public static string stdGetSQL(SQLCondition conditions, bool selectFull, bool includeStdCond) { string field; if (selectFull) { SQLWhat what = new SQLWhat(new DBOnlineSeries()); what.AddWhat(new DBSeries()); field = what; } else { field = DBOnlineSeries.Q(DBOnlineSeries.cID) + " from " + DBOnlineSeries.cTableName; } if (includeStdCond) { conditions.AddCustom(stdConditions.ConditionsSQLString); } string conds = conditions; string orderBy = string.Empty; if (selectFull) { bool bUseSortName = DBOption.GetOptions(DBOption.cUseSortName); orderBy = conditions.customOrderStringIsSet ? conditions.orderString : " order by " + (bUseSortName?"upper(" + DBOnlineSeries.Q(DBOnlineSeries.cSortName) + "),":"") + "upper(" + DBOnlineSeries.Q(DBOnlineSeries.cPrettyName) + ")"; } return("select " + field + " left join " + cTableName + " on " + DBSeries.Q(cID) + "==" + DBOnlineSeries.Q(cID) + conds + orderBy + conditions.limitString); }
public static logicalViewStep parseFromDB(string viewStep, bool hasSeriesBeforeIt) { logicalViewStep thisView = new logicalViewStep(); thisView.hasSeriesBeforeIt = hasSeriesBeforeIt; string[] viewSteps = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(viewStep, s_intSeperator); thisView.setType(viewSteps[0]); thisView.addConditionsFromString(viewSteps[1]); if (viewSteps[2].Length > 0) { string[] orderFields = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(viewSteps[2], ";"); thisView.inLineSpecials = orderFields[0] == "<Episode.EpisodeIndex>"; thisView.inLineSpecialsAsc = orderFields[0] != "desc"; for (int i = 0; i < orderFields.Length; i += 2) { if (thisView.Type != { DBTable table = null; string tableField = string.Empty; getTableFieldname(orderFields[i], out table, out tableField); tableField = getQTableNameFromUnknownType(table, tableField); // example of how the user can order by a different table // needs to be enabled once definable views are ready /* * if (thisView.Type == type.season && table.GetType() != typeof(DBSeason)) * { * Type lType = table.GetType(); * if (lType == typeof(DBOnlineSeries)) * tableField = "( select " + tableField + " from " + DBOnlineSeries.cTableName + " where " + DBOnlineSeries.Q(DBOnlineSeries.cID) + " = " + DBSeason.Q(DBSeason.cSeriesID) + ")"; + }*/ //if (thisView.Type == type.episode && ( table.GetType() == typeof(DBEpisode) || table.GetType() == typeof(DBOnlineEpisode))) //{ // // for perf reason a subquery is build, otherwise custom orders and the nessesary join really slow down sqllite! // SQLCondition subQueryConditions = thisView.conds.Copy(); // have to have all conds too // subQueryConditions.AddOrderItem(tableField, (orderFields[i + 1] == "asc" ? SQLCondition.orderType.Ascending : SQLCondition.orderType.Descending)); // if (viewSteps[3].Length > 0) // set the limit too // { // try // { // subQueryConditions.SetLimit(System.Convert.ToInt32(viewSteps[3])); // } // catch (Exception) // { // } // } // thisView.conds.AddSubQuery("compositeid", table, subQueryConditions, table.m_tableName + "." + DBEpisode.cCompositeID, SQLConditionType.In); //} thisView.conds.AddOrderItem(tableField, (orderFields[i + 1] == "asc" ? SQLCondition.orderType.Ascending : SQLCondition.orderType.Descending)); } } } if (thisView.Type == && thisView.groupedBy != null) // for groups always by their values (ignore user setting!) { if (thisView.groupedBy.table.GetType() == typeof(DBSeries)) { if (!DBOption.GetOptions(DBOption.cShowHiddenItems)) { thisView.conds.Add(new DBSeries(), DBSeries.cHidden, 1, SQLConditionType.NotEqual); } } else if (thisView.groupedBy.table.GetType() == typeof(DBOnlineSeries)) { if (!DBOption.GetOptions(DBOption.cShowHiddenItems)) { thisView.conds.AddCustom(" not exists ( select * from " + DBSeries.cTableName + " where id = " + DBOnlineSeries.Q(DBOnlineSeries.cID) + " and " + DBSeries.Q(DBSeries.cHidden) + " = 1)"); } } else if (thisView.groupedBy.table.GetType() == typeof(DBSeason)) { if (!DBOption.GetOptions(DBOption.cShowHiddenItems)) { thisView.conds.Add(new DBSeason(), DBSeason.cHidden, 1, SQLConditionType.NotEqual); } } thisView.conds.AddOrderItem(thisView.groupedBy.tableField, SQLCondition.orderType.Descending); // tablefield includes tablename itself! } try { if (viewSteps[3].Length > 0) { thisView.limitItems = System.Convert.ToInt32(viewSteps[3]); thisView.conds.SetLimit(thisView.limitItems); } } catch (Exception) { MPTVSeriesLog.Write("Cannot interpret limit in logicalview, limit was: " + viewSteps[3]); } return(thisView); }