文件: Ai.cs 项目: TeamViperz/Tanks
        public Cell findPath(Game2 game)
            lowestTimeCostToCoinPile = 1000;
            lowestTimeCostToLifePack = 1000;

            String[,] board = game.board;

            var grid = new Grid(10, 10);

            // set the obstacles to the Grid from the game
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
                    // set bricks
                    if (board[i, j] == "B")
                        grid.brickWalls.Add(new Cell(j, i));
                    // set stones
                    else if (board[i, j] == "S")
                        grid.stone.Add(new Cell(j, i));
                    // set water
                    else if (board[i, j] == "W")
                        grid.water.Add(new Cell(j, i));

            var gridWithoutWater = new Grid(10, 10);

            // set the obstacles to the Grid from the game without water
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
                    // set bricks
                    if (board[i, j] == "B")
                        gridWithoutWater.brickWalls.Add(new Cell(j, i));
                    // set stones
                    else if (board[i, j] == "S")
                        gridWithoutWater.stone.Add(new Cell(j, i));


            //remove coin piles that have been accuired by other players.
            foreach (var p in game.player)
                if (p.health == 0) { continue; }  //ignore enemy who has just died!!! :v
                if (p.playerNumber == game.myPlayerNumber) { continue; } // ignore me

                foreach (var c in game.Coin)
                    // catch whether another player is on a coin pile
                    if (p.playerLocationX == c.locationX && p.playerLocationY == c.locationY)

            //remove life packs that have been accuired by other players.
            foreach (var p in game.player)
                if (p.playerNumber == game.myPlayerNumber) { continue; } // ignore me
                foreach (var life in game.Lifepacket)
                    // catch whether another player is on a lifepacket
                    if (p.playerLocationX == life.locationX && p.playerLocationY == life.locationY)

            // get my Player's current position

            foreach (var p in game.player)
                if (p.playerNumber == game.myPlayerNumber)
                    game.me = p;
            var start = new Cell(game.me.playerLocationX, game.me.playerLocationY);
            //Console.WriteLine("my current location is "+ game.me.playerLocationX + game.me.playerLocationY);

            //#################### Begins the Procedure to Get the proper goal to follow. #####################################

            /* tips...
            value of the coin, lifetime, whether an enemy is also targetting the coin - if he can get it soon,....
            if my health is low, high priority to health pack

            /* STEPS
            1. apply A* for every pack on the board - store each path (stacks), time cost to goal (in s)
            2. for each goal, time to goal > life time of goal ? ignore;
               (3) pro step - if enemy is goalting this and he can reach it before me ? ignore; ( this will be implemented at the final stage of the development)
               (4) now I have reachable goals. if my health is low? lifepack: coin
            5. if coin:  select the most valuable coin -- to be implemented!!!
            6. now you have a precise goal !

             /*  TO DO
             go to the most valuable coin pile from the reachable coinPile list

            // ######### Enemy search ###############
            for (int i = 0; i < game.totalPlayers; i++)

                var enemy = game.player[i];

                if (enemy.health == 0) { continue; }  // ignore dead players

                // TO DO :- if enemy die, remove it and gain coin pile (spoil).

                //  Console.WriteLine("Total number of players " + game.totalPlayers);
                //   Console.WriteLine("Enemy Number " + enemy.playerNumber + " my Num " + game.myPlayerNumber);
                if (enemy.playerNumber == game.myPlayerNumber)
                    //      Console.WriteLine("In the if,,..Enemy Number " + enemy.playerNumber + " my Num " +game.myPlayerNumber);

                Cell goal = new Cell(enemy.playerLocationX, enemy.playerLocationY);
                //  Console.WriteLine(game.myPlayerNumber+" Enemy Loc "+ goal.x + ","+ goal.y + "Enemy NO " + enemy.playerNumber + " -----------------------------------------------------");
                var pathFinder = new PathFinder(gridWithoutWater, start, goal);

                //if the enemy is straight to me ( Now I have a life threat )
                if (FilterStraightPath(start, goal, pathFinder.cameFrom))

                    game.enemyPresents = true;
                    if (path.Count != 0)
                        Cell nextCell = path.Pop();
                        return nextCell;


            // ######### Life Packs search ##########

            foreach (var lifePack in game.Lifepacket)
                //  Console.WriteLine("lowestTimeCost= " + lowestTimeCostToLifePack + " timeCostToTarget= " + timeCostToTarget + " lifeTime" + lifePack.lifeTime);

                Cell goal = new Cell(lifePack.locationX, lifePack.locationY);

                if (start.x == goal.x && start.y == goal.y) // otherwise pathfinder will break
                    // Console.WriteLine("Life Pack Accuired!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!");
                    accuiredLifePacket = lifePack;


                var pathFinder = new PathFinder(grid, start, goal);
                BuildPath(start, goal, pathFinder.cameFrom);

                // filter the reachable life packs in time
                if (timeCostToTarget <= lifePack.lifeTime && timeCostToTarget < lowestTimeCostToLifePack) // < or <=
                    // Console.WriteLine("New lowest time cost = " + timeCostToTarget);
                    lowestTimeCostToLifePack = timeCostToTarget;

                    // keep the backup of the nearest path sequence for now
                    if (path.Count != 0)
                        pathToNearestLifePack = new Stack<Cell>(path.Reverse());

            if (game.Lifepacket.Count != 0)
                // Console.WriteLine("Life Pack removed!");

            // ######### Coin Piles search ##########

            foreach (var coinPile in game.Coin)
                //  Console.WriteLine("lowestTimeCost= " + lowestTimeCostToCoinPile + " timeCostToTarget= " + timeCostToTarget + " lifeTime" + coinPile.lifeTime);

                Cell goal = new Cell(coinPile.locationX, coinPile.locationY);

                if (start.x == goal.x && start.y == goal.y) // otherwise pathfinder will break
                    //  Console.WriteLine("Coin Accuired!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!");
                    accuiredCoin = coinPile;


                var pathFinder = new PathFinder(grid, start, goal);
                BuildPath(start, goal, pathFinder.cameFrom);

                // filter the reachable coins in time
                if (timeCostToTarget <= coinPile.lifeTime && timeCostToTarget <= lowestTimeCostToCoinPile) // < or <=
                    // Console.WriteLine("New lowest time cost = " + timeCostToTarget);
                    lowestTimeCostToCoinPile = timeCostToTarget;

                    // keep the backup of the nearestpath sequence for now
                    if (path.Count != 0)
                        pathToNearestCoinPile = new Stack<Cell>(path.Reverse());


            if (game.Coin.Count != 0)
                //  Console.WriteLine("Coin removed!");

            // ####### take decission to go to the Life pack or the Coin pile
            if (game.me.health < 100 )
                Console.WriteLine("my health is low");
                if (pathToNearestLifePack.Count != 0)
                    //get the next cell address to move
                    var nextCell = pathToNearestLifePack.Pop();

                    // clear stacks

                    return nextCell;


            if (lowestTimeCostToCoinPile < lowestTimeCostToLifePack)
                if (pathToNearestCoinPile.Count != 0)
                    //get the next cell address to move
                    var nextCell = pathToNearestCoinPile.Pop();

                    // clear stacks

                    return nextCell;
                    // if there aren't any coins on the board
                    return start;


            if (pathToNearestLifePack.Count != 0)
                //get the next cell address to move
                var nextCell = pathToNearestLifePack.Pop();

                // clear stacks

                return nextCell;
                // if there aren't any life packs on the board
                return start;
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse the server message of life packets appearences
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="text"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int lifePacks(String text)
            text = text.Remove(text.Length - 1); //remove #
            text = text.Remove(0, 2); // remove L and :
            string[] tokens = text.Split(':');
            lifePacket LifePacket = new lifePacket(int.Parse(tokens[0].Substring(0, 1)), int.Parse(tokens[0].Substring(2, 1)), int.Parse(tokens[1]) / (1000), game.gameClock);
            //  Console.WriteLine("***LifePacket*** life time = " + LifePacket.lifeTime + " X,Y " + LifePacket.locationX + "," + LifePacket.locationY);

            return 0;