private void addPackageButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (true) //replace true with data validation { //Create new Package with data from texctboxes Package newPackage = new Package { PkgName = pkgNameTextBox.Text, PkgStartDate = Convert.ToDateTime(pkgStartDateDateTimePicker.Text), PkgEndDate = Convert.ToDateTime(pkgEndDateDateTimePicker.Text), PkgBasePrice = Convert.ToDecimal(pkgBasePriceTextBox.Text), PkgAgencyCommission = Convert.ToDecimal(pkgAgencyCommissionTextBox.Text), PkgDesc = pkgDescTextBox.Text }; //used dbContext from the main form to insert new product mainForm.dbContext.Packages.InsertOnSubmit(newPackage); mainForm.dbContext.SubmitChanges(); using (TravelExpertsLINQDataContext dbContext = new TravelExpertsLINQDataContext()) { int i = 0; foreach (int item in prdList) { //Adds a new Product_Supplier object in the Product_Supplier Table Products_Supplier newProdSuppliers = new Products_Supplier(); newProdSuppliers.ProductId = prdList[i]; newProdSuppliers.SupplierId = suplList[i]; mainForm.dbContext.Products_Suppliers.InsertOnSubmit(newProdSuppliers); mainForm.dbContext.SubmitChanges(); //Gets the Product Supplier Id that was just created after the Insertion prodSuplList.Add(newProdSuppliers.ProductSupplierId); //Adds a new Product_Supplier object in the Product_Supplier Table Packages_Products_Supplier newPkgProdSupplier = new Packages_Products_Supplier(); newPkgProdSupplier.PackageId = newPackage.PackageId; newPkgProdSupplier.ProductSupplierId = prodSuplList[i]; mainForm.dbContext.Packages_Products_Suppliers.InsertOnSubmit(newPkgProdSupplier); mainForm.dbContext.SubmitChanges(); i++; } } DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; //Refresh the Grid View } }
//Method to add / Edit supplier or product based on the mode private void addSuppLierButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (supEditMode) { using (TravelExpertsLINQDataContext dbContext = new TravelExpertsLINQDataContext()) { Supplier supEdit = (from sup in dbContext.Suppliers where (sup.SupName == supToEdit) select sup).SingleOrDefault(); string suppName = newSuppTextBox.Text; if (suppName != "" && suppName != supEdit.SupName) { supEdit.SupName = newSuppTextBox.Text; } else { MessageBox.Show("Supplier name cannot be empty and needs to be updated for edit"); return; } try { dbContext.SubmitChanges(); MessageBox.Show("Edited supplier saved to the List of of Suppliers"); } catch (Exception err) { MessageBox.Show(err.Message); } } } else if (supAddMode) { using (TravelExpertsLINQDataContext dbContext = new TravelExpertsLINQDataContext()) { Supplier supp = new Supplier(); string suppID = newSuppIDTextBox.Text; string suppName = newSuppTextBox.Text; //Attempt to validate if (suppID != "" && suppName != "") { int suppIDValue = Convert.ToInt32(newSuppIDTextBox.Text); supp.SupplierId = suppIDValue; supp.SupName = suppName; } else { MessageBox.Show("You need to enter a Supplier Name and ID"); return; } dbContext.Suppliers.InsertOnSubmit(supp); try { dbContext.SubmitChanges(); MessageBox.Show("Supplier Succesfuly Added to the List of of Suppliers"); } catch (Exception err) { MessageBox.Show(err.Message); return; } //Altering the Product_Supplier Database Products_Supplier prodSup = new Products_Supplier(); String prodSupID = newSuppIDTextBox.Text; int prodSuppIDValue = Convert.ToInt32(newSuppIDTextBox.Text); //Attempt to validate if (prodSupID != "") { prodSup.SupplierId = supp.SupplierId; prodSup.ProductId = prodValue; } else { MessageBox.Show("You need to enter a valid Product Id"); return; } dbContext.Products_Suppliers.InsertOnSubmit(prodSup); try { dbContext.SubmitChanges(); MessageBox.Show("Succesfuly updated the Product Suppliers Table"); } catch (Exception err) { MessageBox.Show(err.Message); } } } else if (prodEditMode) { using (TravelExpertsLINQDataContext dbContext = new TravelExpertsLINQDataContext()) { Product prodEdit = (from prod in dbContext.Products where (prod.ProdName == prodToEdit) select prod).SingleOrDefault(); string prodEditName = newSuppTextBox.Text; if (prodEditName != "" && prodEditName != prodEdit.ProdName) { prodEdit.ProdName = prodEditName; } else { MessageBox.Show("Product name cannot be empty and needs to be updated for edit"); return; } try { dbContext.SubmitChanges(); MessageBox.Show("Product Succesfuly Edited"); } catch (Exception err) { MessageBox.Show(err.Message); return; } } } else if (prodAddMode) { using (TravelExpertsLINQDataContext dbContext = new TravelExpertsLINQDataContext()) { Product prod = new Product(); string prodName = newSuppTextBox.Text; //Attempt to validate if (prodName != "") { prod.ProdName = prodName; } else { MessageBox.Show("You need to enter a valid Product Name"); return; } dbContext.Products.InsertOnSubmit(prod); try { dbContext.SubmitChanges(); MessageBox.Show("Product Succesfuly Added to the List of of Products"); } catch (Exception err) { MessageBox.Show(err.Message); } } } }
private void detach_Products_Suppliers(Products_Supplier entity) { this.SendPropertyChanging(); entity.Supplier = null; }
private void attach_Products_Suppliers(Products_Supplier entity) { this.SendPropertyChanging(); entity.Product = this; }
partial void DeleteProducts_Supplier(Products_Supplier instance);
partial void UpdateProducts_Supplier(Products_Supplier instance);
partial void InsertProducts_Supplier(Products_Supplier instance);