// Choses random wordGame object from list private void setWordRandom() { bool setWord = true; do { setWord = true; if (wordsList.Count == usedWords.Count) // If all words have been used, end game { endGame = true; break; } // Gets a random word from list wordGame wg = (wordGame)wordsList[Program.GetRandomNumber(0, wordsList.Count)]; mainWord = wg; lblHint1.Text = wg.getHint1(); word = wg.getWord(); if (usedWords.Contains(wg.getWord())) { setWord = false; } } while (setWord == false); // Will continue to loop if a word that has already been used is selected }
// btnGo click event private void btnGo_click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (endGame == true) { System.Windows.Forms.Application.Exit(); } else { bool notEmpty = true; // Checks if text boxes are empty for (int i = 0; i < inputBoxesList.Count; i++) { TextBox tb = (TextBox)inputBoxesList[i]; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(tb.Text)) { notEmpty = false; } } // Will check each text box to see if it contains the correct letter, only if // all the text boxes are not empty if (notEmpty == true) { bool isCorrect = true; for (int i = 0; i < word.Length; i++) { TextBox tb = (TextBox)inputBoxesList[i]; if (tb.Text[0] != mainWord.getWord()[i]) { isCorrect = false; } } if (isCorrect == true) { usedWords.Add(mainWord.getWord()); addPoints(); newRound(); } else { showHint(); } } else { showHint(); } centerContorls(); } }