private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bindingSource1.DataSource = glob.dataglob; dataGridView1.DataSource = bindingSource1; string oradb = "DATA;PASSWORD=cse601;USER ID=AVIJEETM"; OracleConnection conn = new OracleConnection(oradb); // C# IExcel.Application appExl; appExl = new IExcel.Application(); conn.Open(); OracleCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand(); String query = "SELECT patient.p_id, ap.u_id, mn.exp FROM mrnaexpression mn INNER JOIN arrayprobe ap ON mn.pb_id=ap.pb_id INNER JOIN (SELECT a.s_id, b.p_id FROM clinicalsample a, patientsample b WHERE a.s_id = b.s_id AND b.p_id IN (SELECT p_id FROM diagnosis WHERE ds_id IN (SELECT ds_id FROM disease WHERE name = '" + glob.dis_glob + "'))) patient ON mn.s_id = patient.s_id AND ap.u_id IN("; query = query + glob.dataglob[0].UID; for (int i1 = 1; i1 < glob.length; i1++) { query = query + "," + glob.dataglob[i1].UID; } query = query + ") ORDER BY patient.p_id,ap.u_id"; cmd.CommandText = query; OracleDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); OracleDataReader dr_temp = dr; int i = 0; double[] tempuid = new double[100000]; double[] tempexp = new double[100000]; Pid_UID_Exp[] dataexp = new Pid_UID_Exp[100000]; int length1 = 0; int length2 = 0; while (dr.Read()) { var abc = dr.GetValue(0); tempuid[i] = Convert.ToDouble(abc); var abc1 = dr.GetValue(1); tempexp[i] = Convert.ToDouble(abc1); var abc2 = dr.GetValue(2); tempexp[i] = Convert.ToDouble(abc2); dataexp[i] = new Pid_UID_Exp(); dataexp[i].PID = Convert.ToInt32(abc); dataexp[i].UID = Convert.ToInt32(abc1); dataexp[i].EXP = Convert.ToInt32(abc2); i++; } length1 = i; bindingSource2.DataSource = dataexp; dataGridView2.DataSource = bindingSource2; int j = 0; double[] tempuid2 = new double[100000]; double[] tempexp2 = new double[100000]; Pid_UID_Exp[] dataexp2 = new Pid_UID_Exp[100000]; OracleCommand cmd2 = conn.CreateCommand(); String query2 = "SELECT patient.p_id, ap.u_id, mn.exp FROM mrnaexpression mn INNER JOIN arrayprobe ap ON mn.pb_id=ap.pb_id INNER JOIN (SELECT a.s_id, b.p_id FROM clinicalsample a, patientsample b WHERE a.s_id = b.s_id AND b.p_id IN (SELECT p_id FROM diagnosis WHERE ds_id IN (SELECT ds_id FROM disease WHERE name != '" + glob.dis_glob + "'))) patient ON mn.s_id = patient.s_id AND ap.u_id IN("; query2 = query2 + glob.dataglob[0].UID; for (int i1 = 1; i1 < glob.length; i1++) { query2 = query2 + "," + glob.dataglob[i1].UID; } query2 = query2 + ") ORDER BY patient.p_id,ap.u_id"; cmd2.CommandText = query2; OracleDataReader dr2 = cmd2.ExecuteReader(); while (dr2.Read()) { var abc = dr2.GetValue(0); tempuid2[j] = Convert.ToDouble(abc); var abc1 = dr2.GetValue(1); tempexp2[j] = Convert.ToDouble(abc1); var abc2 = dr2.GetValue(2); tempexp2[j] = Convert.ToDouble(abc2); dataexp2[j] = new Pid_UID_Exp(); dataexp2[j].PID = Convert.ToInt32(abc); dataexp2[j].UID = Convert.ToInt32(abc1); dataexp2[j].EXP = Convert.ToInt32(abc2); j++; } length2 = j; bindingSource3.DataSource = dataexp2; dataGridView3.DataSource = bindingSource3; int[] test = new int[glob.length]; int[] test1 = new int[glob.length]; int[] test2 = new int[glob.length]; int[] test3 = new int[glob.length]; int[] test4 = new int[glob.length]; int[] test5 = new int[glob.length]; int l = 0; OracleCommand cmd3 = conn.CreateCommand(); String query3 = "select * from test_samples where u_id in ("; query3 = query3 + glob.dataglob[0].UID; for (int i1 = 1; i1 < glob.length; i1++) { query3 = query3 + "," + glob.dataglob[i1].UID; } query3 = query3 + ") ORDER BY u_id"; cmd2.CommandText = query3; OracleDataReader dr3 = cmd2.ExecuteReader(); while (dr3.Read()) { var abc = dr3.GetValue(0); test[l] = Convert.ToInt32(abc); var abc1 = dr3.GetValue(1); test1[l] = Convert.ToInt32(abc1); var abc2 = dr3.GetValue(2); test2[l] = Convert.ToInt32(abc2); var abc3 = dr3.GetValue(3); test3[l] = Convert.ToInt32(abc3); var abc4 = dr3.GetValue(4); test4[l] = Convert.ToInt32(abc4); var abc5 = dr3.GetValue(5); test5[l] = Convert.ToInt32(abc5); l++; } int length3 = j; int[] f1 = new int[glob.length]; int b = 0; double[] c1 = new double[50000]; double[] c2 = new double[50000]; double[] c3 = new double[50000]; double[] c4 = new double[50000]; double[] c5 = new double[50000]; int count_in1 = 0; for (int a = 0; a < length1; a++) { f1[b] = dataexp[a].EXP; b++; if (b == glob.length) { b = 0; c1[count_in1] = appExl.WorksheetFunction.Pearson(f1, test1); c2[count_in1] = appExl.WorksheetFunction.Pearson(f1, test2); c3[count_in1] = appExl.WorksheetFunction.Pearson(f1, test3); c4[count_in1] = appExl.WorksheetFunction.Pearson(f1, test4); c5[count_in1] = appExl.WorksheetFunction.Pearson(f1, test5); count_in1++; } } int[] f2 = new int[glob.length]; b = 0; double[] c6 = new double[50000]; double[] c7 = new double[50000]; double[] c8 = new double[50000]; double[] c9 = new double[50000]; double[] c10 = new double[50000]; int count_in2 = 0; for (int a = 0; a < length2; a++) { f2[b] = dataexp2[a].EXP; b++; if (b == glob.length) { b = 0; c6[count_in2] = appExl.WorksheetFunction.Pearson(f2, test1); c7[count_in2] = appExl.WorksheetFunction.Pearson(f2, test2); c8[count_in2] = appExl.WorksheetFunction.Pearson(f2, test3); c9[count_in2] = appExl.WorksheetFunction.Pearson(f2, test4); c10[count_in2] = appExl.WorksheetFunction.Pearson(f2, test5); count_in2++; } } double t1 = TTest(c1, c6, count_in1, count_in2); double p1 = appExl.WorksheetFunction.TDist(Math.Abs(t1), (count_in1 + count_in2 - 2), 2); double t2 = TTest(c2, c7, count_in1, count_in2); double p2 = appExl.WorksheetFunction.TDist(Math.Abs(t2), (count_in1 + count_in2 - 2), 2); double t3 = TTest(c3, c8, count_in1, count_in2); double p3 = appExl.WorksheetFunction.TDist(Math.Abs(t3), (count_in1 + count_in2 - 2), 2); double t4 = TTest(c4, c9, count_in1, count_in2); double p4 = appExl.WorksheetFunction.TDist(Math.Abs(t4), (count_in1 + count_in2 - 2), 2); double t5 = TTest(c5, c10, count_in1, count_in2); double p5 = appExl.WorksheetFunction.TDist(Math.Abs(t5), (count_in1 + count_in2 - 2), 2); dataf[] data_final = new dataf[5]; data_final[0] = new dataf(); data_final[0].PATIENT = "PATIENT 1"; data_final[0].TVAL = t1; data_final[0].PVAL = p1; if (p1 < 0.01) { data_final[0].PREDICTION = "Classified as '" + glob.dis_glob + " disease : Patient belongs to group A"; } else { data_final[0].PREDICTION = "Classified as not " + glob.dis_glob + " disease: Patient belongs to group B"; } data_final[1] = new dataf(); data_final[1].PATIENT = "PATIENT 2"; data_final[1].TVAL = t2; data_final[1].PVAL = p2; if (p2 < 0.01) { data_final[1].PREDICTION = "Classified as '" + glob.dis_glob + " disease : Patient belongs to group A"; } else { data_final[1].PREDICTION = "Classified as not " + glob.dis_glob + " disease: Patient belongs to group B"; } data_final[2] = new dataf(); data_final[2].PATIENT = "PATIENT 3"; data_final[2].TVAL = t3; data_final[2].PVAL = p3; if (p3 < 0.01) { data_final[2].PREDICTION = "Classified as '" + glob.dis_glob + " disease : Patient belongs to group A"; } else { data_final[2].PREDICTION = "Classified as not " + glob.dis_glob + " disease: Patient belongs to group B"; } data_final[3] = new dataf(); data_final[3].PATIENT = "PATIENT 4"; data_final[3].TVAL = t4; data_final[3].PVAL = p4; if (p4 < 0.01) { data_final[3].PREDICTION = "Classified as '" + glob.dis_glob + " disease : Patient belongs to group A"; } else { data_final[3].PREDICTION = "Classified as not " + glob.dis_glob + " disease: Patient belongs to group B"; } data_final[4] = new dataf(); data_final[4].PATIENT = "PATIENT 5"; data_final[4].TVAL = t5; data_final[4].PVAL = p5; if (p5 < 0.01) { data_final[4].PREDICTION = "Classified as '" + glob.dis_glob + " disease : Patient belongs to group A"; } else { data_final[4].PREDICTION = "Classified as not " + glob.dis_glob + " disease: Patient belongs to group B"; } bindingSource4.DataSource = data_final; dataGridView4.DataSource = bindingSource4; }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string oradb = "DATA;PASSWORD=cse601;USER ID=AVIJEETM"; OracleConnection conn = new OracleConnection(oradb); // C# IExcel.Application appExl; appExl = new IExcel.Application(); conn.Open(); OracleCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandText = "SELECT ap.u_id, mn.exp FROM mrnaexpression mn INNER JOIN arrayprobe ap ON mn.pb_id=ap.pb_id WHERE mn.s_id IN (SELECT s_id FROM clinicalsample WHERE s_id IN (SELECT s_id FROM patientsample WHERE p_id IN (SELECT p_id FROM diagnosis WHERE ds_id IN (SELECT ds_id FROM disease WHERE name = '" + disease + "'))))ORDER BY ap.u_id"; OracleDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); OracleDataReader dr_temp = dr; int i = 0; double[] tempuid = new double[100000]; double[] tempexp = new double[100000]; Exp_UID[] dataexp = new Exp_UID[100000]; int length1 = 0; int length2 = 0; while (dr.Read()) { var abc = dr.GetValue(0); var abc1 = dr.GetValue(1); tempuid[i] = Convert.ToDouble(abc); tempexp[i] = Convert.ToDouble(abc1); dataexp[i] = new Exp_UID(); dataexp[i].UID = Convert.ToInt32(abc); dataexp[i].EXP = Convert.ToInt32(abc1); i++; } length1 = i; int j = 0; double[] tempuid2 = new double[100000]; double[] tempexp2 = new double[100000]; Exp_UID[] dataexp2 = new Exp_UID[100000]; OracleCommand cmd2 = conn.CreateCommand(); cmd2.CommandText = "SELECT ap.u_id, mn.exp FROM mrnaexpression mn INNER JOIN arrayprobe ap ON mn.pb_id=ap.pb_id WHERE mn.s_id IN (SELECT s_id FROM clinicalsample WHERE s_id IN (SELECT s_id FROM patientsample WHERE p_id IN (SELECT p_id FROM diagnosis WHERE ds_id IN (SELECT ds_id FROM disease WHERE name != '" + disease + "'))))ORDER BY ap.u_id"; OracleDataReader dr2 = cmd2.ExecuteReader(); while (dr2.Read()) { var abc = dr2.GetValue(0); tempuid2[j] = Convert.ToDouble(abc); var abc1 = dr2.GetValue(1); tempexp2[j] = Convert.ToDouble(abc1); dataexp2[j] = new Exp_UID(); dataexp2[j].UID = Convert.ToInt32(abc); dataexp2[j].EXP = Convert.ToInt32(abc1); j++; } length2 = j; Uid[] dataexp3 = new Uid[100000]; int[] arr = new int[500]; int c = 0; double prev = tempuid[0]; for (int k = 0; k < length1; k++) { double[] arr1 = new double[500]; double[] arr2 = new double[500]; int count1 = 0; int count2 = 0; for (int x = 0; x < length2; x++) { if (tempuid[k] == tempuid2[x]) { arr1[count1] = tempexp[k]; count1++; arr2[count2] = tempexp2[x]; count2++; prev = tempuid[k]; k++; x++; while (prev == tempuid[k] && k < length1) { arr1[count1] = tempexp[k]; count1++; k++; } k--; while (prev == tempuid2[x] && x < length2) { arr2[count2] = tempexp2[x]; count2++; x++; } int q = Convert.ToInt32(prev); /*if (q == 48199244) * { * int assads; * assads = q + 1; * }*/ double t = TTest(arr1, arr2, count1, count2); double p = appExl.WorksheetFunction.TDist(Math.Abs(t), (count1 + count2 - 2), 2); if (p < 0.01) { dataexp3[c] = new Uid(); dataexp3[c].UID = Convert.ToInt32(prev); c++; } break; } } } bindingSource3.DataSource = dataexp3; dataGridView1.DataSource = bindingSource3; OracleCommand cmd4 = conn.CreateCommand(); String query4 = "SELECT patient.p_id, ap.u_id, mn.exp FROM mrnaexpression mn INNER JOIN arrayprobe ap ON mn.pb_id=ap.pb_id INNER JOIN (SELECT a.s_id, b.p_id FROM clinicalsample a, patientsample b WHERE a.s_id = b.s_id AND b.p_id IN (SELECT p_id FROM diagnosis WHERE ds_id IN (SELECT ds_id FROM disease WHERE name = '" + disease + "'))) patient ON mn.s_id = patient.s_id AND ap.u_id IN("; query4 = query4 + dataexp3[0].UID; for (int i1 = 1; i1 < c; i1++) { query4 = query4 + "," + dataexp3[i1].UID; } query4 = query4 + ") ORDER BY patient.p_id,ap.u_id"; cmd4.CommandText = query4; OracleDataReader dr4 = cmd4.ExecuteReader(); int y = 0; double[] tempuid3 = new double[100000]; double[] tempexp3 = new double[100000]; Pid_UID_Exp[] dataexp4 = new Pid_UID_Exp[100000]; int length3 = 0; int length4 = 0; while (dr4.Read()) { var abc = dr4.GetValue(0); tempuid3[y] = Convert.ToDouble(abc); var abc1 = dr4.GetValue(1); tempexp3[y] = Convert.ToDouble(abc1); var abc2 = dr4.GetValue(2); tempexp3[y] = Convert.ToDouble(abc2); dataexp4[y] = new Pid_UID_Exp(); dataexp4[y].PID = Convert.ToInt32(abc); dataexp4[y].UID = Convert.ToInt32(abc1); dataexp4[y].EXP = Convert.ToInt32(abc2); y++; } length3 = y; int z = 0; double[] tempuid5 = new double[100000]; double[] tempexp5 = new double[100000]; Pid_UID_Exp[] dataexp5 = new Pid_UID_Exp[100000]; OracleCommand cmd5 = conn.CreateCommand(); String query5 = "SELECT patient.p_id, ap.u_id, mn.exp FROM mrnaexpression mn INNER JOIN arrayprobe ap ON mn.pb_id=ap.pb_id INNER JOIN (SELECT a.s_id, b.p_id FROM clinicalsample a, patientsample b WHERE a.s_id = b.s_id AND b.p_id IN (SELECT p_id FROM diagnosis WHERE ds_id IN (SELECT ds_id FROM disease WHERE name != '" + disease + "'))) patient ON mn.s_id = patient.s_id AND ap.u_id IN("; query5 = query5 + dataexp3[0].UID; for (int i1 = 1; i1 < c; i1++) { query5 = query5 + "," + dataexp3[i1].UID; } query5 = query5 + ") ORDER BY patient.p_id,ap.u_id"; cmd5.CommandText = query5; OracleDataReader dr5 = cmd5.ExecuteReader(); while (dr5.Read()) { var abc = dr5.GetValue(0); tempuid5[z] = Convert.ToDouble(abc); var abc1 = dr5.GetValue(1); tempexp5[z] = Convert.ToDouble(abc1); var abc2 = dr5.GetValue(2); tempexp5[z] = Convert.ToDouble(abc2); dataexp5[z] = new Pid_UID_Exp(); dataexp5[z].PID = Convert.ToInt32(abc); dataexp5[z].UID = Convert.ToInt32(abc1); dataexp5[z].EXP = Convert.ToInt32(abc2); z++; } length4 = z; int[] test = new int[c]; int[] test1 = new int[c]; int[] test2 = new int[c]; int[] test3 = new int[c]; int[] test4 = new int[c]; int[] test5 = new int[c]; int l = 0; OracleCommand cmd6 = conn.CreateCommand(); String query6 = "select * from test_samples where u_id in ("; query6 = query6 + dataexp3[0].UID; for (int i1 = 1; i1 < c; i1++) { query6 = query6 + "," + dataexp3[i1].UID; } query6 = query6 + ") ORDER BY u_id"; cmd2.CommandText = query6; OracleDataReader dr6 = cmd2.ExecuteReader(); while (dr6.Read()) { var abc = dr6.GetValue(0); test[l] = Convert.ToInt32(abc); var abc1 = dr6.GetValue(1); test1[l] = Convert.ToInt32(abc1); var abc2 = dr6.GetValue(2); test2[l] = Convert.ToInt32(abc2); var abc3 = dr6.GetValue(3); test3[l] = Convert.ToInt32(abc3); var abc4 = dr6.GetValue(4); test4[l] = Convert.ToInt32(abc4); var abc5 = dr6.GetValue(5); test5[l] = Convert.ToInt32(abc5); l++; } int[] f1 = new int[c]; int b = 0; double[] c1 = new double[50000]; double[] c2 = new double[50000]; double[] c3 = new double[50000]; double[] c4 = new double[50000]; double[] c5 = new double[50000]; int count_in1 = 0; for (int a = 0; a < length3; a++) { f1[b] = dataexp4[a].EXP; b++; if (b == c) { b = 0; c1[count_in1] = appExl.WorksheetFunction.Pearson(f1, test1); c2[count_in1] = appExl.WorksheetFunction.Pearson(f1, test2); c3[count_in1] = appExl.WorksheetFunction.Pearson(f1, test3); c4[count_in1] = appExl.WorksheetFunction.Pearson(f1, test4); c5[count_in1] = appExl.WorksheetFunction.Pearson(f1, test5); count_in1++; } } int[] f2 = new int[c]; b = 0; double[] c6 = new double[50000]; double[] c7 = new double[50000]; double[] c8 = new double[50000]; double[] c9 = new double[50000]; double[] c10 = new double[50000]; int count_in2 = 0; for (int a = 0; a < length4; a++) { f2[b] = dataexp5[a].EXP; b++; if (b == c) { b = 0; c6[count_in2] = appExl.WorksheetFunction.Pearson(f2, test1); c7[count_in2] = appExl.WorksheetFunction.Pearson(f2, test2); c8[count_in2] = appExl.WorksheetFunction.Pearson(f2, test3); c9[count_in2] = appExl.WorksheetFunction.Pearson(f2, test4); c10[count_in2] = appExl.WorksheetFunction.Pearson(f2, test5); count_in2++; } } double t1 = TTest(c1, c6, count_in1, count_in2); double p1 = appExl.WorksheetFunction.TDist(Math.Abs(t1), (count_in1 + count_in2 - 2), 2); double t2 = TTest(c2, c7, count_in1, count_in2); double p2 = appExl.WorksheetFunction.TDist(Math.Abs(t2), (count_in1 + count_in2 - 2), 2); double t3 = TTest(c3, c8, count_in1, count_in2); double p3 = appExl.WorksheetFunction.TDist(Math.Abs(t3), (count_in1 + count_in2 - 2), 2); double t4 = TTest(c4, c9, count_in1, count_in2); double p4 = appExl.WorksheetFunction.TDist(Math.Abs(t4), (count_in1 + count_in2 - 2), 2); double t5 = TTest(c5, c10, count_in1, count_in2); double p5 = appExl.WorksheetFunction.TDist(Math.Abs(t5), (count_in1 + count_in2 - 2), 2); dataf[] data_final = new dataf[5]; data_final[0] = new dataf(); data_final[0].PATIENT = "PATIENT 1"; data_final[0].TVAL = t1; data_final[0].PVAL = p1; if (p1 < 0.01) { data_final[0].PREDICTION = "Classified as '" + glob.dis_glob + " disease : Patient belongs to group A"; } else { data_final[0].PREDICTION = "Classified as not " + glob.dis_glob + " disease: Patient belongs to group B"; } data_final[1] = new dataf(); data_final[1].PATIENT = "PATIENT 2"; data_final[1].TVAL = t2; data_final[1].PVAL = p2; if (p2 < 0.01) { data_final[1].PREDICTION = "Classified as '" + glob.dis_glob + " disease : Patient belongs to group A"; } else { data_final[1].PREDICTION = "Classified as not " + glob.dis_glob + " disease: Patient belongs to group B"; } data_final[2] = new dataf(); data_final[2].PATIENT = "PATIENT 3"; data_final[2].TVAL = t3; data_final[2].PVAL = p3; if (p3 < 0.01) { data_final[2].PREDICTION = "Classified as '" + glob.dis_glob + " disease : Patient belongs to group A"; } else { data_final[2].PREDICTION = "Classified as not " + glob.dis_glob + " disease: Patient belongs to group B"; } data_final[3] = new dataf(); data_final[3].PATIENT = "PATIENT 4"; data_final[3].TVAL = t4; data_final[3].PVAL = p4; if (p4 < 0.01) { data_final[3].PREDICTION = "Classified as '" + glob.dis_glob + " disease : Patient belongs to group A"; } else { data_final[3].PREDICTION = "Classified as not " + glob.dis_glob + " disease: Patient belongs to group B"; } data_final[4] = new dataf(); data_final[4].PATIENT = "PATIENT 5"; data_final[4].TVAL = t5; data_final[4].PVAL = p5; if (p5 < 0.01) { data_final[4].PREDICTION = "Classified as '" + glob.dis_glob + " disease : Patient belongs to group A"; } else { data_final[4].PREDICTION = "Classified as not " + glob.dis_glob + " disease: Patient belongs to group B"; } bindingSource4.DataSource = data_final; dataGridView4.DataSource = bindingSource4; conn.Close(); }