        private void DoSaveGame()
            if (store.FileExists(ScoreFileName))
                using (IsolatedStorageFileStream fs = store.OpenFile(ScoreFileName, FileMode.Open))
                    using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fs))
                        using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fs))
                            // Convert the object to XML data and put it in the stream.
                            XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(HighScoreData));
                            HighScoreData savedData  = new HighScoreData();
                                savedData = (HighScoreData)serializer.Deserialize(fs);
                            catch (InvalidOperationException e)
                                Debug.WriteLine("An error occurred: '{0}'", e);
                                Debug.WriteLine("ISSUE! THE SAVE DATA WILL NOW BE CLEARED AND RECREATED");
                                fs.Dispose(); //Prevents the file from throwing an in-use exception
                            for (int i = 0; i < savedData.PlayerNames.Count; i++)
                                if (CurrentGameLength < savedData.Scores[i])
                                    savedData.Scores.RemoveAt(savedData.Scores.Count - 1);//Removes last item in list
                                    savedData.PlayerNames.RemoveAt(savedData.PlayerNames.Count - 1);
                                    savedData.Scores.Insert(i, (int)CurrentGameLength);
                                    savedData.PlayerNames.Insert(i, winnerName);

                                    fs.SetLength(0);//Erases the old data
                                    serializer.Serialize(fs, savedData);
                throw new InvalidOperationException("The file was never created.");
        private HighScoreData DoLoadGame()
            // Check to see whether the save exists.
            if (!store.FileExists(ScoreFileName))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("The file was never created.");

            using (IsolatedStorageFileStream fs = store.OpenFile(ScoreFileName, FileMode.Open))
                using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fs))
                    XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(HighScoreData));
                    HighScoreData data       = (HighScoreData)serializer.Deserialize(fs);
        private void StartHighScoreData()
            //Checks to see if the high score data exits, and creates it if doesn't exist yet. This should only run once per machine.
            IsolatedStorageFile store = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication();

            if (!store.FileExists(ScoreFileName))
                using (IsolatedStorageFileStream fs = store.OpenFile(ScoreFileName, FileMode.CreateNew))
                    using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fs))
                        // Convert the object to XML data and put it in the stream.
                        XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(HighScoreData));
                        HighScoreData data       = new HighScoreData();
                        data.PlayerNames.Add("play1"); data.Scores.Add(100);
                        data.PlayerNames.Add("play2"); data.Scores.Add(101);
                        data.PlayerNames.Add("play3"); data.Scores.Add(102);
                        data.PlayerNames.Add("play4"); data.Scores.Add(103);
                        data.PlayerNames.Add("play5"); data.Scores.Add(104);
                        serializer.Serialize(fs, data);
        /// <summary>
        /// This is called when the game should draw itself.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gameTime">Provides a snapshot of timing values.</param>
        protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)
            spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Immediate, null, null, null, null, null, SpriteScale);
            spriteBatch.Draw(background, new Rectangle(new Point(0, 0), mainFrame), Color.White);

            switch (gameState)
            case GameState.MainMenu:

                scoreFont.Draw(spriteBatch, version, new Vector2(mainFrame.X - 100, 50), Color.White);

                menuFont.Draw(spriteBatch, "Welcome to Wizard Pong!", new Vector2(mainFrame.X / 2, 300), colorOptionOne);
                scoreFont.Draw(spriteBatch, "To access the help screen, press " + (!XBoxGame ? "H" : "X") + ". To start a new two player game, press " + (!XBoxGame ? "B" : "Y") + ". To start a single player game, press " + (!XBoxGame ? "G" : "A") + ".", new Vector2(mainFrame.X / 2, 500), colorOptionTwo);
                scoreFont.Draw(spriteBatch, "To quit the game, press " + (!XBoxGame ? "escape" : "start") + ".", new Vector2(mainFrame.X / 2, mainFrame.Y - 100), colorOptionTwo);


            case GameState.Pause:
                for (int i = 1; i < walls.Count; i++)     //Same thing as in NewGame thing
                //package.Draw(spriteBatch); //Looks bad if also drawing


                for (int i = 0; i < activeSpells.Count; i++)

                scoreFont.Draw(spriteBatch, playerOne.Score.ToString(), new Vector2(mainFrame.X / 2 - 70, 60), Color.White);
                scoreFont.Draw(spriteBatch, playerTwo.Score.ToString(), new Vector2(mainFrame.X / 2 + 70, 60), Color.White);
                scoreFont.Draw(spriteBatch, playerOne.Mana.ToString(), new Vector2(mainFrame.X / 2 - 200, 60), Color.White);
                scoreFont.Draw(spriteBatch, playerTwo.Mana.ToString(), new Vector2(mainFrame.X / 2 + 200, 60), Color.White);

                menuFont.Draw(spriteBatch, "Pause", new Vector2(mainFrame.X / 2, 300), colorOptionOne);
                scoreFont.Draw(spriteBatch, "To continue the game, press " + (!XBoxGame ? "P" : "the left joystick") + ".", new Vector2(mainFrame.X / 2, 500), colorOptionTwo);
                scoreFont.Draw(spriteBatch, "To access the help screen, press " + (!XBoxGame ? "H" : "X") + ".", new Vector2(mainFrame.X / 2, 1000), colorOptionTwo);
                scoreFont.Draw(spriteBatch, "To exit this game, press " + (!XBoxGame ? "M" : "B") + ".", new Vector2(mainFrame.X / 2, mainFrame.Y - 500), colorOptionTwo);


            case GameState.Game:

                for (int i = 0; i < walls.Count; i++)

                if (package.stuckBall)
                    menuFont.Draw(spriteBatch, "Please stop. It is just annoying.", new Vector2(mainFrame.X / 2, mainFrame.Y / 2), Color.Red, 0);

                for (int i = 0; i < activeSpells.Count; i++)

                scoreFont.Draw(spriteBatch, playerOne.Score.ToString(), new Vector2(mainFrame.X / 2 - 70, 60), Color.White);
                scoreFont.Draw(spriteBatch, playerTwo.Score.ToString(), new Vector2(mainFrame.X / 2 + 70, 60), Color.White);
                scoreFont.Draw(spriteBatch, playerOne.Mana.ToString(), new Vector2(mainFrame.X / 2 - 200, 60), Color.White);
                scoreFont.Draw(spriteBatch, playerTwo.Mana.ToString(), new Vector2(mainFrame.X / 2 + 200, 60), Color.White);


            case GameState.Help:

                menuFont.DrawControls(spriteBatch, "Help:", new Vector2(mainFrame.X / 15, 100), colorOptionOne, 0, true);
                scoreFont.DrawControls(spriteBatch, "P1", new Vector2(mainFrame.X / 7, 200), colorOptionTwo, 0, true);
                scoreFont.DrawControls(spriteBatch, "P2", new Vector2(mainFrame.X / 7 + 120, 200), colorOptionTwo, 0, true);
                List <string> CrlLabel  = new List <string>();
                List <string> spellInfo = new List <string>();
                CrlLabel.Add("Move up:"); CrlLabel.Add("Move down:"); CrlLabel.Add("Move left:"); CrlLabel.Add("Move right:"); CrlLabel.Add("Force field:");
                CrlLabel.Add("Slow time:"); CrlLabel.Add("Slime ball:"); CrlLabel.Add("Portal trap:");
                spellInfo.Add(""); spellInfo.Add(""); spellInfo.Add(""); spellInfo.Add(""); spellInfo.Add("Creates a temporary wall to block the ball. Costs: " + ForceField.Cost.ToString());
                spellInfo.Add("Slows the opposing player. Costs: " + SlowTime.Cost.ToString()); spellInfo.Add("Makes the ball invisible on the enemy side. Costs: " + SlimeBall.Cost.ToString()); spellInfo.Add("Creates a portal trap in front of the goal, but causes the player to be stuck. Costs: " + PortalTrap.Cost.ToString());
                for (int i = 0; i < CrlLabel.Count; i++)
                    scoreFont.DrawRightAlgnWithSpace(spriteBatch, CrlLabel[i], new Vector2(mainFrame.X / 7 - 10, 200), colorOptionTwo, i + 1);
                    scoreFont.DrawControls(spriteBatch, playerOne.CrlSpt(i), new Vector2(mainFrame.X / 7, 200), colorOptionTwo, i + 1, true);
                    scoreFont.DrawControls(spriteBatch, playerTwo.CrlSpt(i), new Vector2(mainFrame.X / 7 + 120, 200), colorOptionTwo, i + 1, true);
                    scoreFont.DrawControls(spriteBatch, spellInfo[i], new Vector2(mainFrame.X / 6 + 500, 200), colorOptionTwo, i + 1, true);

                //TODO: Put spell icons on help menu

                scoreFont.DrawControls(spriteBatch, "Some rules of the game:", new Vector2(mainFrame.X / 15, 200), colorOptionTwo, CrlLabel.Count + 3, true);
                scoreFont.DrawControls(spriteBatch, "Each player starts with 50 mana, which automatically regenerates over time. It has maximum value of 100.", new Vector2(mainFrame.X / 15, 200), colorOptionTwo, CrlLabel.Count + 4, true);
                scoreFont.DrawControls(spriteBatch, "Each game is up to 5 rounds. The first player to three wins. Press " + (!XBoxGame ? "P" : "the left joystick") + " to pause during the game.", new Vector2(mainFrame.X / 15, 200), colorOptionTwo, CrlLabel.Count + 5, true);
                scoreFont.DrawControls(spriteBatch, "To exit the help menu, press " + (!XBoxGame ? "H" : "X") + ".", new Vector2(mainFrame.X / 15, mainFrame.Y * 6 / 7), colorOptionTwo, 0, true);

                //Only shows volume related things when on a XBox because a computer would display its volume manager
                scoreFont.DrawControls(spriteBatch, !XBoxGame ? "" : "To change the volume, use the DPad left and right arrows. It is currently at: " + ((int)(volume * 100)).ToString() + "%", new Vector2(mainFrame.X / 15, 200), colorOptionTwo, CrlLabel.Count + 6, true);

                scoreFont.DrawControls(spriteBatch, "To turn " + (MediaPlayer.State == MediaState.Stopped ? "on" : "off") + " background music, press " + (!XBoxGame ? "M" : "DPadLeft") + ".", new Vector2(mainFrame.X / 15, 200), colorOptionTwo, CrlLabel.Count + 7, true);
                scoreFont.DrawControls(spriteBatch, "To turn " + (!soundEffectsOn ? "on" : "off") + " sound effects, press " + (!XBoxGame ? "S" : "DPadRight") + ".", new Vector2(mainFrame.X / 15, 200), colorOptionTwo, CrlLabel.Count + 8, true);


            case GameState.EnterName:
                if (XBoxGame)
                    scoreFont.Draw(spriteBatch, "Using the DPad Up and Down to enter your initials. When you are done with a alphabet wheel,", new Vector2(mainFrame.X / 2, mainFrame.Y / 2 - 400), colorOptionTwo);
                    scoreFont.Draw(spriteBatch, "use A to advance to the next wheel (or save the name).", new Vector2(mainFrame.X / 2, mainFrame.Y / 2 - 300), colorOptionTwo);
                    scoreFont.Draw(spriteBatch, alphabet[firstWheel].ToString(), new Vector2(mainFrame.X / 2 - 100, mainFrame.Y / 2), colorOptionTwo);
                    scoreFont.Draw(spriteBatch, alphabet[secondWheel].ToString(), new Vector2(mainFrame.X / 2, mainFrame.Y / 2), colorOptionTwo);
                    scoreFont.Draw(spriteBatch, alphabet[thirdWheel].ToString(), new Vector2(mainFrame.X / 2 + 100, mainFrame.Y / 2), colorOptionTwo);
                    scoreFont.Draw(spriteBatch, "Please enter your name for the high score list. Press enter when you are done.", new Vector2(mainFrame.X / 2, 300), colorOptionTwo);
                    scoreFont.Draw(spriteBatch, winnerName, new Vector2(mainFrame.X / 2, 500), colorOptionTwo);

            case GameState.Score:
                scoreFont.Draw(spriteBatch, playerOne.Score.ToString(), new Vector2(mainFrame.X / 2 - 70, 60), Color.White);
                scoreFont.Draw(spriteBatch, playerTwo.Score.ToString(), new Vector2(mainFrame.X / 2 + 70, 60), Color.White);

                if (recentWinner == 1)
                    scoreFont.Draw(spriteBatch, "Player One won the round.", new Vector2(mainFrame.X / 2, mainFrame.Y / 2), colorOptionTwo);
                    scoreFont.Draw(spriteBatch, "To continue playing, press " + (!XBoxGame ? "G" : "A") + ".", new Vector2(mainFrame.X / 2, mainFrame.Y / 2 + 100), colorOptionTwo);
                else if (recentWinner == 2)
                    scoreFont.Draw(spriteBatch, "Player Two won the round.", new Vector2(mainFrame.X / 2, mainFrame.Y / 2), colorOptionTwo);
                    scoreFont.Draw(spriteBatch, "To continue playing, press " + (!XBoxGame ? "G" : "A") + ".", new Vector2(mainFrame.X / 2, mainFrame.Y / 2 + 100), colorOptionTwo);

                spriteBatch.Draw(scoreAnim, new Rectangle(mainFrame.X / 4 - scoreAnim.Width / (2 * scoreAnimColCount), mainFrame.Y / 2 - scoreAnim.Height / 2, scoreAnim.Width / scoreAnimColCount, scoreAnim.Height), new Rectangle(scoreAnim.Width / scoreAnimColCount * (int)scoreAnimPos, 0, scoreAnim.Width / scoreAnimColCount, scoreAnim.Height), Color.White);
                spriteBatch.Draw(scoreAnim, new Rectangle(mainFrame.X * 3 / 4 - scoreAnim.Width / (2 * scoreAnimColCount), mainFrame.Y / 2 - scoreAnim.Height / 2, scoreAnim.Width / scoreAnimColCount, scoreAnim.Height), new Rectangle(scoreAnim.Width / scoreAnimColCount * (int)scoreAnimPos, 0, scoreAnim.Width / scoreAnimColCount, scoreAnim.Height), Color.White);


            case GameState.Over:
                if (playerOne.Score > playerTwo.Score)
                    scoreFont.Draw(spriteBatch, "Player One Wins!", new Vector2(mainFrame.X / 2, mainFrame.Y / 2), colorOptionTwo);
                else if (playerOne.Score < playerTwo.Score)
                    scoreFont.Draw(spriteBatch, "Player Two Wins!", new Vector2(mainFrame.X / 2, mainFrame.Y / 2), colorOptionTwo);

                scoreFont.Draw(spriteBatch, "Press " + (!XBoxGame ? "G" : "A") + " to start a new game, or press " + (!XBoxGame ? "M" : "B") + " to go to the main menu.", new Vector2(mainFrame.X / 2, mainFrame.Y / 2 + 100), colorOptionTwo);

                HighScoreData scores = DoLoadGame();

                if (playerTwo is AIPlayer)     //Only shows high scores if after a game that could get on them
                    scoreFont.Draw(spriteBatch, "HIGHSCORES:", new Vector2(mainFrame.X / 2, 200), colorOptionTwo, 0);
                    for (int i = 0; i < scores.PlayerNames.Count; i++)
                        scoreFont.Draw(spriteBatch, scores.PlayerNames[i].ToString() + "   " + scores.Scores[i].ToString(), new Vector2(mainFrame.X / 2, 200), colorOptionTwo, i + 2);     //i+2 to give space to title

                spriteBatch.Draw(overAnim, new Rectangle(200, mainFrame.Y / 2 - overAnim.Height / 2, overAnim.Width / overAnimColCount, overAnim.Height), new Rectangle(overAnim.Width / overAnimColCount * (int)overAnimPos, 0, overAnim.Width / overAnimColCount, overAnim.Height), Color.White);
                spriteBatch.Draw(overAnim, new Rectangle((mainFrame.X - 200) - (overAnim.Width / overAnimColCount), mainFrame.Y / 2 - overAnim.Height / 2, overAnim.Width / overAnimColCount, overAnim.Height), new Rectangle(overAnim.Width / overAnimColCount * (int)overAnimPos, 0, overAnim.Width / overAnimColCount, overAnim.Height), Color.White);


            if (displayVolumeCounter > 0 && XBoxGame)
                scoreFont.Draw(spriteBatch, "Vol: " + ((int)(volume * 100)).ToString() + "%", new Vector2(150, 50), Color.White);

