private void loadDataGridView(string tableName) { if (tableName == "owners") { owners owners = new owners(); owners.dataGridView1.DataSource = null; PublicClasses.sql = "select * from owners where isDeleted=0"; owners.dataGridView1.DataSource = PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0]; owners.dataGridView1.Columns[0].Visible = false; owners.dataGridView1.Columns[6].Visible = false; owners.dataGridView1.Columns[1].HeaderText = "Фамилия"; owners.dataGridView1.Columns[2].HeaderText = "Имя"; owners.dataGridView1.Columns[3].HeaderText = "Отчество"; owners.dataGridView1.Columns[4].HeaderText = "Адрес"; owners.dataGridView1.Columns[5].HeaderText = "Телефон"; owners.Show(); } else { clients clients = new clients(); clients.dataGridView1.DataSource = null; PublicClasses.sql = "select * from clients where isDeleted=0"; clients.dataGridView1.DataSource = PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0]; clients.dataGridView1.Columns[0].Visible = false; clients.dataGridView1.Columns[6].Visible = false; clients.dataGridView1.Columns[1].HeaderText = "Фамилия"; clients.dataGridView1.Columns[2].HeaderText = "Имя"; clients.dataGridView1.Columns[3].HeaderText = "Отчество"; clients.dataGridView1.Columns[4].HeaderText = "Адрес"; clients.dataGridView1.Columns[5].HeaderText = "Телефон"; clients.Show(); } }
private void addOwner(object sender, EventArgs e) //добавление владельца { string columnsTable = "isDeleted,"; string values = "0,"; if (textBox1.Text != "") { columnsTable += "surname,"; values += "'" + textBox1.Text + "'" + ","; } if (textBox2.Text != "") { columnsTable += "name,"; values += "'" + textBox2.Text + "'" + ","; } if (textBox3.Text != "") { columnsTable += "lastname,"; values += "'" + textBox3.Text + "'" + ","; } if (textBox4.Text != "") { columnsTable += "adres,"; values += "'" + textBox4.Text + "'" + ","; } if (textBox5.Text != "") { columnsTable += "phone"; values += "'" + textBox5.Text + "'" + ""; } if (columnsTable != "isDeleted," && values != "0,") { PublicClasses.insertIntoTable("owners", columnsTable, values); MessageBox.Show("Клиент добавлен успешно", "Добавление клиента", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } }
private void changeClientsData(object sender, EventArgs e) //добавление клиента { string set = ""; if (textBox1.Text != "") { set += "surname=" + "'" + textBox1.Text + "',"; } if (textBox2.Text != "") { set += "name=" + "'" + textBox2.Text + "',"; } if (textBox3.Text != "") { set += "lastname=" + "'" + textBox3.Text + "',"; } if (textBox4.Text != "") { set += "adres=" + "'" + textBox4.Text + "',"; } if (textBox5.Text != "") { set += "phone=" + "'" + textBox5.Text + "',"; } if (set != "") { PublicClasses.sql = "update clients set " + set.Remove(set.Length - 1) + " where idClient=" + PublicClasses.selectedRowIndex + ""; MessageBox.Show(PublicClasses.sql); PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest(); MessageBox.Show("Данные изменены успешно", "Изменение данных клиента", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } }
private void loadDataGridView() { if (searchValue == "") { PublicClasses.sql = "select idPerson, persons.idSpecial, surname, name, lastname, special, dateReceipt from persons left join specials on persons.idSpecial=specials.idSpecial where isDeleted=0"; dataGridView1.DataSource = PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0]; dataGridView1.Columns[0].Visible = false; dataGridView1.Columns[1].Visible = false; dataGridView1.Columns[2].HeaderText = "Фамилия"; dataGridView1.Columns[3].HeaderText = "Имя"; dataGridView1.Columns[4].HeaderText = "Отчество"; dataGridView1.Columns[5].HeaderText = "Должность"; dataGridView1.Columns[6].HeaderText = "Дата приема"; } else { PublicClasses.sql = "select idPerson, persons.idSpecial, surname, name, lastname, special, dateReceipt from persons left join specials on persons.idSpecial=specials.idSpecial where isDeleted=0 and " + searchValue.Remove(searchValue.Length - 3) + ""; dataGridView1.DataSource = PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0]; dataGridView1.Columns[0].Visible = false; dataGridView1.Columns[1].Visible = false; dataGridView1.Columns[2].HeaderText = "Фамилия"; dataGridView1.Columns[3].HeaderText = "Имя"; dataGridView1.Columns[4].HeaderText = "Отчество"; dataGridView1.Columns[5].HeaderText = "Должность"; dataGridView1.Columns[6].HeaderText = "Дата приема"; } }
private void personal_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { loadDataGridView(); PublicClasses.sql = "select concat(surname,' ', left(name,1),'.',left(lastname,1),'.') from persons where isDeleted=0"; comboBox1.Items.AddRange(PublicClasses.loadStringsToCmbbox()); PublicClasses.sql = "select special from specials"; comboBox2.Items.AddRange(PublicClasses.loadStringsToCmbbox()); }
private void button6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { PublicClasses.sql = "select * from property"; if (PublicClasses.rowIndex < PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows.Count - 1) { PublicClasses.rowIndex++; } loadFormFields(-1, PublicClasses.rowIndex); }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (PublicClasses.checkConnection() == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Ой, что-то пошло не так. Возникли ошибки с подключением к базе. Попробуйте снова подключиться к базе", "Соединение с базой", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else { this.Close(); } }
public void loadDataGridView() { dataGridView1.DataSource = new DataSet(); PublicClasses.sql = "select * from owners where isDeleted=0"; dataGridView1.DataSource = PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0]; dataGridView1.Columns[0].Visible = false; dataGridView1.Columns[6].Visible = false; dataGridView1.Columns[1].HeaderText = "Фамилия"; dataGridView1.Columns[2].HeaderText = "Имя"; dataGridView1.Columns[3].HeaderText = "Отчество"; dataGridView1.Columns[4].HeaderText = "Адрес"; dataGridView1.Columns[5].HeaderText = "Телефон"; }
private void loadDatasToFields(string tableName, string columName) { PublicClasses.sql = "select surname from " + tableName + " where " + columName + "=" + PublicClasses.selectedRowIndex + ""; textBox1.Text = PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[0].ToString(); PublicClasses.sql = "select name from " + tableName + " where " + columName + "=" + PublicClasses.selectedRowIndex + ""; textBox2.Text = PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[0].ToString(); PublicClasses.sql = "select lastname from " + tableName + " where " + columName + "=" + PublicClasses.selectedRowIndex + ""; textBox3.Text = PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[0].ToString(); PublicClasses.sql = "select adres from " + tableName + " where " + columName + "=" + PublicClasses.selectedRowIndex + ""; textBox4.Text = PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[0].ToString(); PublicClasses.sql = "select phone from " + tableName + " where " + columName + "=" + PublicClasses.selectedRowIndex + ""; textBox5.Text = PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[0].ToString(); }
public void loadFormFields(int idProperty, int rowIndex) { PublicClasses.sql = "select distinct(concat(type.type,' ',typeproperty.typeProperty)) from type left join typeproperty on type.idTypeProperty = typeproperty.idTypeProperty"; comboBox5.Items.AddRange(PublicClasses.loadStringsToCmbbox()); PublicClasses.sql = "select city from cities"; comboBox1.Items.AddRange(PublicClasses.loadStringsToCmbbox()); PublicClasses.sql = "select area from area"; comboBox2.Items.AddRange(PublicClasses.loadStringsToCmbbox()); PublicClasses.sql = "select district from district"; comboBox3.Items.AddRange(PublicClasses.loadStringsToCmbbox()); PublicClasses.sql = "select undergroundStation from undergroundstations"; comboBox4.Items.AddRange(PublicClasses.loadStringsToCmbbox()); PublicClasses.sql = "select concat(surname,' ',left(name,1),'. ',left(lastname,1),'.') from owners"; comboBox6.Items.AddRange(PublicClasses.loadStringsToCmbbox()); PublicClasses.sql = "select concat(type.type, ' ', typeproperty.typeProperty),, area.area, district.district, undergroundstations.undergroundStation, if(property.buyRent=1,'Продажу','Аренду'), concat(surname,' ',left(name,1),'. ',left(lastname,1),'.'), price, isLoggia, isFloor, countFloor, countRoom, description " + "from property left join type on property.type = type.idType " + "left join typeproperty on type.idTypeProperty = typeproperty.idTypeProperty " + "left join cities on property.idCity = cities.idCity " + "left join area on property.idArea = area.idArea " + "left join district on property.idDistrict = district.idDistrict " + "left join undergroundstations on property.idUndergroundStation = undergroundstations.idUndergroundStation " + "left join owners on property.idOwner=owners.idOwner " + "where property.idProperty=" + idProperty + ""; if (idProperty == -1) { PublicClasses.sql = PublicClasses.sql.Remove(PublicClasses.sql.IndexOf("where")); } comboBox5.Text = PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[rowIndex].ItemArray[0].ToString(); comboBox1.Text = PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[rowIndex].ItemArray[1].ToString(); comboBox2.Text = PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[rowIndex].ItemArray[2].ToString(); comboBox3.Text = PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[rowIndex].ItemArray[3].ToString(); comboBox4.Text = PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[rowIndex].ItemArray[4].ToString(); comboBox6.Text = PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[rowIndex].ItemArray[6].ToString(); textBox1.Text = PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[rowIndex].ItemArray[7].ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[rowIndex].ItemArray[8].ToString())) { checkBox1.Checked = true; } textBox3.Text = PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[rowIndex].ItemArray[9].ToString(); textBox4.Text = PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[rowIndex].ItemArray[10].ToString(); textBox2.Text = PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[rowIndex].ItemArray[11].ToString(); if (PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[rowIndex].ItemArray[5].ToString() == "Аренду") { radioButton1.Checked = true; } else { radioButton2.Checked = true; } richTextBox1.Text = PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[12].ToString(); }
private void Form6_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { PublicClasses.sql = "select distinct(concat(type.type,' ',typeproperty.typeProperty)) from type left join typeproperty on type.idTypeProperty = typeproperty.idTypeProperty"; comboBox5.Items.AddRange(PublicClasses.loadStringsToCmbbox()); PublicClasses.sql = "select city from cities"; comboBox1.Items.AddRange(PublicClasses.loadStringsToCmbbox()); PublicClasses.sql = "select area from areas"; comboBox2.Items.AddRange(PublicClasses.loadStringsToCmbbox()); PublicClasses.sql = "select district from district"; comboBox3.Items.AddRange(PublicClasses.loadStringsToCmbbox()); PublicClasses.sql = "select undergroundStation from undergroundstations"; comboBox4.Items.AddRange(PublicClasses.loadStringsToCmbbox()); PublicClasses.sql = "select concat(surname,' ',left(name,1),'. ',left(lastname,1),'.') from owners"; comboBox6.Items.AddRange(PublicClasses.loadStringsToCmbbox()); }
private void button6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { PublicClasses.sql = "select idProperty, concat(type.type, ' ', typeproperty.typeProperty) as 'Тип Недвижимости', as 'Город', areas.area as 'Область', district.district as 'Район', undergroundstations.undergroundStation as 'ст. Метро', if(property.buyRent=1,'Продажy','Арендy') as 'Выставлен на', price " + "from property " + "left join type on property.type = type.idType " + "left join typeproperty on type.idTypeProperty = typeproperty.idTypeProperty " + "left join cities on property.idCity = cities.idCity " + "left join areas on property.idArea = areas.idArea " + "left join district on property.idDistrict = district.idDistrict " + "left join undergroundstations on property.idUndergroundStation = undergroundstations.idUndergroundStation where isRemoveBuyRent<>1"; if (PublicClasses.rowIndex >= 0) { PublicClasses.rowIndex++; PublicClasses.selectedRowIndex = Convert.ToInt16(PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[PublicClasses.rowIndex].ItemArray[0]); } loadFormFields(-1, PublicClasses.rowIndex); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { searchValue = ""; PublicClasses.sql = "select idSpecial from specials where special='" + comboBox2.Text + "'"; int idSpecial = Convert.ToInt16(PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[0]); MessageBox.Show(idSpecial.ToString()); if (comboBox1.Text != "") { searchValue += "concat(surname,' ', left(name,1),'.',left(lastname,1),'.')='" + comboBox1.Text + "' and"; } if (comboBox2.Text != "") { searchValue += "persons.idSpecial='" + idSpecial + "' and"; } loadDataGridView(); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //регистрация пользователя { bool l; errorProvider1.Clear(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(textBox1.Text)) { errorProvider1.SetError(textBox1, "Поле не должно быть пустым"); l = false; } else { l = true; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(textBox2.Text)) { errorProvider1.SetError(textBox2, "Поле не должно быть пустым"); l = false; } else { l = true; } if (l) { if (PublicClasses.idUser == null) { PublicClasses.sql = "insert into autorization_datas(login,password,password1) values('" + textBox1.Text + "','" + GetHashString(textBox2.Text) + "','" + textBox2.Text + "')"; try { PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest(); MessageBox.Show("Регистрация прошла успешно", "Регистрация пользователя", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Регистрация пользователя", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } } else { PublicClasses.sql = "update autorization_datas set login='******',password='******', password1='" + textBox2.Text + "' where idUser="******""; try { PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest(); MessageBox.Show("Регистрация прошла успешно", "Регистрация пользователя", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Регистрация пользователя", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } } } }
private void Form1_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (PublicClasses.checkConnection() == 0) { var result = MessageBox.Show("Ой, что-то пошло не так. Возникли ошибки с подключением к базе. Попробуйте снова подключиться к базе", "Соединение с базой", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); if (result == DialogResult.OK) { dbSettings form5 = new dbSettings(); form5.ShowDialog(); } } if (Convert.ToInt16(PublicClasses.readFromFileUser()) != 0) { PublicClasses.sql = "select * from autorization_datas where idUser=" + PublicClasses.readFromFileUser(); textBox1.Text = PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[1].ToString(); textBox2.Text = PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[3].ToString(); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { PublicClasses.server = textBox1.Text; PublicClasses.user = textBox2.Text; PublicClasses.password = textBox3.Text; PublicClasses.db = textBox4.Text; PublicClasses.port = textBox5.Text; PublicClasses.setDbPathToFile(); if (PublicClasses.checkConnection() == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Не удалось соединиться с базой.", "Соединение с базой", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else { MessageBox.Show("Успешное соединение с базой", "Соединение с базой", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); this.Close(); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (comboBox1.Text != "") { PublicClasses.sql = "select * from owners where concat(surname,' ',left(name,1),' ',left(lastname,1))='" + comboBox1.Text + "'"; dataGridView1.DataSource = PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0]; dataGridView1.Columns[0].Visible = false; dataGridView1.Columns[6].Visible = false; dataGridView1.Columns[1].HeaderText = "Фамилия"; dataGridView1.Columns[2].HeaderText = "Имя"; dataGridView1.Columns[3].HeaderText = "Отчество"; dataGridView1.Columns[4].HeaderText = "Адрес"; dataGridView1.Columns[5].HeaderText = "Телефон"; } else { errorProvider1.SetError(comboBox1, "Поле не должно быть пустым"); } }
private void Form2_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) //загрузка формы { if (PublicClasses.privelege == 1) { contextMenuStrip1.Items[0].Visible = false; contextMenuStrip1.Items[1].Visible = false; contextMenuStrip1.Items[2].Visible = false; contextMenuStrip1.Items[3].Visible = false; contextMenuStrip1.Items[5].Visible = false; } time = DateTime.Now; toolStrip1.Items[0].Text = " Время: " + time.ToLongTimeString(); toolStrip1.Items[1].Text = "Пользователь: " + PublicClasses.UserLogin; PublicClasses.sql = "select distinct(concat(type.type,' ',typeproperty.typeProperty)) from type left join typeproperty on type.idTypeProperty = typeproperty.idTypeProperty"; comboBox1.Items.AddRange(PublicClasses.loadStringsToCmbbox()); PublicClasses.sql = "select city from cities"; comboBox2.Items.AddRange(PublicClasses.loadStringsToCmbbox()); PublicClasses.sql = "select area from areas"; comboBox3.Items.AddRange(PublicClasses.loadStringsToCmbbox()); PublicClasses.sql = "select district from district"; comboBox4.Items.AddRange(PublicClasses.loadStringsToCmbbox()); PublicClasses.sql = "select undergroundStation from undergroundstations"; comboBox5.Items.AddRange(PublicClasses.loadStringsToCmbbox()); PublicClasses.sql = "select idProperty, concat(type.type, ' ', typeproperty.typeProperty) as 'Тип Недвижимости', as 'Город', areas.area as 'Область', district.district as 'Район', undergroundstations.undergroundStation as 'ст. Метро', if(property.buyRent=1,'Продажу','Аренду') as 'Выставлен на', price " + "from property " + "left join type on property.type = type.idType " + "left join typeproperty on type.idTypeProperty = typeproperty.idTypeProperty " + "left join cities on property.idCity = cities.idCity " + "left join areas on property.idArea = areas.idArea " + "left join district on property.idDistrict = district.idDistrict " + "left join undergroundstations on property.idUndergroundStation = undergroundstations.idUndergroundStation " + "where isRemoveBuyRent<>1"; dataGridView1.DataSource = PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0]; dataGridView1.Columns[0].Visible = false; dataGridView1.Columns[1].HeaderText = "Тип недвижимости"; dataGridView1.Columns[2].HeaderText = "Город"; dataGridView1.Columns[3].HeaderText = "Область"; dataGridView1.Columns[4].HeaderText = "Район"; dataGridView1.Columns[5].HeaderText = "Ст. метро"; dataGridView1.Columns[6].HeaderText = "Выставлен на"; dataGridView1.Columns[7].HeaderText = "Цена"; }
private void executeSqlRequest() //пользовательская функция { PublicClasses.sql = "select special from specials"; comboBox1.Items.AddRange(PublicClasses.loadStringsToCmbbox()); if (this.Text != "Добавление сотрудника") { date = DateTime.Now; } else { PublicClasses.sql = "select surname, name, lastname, adres, phone, special, photo from persons left join specials on persons.idSpecial=specials.idSpecial where idPerson=" + PublicClasses.selectedRowIndex + ""; textBox3.Text = PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[0].ToString(); textBox4.Text = PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[1].ToString(); textBox5.Text = PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[2].ToString(); textBox6.Text = PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[3].ToString(); maskedTextBox1.Text = PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[4].ToString(); comboBox1.Text = PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[5].ToString(); string photoPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, @"Photos\" + PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[6] + ""); pictureBox1.Load(photoPath); } }
private void contracts_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { PublicClasses.sql = "select * from showcontracts"; dataGridView1.DataSource = PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0]; dataGridView1.Columns[0].Visible = false; dataGridView1.Columns[1].Visible = false; dataGridView1.Columns[2].HeaderText = "Сотрудник"; dataGridView1.Columns[3].HeaderText = "Владелец"; dataGridView1.Columns[4].HeaderText = "Клиент"; dataGridView1.Columns[5].HeaderText = "Дата оформления"; dataGridView1.Columns[6].HeaderText = "Начало периода"; dataGridView1.Columns[7].HeaderText = "Конец периода"; dataGridView1.Columns[8].HeaderText = "Цена"; dataGridView1.Columns[9].HeaderText = "Выставлен на"; dataGridView1.Columns[10].HeaderText = "Статус договора"; PublicClasses.sql = "select concat(surname,' ', left(name,1),'.',left(lastname,1),'.') from persons where isDeleted=0"; comboBox1.Items.AddRange(PublicClasses.loadStringsToCmbbox()); PublicClasses.sql = "select concat(surname,' ', left(name,1),'.',left(lastname,1),'.') from clients where isDeleted=0"; comboBox2.Items.AddRange(PublicClasses.loadStringsToCmbbox()); PublicClasses.sql = "select concat(surname,' ', left(name,1),'.',left(lastname,1),'.') from owners where isDeleted=0"; comboBox3.Items.AddRange(PublicClasses.loadStringsToCmbbox()); }
public void loadDataGridView() //пользовательская функция для вывода dataGridView { property form2 = new property(); form2.dataGridView1.DataSource = null; PublicClasses.sql = "select idProperty, concat(type.type, ' ', typeproperty.typeProperty) as 'Тип Недвижимости', as 'Город', areas.area as 'Область', district.district as 'Район', undergroundstations.undergroundStation as 'ст. Метро', if(property.buyRent=1,'Продажy','Арендy') as 'Выставлен на' " + "from property " + "left join type on property.type = type.idType " + "left join typeproperty on type.idTypeProperty = typeproperty.idTypeProperty " + "left join cities on property.idCity = cities.idCity " + "left join areas on property.idArea = areas.idArea " + "left join district on property.idDistrict = district.idDistrict " + "left join undergroundstations on property.idUndergroundStation = undergroundstations.idUndergroundStation " + "where isRemoveBuyRent<>1"; form2.dataGridView1.DataSource = PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0]; form2.dataGridView1.Columns[0].Visible = false; form2.dataGridView1.Columns[1].HeaderText = "Тип недвижимости"; form2.dataGridView1.Columns[2].HeaderText = "Город"; form2.dataGridView1.Columns[3].HeaderText = "Область"; form2.dataGridView1.Columns[4].HeaderText = "Район"; form2.dataGridView1.Columns[5].HeaderText = "Ст. метро"; form2.dataGridView1.Columns[6].HeaderText = "Выставлен на"; form2.Show(); }
public void loadFormFields(int idProperty, int rowIndex) { PublicClasses.sql = "select, areas.area, district.district, undergroundstations.undergroundStation, concat(type.type, ' ', typeproperty.typeProperty), countRoom, isFloor, countFloor, isLoggia, if(property.buyRent=1,'Продажу','Аренду'), price, concat(surname,' ',left(name,1),'. ',left(lastname,1),'.'), description " + "from property left join type on property.type = type.idType " + "left join typeproperty on type.idTypeProperty = typeproperty.idTypeProperty " + "left join cities on property.idCity = cities.idCity " + "left join areas on property.idArea = areas.idArea " + "left join district on property.idDistrict = district.idDistrict " + "left join undergroundstations on property.idUndergroundStation = undergroundstations.idUndergroundStation " + "left join owners on property.idOwner = owners.idOwner " + "where property.idProperty =" + idProperty; if (idProperty > -1) { comboBox1.Text = PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[0].ToString(); comboBox2.Text = PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[1].ToString(); comboBox3.Text = PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[2].ToString(); comboBox4.Text = PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[3].ToString(); comboBox5.Text = PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[4].ToString(); textBox2.Text = PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[5].ToString(); textBox3.Text = PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[6].ToString(); textBox4.Text = PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[7].ToString(); if (Convert.ToBoolean(PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[8]) == true) { checkBox1.Checked = true; } if (PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[9].ToString() == "Продажу") { radioButton2.Checked = true; } else { radioButton1.Checked = true; } textBox1.Text = PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[10].ToString(); comboBox6.Text = PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[11].ToString(); richTextBox1.Text = PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[12].ToString(); } else { PublicClasses.sql = PublicClasses.sql.Remove(PublicClasses.sql.IndexOf("where")); comboBox1.Text = PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[rowIndex].ItemArray[0].ToString(); comboBox2.Text = PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[rowIndex].ItemArray[1].ToString(); comboBox3.Text = PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[rowIndex].ItemArray[2].ToString(); comboBox4.Text = PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[rowIndex].ItemArray[3].ToString(); comboBox5.Text = PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[rowIndex].ItemArray[4].ToString(); textBox2.Text = PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[rowIndex].ItemArray[5].ToString(); textBox3.Text = PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[rowIndex].ItemArray[6].ToString(); textBox4.Text = PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[rowIndex].ItemArray[7].ToString(); if (Convert.ToBoolean(PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[rowIndex].ItemArray[8]) == true) { checkBox1.Checked = true; } if (PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[rowIndex].ItemArray[9].ToString() == "Продажу") { radioButton2.Checked = true; } else { radioButton1.Checked = true; } textBox1.Text = PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[rowIndex].ItemArray[10].ToString(); comboBox6.Text = PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[rowIndex].ItemArray[11].ToString(); richTextBox1.Text = PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[rowIndex].ItemArray[12].ToString(); } }
private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //снятие блокировки с полей { PublicClasses.sql = "update property set isRemoveBuyRent=1 where idProperty=" + PublicClasses.selectedRowIndex + ""; PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest(); MessageBox.Show("Недвижимость снята с продажи.", "Снятие недвижимости с продажи", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); }
private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //сохранение изменений { bool l = true; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(textBox1.Text)) { errorProvider1.SetError(label11, "Поле не должно быть пустым"); l = false; } else { l = true; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(comboBox5.Text)) { errorProvider1.SetError(comboBox5, "Поле не должно быть пустым"); l = false; } else { l = true; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(comboBox6.Text)) { errorProvider1.SetError(comboBox6, "Поле не должно быть пустым"); l = false; } else { l = true; } if (l) { string set = ""; if (comboBox1.Text != "") { PublicClasses.sql = "select * from cities where city='" + comboBox1.Text + "'"; int idCity = Convert.ToInt16(PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[0]); set += "idCity=" + idCity + ","; } if (comboBox2.Text != "") { PublicClasses.sql = "select * from areas where area='" + comboBox2.Text + "'"; int idArea = Convert.ToInt16(PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[0]); set += "idArea=" + idArea + ","; } if (comboBox3.Text != "") { PublicClasses.sql = "select * from district where district='" + comboBox3.Text + "'"; int idDistrict = Convert.ToInt16(PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[0]); set += "idDistrict=" + idDistrict + ","; } if (comboBox4.Text != "") { PublicClasses.sql = "select * from undergroundstations where undergroundStation='" + comboBox4.Text + "'"; int idUndergroundStation = Convert.ToInt16(PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[0]); set += "idUndergroundStation=" + idUndergroundStation + ","; } if (comboBox5.Text != "") { PublicClasses.sql = "select type.idType, concat(type.type,' ',typeproperty.typeProperty) from type left join typeproperty on type.idTypeProperty = typeproperty.idTypeProperty where concat(type.type,' ',typeproperty.typeProperty)='" + comboBox5.Text + "'"; int idType = Convert.ToInt16(PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[0]); set += "type=" + idType + ","; } if (comboBox6.Text != "") { PublicClasses.sql = "select * from owners where concat(surname,' ',left(name,1),'. ',left(lastname,1),'.')='" + comboBox6.Text + "'"; int idOwner = Convert.ToInt16(PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[0]); set += "idOwner=" + idOwner + ","; } if (textBox2.Text != "") { set += "countRoom=" + textBox2.Text + ","; } if (textBox3.Text != "") { set += "isFloor=" + textBox3.Text + ","; } if (textBox4.Text != "") { set += "countFloor=" + textBox4.Text + ","; } if (textBox1.Text != "") { set += "price=" + textBox1.Text.Replace(",", ".") + ","; } if (checkBox1.Checked) { set += "isLoggia=1,"; } if (radioButton1.Checked) { set += "buyRent=0,"; } if (radioButton2.Checked) { set += "buyRent=1,"; } try { PublicClasses.sql = "update property set " + set.Remove(set.Length - 1) + " where idProperty=" + PublicClasses.selectedRowIndex + ""; PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest(); MessageBox.Show("Изменения успешно занесены.", "Изменение данных недвижимости", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Изменение данных недвижимости", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } } }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //вход в ситему { bool l = false, l1 = false; property form2 = new property(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(textBox1.Text)) { errorProvider1.SetError(textBox1, "Поле не должно быть пустым"); } else { l = true; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(textBox2.Text)) { errorProvider1.SetError(textBox2, "Поле не должно быть пустым"); } else { l = true; } //if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(textBox3.Text)) { errorProvider1.SetError(textBox3, "Введите капчу"); } else { l = true; } if (l) { PublicClasses.sql = "call checkPassword('" + textBox1.Text + "','" + textBox2.Text + "')"; try { PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest(); l1 = true; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Окно предупреждения", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } if (l1) { try { PublicClasses.sql = "select * from autorization_datas where login='******' and password='******';"; PublicClasses.idUser = PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[0].ToString(); PublicClasses.UserLogin = PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[1].ToString(); if (PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0 /*|| captcha!=textBox3.Text*/) { MessageBox.Show("Ой что-то пошло не так. Попробуйте заполнить поля снова.", "Окно предупреждения", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else { PublicClasses.sql = "select * from persons where idUser="******""; if (PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows.Count != 0) { PublicClasses.privelege = 2; } else { PublicClasses.privelege = 1; } if (textBox1.Text == "admin" && textBox2.Text == "admin") { PublicClasses.privelege = 3; } this.Hide(); form2.Show(); } PublicClasses.writeToFileUser(checkBox1); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Неправильные пароль или логин.", "Вход в систему", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } } }
private void удалитьToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { PublicClasses.deleteSelectedRow(dataGridView1, "clients", "isDeleted=1", "idClient"); MessageBox.Show("Клиент успешно удален", "Удаление клиента", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); loadDataGridView(); }
private void addNewPerson(object sender, EventArgs e) { date = DateTime.Now; errorProvider1.Clear(); bool l; int idSpecial; string columnName = "", values = ""; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(textBox3.Text)) { errorProvider1.SetError(textBox3, "Поле не должно быть пустым."); l = false; } else { l = true; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(textBox4.Text)) { errorProvider1.SetError(textBox4, "Поле не должно быть пустым."); l = false; } else { l = true; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(textBox5.Text)) { errorProvider1.SetError(textBox5, "Поле не должно быть пустым."); l = false; } else { l = true; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(comboBox1.Text)) { errorProvider1.SetError(comboBox1, "Поле не должно быть пустым."); l = false; } else { l = true; } if (l) { PublicClasses.sql = "select max(idUser) from autorization_datas"; PublicClasses.idUser = (Convert.ToInt16(PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[0]) + 1).ToString(); if (textBox3.Text != "") { columnName += "surname,"; values += "'" + textBox3.Text + "',"; } if (textBox4.Text != "") { columnName += "name,"; values += "'" + textBox4.Text + "',"; } if (textBox5.Text != "") { columnName += "lastname,"; values += "'" + textBox5.Text + "',"; } if (textBox6.Text != "") { columnName += "adres,"; values += "'" + textBox6.Text + "',"; } if (maskedTextBox1.MaskFull) { columnName += "phone,"; values += "'" + maskedTextBox1.Text + "',"; } if (opndlg.FileName != null) { columnName += "photo,"; values += "'" + opndlg.FileName.Substring(opndlg.FileName.LastIndexOf(@"\") + 1) + "',"; } if (comboBox1.Text != "") { PublicClasses.sql = "select idSpecial from specials where special='" + comboBox1.Text + "'"; idSpecial = Convert.ToInt16(PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[0]); columnName += "idSpecial,"; values += idSpecial + ","; } if (columnName != "" && values != "") //добавление нового сторудникa { date = date.Date; try { PublicClasses.sql = "insert into persons(" + columnName.Remove(columnName.Length - 1) + ", dateReceipt, isDeleted) values(" + values.Remove(values.Length - 1) + ",'" + date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "', 0)"; MessageBox.Show(PublicClasses.sql); PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest(); var result = MessageBox.Show("Сотрудник успешно добавлен. Создать аккаунт данному сотруднику?", "Добавление сотрудника", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { PublicClasses.sql = "insert into autorization_datas(password1) values(' ')"; PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest(); PublicClasses.sql = "select idPerson from persons order by 1 desc limit 1"; int idPerson = Convert.ToInt16(PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[0]); PublicClasses.sql = "update persons set idUser="******" where idPerson=" + idPerson + ""; MessageBox.Show(PublicClasses.sql); PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest(); registration rgstr = new registration(); rgstr.ShowDialog(); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Окно предупреждения", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } } } }
private void changePersonsData(object sender, EventArgs e) { string set = ""; int idSpecial; bool l; errorProvider1.Clear(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(textBox3.Text)) { errorProvider1.SetError(textBox3, "Поле не должно быть пустым."); l = false; } else { l = true; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(textBox4.Text)) { errorProvider1.SetError(textBox4, "Поле не должно быть пустым."); l = false; } else { l = true; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(textBox5.Text)) { errorProvider1.SetError(textBox5, "Поле не должно быть пустым."); l = false; } else { l = true; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(comboBox1.Text)) { errorProvider1.SetError(comboBox1, "Поле не должно быть пустым."); l = false; } else { l = true; } if (l) { if (opndlg.FileName != null) { set += "photo='" + opndlg.FileName.Substring(opndlg.FileName.LastIndexOf(@"\") + 1) + "',"; } if (textBox3.Text != "") { set += "surname='" + textBox3.Text + "',"; } if (textBox4.Text != "") { set += "name='" + textBox4.Text + "',"; } if (textBox5.Text != "") { set += "lastname='" + textBox5.Text + "',"; } if (textBox6.Text != "") { set += "adres='" + textBox6.Text + "',"; } if (maskedTextBox1.MaskFull) { set += "phone='" + maskedTextBox1.Text + "',"; } if (comboBox1.Text != "") { PublicClasses.sql = "select idSpecial from specials where special='" + comboBox1.Text + "'"; idSpecial = Convert.ToInt16(PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest().Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[0]); set += "idSpecial='" + idSpecial + "',"; } if (set != "") //изменение данных сотрудника { try { MessageBox.Show(set); PublicClasses.sql = "update persons set " + set.Remove(set.Length - 1) + " where idPerson=" + PublicClasses.selectedRowIndex + ""; MessageBox.Show(PublicClasses.sql); PublicClasses.executeSqlRequest(); MessageBox.Show("Данные успешно изменены", "Изменение данных сотрудника", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Окно предупреждения", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } } } }
private void Form12_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { PublicClasses.sql = "select concat(surname,' ',left(name,1),' ',left(lastname,1)) from owners"; comboBox1.Items.AddRange(PublicClasses.loadStringsToCmbbox()); loadDataGridView(); }
private void удалитьToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { PublicClasses.deleteSelectedRow(dataGridView1, "clients", "isDeleted=1", "idClient"); loadDataGridView(); }