private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(@"C:\Users\leblancc\Desktop\TideLocationLatLng.txt"); StreamReader sr = fi.OpenText(); string content = sr.ReadToEnd(); sr.Close(); string[] strArr = new string[1]; strArr[0] = "|||"; List <string> elemList = content.Split(strArr, StringSplitOptions.None).ToList(); using (CSSPDBEntities db = new CSSPDBEntities()) { foreach (string sv in elemList) { List <string> itemsList = sv.Split(",".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.None).ToList(); if (itemsList.Count != 4) { richTextBox1.AppendText("itemsList not equal to 3\r\n"); continue; } string name = itemsList[0]; string prov = itemsList[1]; float lat = float.Parse(itemsList[2]); float lng = float.Parse(itemsList[3]); richTextBox1.AppendText("doing ... " + name + "\r\n"); TideLocation tideLocation = (from c in db.TideLocations where c.Name == name && c.Prov == prov select c).FirstOrDefault(); if (tideLocation != null) { tideLocation.Lat = lat; tideLocation.Lng = lng; } else { richTextBox1.AppendText("Could not find " + name + "\r\n"); continue; } try { db.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception ex) { richTextBox1.AppendText("could not save all new lat and lng"); return; } } } }
private void button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (textBox2.Text.Length == 0) { return; } HtmlElement heMapZone = doc.GetElementById("map-zone"); if (heMapZone == null) { return; } for (int i = 0, count = heMapZone.Children.Count; i < count; i++) { string name = heMapZone.Children[i].GetAttribute("alt"); string href = heMapZone.Children[i].GetAttribute("href"); int sid = int.Parse(href.Substring(href.IndexOf("=") + 1)); TideLocation tideLocation = new TideLocation() { Name = name, sid = sid, }; using (CSSPDBEntities db = new CSSPDBEntities()) { TideLocation tideLocationExist = (from c in db.TideLocations where c.Name == name && c.sid == sid select c).FirstOrDefault(); if (tideLocationExist == null) { db.TideLocations.Add(tideLocation); try { db.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception ex) { richTextBox1.AppendText("Error: [" + ex.Message + " " + (ex.InnerException != null ? ex.InnerException.Message : "") + "\r\n"); return; } } else { tideLocationExist.Zone = CurrentZone; tideLocationExist.Prov = textBox2.Text; db.SaveChanges(); } } } }
private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); using (CSSPDBEntities db = new CSSPDBEntities()) { List <TideLocation> tideLocationList = (from c in db.TideLocations where c.Lat == 0 select c).ToList(); foreach (TideLocation tideLocation in tideLocationList) { sb.AppendLine(@"addressArr.push(""" + tideLocation.Name + "," + tideLocation.Prov + @""");"); } richTextBox1.Text = sb.ToString(); } }
private void button8_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(@"C:\CSSP Latest Code\TempTideLocations\TempTideLocation\Subsector Tide Options by priorities.xls"); string connectionString = @"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OleDb.4.0;Data Source=" + fi.FullName + ";Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;"; Application.DoEvents(); OleDbCommand comm = new OleDbCommand("Select * from [Sheet1$];"); OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection(connectionString); conn.Open(); OleDbDataReader reader; comm.Connection = conn; reader = comm.ExecuteReader(); List <string> FieldNameList = new List <string>(); FieldNameList = new List <string>() { "SSID", "SSName", "First", "Second", "Third", "Fourth", "Fifth" }; for (int i = 0; i < reader.FieldCount; i++) { //richTextBox1.AppendText(reader.GetName(i) + " " + reader.GetValue(i).GetType() + "\r\n"); if (reader.GetName(i) != FieldNameList[i]) { richTextBox1.AppendText(reader.GetName(i) + " is not equal to " + FieldNameList[i] + "\r\n"); return; } } reader.Close(); richTextBox1.AppendText("\r\n"); reader = comm.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { int ID = 0; string SSID = ""; string SSName = ""; string First = ""; string Second = ""; string Third = ""; string Fourth = ""; string Fifth = ""; // doing SSID ID = 0; if (reader.GetValue(ID).GetType() == typeof(DBNull) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(reader.GetValue(ID).ToString().Trim())) { // nothing } else { SSID = reader.GetValue(ID).ToString(); } // doing SSName ID = 1; if (reader.GetValue(ID).GetType() == typeof(DBNull) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(reader.GetValue(ID).ToString().Trim())) { // nothing } else { SSName = reader.GetValue(ID).ToString(); } // doing First ID = 2; if (reader.GetValue(ID).GetType() == typeof(DBNull) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(reader.GetValue(ID).ToString().Trim())) { // nothing } else { First = reader.GetValue(ID).ToString(); } // doing Second ID = 3; if (reader.GetValue(ID).GetType() == typeof(DBNull) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(reader.GetValue(ID).ToString().Trim())) { // nothing } else { Second = reader.GetValue(ID).ToString(); } // doing Third ID = 4; if (reader.GetValue(ID).GetType() == typeof(DBNull) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(reader.GetValue(ID).ToString().Trim())) { // nothing } else { Third = reader.GetValue(ID).ToString(); } // doing Fourth ID = 5; if (reader.GetValue(ID).GetType() == typeof(DBNull) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(reader.GetValue(ID).ToString().Trim())) { // nothing } else { Fourth = reader.GetValue(ID).ToString(); } // doing Fifth ID = 6; if (reader.GetValue(ID).GetType() == typeof(DBNull) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(reader.GetValue(ID).ToString().Trim())) { // nothing } else { Fifth = reader.GetValue(ID).ToString(); } //if (SSID == "561") //{ using (CSSPDBEntities db = new CSSPDBEntities()) { string AllSID = ""; if (First.Length > 0) { AllSID += First.Substring(0, First.IndexOf(",")); } if (Second.Length > 0) { AllSID += "," + Second.Substring(0, Second.IndexOf(",")); } if (Third.Length > 0) { AllSID += "," + Third.Substring(0, Third.IndexOf(",")); } if (Fourth.Length > 0) { AllSID += "," + Fourth.Substring(0, Fourth.IndexOf(",")); } if (Fifth.Length > 0) { AllSID += "," + Fifth.Substring(0, Fifth.IndexOf(",")); } int MWQMSubsectorTVItemID = int.Parse(SSID); MWQMSubsector mwqmSubsector = (from c in db.MWQMSubsectors where c.MWQMSubsectorTVItemID == MWQMSubsectorTVItemID select c).FirstOrDefault(); if (mwqmSubsector != null) { mwqmSubsector.TideLocationSIDText = AllSID; } else { richTextBox1.AppendText("ERROR --- " + SSID + "\t" + SSName + "\t" + First + "\t" + Second + "\t" + Third + "\t" + Fourth + "\t" + Fifth + "\r\n"); } try { db.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception ex) { richTextBox1.AppendText("ERROR --- " + ex.Message + " " + (ex.InnerException != null ? ex.InnerException.Message : "")); } } //} label1.Text = SSName; label1.Refresh(); Application.DoEvents(); } }
private void button7_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { List <string> Prov2Letter = new List <string>() { "BC", "NB", "NL", "NS", "PE", "QC" }; List <string> ProvFull = new List <string>() { "British Columbia", "New Brunswick", "Newfoundland and Labrador", "Nova Scotia", "Prince Edward Island", "Québec" }; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine(@"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8""?>"); sb.AppendLine(@"<kml xmlns="""" xmlns:gx="""" xmlns:kml="""" xmlns:atom="""">"); sb.AppendLine(@" <Document>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <name>Tide Location</name>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <Style id=""s_ylw-pushpin"">"); sb.AppendLine(@" <IconStyle>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <scale>1.1</scale>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <Icon>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <href></href>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </Icon>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <hotSpot x=""20"" y=""2"" xunits=""pixels"" yunits=""pixels""/>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </IconStyle>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <LineStyle>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <color>ffff00ff</color>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </LineStyle>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <PolyStyle>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <fill>0</fill>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </PolyStyle>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </Style>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <StyleMap id=""msn_grn-pushpin"">"); sb.AppendLine(@" <Pair>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <key>normal</key>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <styleUrl>#sn_grn-pushpin</styleUrl>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </Pair>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <Pair>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <key>highlight</key>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <styleUrl>#sh_grn-pushpin</styleUrl>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </Pair>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </StyleMap>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <Style id=""sh_grn-pushpin"">"); sb.AppendLine(@" <IconStyle>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <scale>1.3</scale>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <Icon>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <href></href>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </Icon>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <hotSpot x=""20"" y=""2"" xunits=""pixels"" yunits=""pixels""/>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </IconStyle>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <ListStyle>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </ListStyle>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <LineStyle>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <color>ffff00ff</color>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </LineStyle>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <PolyStyle>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <fill>0</fill>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </PolyStyle>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </Style>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <StyleMap id=""m_ylw-pushpin"">"); sb.AppendLine(@" <Pair>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <key>normal</key>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <styleUrl>#s_ylw-pushpin</styleUrl>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </Pair>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <Pair>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <key>highlight</key>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <styleUrl>#s_ylw-pushpin_hl</styleUrl>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </Pair>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </StyleMap>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <Style id=""sn_grn-pushpin"">"); sb.AppendLine(@" <IconStyle>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <scale>1.1</scale>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <Icon>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <href></href>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </Icon>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <hotSpot x=""20"" y=""2"" xunits=""pixels"" yunits=""pixels""/>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </IconStyle>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <ListStyle>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </ListStyle>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <LineStyle>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <color>ffff00ff</color>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </LineStyle>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <PolyStyle>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <fill>0</fill>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </PolyStyle>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </Style>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <Style id=""s_ylw-pushpin_hl"">"); sb.AppendLine(@" <IconStyle>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <scale>1.3</scale>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <Icon>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <href></href>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </Icon>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <hotSpot x=""20"" y=""2"" xunits=""pixels"" yunits=""pixels""/>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </IconStyle>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <LineStyle>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <color>ffff00ff</color>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </LineStyle>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <PolyStyle>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <fill>0</fill>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </PolyStyle>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </Style>"); using (CSSPDBEntities db = new CSSPDBEntities()) { for (int i = 0, count = Prov2Letter.Count; i < count; i++) { string Full = ProvFull[i]; TVItem tvItemProv = (from c in db.TVItems from cl in db.TVItemLanguages where c.TVItemID == cl.TVItemID && cl.TVText == Full select c).FirstOrDefault(); if (tvItemProv == null) { richTextBox1.AppendText("could not find " + ProvFull[i]); return; } sb.AppendLine(@" <Folder>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <name>" + Prov2Letter[i] + "</name>"); string prov = Prov2Letter[i]; List <TideLocation> tideLocationList = (from c in db.TideLocations where c.Prov == prov && c.Lat != 0 select c).ToList(); foreach (TideLocation tideLocation in tideLocationList) { button7.Text = tideLocation.sid.ToString(); button7.Refresh(); Application.DoEvents(); sb.AppendLine(@" <Placemark>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <name>" + tideLocation.sid + "," + tideLocation.Name + "</name>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <styleUrl>#msn_grn-pushpin</styleUrl>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <Point>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <coordinates>" + tideLocation.Lng + "," + tideLocation.Lat + ",0 </coordinates>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </Point>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </Placemark>"); } sb.AppendLine(@" </Folder>"); } db.SaveChanges(); } sb.AppendLine(@" </Document>"); sb.AppendLine(@"</kml>"); FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(@"c:\WindowsFormsApplication1\WindowsFormsApplication1\TideLocation.kml"); StreamWriter sw = fi.CreateText(); sw.Write(sb.ToString()); sw.Close(); }
private void button6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { List <string> Prov2Letter = new List <string>() { "BC", "NB", "NL", "NS", "PE", "QC" }; List <string> ProvFull = new List <string>() { "British Columbia", "New Brunswick", "Newfoundland and Labrador", "Nova Scotia", "Prince Edward Island", "Québec" }; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder sbRTB = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine(@"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8""?>"); sb.AppendLine(@"<kml xmlns="""" xmlns:gx="""" xmlns:kml="""" xmlns:atom="""">"); sb.AppendLine(@" <Document>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <name>Subsector and Tide Location</name>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <Style id=""s_ylw-pushpin"">"); sb.AppendLine(@" <IconStyle>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <scale>1.1</scale>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <Icon>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <href></href>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </Icon>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <hotSpot x=""20"" y=""2"" xunits=""pixels"" yunits=""pixels""/>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </IconStyle>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <LineStyle>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <color>ffff00ff</color>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </LineStyle>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <PolyStyle>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <fill>0</fill>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </PolyStyle>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </Style>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <StyleMap id=""msn_grn-pushpin"">"); sb.AppendLine(@" <Pair>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <key>normal</key>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <styleUrl>#sn_grn-pushpin</styleUrl>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </Pair>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <Pair>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <key>highlight</key>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <styleUrl>#sh_grn-pushpin</styleUrl>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </Pair>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </StyleMap>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <Style id=""sh_grn-pushpin"">"); sb.AppendLine(@" <IconStyle>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <scale>1.3</scale>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <Icon>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <href></href>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </Icon>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <hotSpot x=""20"" y=""2"" xunits=""pixels"" yunits=""pixels""/>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </IconStyle>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <ListStyle>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </ListStyle>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <LineStyle>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <color>ffff00ff</color>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </LineStyle>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <PolyStyle>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <fill>0</fill>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </PolyStyle>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </Style>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <StyleMap id=""m_ylw-pushpin"">"); sb.AppendLine(@" <Pair>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <key>normal</key>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <styleUrl>#s_ylw-pushpin</styleUrl>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </Pair>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <Pair>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <key>highlight</key>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <styleUrl>#s_ylw-pushpin_hl</styleUrl>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </Pair>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </StyleMap>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <Style id=""sn_grn-pushpin"">"); sb.AppendLine(@" <IconStyle>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <scale>1.1</scale>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <Icon>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <href></href>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </Icon>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <hotSpot x=""20"" y=""2"" xunits=""pixels"" yunits=""pixels""/>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </IconStyle>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <ListStyle>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </ListStyle>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <LineStyle>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <color>ffff00ff</color>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </LineStyle>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <PolyStyle>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <fill>0</fill>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </PolyStyle>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </Style>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <Style id=""s_ylw-pushpin_hl"">"); sb.AppendLine(@" <IconStyle>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <scale>1.3</scale>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <Icon>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <href></href>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </Icon>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <hotSpot x=""20"" y=""2"" xunits=""pixels"" yunits=""pixels""/>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </IconStyle>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <LineStyle>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <color>ffff00ff</color>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </LineStyle>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <PolyStyle>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <fill>0</fill>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </PolyStyle>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </Style>"); using (CSSPDBEntities db = new CSSPDBEntities()) { for (int i = 0, count = Prov2Letter.Count; i < count; i++) { string Full = ProvFull[i]; TVItem tvItemProv = (from c in db.TVItems from cl in db.TVItemLanguages where c.TVItemID == cl.TVItemID && cl.TVText == Full select c).FirstOrDefault(); if (tvItemProv == null) { richTextBox1.AppendText("could not find " + ProvFull[i]); return; } var tvItemList = (from c in db.TVItems from cl in db.TVItemLanguages where c.TVItemID == cl.TVItemID && c.TVPath.StartsWith(tvItemProv.TVPath + "p") && c.TVType == 20 && cl.Language == "en" orderby cl.TVText select new { c, cl }).ToList(); sb.AppendLine(@" <Folder>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <name>" + Prov2Letter[i] + "</name>"); foreach (var tvItem in tvItemList) { button6.Text =; button6.Refresh(); Application.DoEvents(); List <MapInfoPoint> mapInfoPointList = (from c in db.MapInfos from p in db.MapInfoPoints where c.MapInfoID == p.MapInfoID && c.TVItemID == tvItem.c.TVItemID && c.TVType == 20 && c.MapInfoDrawType == 3 // polygon select p).ToList(); if (mapInfoPointList.Count == 0) { continue; } sb.AppendLine(@" <Folder>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <name>" + + "</name>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <Placemark>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <name>" + + "</name>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <styleUrl>#m_ylw-pushpin</styleUrl>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <Polygon>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <outerBoundaryIs>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <LinearRing>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <coordinates>"); foreach (MapInfoPoint mapInfoPoint in mapInfoPointList) // should only be 1 { sb.Append(mapInfoPoint.Lng + "," + mapInfoPoint.Lat + ",0 "); } sb.AppendLine(@" </coordinates>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </LinearRing>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </outerBoundaryIs>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </Polygon>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </Placemark>"); mapInfoPointList = (from c in db.MapInfos from p in db.MapInfoPoints where c.MapInfoID == p.MapInfoID && c.TVItemID == tvItem.c.TVItemID && c.TVType == 20 && c.MapInfoDrawType == 1 // point, 3 polygon select p).ToList(); if (mapInfoPointList.Count == 0) { continue; } sb.AppendLine(@" <Placemark>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <name>" + + "</name>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <styleUrl>#m_ylw-pushpin</styleUrl>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <Point>"); foreach (MapInfoPoint mapInfoPoint in mapInfoPointList) // should only be 1 { sb.AppendLine(@" <coordinates>" + mapInfoPoint.Lng + "," + mapInfoPoint.Lat + ",0 </coordinates>"); } sb.AppendLine(@" </Point>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </Placemark>"); double factor = 0.01D; List <TideLocation> tideLocationList = new List <TideLocation>(); while (tideLocationList.Count < 3) { double MinLat = mapInfoPointList[0].Lat - factor; double MaxLat = mapInfoPointList[0].Lat + factor; double MinLng = mapInfoPointList[0].Lng - factor; double MaxLng = mapInfoPointList[0].Lng + factor; string prov = Prov2Letter[i]; List <TideLocation> tideLocationTempList = (from c in db.TideLocations where c.Lat != 0 && c.Lat > MinLat && c.Lat <MaxLat && c.Lng> MinLng && c.Lng < MaxLng select c).ToList(); foreach (TideLocation tideLocation in tideLocationTempList) { if (!tideLocationList.Contains(tideLocation)) { tideLocationList.Add(tideLocation); } } factor += 0.01D; } sbRTB.Append("" + tvItem.c.TVItemID + "\t" + + "\t"); foreach (TideLocation tideLocation in tideLocationList) { sbRTB.Append("" + tideLocation.sid + "," + tideLocation.Name + "\t"); sb.AppendLine(@" <Placemark>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <name>" + tideLocation.sid + "," + tideLocation.Name + "</name>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <styleUrl>#msn_grn-pushpin</styleUrl>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <Point>"); sb.AppendLine(@" <coordinates>" + tideLocation.Lng + "," + tideLocation.Lat + ",0 </coordinates>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </Point>"); sb.AppendLine(@" </Placemark>"); } sbRTB.AppendLine(""); sb.AppendLine(@" </Folder>"); } sb.AppendLine(@" </Folder>"); } db.SaveChanges(); } sb.AppendLine(@" </Document>"); sb.AppendLine(@"</kml>"); FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(@"c:\WindowsFormsApplication1\WindowsFormsApplication1\SubsectorAndTideLocation.kml"); StreamWriter sw = fi.CreateText(); sw.Write(sb.ToString()); sw.Close(); richTextBox1.Text = sbRTB.ToString(); }