sqrt(sx*sx + sy*sy); sx /= mag; sy /= mag; mag *= fov * 3.14159254f / 90; vec3 sDirection = vec3(sx*sin(mag), sy*sin(mag), cos(mag)); sDirection = normalize(sDirection); direction += (sDirection - direction) * spherical; } if (stereographic > 0.0001f) { float ex = q.x*fov/30; float ey = q.y*aspect*fov/30; float s = 4 / (ex*ex + ey*ey + 1); vec3 edirection = vec3(s*ex, s*ey, 2*s - 1); edirection = normalize(edirection); direction += (edirection - direction) * stereographic; } "; frag += @" if (!depth) { vec3 offset = vec3("; if (raytracerOptions._DoFEnabled) { frag += "focusDepth*apertureSize"; } else { frag += "0.0"; } frag += @"*(getRandomDisc()*0.5), 0); // get the focal point vec3 focusedPoint = direction * focusDepth; // Calculate new direction from origin to focus point direction = focusedPoint - offset; pos += vec3(viewMatrix * vec4(offset, 0.0)); } dir = normalize(vec3(viewMatrix * vec4(direction, 0.0))); }"; }
public string Compile(RaytracerOptions raytracerOptions, RenderOptions renderOptions, ref string frag) { frag = @" #version 130 uniform float screenWidth; uniform float screenHeight; uniform sampler2D renderedTexture; uniform sampler2D randomNumbers; uniform float frameNumber; uniform bool depth; uniform float mouseX; uniform float mouseY; uniform float progressiveInterval; uniform vec3 sunDirection; uniform float focusDepth; uniform float fogStrength; uniform float fogSamples; uniform vec3 fogColour; uniform float fogType; uniform float distanceExtents; float randomIndex; float pixelIndex; float sampleIndex; in vec2 texCoord; out vec4 FragColor; struct material { vec3 diff; vec3 spec; vec3 refl; float roughness; float dlc; }; void calculateLighting(in vec3 pos, in vec3 normal, in vec3 eye, in vec3 reflection, in float roughness, out vec3 lightDiff, out vec3 lightSpec); bool trace(in vec3 pos, in vec3 dir, inout float dist, out vec3 out_pos, out vec3 normal, out material mat); vec2 rand2d(vec3 co) { // if (texCoord.x<0) // return vec2(fract(sin(dot( ,vec3(12.9898,78.233,267))) * 43758.5453), fract(sin(dot(,71,741) ,vec3(12.9898,78.233, 267))) * 43758.5453)); uint clamppixel = uint(co.x)%uint(3592); uint sequence = uint(uint(co.z)/uint(1024))*uint(4801) + uint(co.x)*uint(co.x) + uint(co.y); sequence = ((sequence >> 16) ^ sequence) * uint(0x45d9f3b); sequence = ((sequence >> 16) ^ sequence) * uint(0x45d9f3b); sequence = ((sequence >> 16) ^ sequence); uint x = uint(co.z) % uint(1024); uint y = sequence % uint(1024); vec4 rand = texture(randomNumbers, vec2((float(x)+0.5)/1024, (float(y)+0.5)/1024)); return vec2(rand.x, rand.y); } // See : vec3 ortho(in vec3 v) { return abs(v[0]) > abs(v[2]) ? vec3(-v[1], v[0], 0.0) : vec3(0.0, -v[2], v[1]); } vec3 getSampleBiased(in vec3 dir, in float power) { dir = normalize(dir); vec3 o1 = normalize(ortho(dir)); vec3 o2 = normalize(cross(dir, o1)); vec2 r = rand2d(vec3(pixelIndex, sampleIndex++, randomIndex)); r.x = r.x * 2.0f * 3.14159265f; r.y = pow(r.y, 1.0f/(power+1.0f)); float oneminus = sqrt(1.0f-r.y*r.y); return o1*cos(r.x)*oneminus+o2*sin(r.x)*oneminus+dir*r.y; } vec3 getRandomDirection3d() { vec2 random2d = rand2d(vec3(pixelIndex, sampleIndex++, randomIndex)); float azimuth = random2d.x * 2 * 3.14159265f; vec2 dir2d = vec2(cos(azimuth), sin(azimuth)); float z = (2*random2d.y) - 1; vec2 planar = dir2d * sqrt(1-z*z); return vec3(planar.x, planar.y, z); } vec2 getRandomDisc() { vec2 random = rand2d(vec3(pixelIndex, sampleIndex++, randomIndex)); random = vec2(sqrt(random.x), 2*3.14159265*random.y); return vec2(random.x * cos(random.y), random.x * sin(random.y)); } bool raySphereIntersect(in vec3 origin, in vec3 dir, in float radius, out float t0, out float t1) { // geometric solution float radius2 = radius*radius; vec3 L = vec3(0,0,0) - origin; //centre - origin float tca = dot(L, dir); float d2 = dot(L, L) - tca*tca; if (d2>radius2) return false; float thc = sqrt(radius2 - d2); t0 = tca - thc; t1 = tca + thc; // swap if (t0>t1) {float tmp=t0;t0=t1;t1=tmp;} return true; } vec3 getSkyColour(vec3 dir, vec3 pos, float tmin, float tmax) { float scale = 0.001; vec3 scalePos = pos*scale; tmax *= scale; vec3 betaR = vec3(0.0038, 0.0135, 0.0331); vec3 betaM = vec3(0.031); float atmosphereHeightR = 8; //km float atmosphereHeightM = 1.2; //km float planetRadius = 6000; //km float cameraHeight = 0; //km vec3 planetPos = vec3(0, planetRadius+cameraHeight, 0); vec3 orig = planetPos + scalePos; float sphereHeight = planetRadius + atmosphereHeightR; float t0, t1; if (!raySphereIntersect(orig, dir, sphereHeight, t0, t1)) return vec3(0,0,0); if (t0<0) t0=0; t1 = min(t1, tmax); if (t1<0) return vec3(0,0,0); int numSamples = 4; int numSamplesLight = 8; float segmentLength = (t1-t0) / numSamples; float tCurrent = t0; vec3 sumR = vec3(0); vec3 sumM = vec3(0); float opticalDepthR = 0; float opticalDepthM = 0; float mu = dot(dir, sunDirection); float phaseR = 3.0 / (16.0 * 3.14159265) * (1.0 + mu * mu); float g = 0.76; float phaseM = 3.0 / (8.0 * 3.14159265) * ((1.0 - g * g) * (1.0 + mu * mu)) / ((2.0 + g * g) * pow(1.0 + g * g - 2.0 * g * mu, 1.0f)); vec3 ret; for (int i=0; i<numSamples; i++) { vec3 samplePosition = orig + (tCurrent + segmentLength * rand2d(vec3(pixelIndex, sampleIndex++, randomIndex)).x) * dir; float height = max(0,length(samplePosition) - planetRadius); // ret = vec3(height*10000);//(sumR * betaR * phaseR + sumM * betaM * phaseM) * 20; // compute optical depth for light float hr = exp(-height / atmosphereHeightR) * segmentLength; float hm = exp(-height / atmosphereHeightM) * segmentLength; opticalDepthR += hr; opticalDepthM += hm; // light optical depth float t0Light, t1Light; raySphereIntersect(samplePosition, sunDirection, sphereHeight, t0Light, t1Light); float segmentLengthLight = t1Light / numSamplesLight, tCurrentLight = 0; float opticalDepthLightR = 0, opticalDepthLightM = 0; int j; for (j = 0; j < numSamplesLight; j++) { vec3 samplePositionLight = samplePosition + (tCurrentLight + segmentLengthLight * rand2d(vec3(pixelIndex, sampleIndex++, randomIndex)).x) * sunDirection; float heightLight = max(0,length(samplePositionLight) - planetRadius); // if (heightLight < 0) break; opticalDepthLightR += exp(-heightLight / atmosphereHeightR) * segmentLengthLight; opticalDepthLightM += exp(-heightLight / atmosphereHeightM) * segmentLengthLight; tCurrentLight += segmentLengthLight; } if (j == numSamplesLight) { vec3 tau = betaR * (opticalDepthR + opticalDepthLightR) + betaM * 1.1f * (opticalDepthM + opticalDepthLightM); vec3 attenuation = exp(-tau); material omat; vec3 opos, onor; float odist; if (!trace((samplePosition-planetPos)/scale, sunDirection, odist, opos, onor, omat)) { sumR += attenuation * hr; sumM += attenuation * hm; } } tCurrent += segmentLength; } return vec3(20*(sumR*betaR*phaseR + sumM*betaM*phaseM)); } vec3 getSkyColour2(vec3 dir, vec3 pos, float tmin, float tmax) { float scale = 0.001; vec3 scalePos = pos*scale; tmax *= scale; vec3 betaR = vec3(0.0038, 0.0135, 0.0331); vec3 betaM = vec3(0.031); float atmosphereHeightR = 8; //km float atmosphereHeightM = 1.2; //km float planetRadius = 6000; //km float cameraHeight = 0; //km vec3 planetPos = vec3(0, planetRadius+cameraHeight, 0); vec3 orig = planetPos + scalePos; float sphereHeight = planetRadius + atmosphereHeightR; float t0, t1; if (!raySphereIntersect(orig, dir, sphereHeight, t0, t1)) return vec3(0,0,0); if (t0<0) t0=0; t1 = min(t1, tmax); if (t1<0) return vec3(0,0,0); int numSamples = 4; int numSamplesLight = 8; float segmentLength = (t1-t0) / numSamples; float tCurrent = t0; vec3 sumR = vec3(0); vec3 sumM = vec3(0); float opticalDepthR = 0; float opticalDepthM = 0; float mu = dot(dir, sunDirection); float phaseR = 3.0 / (16.0 * 3.14159265) * (1.0 + mu * mu); float g = 0.76; float phaseM = 3.0 / (8.0 * 3.14159265) * ((1.0 - g * g) * (1.0 + mu * mu)) / ((2.0 + g * g) * pow(1.0 + g * g - 2.0 * g * mu, 1.0f)); vec3 ret; for (int i=0; i<numSamples; i++) { vec3 samplePosition = orig + (tCurrent + segmentLength * rand2d(vec3(pixelIndex, sampleIndex++, randomIndex)).x) * dir; float height = max(0,length(samplePosition) - planetRadius); // ret = vec3(height*10000);//(sumR * betaR * phaseR + sumM * betaM * phaseM) * 20; // compute optical depth for light float hr = exp(-height / atmosphereHeightR) * segmentLength; float hm = exp(-height / atmosphereHeightM) * segmentLength; opticalDepthR = hr; opticalDepthM += hm; // light optical depth float t0Light, t1Light; raySphereIntersect(samplePosition, sunDirection, sphereHeight, t0Light, t1Light); float segmentLengthLight = t1Light / numSamplesLight, tCurrentLight = 0; float opticalDepthLightR = 0, opticalDepthLightM = 0; int j; for (j = 0; j < numSamplesLight; j++) { vec3 samplePositionLight = samplePosition + (tCurrentLight + segmentLengthLight * rand2d(vec3(pixelIndex, sampleIndex++, randomIndex)).x) * sunDirection; float heightLight = max(0,length(samplePositionLight) - planetRadius); // if (heightLight < 0) break; opticalDepthLightR += exp(-heightLight / atmosphereHeightR) * segmentLengthLight; opticalDepthLightM += exp(-heightLight / atmosphereHeightM) * segmentLengthLight; tCurrentLight += segmentLengthLight; } if (j == numSamplesLight) { vec3 rayleighColour = vec3(0.5,0.72,1.0); vec3 rColour = rayleighColour * 0.008*pow(opticalDepthR, 0.15); sumR += rColour; // vec3 tau = betaR * (opticalDepthR + opticalDepthLightR) + betaM * 1.1f * (opticalDepthM + opticalDepthLightM); // vec3 attenuation = exp(-tau); /* material omat; vec3 opos, onor; float odist; if (!trace((samplePosition-planetPos)/scale, sunDirection, odist, opos, onor, omat)) { sumR += attenuation * hr; sumM += attenuation * hm; }*/ } tCurrent += segmentLength; } return vec3(20*(sumR)); } float DE(in vec3 origPos, out vec4 orbitTrap); vec3 getVolume(vec3 spos, vec3 sdir, float distance, vec3 colour) { if (fogStrength<0.00001) return colour; float mu = dot(sdir, sunDirection); float g = 0.76; float phaseM = 3.0 / (8.0 * 3.14159265) * ((1.0 - g * g) * (1.0 + mu * mu)) / ((2.0 + g * g) * pow(1.0 + g * g - 2.0 * g * mu, 1.0f)); float density = fogStrength / focusDepth; vec3 ret = colour; bool calcShadow = true; float fs2 = fogSamples; if (fogSamples==0) { fs2=1; calcShadow = false; } for (float i=fs2-1; i>=0; i--) { float val = (i + rand2d(vec3(pixelIndex, sampleIndex++, randomIndex)).x) / fs2; vec3 shadowsample = spos + (sdir * distance*val); if (fogType==1) { vec4 otrap2; density = (fogStrength*0.1)/max(DE(shadowsample-vec3(0,distanceExtents,0), otrap2),0.0001); } float outdist=1000; vec3 outpos, outnormal; material outmat;"; if (raytracerOptions._ShadowsEnabled) { frag += @"bool shadow = false; if (calcShadow) shadow = trace(shadowsample, normalize(sunDirection), outdist, outpos, outnormal, outmat); "; } else { frag += @"bool shadow = false; "; } frag += @" float thickness = 1-exp(-density*(distance/fs2)); vec3 fogcolour = shadow?vec3(0):fogColour; ret = mix(ret, fogcolour, thickness) + phaseM*(shadow?vec3(0):vec3(1))*thickness*1; } return ret; } // vec4 getBackgroundColour(vec3 dir, vec3 pos) { vec3 skyColour = getSkyColour(dir, pos, 0, 10000000); skyColour = getVolume(pos, dir, 1000, skyColour); return vec4(skyColour,1); } "; _Camera.Compile(raytracerOptions, ref frag); _FractalSettings.CompileColours(ref frag); _FractalSettings.Compile(ref frag); frag += @" float udBox(in vec3 p, in vec3 b, in vec3 c) { return length(max(abs(p-c)-b, 0.0)); } float sdSphere( vec3 p, float s ) { return length(p)-s; } vec3 repeatxzfixed(vec3 p, vec3 c, vec3 dist) { vec3 q = min(-dist,p)+dist + mod(min(max(p,-dist),dist),c)-0.5*c + max(p, dist)-dist; return vec3(q.x, p.y, q.z); } vec3 repeatxz(vec3 p, vec3 c) { return vec3((mod(p,c)-0.5*c).x, p.y, (mod(p,c)-0.5*c).z); } float GetValue(int x, int seed, int axis, int octave) { int val = x + axis*789221 + octave*15731 + seed*761; val = (val<<13) ^ val; return 1.0f - ( float(val * (val * val * 15731 + 789221) + 1376312589 & 0x7fffffff) / 1073741824.0f); } int imod(int arg, int mod) { int ret = arg % mod; if (ret<0) ret += mod; return ret; } float GetPerlin2d(float posx, float posy, float rep, float scale, int seed, int octaves, float weightingMultiplier) { float normalX = posx*rep; float normalY = posy*rep; float sum=0; float weighting = scale; for (int i=0; i<octaves; i++) { int perlinScale = 2<<(i+1); // calculate x axis position and y axis position int x0 = imod(int(floor(normalX*float(perlinScale))), perlinScale); float remainder = normalX*float(perlinScale) - float(floor(normalX*float(perlinScale))); int x1 = imod(x0+1, perlinScale); int y0 = imod(int(floor(normalY*float(perlinScale))), perlinScale); float remaindery = normalY*float(perlinScale) - float(floor(normalY*float(perlinScale))); int y1 = imod(y0+1, perlinScale); float fx0y0 = GetValue(x0 + perlinScale*y0, seed, 0, i); float fx1y0 = GetValue(x1 + perlinScale*y0, seed, 0, i); float fx0y1 = GetValue(x0 + perlinScale*y1, seed, 0, i); float fx1y1 = GetValue(x1 + perlinScale*y1, seed, 0, i); float ftx = remainder * 3.1415927f; float fx = (1 - cos(ftx)) * .5f; float fty = remaindery * 3.1415927f; float fy = (1 - cos(fty)) * .5f; sum += ((fx0y0*(1-fx) + fx1y0*fx) * (1-fy) + (fx0y1*(1-fx) + fx1y1*fx) * fy) * weighting; weighting *= weightingMultiplier; } if (sum<-1) sum=-1; if (sum>1) sum=1; return sum; }"; frag += _FractalSettings._RenderOptions._Backgrounds[_FractalSettings._RenderOptions._Background]._Description; frag += @" bool traceBackground(in vec3 pos, in vec3 dir, inout float dist, out vec3 out_pos, out vec3 normal, out material mat) { vec3 p = pos; float r = 0; float distanceStep = 0.6; backgroundInitialise(distanceStep); for (int j=0; j<200; j++) { r = backgroundDE(p); if (r>100) return false; if (r<0.001) { float normalTweak=0.0001f; normal = vec3(backgroundDE(p+vec3(normalTweak,0,0)) - backgroundDE(p-vec3(normalTweak,0,0)), backgroundDE(p+vec3(0,normalTweak,0)) - backgroundDE(p-vec3(0,normalTweak,0)), backgroundDE(p+vec3(0,0,normalTweak)) - backgroundDE(p-vec3(0,0,normalTweak))); float magSq = dot(normal, normal); if (magSq<=0.0000000001*normalTweak) normal = -dir; else normal /= sqrt(magSq); out_pos = p + normal*0.001; dist = length(out_pos - pos); mat.diff = vec3(0.6,0.6,0.6); mat.refl = vec3(0.2,0.2,0.2); mat.spec = vec3(0.2,0.2,0.2); mat.roughness = 0.01; backgroundMaterial(out_pos, mat); return true; } p += 0.6 * r * dir; } return false; } bool trace(in vec3 pos, in vec3 dir, inout float dist, out vec3 out_pos, out vec3 normal, out material mat) { vec3 bkgpos, bkgnormal; material bkgmat; float bkgdist=dist; bool hitFractal = traceFractal(pos, dir, dist, out_pos, normal, mat); bool hitBkg = traceBackground(pos, dir, bkgdist, bkgpos, bkgnormal, bkgmat); if ((hitFractal && hitBkg && dist>bkgdist) || hitBkg && !hitFractal) { dist = bkgdist; out_pos = bkgpos; normal = bkgnormal; mat = bkgmat; } return (hitFractal || hitBkg); }"; _GPULight.Compile(raytracerOptions, renderOptions, ref frag); frag += @" float calculateSS( in vec3 ro, in vec3 rd, float mint, float k ) { float res = 1.0; float t = mint; for( int i=0; i<64; i++ ) { vec4 kk; vec3 pos = ro + rd*t; float h = DE(pos, kk); h = min(h, backgroundDE(pos)); res = min( res, k*h/t ); if( res<0.001 ) break; t += clamp( h, 0.01, 0.2 ); } return clamp( res, 0.0, 1.0 ); } void main(void) { vec2 q = texCoord.xy; vec3 pos; vec3 dir; vec2 xy = vec2(0.5*(texCoord.x+1)*screenWidth, 0.5*(texCoord.y+1)*screenHeight); vec4 buffer2Col = texture(renderedTexture, vec2((texCoord.x+1)*0.5, (texCoord.y+1)*0.5)); randomIndex = buffer2Col.a; pixelIndex = xy.x-0.5 + ((xy.y-0.5) * screenWidth); sampleIndex = 0; if (depth) q = vec2(2*((mouseX/screenWidth)-0.5), 2*((mouseY/screenHeight)-0.5)); getcamera(pos, dir, q, depth); vec3 out_pos, normal; material mat; float dist = 10000; vec3 factor = vec3(1.0); vec4 oCol = vec4(0.0); vec3 iterpos = pos; vec3 iterdir = dir; for (int i=0; i<(depth ? 1 : " + (1 + raytracerOptions._Reflections).ToString() + @"); i++) { bool hit = trace(iterpos, iterdir, dist, out_pos, normal, mat); if (hit) { normal += mat.roughness * mat.roughness * getRandomDirection3d(); normal = normalize(normal); vec3 reflection = iterdir - normal*dot(normal,iterdir)*2.0f; vec3 lightDiff = vec3(0,0,0); vec3 lightSpec = vec3(0,0,0); calculateLighting(out_pos, normal, iterdir, reflection, mat.roughness*mat.roughness*mat.roughness*mat.roughness, lightDiff, lightSpec); vec3 lightSS = vec3(1.0); float minDistance3 = length(out_pos-camPos) / screenWidth;"; if (!raytracerOptions._ShadowsEnabled) { frag += " lightSS = vec3(calculateSS(out_pos, normal, minDistance3, 1));"; } frag += @" vec3 col = lightSS*mat.diff*lightDiff + lightSS*mat.spec*lightSpec; col = getVolume(iterpos, iterdir, dist, col); oCol+=vec4(factor,0.0)*vec4(col, 0.0); float r0 = 0.2; // glass r0 = r0 * r0; float cosX = dot(iterdir, normal); float fresnelreflection = r0 + (1-r0) * pow(1+cosX, 5); fresnelreflection = max(0, min(1, fresnelreflection)); iterpos = out_pos; iterdir = reflection; factor *= mix(fresnelreflection, 1, mat.dlc) * mat.refl; } else { oCol+=vec4(factor,0.0)*getBackgroundColour(iterdir, iterpos); break; } } oCol += buffer2Col; oCol.a += 1; if (depth) { if (dist>9999) dist = -1; FragColor = vec4(dist); } else { FragColor = oCol; } }"; return(frag); }