public void SetCacheWorkItem(CacheWorkItem item)
     lock (this.sync)
         this.cacheWorkItem = item;
        /// <summary>
        /// Deletes all unused containers where the work item does not match <paramref name="current_work_item"/>.
        /// Must be called after <see cref="ImageContainer.last_requesting_work_item"/> has been set for all elements that should remain.
        /// </summary>
        internal void PruneUnusedContainers(CacheWorkItem current_work_item)
            var disposableContainers = new List <ImageContainer>();

            lock (this.cache)
                this.current_work_item = current_work_item;
                foreach (ImageContainer container in this.cache.Values.ToArray())
                    if (container.last_requesting_work_item != this.current_work_item && !container.IsHandleAlive)
                        // Do not dispose here while we're in the lock - the Dispose might take a relatively long time.

            ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(this.disposeManyContainersHelperDelegate, disposableContainers);