         * when clicking on "adding the bottle", check if every parameter needed is present and if the datatype is correct
        private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //initializing variables to stock informations from the wine bottle
            string        wineName     = "";
            string        color        = "";
            string        manufacturer = "";
            string        description  = "";
            string        storage      = "";
            int           number       = 0;
            double        volume       = 0;
            int           year         = 0;
            List <string> varietal     = new List <string>();

            // initializing variables to compare the logic behind some values
            int actualYear = DateTime.Now.Year;
            // initializing the boolean to check if everything is correct -> all is false by default, so that if it works, it changes to true
            bool successName        = false;
            bool successColor       = false;
            bool successManu        = false;
            bool successStorage     = false;
            bool successDescription = false;
            bool successNumber      = false;
            bool successYear        = false;
            bool successVolume      = false;
            bool successVarietal    = false;
            bool successFormat      = false;
            bool successPresence    = false;
            bool successAdd         = false;
            bool successLog         = false;

             * verification of data type
             * if a field is empty and shouldn't be -> the bottle won't be added
            if (txtBottleName.Text != "")
                wineName    = txtBottleName.Text;
                successName = true;
            if (comboColor.SelectedIndex != -1)
                color        = comboColor.SelectedItem.ToString();
                successColor = true;
            if (comboVolume.SelectedIndex != -1)
                successVolume = Double.TryParse(comboVolume.SelectedItem.ToString(), out volume);
            if (comboManufacturer.SelectedIndex != -1)
                manufacturer = comboManufacturer.SelectedItem.ToString();
                successManu  = true;
            if (txtNumber.Text != "")
                successNumber = Int32.TryParse(txtNumber.Text, out number);
                if (number < 1)
                    MessageBox.Show("Le nombre de bouteilles spécifié n'est pas valide.");
                    txtNumber.Text = "";
            if (comboStorage.SelectedIndex != -1)
                storage        = comboStorage.SelectedItem.ToString();
                successStorage = true;
            if (rtxtDescription.Text != "" && rtxtDescription.TextLength < 200)
                description        = rtxtDescription.Text;
                successDescription = true;
            if (txtYear.Text != "")
                successYear = Int32.TryParse(txtYear.Text, out year);
                if (year < 1900 || year > actualYear)
                    MessageBox.Show("L'année de production n'est pas valide.");
                    txtYear.Text = "";
            if (comboVariety1.SelectedIndex != -1 || comboVariety2.SelectedIndex != -1 || comboVariety3.SelectedIndex != -1)
                successVarietal = true;
                if (comboVariety1.SelectedIndex != -1)
                if (comboVariety2.SelectedIndex != -1)
                if (comboVariety3.SelectedIndex != -1)

            successYear = Int32.TryParse(txtYear.Text, out year);
            //verify if the bottle to add already exists in database -> true : present, false : non present
            // occur uniquely if the volume, the name and the year have been validated
            if (successVolume && successName && successYear)
                successPresence = req.CheckBottlePresence(wineName, year, volume);
            // if all verification are ok -> will be true, otherwise, will be false
            successFormat = successNumber && successYear && successName && successColor && successManu && successStorage;
            // all checks passed, bottle not present
            if (successFormat == true && !successPresence)
                // different requests, depending on parameters given
                if (successDescription && successVarietal)
                    successAdd = Bottles.AddBottleWithDescAndVarietal(wineName, color, number, volume, manufacturer, year, storage, varietal, description);
                else if (successVarietal)
                    successAdd = Bottles.AddBottleWithVarietal(wineName, color, number, volume, manufacturer, year, storage, varietal);
                else if (successDescription)
                    successAdd = Bottles.AddBottleWithDesc(wineName, color, number, volume, manufacturer, year, storage, description);
                    successAdd = Bottles.AddBottle(wineName, color, number, volume, manufacturer, year, storage);
                // message box to show, depending on the result when adding the bottle
                if (successAdd)
                    int wineID = req.GetIDBottleByName(wineName);
                    successLog = Logs.AddLog("ajoutNouvelle", wineID);
                    MessageBox.Show("L'ajout de la bouteille a été effectué correctement.");
                    MessageBox.Show("Une erreur est survenue lors de l'ajout de la bouteille. Veuillez réessayer.");
            // all checks passed, bottle already present
            else if (successFormat == true && successPresence)
                successAdd = Bottles.UpdateBottle(wineName, number, volume, year);
                if (successAdd)
                    int wineID = req.GetIDBottleByName(wineName);
                    successLog = Logs.AddLog("ajoutExistante", wineID);
                    MessageBox.Show("La mise à jour du nombre de bouteilles a été effectuée correctement.");
                    MessageBox.Show("Une erreur est survenue lors de la mise à jour du nombre de bouteilles. Veuillez réessayer.");
            // problems with at least 1 check
                MessageBox.Show("Une des valeurs spécifiées est incorrecte.");
                txtNumber.Text = "";
                txtYear.Text   = "";
        private void btnDel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //initializing variables to stock informations from the wine bottle
            string wineName     = "";
            string manufacturer = "";
            int    number       = 0;
            double volume       = 0;
            int    year         = 0;

            // initializing the boolean to check if everything is correct -> all is false by default, so that if it works, it changes to true
            bool successName     = false;
            bool successManu     = false;
            bool successNumber   = false;
            bool successYear     = false;
            bool successVolume   = false;
            bool successFormat   = false;
            bool successPresence = false;
            bool successOut      = false;
            bool successAlert    = false;
            bool successLog      = false;

             * verification of data type
             * if a field is empty and shouldn't be -> the bottle won't get out
            if (comboWine.SelectedIndex != -1)
                wineName    = comboWine.SelectedItem.ToString();
                successName = true;
            if (comboVolumeOUT.SelectedIndex != -1)
                successVolume = Double.TryParse(comboVolumeOUT.SelectedItem.ToString(), out volume);
            if (comboManufacturerOUT.SelectedIndex != -1)
                manufacturer = comboManufacturerOUT.SelectedItem.ToString();
                successManu  = true;
            if (txtNumberOUT.Text != "")
                successNumber = Int32.TryParse(txtNumberOUT.Text, out number);
                if (number < 1)
                    MessageBox.Show("Le nombre de bouteilles spécifié n'est pas valide.");
                    txtNumberOUT.Text = "";
            if (comboYearOUT.SelectedIndex != -1)
                successYear = Int32.TryParse(comboYearOUT.SelectedItem.ToString(), out year);

            //verify if the bottle to delete already exists in database -> true : present, false : non present
            // occur uniquely if the volume, the name and the year have been validated
            if (successVolume && successName && successYear)
                successPresence = req.CheckBottlePresence(wineName, year, volume);
            // if all verification are ok -> will be true, otherwise, will be false
            successFormat = successNumber && successYear && successName && successManu;
            successAlert  = req.CheckAlertPresenceByBottleName(wineName);
            // all checks passed, bottle present in DB
            if (successFormat == true && successPresence)
                if (successAlert)
                    MessageBox.Show("Attention, cette bouteille est prévue pour un évènement !!");
                successOut = Bottles.RemoveBottle(wineName, number, volume, manufacturer, year);
                // message box to show, depending on the result when getting the right number of bottle out
                if (successOut)
                    int wineID = req.GetIDBottleByName(wineName);
                    successLog = Logs.AddLog("retrait", wineID);
                    MessageBox.Show("Le retrait de bouteille(s) a été effectué correctement.");
                    MessageBox.Show("Une erreur est survenue lors du retrait de bouteille(s). Veuillez réessayer.");
            // all checks passed, but the combination of data does not concord with DB
            else if (successFormat == true && !successPresence)
                MessageBox.Show("Cette combinaison de données n'existe pas dans les bouteilles présentes. Veuillez vérifier vos informations.");
            // problems with at least 1 check
                MessageBox.Show("Une des valeurs spécifiées est incorrecte.");
                txtNumber.Text = "";
                txtYear.Text   = "";