文件: Form1.cs 项目: infra-hdc/LIBFL
        private void button7_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)//Олег. То что оцифровали с микрофильмов
            SqlDataAdapter DA;
            DataSet        DS;

            DA = new SqlDataAdapter();
            DS = new DataSet();
            DA.SelectCommand             = new SqlCommand();
            DA.SelectCommand.Connection  = new SqlConnection(XmlConnections.GetConnection("/Connections/CirculationACC"));
            DA.SelectCommand.CommandText = "select row_number() over (order by A.ID) num,D.POLE tit,B.POLE IDMAIN,A.ID kolvo,A.YEAR,len(A.PACKAGE)-len(replace(A.PACKAGE,';','')) nomera " +
                                           " from BookAddInf..DgtPeriodic A " +
                                           " left join PERIOD..PI B on B.POLE = A.PIN and B.IDF = 120" +
                                           " left join PERIOD..PI C on C.IDZ = B.VNIZ" +
                                           " left join PERIOD..PI D on D.IDZ = C.VPRAVO" +
                                           //" where A.CREATOR in (468)";
                                           " where cast(cast(A.DATEADD as varchar(11)) as datetime) between '20150101' and '20151231' and A.CREATOR in (468)";
            DA.Fill(DS, "t");
            foreach (DataRow row in DS.Tables["t"].Rows)
                if (row["IDMAIN"].ToString() == "")
                string outside_ip = @"\\\BookAddInf\PERIOD\";
                string PIN        = PINFormat(row["IDMAIN"].ToString());
                outside_ip += PIN.Substring(0, 1) + @"\" + PIN.Substring(1, 3) + @"\" + PIN.Substring(4, 3) + @"\" + row["YEAR"].ToString() + @"\";

                DirectoryInfo   Target  = new DirectoryInfo(outside_ip);
                DirectoryInfo[] Numbers = Target.GetDirectories();
                int             kolvo   = 0;
                foreach (DirectoryInfo di in Numbers)
                    using (new NetworkConnection(outside_ip, new NetworkCredential("bj\\sasha", "Corpse536")))
                        FileInfo[] fi = di.GetFiles("*.jpg");
                        kolvo += fi.Length;
                row["kolvo"] = kolvo;
            dataGridView1.DataSource = DS.Tables["t"];
文件: Form1.cs 项目: infra-hdc/LIBFL
        private void button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)//Redkostj по тематике
            SqlDataAdapter DA;
            DataSet        DS;

            DA = new SqlDataAdapter();
            DS = new DataSet();
            DA.SelectCommand             = new SqlCommand();
            DA.SelectCommand.Connection  = new SqlConnection(XmlConnections.GetConnection("/Connections/CirculationACC"));
            DA.SelectCommand.CommandText = "select row_number() over (order by A.IDBook) num,DD.PLAIN tema, " +
                                           " C.PLAIN tit,B.IDMAIN IDMAIN,C.ID kolvo  " +
                                           " from BookAddInf..ScanInfo A  " +
                                           " left join REDKOSTJ..DATAEXT B on A.IDBook = B.IDMAIN and B.MNFIELD = 200 and B.MSFIELD = '$a' " +
                                           "  left join REDKOSTJ..DATAEXTPLAIN C on C.IDDATAEXT = B.ID " +
                                           " left join REDKOSTJ..DATAEXT D on A.IDBook = D.IDMAIN and D.MNFIELD = 922 and D.MSFIELD = '$e' " +
                                           "  left join REDKOSTJ..DATAEXTPLAIN DD on DD.IDDATAEXT = D.ID " +
                                           " where A.IDBase = 2 and cast(cast(A.DateEBook as varchar(11)) as datetime) between '20160101' and '20160630' and C.PLAIN is not null";
            DA.Fill(DS, "t");

            foreach (DataRow row in DS.Tables["t"].Rows)
                if (row["IDMAIN"].ToString() == "")
                string outside_ip         = @"\\\BookAddInf\REDKOSTJ\";
                string outside_ip_connect = @"\\\BookAddInf\";
                string PIN = PINFormat(row["IDMAIN"].ToString());
                outside_ip += PIN.Substring(0, 1) + @"\" + PIN.Substring(1, 3) + @"\" + PIN.Substring(4, 3) + @"\";

                DirectoryInfo Target = new DirectoryInfo(outside_ip);
                //using (new NetworkConnection(outside_ip, new NetworkCredential("bj\\CopyPeriodAddInf", "Period_Copy")))
                using (new NetworkConnection(outside_ip_connect, new NetworkCredential("bj\\sasha", "Corpse536")))
                    FileInfo[] fi = Target.GetFiles("*.jpg");
                    row["kolvo"] = fi.Length;
            List <TemaKolvo> list  = new List <TemaKolvo>();
            bool             first = false;

            foreach (DataRow row in DS.Tables["t"].Rows)
                int       incr  = 0;
                int       index = -1;
                TemaKolvo tmp   = new TemaKolvo(row["tema"].ToString(), (int)row["kolvo"], 1);
                foreach (TemaKolvo tk in list)
                    if (tk.tema == row["tema"].ToString())
                        incr  = tk.kolvo;
                        incr += (int)row["kolvo"];
                        index = list.IndexOf(tk);
                if (!first)
                    first = true;
                if (index != -1)
                    list[index].kolvo = incr;

            var bind = new BindingSource();

            bind.DataSource = list;

            dataGridView1.DataSource = bind;